A wife plays her part

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A wife plays her part
My cellphone rang just as I was getting into the car. It was Peter, a former colleague and now my best friend.
‘Hey, Jerry, how are you? I haven’t talked to you in- what?- a few weeks?’
‘I’m good, Peter, never better. How about you?’
‘Nearly perfect, as usual. So the reason I called is I’d like to have lunch with you. Friday?’
I flipped to my phone calendar. ‘Friday looks good. Dawson’s at noon?’
‘Sounds great, I’ll see you then.

Dawson’s was famous for its oversized meat sandwiches, and rightly so. Jerry and Peter arrived about the same time, and Peter asked the waiter for one of the booths against the back wall. He ordered a beef brisket sandwich and Jerry went with the Reuben. Uncharacteristically for him, Peter also asked for a Rye Manhattan. Jerry stuck with the water. They made catch-up small talk about work, golf scores and movies until their food arrived.
Peter took a large gulp of his whiskey and a bite of the Reuben, then set the sandwich down.
‘Jerry, I think you need to find a new best friend.’
‘What? What are you talking about? You’re intelligent, generous, loyal…’
Peter winced at the last word. ‘Jerry, I am anything but loyal. You shouldn’t be having lunch with me, you should be beating me senseless. I deserve it.’
Peter took another gulp of his drink, then said, ‘I spent Monday afternoon fucking your wife.’
Jerry blinked a few times. ‘Jilli? You and Jilli?’
Peter hung his head. ‘Yes.’
‘How long has this been going on?’
‘Jerry, it was the first time, and I will never do it again, I swear!’
They sat in silence for long enough to take a bite of their sandwiches, then Jerry asked, ‘How did this happen? Who propositioned whom?’
‘She called me and asked if I could leave work early, and invited me over for two o’clock. She made a point of saying “my husband won’t be here until after 5”.
‘Jerry, I went back and forth on whether I should tell you or just chalk it up to experience and not see her again. But then I decided I had to tell you.’
‘Last week I was talking to Ernie, and he told me he had fucked her that day. That was before she called me. But more important, Ernie told me that she is fucking all your friends, and I figured you needed to know.
‘I feel like a complete shit, Jerry, and I want to try to make it up to you. If you would like to fuck Emily, I will arrange it. She’s not in Laura’s class, but she is pretty hot naked and she’s a great fuck.’
‘Peter, look… I can see you are türkçe bahis feeling really guilty about this, but you shouldn’t. Laura is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, and, as you now know, has an incredible, tight body. I don’t know if any man could turn her down!’
Peter nodded. ‘So we’re okay, then? You don’t hate my guts?’
‘Look at it this way- you say all my friends have been fucking her, but you are the only one who was enough of a friend to tell me what’s going on.’ Jerry held out his hand for Peter to shake.

That night, Jerry and Laura lay in bed naked, gently stroking each other’s genitals. Laura looked like a goddess lying there- 35 years old, lustrous blonde hair, 5’8”, 34-23-35, and every inch of her incredibly smooth and tight. Jerry propped himself up on an elbow and said, ‘Peter and I had lunch today, and he told me you screwed him on Monday afternoon. How was it?’
She beamed. ‘It was fantastic. He ate my pussy and I sucked him for a long time, then he fucked me for at least half an hour. And that was only round one. You didn’t tell me what a magnificent cock he has! Then he took my ankles and tipped me on my back so my ass was in the air. Then he rimmed me- not just a passing moment, but ten or fifteen minutes of ecstasy.’
She slid down the bed and took Jerry’s cock in her mouth, gazing up at him lovingly as she sucked. Jerry just lay back and enjoyed the feeling for a while, then his breathing grew labored and with a gasp and a shouted ‘OH, YES!’ he came in her mouth. She laughed and took it all, then swallowed it. After a few minutes of merciful recovery time, she began licking him again, but only to get him hard. Then she climbed on top of him cowgirl style, took his cock in her pussy and began rhythmically pumping her pelvis. But now she wasn’t focused on him, but on her own building pleasure. After only a few minutes her fucking motion got more extreme and with a screamed, ‘OH FUCK ME!!’ she came in a series of uncontrollable spasms.
Jerry was distracted while they screwed.
“He also told me you’ve fucked all my friends. How many so far?’
‘Eight, plus a threesome with Dan and Eduardo. That was amazing!’
‘That many already? You only started on this three weeks ago. I would have thought you would be more stretched out by now. Have you been taking it in the ass?’
She lowered her eyes, looking sheepish. ‘I know I promised you I wouldn’t, but three of them said they really wanted it, and two güvenilir bahis siteleri of those said they couldn’t come without it. I’m sorry. I’ll try to tell them “no” in the future.
‘I was thinking about the numbers this morning, and how easy it is. I think I had a lot of pent-up sexual energy after thirteen years of being completely faithful to you.
‘Maybe I should stop for a while. What do you think?’
‘I think if you keep coming home, telling me your adventure stories and sucking my cock the way you just did, I don’t want you to stop. And the fact that you are doing my friends just adds to my excitement. If that makes me a cuckold, so be it.’
‘A cuckold? That’s crazy! I’m not doing this for my pleasure or to humiliate you, I’m doing it because you wanted it. You pleaded with me! I mean, obviously I’m glad I’m having so much fun, but I am only doing this for your pleasure and I will stop dead anytime you say- even if you call me right when I have a man between my legs. Based on the way your cock swells up each time we talk about it, I would say it works for you, so why stop?’
‘What would you say to running each prospect by me before you fuck him, and giving me the opportunity to veto him? Assuming you know in advance that you’re going to do him? But if you happen to get lucky at the grocery store, don’t worry about texting me. That would make me feel like I had a little more control, and I would know each time you are getting it on with somebody so I can daydream while you’re doing it and we can talk about it later.’
‘That would be wonderful, darling!’
‘Do you have any dates lined up right now?’
‘No- I knew you would be home this weekend, and I didn’t want anything to interfere with our time together.’
‘Have you fucked all my friends that interest you?’
She was quiet for a moment, then said, ‘There were two who got away, and please don’t ask me to tell you their names. One of them laughed on the phone when I propositioned him. He said he always thought you were gay, so he wasn’t surprised I was screwing around.’
‘What did you say to him?’
‘I ripped him a new one. I told him you were twice the man he would ever be, and so he could sit home and jack off while I wait for my wonderful husband to get home and fuck my brains out.’
Jerry laughed. ‘Way to stand up for me! What about the other one?’
‘Our date was a week ago last Tuesday. As soon as I let him in, he ripped off my clothes and told me I should dump my cuckold güvenilir canlı bahis siteleri husband and let an alpha man own me. I told him to take his limp little prick and go to hell, and to get the fuck out of your house! He began to get mad, even a little threatening in his body language, so I told him he had thirty seconds to get out before I called the cops and reported an attempted ****!’
‘Christ, Laura, you’re tough! I’m glad you don’t let any of them push you around. I worry about you. I would like to be in the house or hotel room or wherever you are doing it, so I could help you if you screamed. ’
He was quiet for a few moments, and part of him didn’t want to hear the answer to the next question. ‘Are you going to start on other men?’
‘Yes, absolutely. You said you would like it if I did your friends, so I did. But now I am going to start on my friends’ husbands, and then I would like to start on strangers, maybe some escorts and other young studs. I’m sure it won’t be hard. And a plus is that I won’t have to be as careful and discreet as I do with people we know.’
Jerry lay quietly for a moment, then he asked, ‘What do you say to the ones who ask you- nicely- about me?’
‘I tell them you are really good to me, that you have a big, hard cock that is thicker than theirs…’
‘Is it?’
‘That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. But sooner or later someone is going to bring me a huge one and I won’t be able to credibly say you’re bigger. I hope that won’t offend you.’ She looked at him lovingly. ‘I also tell them that you are the best lover I ever had.’
‘Is that true, Jilli? The best?’
‘It is absolutely true. The best I ever had.’
‘Do you think I’m a pervert for doing this?’
‘For setting me up with fantastic sex, or for wanting all the details later?’
‘I guess the latter. And what if I start videotaping your trysts? Would you think that was sick?’
‘No, I don’t think you are a pervert. We’re both having a lot of fun with this, so why stop? But I don’t want you to start filming me yet. I’m still enjoying the fantasy that I am cheating on you, which makes for fantastic orgasms. When that wears off, you can do whatever moves you.’
‘Do they ask you why you are doing this?’
‘I just tell them I’m a slut. I don’t think it’s true, but they seem to. I kind of enjoy saying the word out loud and they seem to like hearing it. By the time we’re through fucking, several of them were screaming that I was a slut. Men are so easy.’
‘Well, you should have some sympathy for them. You are miles out of their league, and none of them could possibly turn you down.’
‘Do you really think so, darling?’
“Yes, I absolutely do.’
She put her arms around his neck and leaned back, saying, ‘Come here, lover, and show me that you mean it.’

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