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A Boob Job Off Mum
I got home from school to find my mum in my room. She had completely cleaned it for me and was vacuuming as I walked in. Mum was in the most beautiful sundress. I stopped in the doorway before she saw me and watched her lovely, heart-shaped arse as she ran the vacuum across my bedroom floor. Her 38D breasts swayed beneath the thin covering. She turned the vacuum off and greeted me with her usual gleeming smile.
“Hey, darling, how was your day at school?” She asked.
“Okay, I guess. I didn’t expect to come home to you in my bedroom.” I answered.
“Yeah, well its obvious that our definitions of a clean bedroom are totally different.” She said.
“Sorry…I’ll try to keep it better.” I muttered.
“Yeah, I’ve heard that one before. Just at least keep the dirty rubbish picked up for me, okay?” She asked.
She rolled the cord to the vacuum and moved towards the doorway.
“Oh…and one more thing, darling…
She reached in her dress pocket and pulled out a pair of her silky knickers.
“From now on when your done with my knickers, put them back in my wash basket, okay?” She asked. She looked into my eyes with a slight smile, then walked out of my room.
I wanted to die. I’d been raiding mum’s hamper and obviously forgot about the knickers I had stashed. Although embarrassed, I was a bit suprised that my mum wasn’t more mad or upset. Maybe if I apologized she would keep it between us. I went downstairs to the kitchen where she was preparing dinner.
“Mum.” I said.
“Yes, darling?” She answered.
“Sorry about your knickers.” I said.
“You just need to be a little more careful, darling. I really don’t want you to have to explain to your friends why you have a pair of his mother’s knickers in your room.” She said.
“Right,sorry mum.” I said.
She walked over and sat next to me at the table.
“Can I ask you a few things about your fetish with my knickers.” She asked.
I laughed, a bit shamefully.
“Yeah, I guess.” I answered.
“Well you get them out of my wash hamper so I assume you prefer them after I’ve worn them.” She said.
I knodded, looking at the ground.
“Is it the smell you like?” She asked.
“Yeah.” I answered.
“What about the taste, do you lick the crotch?” She continued.
I knodded again. I couldn’t believe I was telling my own mother.
“I would assume that you wank off while doing this, am I right? She asked.
“Yes.” I confessed.
“My knickers are silky. You like the feel of them sliding against your skin.” She asked.
“Yes.” I muttered.
“Do you have any questions about my knickers, surely you must?” She asked.
I looked up from the floor bravely.
“What makes them smell and taste the way they do?” I asked.
“A women secretes a fluid from her genitals throughout the day. The same fluid that lubricates the vagina in preparation for sexual intercourse.” She answered.
“Mum, can I ask you something really personal?” I asked.
She smiled.
“Okay, as long as I get my turn, deal?” She answered.
I knodded.
“Do you do it much?” I asked.
“Do it?” She asked. “You mean do I masturbate?”
“Yeah.” I said.
Well, “yes I do!”.
She looked into my eyes with a curious grin.
“I want to know if you’ve ever humped anything besides your mother’s knickers?” She asked.
“No, not really.” I answered.
“Not really, I have, or not really I’m a virgin?” She asked.
“Im still a virgin mum.” I said. I was beginning to feel more comfortable with own candid Q&A.
She smiles ear to ear.
“Okay, what’s your question?” She asked.
“What’s it like for a man, you know, when he has sex?” I asked.
“Well, I can’t really say since I’m a woman, but I would imagine its alot like when a penis is wrapped in silky knickers. You know that feeling?” She said.
“Yes mum”, We exchanged smiles.
“I can tell you that the place a man puts his penis during sex is like no other place on earth. It’s a warm, soft, wet place that can give you feelings you haven’t even begun to experience.” She said.
There was a long pause as she stared me in the eyes.
“When you have the crotch of my knickers up to your mouth and nose, you’re thinking about that special place aren’t you?” She asked.
I knodded.
“Be honest with me, Mark. Is it MY special place your thinking about, It is isen’t it?” She asked.
I took a big gulp.
“Yes mum.” I answered.
She smiled warmly.
“I thought so.” She said.
There was a long awkward pause as she studied my uncomfortable state.
“After we have had dinner tonight, I think we should continue this little chat where we left off. We have alot more to talk about, as well as some very important decisions to make.”
About 9:30 I was on my bed when there came a gentle tap at my door. Mum stuck her head in.
“You still awake, Mark?” She asked.
It was a stupid question. After our talk earlier I couldn’t sleep if I wanted too.
“Yes.” I answered.
Mum came in and closed the door. She wore a silk robe that looked like her boobs were going to burst from. She sat on the bed next to me, and curled her legs up on my bed.
“Feel like talking?” She asked.
“Yes, sure mum.” I said.
“So why don’t we continue our little Q&A. I’m sure you’ve thought of a few things to ask me.
So you go first.” She said.
“Okay, um, how often do you…uh, you know…”
“How often do I masturbate?” She asked.
I knodded.
“Well, my sex drive is high, so i’d say about two or three times a day.” She said.
Mum chuckled.
“I’m a very sexual person. Sometimes three times a day is not enough.” She answered.
We laughed together, then she quickly became straight faced.
“So how long have you been having fantasies about me your mother?” She asked.
“About a year.” I answered.
“Is it about you and I having sex in these fantasies, here at home?” She asked.
I couldn’t hardly look her in the eyes.
“Yes.” I said.
“And you use my knickers while you think about these things?” She asked.
“Yes, sometimes.” I answered.
“Okay…your question.” She said.
I looked at her boldly.
“What does it feel like for a man to have sex?” I asked.
“Well being a woman I wouldn’t know, but I would imagine its a lot like having your penis surrounded by silky knickers, and I’m sure you know how that feels, darling.” She said with a wink.
“Yes.” I said.
“I will promise you this.” She continued. “When it happens, it’ll definately be the most increadible feeling you’ll ever experience.
“Hold on, lover boy, my turn remember?” She stated.
“Sorry.” I said.
“I want to know how many times a day you masturbate?” She asked.
“A few.” I answered.
“How many?” She demanded.
“Usually three of four.” I said.
Mum smiled in surprise.
“Jesus, three or four times a day, and your still only 14?” She asked.
“Yes, usually… Can I ask you a really personal question?” I said.
“Fire away.” She answered.
“Did you ever put dad’s thing in your mouth.” I asked.
She giggled a bit.
“Your so cute Mark. You can say blow-job you know, I’m not that old-fasioned. Your father’s was not as in to oral sex as I am, but yes I did go down on him, quite often.” She said.
“Did he squirt his stuff in your bahis şirketleri mouth.” I asked.
“If you mean sperm, yes, that’s part of giving someone a blow-job. Speaking of sperm… I want to know how many ropes you shoot when you orgasm.” She asked.
“Ropes?” I said.
“When your penis. Your young cock contracts during an orgasm, it’ll shoot a strand of sperm each time. These are called ropes. Ever counted how many you shoot?” She asked.
“Yeah, usually six to nine.” I answered.
She stared at me, mouth agape.
“Six to Nine ropes!?” She said.
“Yes, why, is that bad?” I asked.
“No, of course not, it’s just quite a lot. Your father only ever shot about four ropes when we were first married” She said.
“Mum, do woman like bigger cock’s?” I asked.
“Most women will say no, but only because they have a small man and they don’t want to hurt him. The truth is, inside a woman’s vagina,or pussy,what ever you want to call it are thousands of nerve endings, which create pleasure. The more the vagina walls are stretched, the more nerve endings are exposed, giving the woman greater pleasure and more orgasms. A woman’s vaginal canal also expands to about nine inches during intercoarse, so obviously, the larger her man is, the more he’ll be able to fill her. Does that make sense?” She asked.
“Yes I think so, thanks.” I said.
Mum got a big smile.
“And since we’re on the subject of size, and it’s my question, have you ever measured yourself? She asked.
Could you help me mum?” I asked.
Mum got a serious face and seemed to stare right through me for a moment.
“On one conditions. Not a word of this to any of your friends, understand. You say anything outside this room and our little candid conversations are over, got it?” She stated.
“Yes sure mum, okay.” I said.
Mum got up and pulled a ruler from my desk.
My cock was as hard as steel, forming a tent in my underpants. Mum sat back on the edge of my bed with my ruler in her hand. I couldn’t believe my own loving mother was about to measure the size of my hard young cock.
“Come over here in front of me.” She commanded.
I did so, a bit embarrassed by my obvious excitement. The tent in my undies hovered near mums face as I stepped in close. She giggled a little as she saw it.
“Looks as if its already primed for measuring.” She said.
She grabbed the sides of my pants and I looked down at her lage white boobs. The neck of her robe had lowered, revealing the first five inches of her deep cleavage. What I would give to have my cock sandwiched between those breasts. She pulled my pants down to my knees and my hard young cock sprung up and slapped my stomach. I heard her gasp as she stared at my young cock.
“Oh my God!” She said.
“Is something wrong mum?” I asked.
“No…it’s just…it’s just a little bigger than I expected.” She said.
For a few long moments mum’s eyes traveled up and down my young cock. She gawked at my hanging ball-sack.
“Jesus Christ!” She stated.
“You think it’s big enough?” I already knew the answer by her reaction. She laughed and glanced up at me, but her eyes didn’t leave my prick very long.
“Big enough? I can tell you right now, there’s no way a girl your age is going to be able to accommidate that young monster.” She answered.
“Shall we measure.” I said proudly.
“Um, okay.” Mum answered.
She took the ruler and layed it on top of my cock, her red, painted fingernail brushed against my mushroom-shaped head, making my whole cock twitch.
“Sorry.” She said.
Mum placed the end of the ruler flat against my pubic bone and pushed my dick down so that it was parallel so that we both could see the reading. Mum shook her head and gasped in disbelief.
“You are not 7 1/2 inches!” She said in awe.
“Looks that way to me.” I said with pride.
“How can that be?” She said, her eyes glued to my dick.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“I always heard that penis size ran in families, but your father was now where near that big.” She said.
“You mean I’m bigger than my dad?” I questioned.
She let out a breath of laughter.
“By nearly half an inch…God, you’re nearly double his size, in girth.” She said.
“Girth?” I asked.
“Girth is the thickness of a mans penis. God, I’m surprised you havent ripped my knickers to shreds with that thing.” She said.
I laughed a little.
“Is it normal for all those viens to poke out.” I asked.
“Yes, it’s normal, but I must say I’ve never seen that many. Look at them all, they’re enormous. You see this one here, the one that runs up the shaft.” She asked, running her nail along the bulging pipe on the underside of my cock.
“Yeah.” I said.
“This is the tube your sperm travels up as it rises from your testicals.”
She traced it with her finger all the way up to my cockhead.
“Then it shoots through the slit in your knob, right here.” She said, poking my little hole. “I’ll just bet…” She continued with a curious look.
“What?” I asked.
“To prove my point…” She said.
Mum placed her hand around the base of my shaft. She looked up at me like a little girl who’d found a new toy.
“Are you okay with me doing this?” She asked.
I knodded.
Mum squeezed my prick tight and pressed her thumb against my main vien, running it and her fist all the way back up to the head.
“Watch the slit.” She said.
I did so and as her fist and probing thumb reached my knob, my hole opened and a big stream of white sperm flowed out and ran down onto her hand.
“See there, I told you so?” She stated with a big smile. “I’m beginning to believe that five to ten ropes isen’t such a stretch for you after all.
“I told you.” I said.
Mum kept her tight grasp at the base of my crown. My cum ran down the top of her dainty hand.
“God, I can’t even get my fingers around this thing, it’s enormous. Move back a little Mark.” She said.
I took a step backwards and mum moved onto her knees in front of me. This was just too awesome. With her other hand she lifted my smooth balls, as if wieghing them.
“Do you mind?” She asked.
Again, I just knodded.
She kneeded them gently and her other hand slid down my shaft and arriving at the base, clasped tightly, so tight that my cock began to turn red, ballooning with blood. My knob became a deep purple and cum continued to spew from the open slit. I could feel mums nails digging into my flesh as she tightened her vice grip on my hard young cock. On my balls too, her nails dug as she fondled.
“That’s amazing.” She said.
“What?” I said.
“I can actually feel your cum sloshing around in there. My God you must produce by the gallons. Have you ever tasted your own cum?” She asked.
“No.” I answered.
“Well you’ve got plenty rising to the top. Do you want to try a taste?” She asked.
“Yeah, ok.” I said.
Mum released my balls but kept her hold at the base of my cock. With her free hand, she gently took hold of my knob and whiped away the river of cum.
“It tastes the best when it’s warm and fresh.” She said. She moved her tight fist slowly up my shaft until a milky stream of spunk bubbled from my tip.
“There we casino oyna go…Here, try it.”
Mum dipped her finger in my cum and brought it up to my mouth. I took it in, letting it float on my tongue.
“Mind if your mum has a taste?” She asked.
“No.” I answered.
She dipped her finger again and put a big gob of my cum in her mouth. Her reaction was amazing.
“My God it’s so creamy.” She said.
She took a second scoop and sucked it off her finger.
“I have never tasted it this sweet before. God I could live on this stuff.”
She looked into my eyes with a mischivous smile.
“Wanna feel something good?” She asked.
I knodded.
With her fist still tightly encircling the base of my bulging, blood engorged young cocl, mum put her face close to my pole and blew lightly along the underside, just below my purple crown. It was amazing. She looked up at me and smiled as she blew.
“Feel good?” She asked.
“Amazing mum.” I said.
“I want you to just relax and enjoy while your mother keeps blowing her little kisses.” She said.
For the next five minutes mum gently whisped her breath across every inch of my cock. By this time my young cock was rock hard, the viens looked like they could explode, as mum continued her grasp at the base.
“Relax and feel my breath on you.” She said.
“Mum.” I muttered.
“Yes, darling?” She answered.
“Can I see your boobs?” I asked boldly.
Still blowing, she looked up into my eyes and a little smile fell acoss her face.
Mum stopped her gentle blowing on my dick and smiled up at me. Her hand still had a vice-like grip around the base of my shaft, which had caused my cock to ballon with blood.
“So you wanna see mummy’s boobs huh?” She asked.
“If it’s okay with you mum.” I answered.
“Looks like our little game of truth has become a big game of dare. Have you ever seen naked tit’s before?” She asked.
“No, just in magazines.” I replied.
Mum stood up and released my cock. I could feel the blood flow rush back into my dick.
“We’re getting a little deep here. Sure you can handle it.” She asked.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” I said.
Mum looked into my eyes and smiled.
“Sit down.” She commanded.
I started to pull my underpants up but mum stopped me.
“No, leave those off.” She said.
I stepped out of them and sat on the edge of the bed. Mum stepped up in front of me, the swell of her robe covered breasts were a foot from my face. She slowly undid the tie to her robe, watching my facial reactions closely. The robe parted and fell to the floor, revealing her two massive globes contained within, but stretching and spilling over the edges of a thin sheer bra. Her cleavage was long and deep and she wore a skimpy pair of sheer knickers which I’m sure I had sniffed a time or two.
“Had enough yet?” She said with a smile.
I shook my head.
“I didn’t think so.” So continued.
Mum reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. Her tits drooped a few inches, then she slid the straps from her shoulders and the bra fell to the floor. Her two lovely boobs fell onto her chest and swung back and forth for a few seconds. They were an amazing sight. Twin peaks capped with large hard nipples.
“Well…” She said.
She put her hands on her waste and turned left and right a few times causing her tits to rock back and forth.
“What do you think Mark? do you Like ’em?” She asked.
I smiled and knodded. My eyes must have been bugging out of my head.
“See, your not the only one in this family who’s endowed with something big?” She said.
We giggled a little.
She lifted her right breast, tit-flesh spilling over the side of her hand.
“This was your favorite.” She said.
“Why’s that?” I asked.
“It’s the one you liked to nurse from when you were a baby and its the one you’ve been watching the most since I took my bra off.” She said.
“Really?” I answered.
“Lay down on your back, I want to show you something.” She said.
I did as she said and she got on my bed with me. Mum positioned herself on her hands and knees with her chest above my face so that she was looking right down at me. Her dangling, tits hung right above my eyes.
“Ready?” She asked.
I knodded and she began to move her chest, causing her tit’s to swing back and forth like pendilums. Back and forth and back and forth they swayed, the pink nipples glaring at me like demon eyes. Mum gave me a warm motherly smile as she watched my reaction to her sexy display.
“That’s my baby boy, relax and enjoy mummy’s tits.” She said.
For a good ten minutes I watched in awe as her big boobs swung and bounced and slapped together, then rocked back and forth and up and down beating against her stomach.
“You’ve seen my bras, tell me how big they are.” She said.
“I…I really don’t–”
“Yes you do know. Tell me how big they are or I’ll put them away.” She snapped.
“38D” I said.
“That’s right, mummy’s tit’s are 38D’s. Now sit up darling.” She said.
Mum got up and I sat up on the edge of the bed. She kneeled between my legs and took my cock at the base like before, clamping her hand tightly around it. She brought one of her tits to my dick and rubbed my mushroom head against her nipple. Cum dribbled from my prick and she slapped my meat against her nipple a few times, splashing pre cum onto her boob.
Mum was getting aggressive and I had a feeling this was going to be a long night.
Mum rubbed my cockhead around her hard pink nipple. Precum continued to drip from my slit.
“This thing’s like a leaky faucet.” She said with a giggle.
She looked into my eyes but I was busy staring at the deep canyon between her breasts.
“I bet I know what your thinking about.” She said.
“What?” I asked.
“The nice valley between them. Am I right?” She asked.
“Yeah.” I answered.
Mum glanced down at her cleavage then back at me with a smile.
“Pretty big space isn’t it? She asked.
I nodded.
“It would take something awfully big to fill that gap.” She said, glancing at my cock, then back at me. “Get the baby-oil.” She commanded.
“Baby-oil?” I asked, trying to act stupid.
“Yes, the baby-oil in your drawer that you use to masturbate. I cleaned your room today, remember.” She said.
I went to my dresser and fetched my bottle of baby-oil. I then went and sat back down, handing it to mum, who still knelt on the floor. She opened the bottle and squirted a fair amount on the tip of my cock.
“Lather it up,” She said.
She then squirted some onto her boobs. The oil rolled down her tits, most of it disappearing into her deep cleft. She put the bottle down and with both hands began to rub the oil into her boobs. She pulled them aparts and gave another squirt between them. Her cleavage glistened with a thick coat of slippery oil. While she did this I rubbed the oil around until every inch of my cock and balls were covered.
“What’s this for?” I had to ask even though I had a pretty good idea. She surprised me by the boldness of her answer.
“Lubrication for the tits your about to fuck.” She said candidly.
Goosebumps covered my entire body as her words literally took my breath away. It was the first canlı casino siteleri time I had ever heard my mother say the F-word.
“Really?” I asked.
She smiled back at me.
“Really…but if you don’t want to…” She said teasingly.
“No, no I do.” I said eagerly.
“Now don’t get in too big a hurry, Mark, mummy needs to properly train you. You do it exactly the way I say or we’ll stop.” Understand!. She said.
“Okay.” I said.
Mum lifted her tits and moved towards me.
“Move to the very edge of the bed.” She said.
I did so and she crawled right between my legs until her busom was hovering above my swollen young cock.
“Lay back onto your elbows.” She commanded.
I did so and she let her tits plop down on both sides of my dick. I could feel their weight and pillowy softness as they rested on the tops of my legs. My cock stood like a fleshy pillar in the V between her mammaries. Baby-oil gleamed, forming a liquidy pouch between her canyon walls. Mum placed her hands on each breast, preparing to squeeze them together.
“I don’t want you to hump until I tell you, okay. We need to develop a comfortable groove for you first.” She said.
I nodded.
Mum pushed her boobs together and my mighty tower was swallowed in the depth of her valley. The feeling of spongy tit-flesh surrounding my cock was amazing. She leaned in against me and I could feel my balls resting against her boobs. She began to slowly work her tits up and down my rigid shaft, the oil creating a tight slippery channel. As she worked her tits all the way down, the gleaming head of my dick emerged. Then, as quickly as it appeared, was pulled back down into the depths.
“How does that feel, darling?” She asked.
“Amazing.” I answered.
She smiled and looked into my eyes.
“Ready to hump?” She asked.
I nodded.
“Okay, lets start slow until we work into a rythm.” She said.
She worked her breast as before but this time I began to buck my hips, meeting her strokes.
“There you go, just like that.” She said warmly.
Soon we worked ourselves into a nice rhythm, moving together in a perfect tit-fucking harmony. My dick fucked up and down its smothering breast-pouch, all the way up until just my knob remained, then back down until mum’s tits slapped against my oil drenched ballsack.
“Faster…Hump faster Mark!!!” Mum commanded.
She rapidly began to bounce her tits up and down my dick. I humped, trying to keep up.
“That’s it, baby boy, bounce with it. Bounce with it. You’re doing wonderfully.” She exclaimed.
I felt my balls begin to tingle as the cum boiled within them.
“Your balls are tightening up, you’re almost there. I want you to tell me when your about to cum.” She said.
I felt my load prepare to enter my torpedo shoot.
“I’m gonna cum, mum.” I said.
“Hump hard and let me know when.” She said.
My hips bucked. Bedspings squeaked. Boobs bounced wildly. My cock fucked up and down its buttery chasm.
“I’m gonna cum now…Oh mum…MUM!!!
Mum suddenly stopped, let her tits go and grasped the base of my quivering monster. She pressed her thumb against my sprem chute.
“NO…STOP!!! She ordered.
She used her thumb to dam my cum, preventing it from leaving my balls.
“Breath. Relax and let it subside.” She said.
I don’t know why she wouldn’t let me cum, but I was in her hands and trusted that she knew exactly what she was doing.
“Breath…Let me know when its gone.” She said.
It wasn’t a moment later and my orgasm was gone.
“Okay.” I said.
Mum released my dick and soaked her tits in baby-oil. She took only a few seconds to rub it in between her boobs and was back on my cock.
“Here we go…I want you to hump, hard and fast.” She commanded.
I did as she asked and we slipped into another five minutes of heated tit-fucking. Mum worked her large breast’s on my cock with wild vigor.
“That’s it, buck your hips, work mummy’s titties, darling.” She said. “Oh, that’s my boy, humping mummy’s boobs so good. You’re about to cum again, aren’t you.” She continued.
I don’t know how she knew, but she knew.
“Oh, I’m cumming. I’m cumming right now.” I exclaimed.
Once again Mum bounced off of me and latched onto my shiny pole, her thumb damming my torrent of cum. With her other hand, she kneaded my hardened sack.
“Relax and let it simmer. Let it work itself back down.” She said.
It did and once again as before Mum’s boobs were flying up and down my pecker. The precum and oil had formed a creamy froth between her tits and my young cock worked her tit’s with ease.
“That’s it darling, work those mummy’s titties, feel them surrounding you.” She said.
In the next fifteen minutes mum brought me close three more times, stopping me just before I blew my load. Finally, with her tit’s bouncing up and down my hard cock as it slipped and slid, crushed between them, I made that familiar announcement.
“This is it, lover boy, you’re gonna blow you load for me.” She stated.
“Oh God yeah, mum I’m gonna cum really hard!” I said in a quivering voice.
“Oh, yes you are, love, hump it hard. Bounce with it. Bounce with it hard!” She commanded.
Oh…God!!! I’m cumming! CUMMING!!! I yelped.
I felt as if my entire insides were rocketing up my shaft. The first thick rope was about a foot long and launched high in the air above mums head. The second creamy rope splashed against the soft walls of mums tits.
“That’s it sweetie, cream me. Cum hard!” She said.
Another mighty string-gob launched as my cockhead emerged from its nest. Half the rope splashed against mums lips, the other half went straight into her mouth. She choked a little as she swallowed it down and just as she caught her breath, another thick stream of cum flew between her open lips. She was prepared for this one and swallowed it effortlessly. One rope after another blew from my cock, soaking mums tits and neck and all the while she kept her boobs humping, pressing them even harder together so as to pull all my young seed from my balls.
“Come on, darling, keep humping. Keep cumming for mummy. Let it flow.” She said.
Finally, the jets stopped launching and a stream of cum oozed from my young cock. Mum stopped her breast-fuck and milked my penis with her hand. More cream spewed out as she ran her thumb up and down my sperm vein.
“Here comes some more. Mummy’s gotta make sure we milk it all out.” She said.
She kept milking and pulling even as my cock became flaccid. She sat up on her knees and smiled down at my limp body.
“Well…was that better than using a pair of your mother’s knickers?” She asked.
I was out of breath, but managed to get out, Yes Mum.
Mum straddled my legs and laid down on top of me, her soaking breasts flattened out against my chest and she smiled her wonderful motherly smile and stared into my eyes.
“You were wrong about your ropes.” She said.
“I was?” I asked.
“Yep, you shot 14 just now.” She said.
“She ran her fingers across my face lovingly.
“One for every year of my baby’s precious life.” She said.
“Wow, that’s amazing.” I said.
“I’ll say.” She said with a wink. “You did well tonight, but I have so much more to teach you.”
“When?” I said.
“Well summer holiday’s just around the corner. You’ll be home with me all day It’ll be just like in your fantasies, only this time, you’ll fuck more than just my knickers.”
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