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Don’t Ask, Don’t Get (Part 3)
Act Three
Five hours later, with the party in full swing next door, I heard the unexpected sound of knocking at the front door.
I went to open it, and found Lauren looking up at me.
“Well, hello…” I started, figuring this really was my lucky day. But before I could even finish my greeting, she pushed past me and into the house. I caught a blast of cheap perfume as she brushed by.
“No, please, do come in,” I said sarcastically.
I ran my eyes over her unashamedly. The bikini was gone. She had a short, tight pink vest on, which left her midriff exposed above a pair of similarly tight red shorties. I clocked the exposed strap of a black bra underneath one of the vest’s shoulder straps, and felt a tinge of disappointment. I knew she could easily have gone braless. Still, I supposed it was more comfortable to have some support.
My eyes moved further down. Her pierced belly still looked cheap and the considerable muffin top going on with the tight shorts wasn’t exactly magazine material, but I didn’t care. She was young enough to get away with it.
“Stop staring at me, you fucking pervert. I’m here for more money, so you’d better have some for me.”
Right. Back to the old Lauren, then. Not the coked-up little whore who’d been begging me to come on her tits, just hours earlier.
“Of course,” I smiled. “I’m not as young as I used to be, but I could probably go again, if you need me to.”
“No, you sicko, I ain’t here to do that again. I ain’t ever doing that again.”
I frowned, realising what was coming next. Okay. Maybe not such a lucky day, then.
“No, this time you’re gonna pay me,” she continued. “Or else I’ll go to the police and tell ‘em you ****d me and Shannon. She’ll back me up. Two against one.”
I sighed, disappointed that I wasn’t going to see her naked again. But to be honest, I’d been half expecting this turn of events. I was almost surprised it had taken her so long.
“Okay, okay. Fine. Come on through,” I said resignedly. I motioned for her to follow me into the living room, where I headed over to the four-seater dining table that I used as a makeshift desk.
“No games,” she said, looking suspiciously around the sparsely furnished room. “I want another five hundred, right now, or I’m making that call.” She held her phone out in front of herself, threateningly. She sounded confident. In control. But then she had every right to sound confident, given that she had the power to ruin my life.
At least, she thought she did, anyway.
“Sure, no games,” I agreed. “Just let me show you something first.” I sat down at the table where my laptop was already running. I tapped and clicked a few times, then swivelled it around so she could see the screen.
“What’s that?” she asked, frowning at the screen.
I reached over and pressed a key to start the video playing, then sat back to watch her reaction. It might have been a trick of the light, but her tan actually seemed to visibly fade. I couldn’t see the screen myself, but I knew exactly what she was seeing: the recorded feed from my webcam. I didn’t need to see it again. God knows I’d watched it enough times already that evening.
I turned up the volume. The quality wasn’t great, but it was clear enough. A tinny female voice intoned the incriminating words. “Well duh, that’s what we just said, innit.”
Lauren looked away from the screen, not needing to see any more. What had happened was undoubtedly morally questionable. But she was eighteen and legal. She’d entered into the agreement without coercion. Sure, it was pretty disgusting that a forty-year old man would take advantage of a young girl’s desire for cash, but it wasn’t against the law. And it certainly wasn’t ****.
“I’m pretty sure that counts as consent. Wouldn’t you say?”
She gave me a look of pure hatred in return. I held her gaze. Right then, I felt no guilt. Hell, we were each as bad as the other; me a dirty old pervert exploiting her need for cash and her a conniving little bitch hoping to extort more money from me. What happened next, however, surprised even me.
She burst into tears.
I had absolutely no idea how to react to that, so I just sat dumbly and waited for her to say something. But instead, she pulled out a chair opposite me, sat down heavily and continued sobbing. Face down, not looking at me. I had no idea if it was some kind of distracting act, or a genuine reaction to being caught out. I caught myself watching the movement of her chest in time with the sobs and realised I found the sight of her crying to be oddly arousing.
I parked that thought. Sometimes I was even sicker than I realised.
“Hey, so this makes us even, right?” I said, more to take my mind away from its perverted train of thought than to offer any comfort. “I did something morally questionable, now you’ve done the same back to me. No hard feelings.”
“You have no fucking idea,” she mumbled, between sobs.
“Oh, I think I do,” I said, feeling a prickle of annoyance at her histrionic act. “You’re a greedy little bitch, and you made some easy money off a dirty old man, then thought you could make even more by lying about what happened afterwards. Except it turns out that your little extortion trick isn’t gonna fly, and now you look kinda stupid. I get it, that’s gonna sting a bit. But hey, like I said, no hard feelings. And nobody else needs to know.”
She looked up, eyes full of tears. Her cheap mascara was already leaving black streaks down her cheeks. I was taken aback – if it was an act, she was actually quite convincing. Again, I felt the surge of arousal at her vulnerability. I knew that was a whole new level of wrong, but I couldn’t help it.
“You don’t understand. I needed that money,” she said quietly.
“Oh, come on. You wanted some big-name clothes you could pose in on Instagram and get lots of likes from hot boys. That’s how it works these days, right? Hardly a need.”
“Fuck off,” she said, loudly again and with real vitriol. “Seriously, you have no idea what is going on.”
“Really? Then why don’t you enlighten me?”
She sat, looking down, saying nothing for a long time. I had nothing better to do, so I sat watching her sob. Eventually, she looked up.
“You want the fucking truth? Fine, I’ll tell you the fucking truth. The money isn’t even for me. It’s for mum. For all of us. She’s fucking useless with finances, and she hasn’t paid the rent for the last two months. And now they’re gonna evict us again if we don’t pay.”
Well, that was unexpected.
“I… uh…” I stopped, realising I had nothing to say.
“Don’t fucking pretend you care! I got caught robbing in town yesterday and they took all the stuff I lifted. Why do you think I went along with everything earlier? I even pushed Shannon into it as well because once I knew you had that money I knew it could make everything right…” her voice tailed off and she began crying again. If it was a play for sympathy, it was nearly working.
Nearly. But like I said before, I’m not a nice person. And right then, I was beginning to realise I was a lot less nice than even I’d realised.
“You’re in a predicament, then,” I said, gently. My voice sounded slick. Greasy, like an estate agent.
“A what?” she asked, dumbly. Sniffing.
“You need more money, and you thought you could blackmail me to get it. Now, you’ve discovered you can’t. But you still need that extra cash, right?”
She nodded.
“How much more?”
“Another five hundred,” she mumbled. She actually sounded ashamed.
I sucked in air through my teeth, but I still had more than enough left in my pocket to cover that.
“That’s a lot, Lauren. But I’m sure we can work something out.”
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean,” I said, holding her gaze.
She shook her head.
“No… I ain’t doing that again.”
“Come on. Was it really that bad? You seemed to be enjoying it, at the time.”
“I was fucking pretending, innit, to get your extra fifty.”
“What, and you’re saying you can’t pretend again, for five hundred?”
I saw that flash in her eyes, again. The one I’d thought signified greed, but which now I knew was actually desperation. If I’d have been a nice person, I’d have felt sympathy.
“You’re lying,” she said, shaking her head. “You won’t pay. You’ve got that video now, so you’ll just threaten me with that instead.”
I shrugged. To be fair, that approach had indeed crossed my mind.
“That’s a chance you’ll have to take. But I was fair with you before, wasn’t I? This recording,” I said, nodding to the laptop, “was going to be for my own entertainment. Nobody else would ever have seen it, if you hadn’t come round here threatening to report me for ****.”
She looked down, as if embarrassed. She stared into her lap for what felt like a long time, and when she looked back up there was something in her eyes I hadn’t seen before: regret. Like the mask had slipped, and I was seeing her true vulnerability beneath the confident, aggressive front that was usually so convincing.
“I’m… sorry,” she whispered. She actually sounded genuine. “Please don’t show it to anyone.”
I let the moment draw out a little, wondering at the change which had come over her. It was such a sudden transformation, from the harsh, confident, aggressive young woman to a much softer, nervous, more submissive girl.
“Alright then, I won’t,” I said gently. “And I will actually pay you the five hundred you need as well. You have my word on that. All I’m asking is that you do something for me in return, like you did earlier. Although… we’d need to go a little further this time, obviously.”
I knew that what I was doing was completely, utterly, reprehensible. She was confused, upset and vulnerable. But right then, all I could see in my mind’s eye were those glorious tanned buttocks slapping wetly against my thighs. That wasn’t the sort of thing a decent, good man would have been thinking. But then, I hadn’t been a decent, good man for a long time. Maybe, never at all.
“What do you mean, further?” she asked. I was surprised she couldn’t guess.
“A little back-door action, of course.”
“No! I don’t like it up there. It hurts…” she complained, and started to cry again.
“No kaçak bahis pain, no gain, right?” I said, softly. “But hey, it’s completely up to you. I mean, if there’s a better way of getting your hands on five hundred quid tonight, feel free to go do that instead.”
That just increased the intensity of her sobs. The tears were coming thick and fast again, but I didn’t care about that. As long as she was sitting there, she wasn’t getting up and leaving. Which meant my offer was still in contention.
I got up and fetched a box of tissues – the same one I’d given her to wipe my come off her tits in the hall before. She grabbed a couple and began dabbing at her eyes. It seemed like all the harshness, the crudeness and aggression had drained away from her. Despite what I knew of her, she actually looked strangely innocent. I found that almost unbearably arousing.
“Thanks,” she mumbled. I watched as she dabbed at her cheeks, trying to wipe off the black stains. “Have you still got the cash here?” she asked.
I felt my heart beat faster. The familiar adrenaline rush started. I nodded, trying to keep the excitement out of my voice.
“Of course. Why, don’t you trust me?”
“Of course I don’t. You fucking recorded what happened before,” she replied. There was a hint of the old Lauren still there, but the malice had gone from her voice.
“And you tried running off with my twenty quid earlier,” I pointed out, reasonably. “Oh, and threatened to blackmail me as well. Maybe we should forget about trust and just see this as business.”
“How can you…” she started, but her voice tailed off. I was glad she didn’t finish the question, because it was one whose answer I didn’t really want to face. How could I do this? To brazenly take advantage of a young girl and see it as nothing more than a business deal? In truth, it was simply because I was a horny old goat whose libido was capable of overriding all other emotional considerations. But she didn’t have to know that.
“So, do we have a deal, or not?” I pushed.
Time seemed to slow down, as I waited for her to respond. My heart was pounding in my chest; my breathing elevated in anticipation of her answer.
After what seemed like an age, she nodded meekly, and my heart nearly stopped. Fucking hell. Game on. Again.
“Can I use the bathroom first? Clean myself up a bit?” she asked, indicating her tear-stained face. I nearly told her not to bother – that I liked her looking like that – but I figured that wouldn’t go down too well.
“Sure. Lead on,” I said.
She got up and headed out of the living room. I followed her up the stairs. She didn’t seem bothered about me walking behind her this time. I watched the movement of her arse in the tight shorties as she ascended. Her phone was tucked into the top of them, but it didn’t detract from their fabulous shape. Christ, I was going to be feeling that supple skin beneath my hands again, in a matter of minutes. I turned my attention to her thighs, which were still young enough for there not to be a hint of cellulite. How many forty-year old blokes could get their hands on that kind of a body? Not fucking many, that was for sure. And then, only those who could afford to pay.
Walking up the stairs became more difficult as my dick went hard as a rock.
“I’ll get the cash,” I said, as we reached the top of the stairs.
I headed into my bedroom, whilst Lauren went straight into the bathroom. I retrieved my cash, counted it out onto the bedside table again, then undressed. I sat naked on the edge of the bed, listening to the sounds of the party coming from outside, desperately trying to resist touching my erection whilst I waited for her to finish.
It took her longer than I was expecting and I gave in, rubbing myself gently as the imaginary pictures of what I was about to do filled my head. When she eventually came into the bedroom, I was surprised to see her eyes still wet. I should have felt pity, then. Sympathy, even. But instead, I felt my cock still twitching in anticipation. She looked at it without disgust this time. Just resignation.
“You got any more coke?” she asked, hopefully.
I shook my head, and she sighed, deflated.
“The money’s over there,” I said, nodding to the bedside table where I’d placed the thick wad of notes.
She picked it up, and stuffed it down the back of her shorties.
“Uh, they’re coming off in a minute, so you might just want to leave it where it is.
She dutifully pulled the cash back out, along with her phone, and placed them both on the bedside table. She looked broken. Defeated. All the aggression and snark and confidence had slipped away, leaving her looking lost and alone. Had I done that to her? Maybe. That didn’t make me feel good about myself, but then I was used to that feeling. And the fact was, she looked even more alluring to my perverted mind.
Without waiting for further instruction, she tugged on the pink vest and wrestled the clingy material awkwardly over her head, revealing the black bra underneath. It was one of those push-up ones that squeezed her tits together to amplify her cleavage. It was doing a very nice job indeed.
She reached behind to unfasten it.
“Wait, leave that a moment. Shorts next.”
She grabbed the tight material of the shorties either side and began to peel them down her thighs. As she bent over towards me, I got a briefly delightful view down her bra, before her long hair fell down in front of her and obscured it. She kicked off her sneakers and stepped awkwardly out of the shorties, then stood in front of me in just her black bra and a skimpy black thong, saying nothing.
“Turn round. Let me see your arse again.”
Obediently, she turned to face the wall. My eyes traced the line of black material as it disappeared between her fabulous butt cheeks. She shifted on her feet slightly, and her arse moved alluringly. It was all I could do right then to stop myself from throwing her on the bed and getting my cock right up her tight little brown hole.
Instead, I stood up and started stroking myself harder. She glanced behind her briefly, then looked away hurriedly when she saw me. I knew I wasn’t an appealing sight for her. Something – some last vestige of my self-esteem perhaps – felt an unexpected tinge of sadness at that, but I pushed that thought away. It didn’t matter whether she found me attractive or not. The exchange of money saw to that.
Breathing hard, I reached out and ran my hand gently down her body, feeling the tiny fuzz of blonde hair which covered the small of her back, with its curlicued cliché of a tattoo. She flinched at my initial touch, then appeared to steel herself. I gently held each side of her tummy, feeling the delicious softness of her skin, the layer of excess fat yielding to my touch. I remembered earlier, how it felt to grip her harder, to pull her back towards me so I could thrust into her. I resisted the urge to do again, right then. I wanted to make the whole experience last, so I could savour every moment.
Careful not to allow my raging hard cock to make contact with her, I ran each hand slowly down to her hips, gripped either side of her black thong and peeled it down a short way, just so it clung underneath her butt. She didn’t protest; she was utterly compliant.
“Wow. That looks amazing. You look amazing.” I wasn’t even lying, right then. Her rear was perfectly smooth – no spots or crinkles, and with just the hint of a bikini tan line that wasn’t enough to detract from the gorgeous curves.
I continued to stroke myself gently with one hand, using the other to gently massage the soft flesh in front of me. She was staring straight at the wall in front of her, and I could feel the tension in her body as my hands gently explored her curves, although I forced myself to stay away from her intimate areas. I pulled again on the thong, tugging it down far enough to be released from between her legs so it dropped to the floor.
“Lose the bra,” I instructed.
She reached up and undid the clasp, then shrugged herself out of it. With her blonde hair cascading down her tanned back, and that gorgeous butt now fully on show, she really did look fucking hot.
“Look at me!” I said.
She glanced back over her shoulder, then turned away again as I moved in closer, nuzzling her shoulder. She leaned away from me, trying to escape my hot breath on her skin. I caught the smell of perfume and cigarette smoke in her hair.
“Are they going to miss you, at the party?”
She shrugged. “Dunno. I never said where I was going.”
She shook her head. “She doesn’t know I’m here.”
“Why not? I’d have thought she’d be up for a little blackmail?”
She looked down, guiltily, and said nothing. I realised why she’d come alone.
“Of course,” I continued. “You didn’t want to share the proceeds, right?”
She gave a tiny nod.
“Okay, well, time for you to get earning that cash, then. Get yourself ready,” I instructed.
She headed over to the bed whilst I went to my bedside cupboard and retrieved a small bottle of lubricant. I squirted some out and slathered it over my length, as Lauren got herself into position on all fours, waiting for me nervously. Was this really the same girl who’d brazenly climbed into my garden and verbally abused me? Who’d snorted coke and got off with her friend in front of me? Who’d pretended to be a porn slut just to earn another fifty quid? Who’d confidently marched into my house and threatened to ruin my life? It seemed impossible, yet there she was, kneeling obediently on my bed, stripped naked and ready for me to do whatever I pleased with her body.
I really had broken her. The thrill that gave me was almost unimaginable in its intensity.
I approached her from behind, taking in that glorious view. She had her head down, staring at my grubby bedlinen whilst she presented her rear to me. She sniffed, and a tear dripped onto the sheet below, leaving a black splatter from her mascara. It couldn’t have been any clearer that she didn’t want what was coming next. I didn’t care. That’s why I was paying her.
I slipped a finger down the crack of her arse, searching out for her makrobet güvenilir mi sweet, tight little rear hole, then pressed the end of my finger firmly against it. Not pushing in, just letting her know what was coming. I felt her whole body go rigid. This wasn’t going to be easy. For her, anyway.
I squirted a bit more lube onto my hands. Covering my middle finger in the oily liquid, I slipped it down again and began gently probing further. The slick lubricant allowed me to easily insert my digit – first an inch, then two. I wormed it around gently, feeling her tense up as I did so. I explored further, pushing against the tight walls inside, preparing her for what was to come.
“Do you want to feel my cock in there?” I asked, slipping my finger out.
“Yes, Mr Reynolds.” She knew the act, already. But I could feel her shaking beneath my touch, and there were more black spots on the sheet beneath her face, now.
“Say it, then,” I commanded.
“I want your cock in my arse,” she said, flatly but louder. It would have been more convincing if she hadn’t been crying. Although of course, that just added to my arousal.
I began to manoeuvre myself into position. For a brief moment, some last remnant of my conscience tugged at me. Maybe I shouldn’t do this. Maybe I should just let her go back to her party. Maybe I should just give her the cash anyway, to redeem myself before it was too late.
Right. Like that was going to happen. But still, I felt compelled to give her one last chance to pull out.
“Lauren, we don’t have to do this,” I said, reluctantly.
She looked back over her shoulder at me, sniffing. The streaks of black were running down her cheeks again. She looked so much younger, all messed up like that, and somehow it made her prettier than when she was all dolled up to perfection. My heart beat faster in response, stirring up feelings of real attraction that I had to push back down. She was just a little slut I was going to fuck for money. Nothing more.
“Yes, we fucking do,” she replied. The words themselves were angry, but her voice was dull and emotionless. “I told you, I need the money. Mum’s blown our last cash taking the others away for the weekend, cos she knows the council will find us a bedsit. But I don’t want another fucking bedsit. I like it here…”
She turned away and started sobbing again. In her mind, she was in an impossible situation. I knew it wasn’t impossible at all. It was one I had the power to fix, if I chose to do the right thing. But I couldn’t help it. I stared at those gorgeous, pendulous tits, rippling gently beneath her as she cried. I gorged my eyes on that glorious, sweet butt just swaying there in front me, ready for the taking.
And I knew with absolute certainty that the right thing was never going to be my choice to make.
“Lauren…” I started, although I wasn’t sure what I wanted to say. I was a very bad man, and I was going to do a very bad thing. Words weren’t going to change that.
“Please, just get it done,” she interrupted, dropping her head back down and pushing that delectable bottom up a little further towards me.
Fuck it. That was enough consent for me. Before any more second-thoughts could get a foothold in my conscience, I gently parted her buttocks and pushed the end of my cock against the dark-rimmed hole between. The slickness of the lube meant a gentle pressure was all that was needed to start stretching that tight entrance around the head of my dick. It felt delicious. Even tighter than her front hole. I pushed harder and she squirmed, gasping out in surprise and pain.
I felt her clench around me. It felt glorious, but I knew for her it would have hurt. I withdrew a little before pushing back inside, prompting another clench of resistance from her.
“Oww!” Lauren cried, squirming underneath me.
“Don’t fight it,” I instructed and thrust once more. This time, she managed to keep her muscles relaxed, but I could tell she wasn’t going to enjoy it. Not many girls did, in my experience. In fact, there was only one I’d ever met who actually claimed to like it up the bum. Some girl I’d picked up outside a club in Colchester, years before. She’d been messed up in the head anyway.
I withdrew to squirt a final dose of lube onto my cock, then slipped back inside, pushing further in this time. The constriction of her muscles around my length felt impossibly divine. I began inching further up inside, pulling her hips back until I’d sunk my entire length into her. I held myself there, the heat and the slickness wrapped so tightly around me that even the slightest movement sent the most delightful tingles of pleasure cascading up and down my cock.
ver so gently, I began to rock myself back and forth inside her. Incredibly, my balls were already starting to tighten in anticipation, despite having emptied themselves twice already that day. I’d forgotten just how intense the sensations were, going in the back way. It had been a while since I’d persuaded anyone to let me do it.
“Ungh!” Lauren grunted, as I thrust inside her a little harder. It was an expression of pain. I felt another spasm clench around me, and gasped out loud myself. That was an expression of pleasure.
“It hurts,” she complained, through gritted teeth.
“So does losing another five hundred quid, so I’d call us even,” I pointed out. “Stop tensing up, that makes it worse.”
I felt her try to relax and I slowly began to increase my movements, but she could only last for a handful of thrusts before clenching again when I hit a new spot inside her. I kept going, until finally we established a rhythm that resulted in a continual stream of tingling pleasure running up from my cock and balls throughout my entire body, matched by a continual sequence of squeaks and moans from Lauren which were gradually sounding less pained as her muscles started to accept what they were being asked to do. I was, quite literally, in ecstasy as I gazed down on her, watching her tight little sphincter sliding up and down my length, her butt cheeks wobbling as my thighs pressed against them, her beautiful tits swinging gently beneath her. What a fucking body. Give me a bit of fleshy curve over skin and bone any day.
With such a fabulous view and such intense sensations, I knew I wouldn’t last much longer than a couple of minutes. But I knew there was an even better view I could have. I wanted to see that delicious little pussy spread in front of me. And I wanted to see the look on her face as I fucked her in the arse. I wanted to look her right in her eyes when it was time to shoot my load up inside her.
I slowed my pace then very carefully withdrew myself from her, leaving her stretched rear hole gaping up at me.
“Turn over,” I commanded.
She obeyed my instruction, wriggling around so she was lying on her back. I lifted her legs up, folding them back onto her so that both her holes were presented to me. My cock was still slick with lube, and it didn’t take much effort to push myself back into her rear again. I watched intently, as her face screwed up in discomfort, but she didn’t cry out this time. I figured she was getting used to the feeling. She sniffed and wiped her eyes, smearing more makeup over her face, then looked right up at me. Shit! She looked so fucking cute like that, I felt another stirring of affection. I almost wanted to comfort her. Almost.
I reached down and began toying her clit with my thumb as I began to work up a rhythm again, slower this time so I could last a while longer. Gently, I worked a finger up inside that beautiful, neat, tight little pussy. I forced myself to look away from the beautiful sight of both her holes being violated, so I could seek out any sign of pleasure in her face. Her eyes were still filled with tears, but she bit her lip and looked up at me.
“You like that?” I asked.
“Mmmngh,” was the reply. But I swear she actually nodded.
I kept going until she was wet enough to slip another finger up inside. I didn’t care about pleasuring her, I just wanted the delicious sensations of feeling my fingers inside her. Even so, I felt her begin to respond, just a little, to what I was doing. She groaned again, but she started pushing back harder, so I could get further up inside her and my thumb could press more firmly on the hot nub of her clit. We kept going like that for a while, as unbelievably her pained groans transformed into pants and whimpers of apparent pleasure.
“You dirty little bitch, you’re actually enjoying it now, aren’t you?” I laughed, pausing for a moment and gazing down on her.
“Mmm, don’t stop!” she whispered, as if to herself.
“Yep, pure fucking filth!” I confirmed.
She looked away, closing her eyes. Each time I pushed my cock into her arse, my fingers could feel it through the slick wall of her pussy. I quested further inside her, my fingertips seeking out that special girl spot. I kept at it, not really caring whether I was successful but enjoying the heat and wetness clamped around me.
“Yes!” she cried, suddenly. Yeah. I’d found it.
I ground away with my thumb and fingers, just easing myself in and out of her rear so I could focus my attention on the beautiful sensations of her wet pussy on my fingers. I didn’t go faster, or harder – I just kept the same rhythm and intensity that had elicited her first cry.
“Yesss, mmm! Yesss!” she whimpered, writhing beneath my hand and actually pushing herself up harder onto my cock. She kept her eyes closed and I let her dictate the pace, savouring the beautiful sights and sensations. Although I didn’t get to savour them for long.
“Fuck!” she gasped, after an improbably short time. I felt her clench every muscle around me, before bucking violently as what was apparently the beginning of an intense climax gripped her. Her eyes were still shut tight, presumably lost in whatever fantasy she’d managed to escape into. I didn’t care, given that I was still the one fucking her arse right then. My fingers were covered in her juices, and it was all I could do to keep my cock inside her rear as she shuddered and jerked in the throes of what perabet was surely the most unexpected orgasm she’d ever had.
It was over almost as quickly as it had begun. Her eyes opened, she looked at me blearily, clearly not quite believing what had happened herself.
“You lying little cow,” I laughed, starting to get back in my stride. “I’m paying for this, and it turns out you fucking love it up the bum, after all!”
She looked away, clearly not wanting to meet my eye. Maybe she just didn’t like being reminded that she was whoring her arse out to a dirty old pervert. Not that I was bothered, either way. It was my turn now.
I began to thrust into her more powerfully, not caring if I hurt her. She’d had hers, and I was going to get mine. For five hundred quid I fucking deserved it. She went slack underneath me, finally letting me pound her arse as hard as I needed to. I didn’t know whether that was because she’d gained control of her muscles, or they’d finally given out on her. Either way, she just lay there like a rag doll; expressionless other than an occasional grimace which served as a useful confirmation that she was still in the land of the living and hadn’t just expired on me.
Yeah, I’ll admit it. I liked her like that. Utterly compliant, to do with as I pleased. My own personal fuck doll, to be used and abused. I thrust harder, faster, not holding back at all now. It didn’t take long for me to get where I needed to be.
“Oh fuck, yes!” I gasped, feeling the wave of pleasure start to build.
“Please, Mr Reynolds, don’t come in me!” she said, suddenly coming alive again.
“Eh?” I panted, confused. “Not like you’re gonna get pregnant, is it?”
“No, please… I just don’t want it inside me,” she said, biting her lip as her eyes filled with tears again. What the hell that was about, I didn’t know, but I kept thrusting away, nearly at the point of no return. If she thought crying was going to stop me, she was sadly mistaken. If she didn’t want me to unload inside her, she was going to have to beg.
“Where do you want it then? Tell me where you want it,” I demanded.
“I… don’t know,” she sniffed.
“Yeah, you do. You want it all over your face again, don’t you? Like the fucking dirty slag you are.” The pressure was building harder in my balls, but I wanted to hear her beg before I came.
She said nothing, just nodded up at me meekly, wiping her eyes.
“I can’t hear you,” I complained, breathlessly. I was nearly there.
“Yes,” she whispered.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, Mr Reynolds.”
“Say it, then! Say you’re a dirty slag. Say you want me to come on your face. Beg me!” The tingling was already starting, brought on even quicker by her tears.
“Please, Mr Reynolds. I’m a dirty slag. Please come on my face.” She was trying to do her breathy little-girl voice again, but she was crying again which made it utterly unconvincing. Although to my sick mind, that made it even fucking hotter.
“Nope, I think I wanna come inside your sweet little butt instead. So fucking hot, so fucking tight…” I grinned down at her, feeling my balls tightening in readiness.
“No! Please, Mr Reynolds. I really don’t want you to…” she sobbed.
“Say it then! Tell me you’re a slut and you want it all over your face!”
“Yes, I’m a filthy little cum slut and I want it all over my face! Please…” she pleaded, her voice cracking in desperation. I still needed more than that, though.
“Fucking beg! Say it like you fucking mean it!” I commanded, feeling my cock begin to jerk as I prepared to unload for a third time that day. Maybe she felt it. Maybe she recognised that I didn’t care; that I really was going to shoot my load right up inside her tight little tunnel if she didn’t beg me hard enough. Whatever, something inside her seemed to give way again. The tears were streaming down her face again, but she somehow managed to pour her heart and soul into one last all-out effort to avoid getting her arse filled with my jizz.
“Please, Mr Reynolds,” she breathed huskily, blinking the tears away and looking right into my eyes. “Please, come on me! I want to see you shoot your load over me. I’m such a little slut, I want it so much!” Grabbing her breasts, she pushed them together in readiness for me. “I want you to shoot all over my tits, I want it on my pussy, on my face… I just want your fucking come all over me! Pleeease!”
She got there in the end, but it had taken her too long.
“Too late,” I gasped, and shot my first little spurt right up inside her.
Feeling my cock jerking inside her, she tried to wriggle backwards off me, but I grabbed her legs and held her firm as I lost myself to the first waves of orgasm.
“Uuungh!” I cried, as cascading spasms of ecstasy crashed through my body, my cock pumping another stream of come inside her slick little tunnel, the pleasure perversely heightened beyond measure by the knowledge that she didn’t want me to.
“Nooo!” she wailed, as I fired another load into her, then another. I’d stopped breathing, the pleasure was so intense. The feeling of her furnace-hot rear hole clenched around my length as I ejaculated was nearly enough for me to pass out. Gazing down on her tear-stained face, screwed up in horror as I filled her anal passageway with every last drop my balls could manage, I could feel my heart ready to burst such was the arousal I felt.
Time slowed to a crawl as every nerve in my body fizzed with ecstasy. I vowed to burn the sight before me into my brain forever; the image of Lauren’s glorious teenage body spread beneath me, wriggling and writhing against me, powerless as I forced myself into her. I felt godlike, omnipotent, like there was nothing I couldn’t do and nobody I couldn’t do it to. The pathetic reality of my existence was, just for those few glorious moments, utterly erased. I didn’t care if I never had sex again. I didn’t care if she reported me for **** and I went to prison. I didn’t care if she told her dad, whoever he was, and he beat the living shit out of me. None of that mattered one bit because right then my cock was exploding into her tight little butt and I was locked into the most gargantuan, overwhelming climax I’d ever experienced in my entire fucking life.
Finally, I breathed again as I spent my last. I collapsed onto her, feeling those magnificent breasts crushed up to my chest and just lay there, head spinning, with the realisation slowly dawning that I’d crossed a line I’d never fully crossed before and I didn’t fucking care.
“Are we done, now?” she asked, sniffing and wiping her face again.
I reached down to gradually ease my softening length out from her arse. My come ran freely out from inside her.
“Yeah. I’d say I got my money’s worth,” I said, standing up and looking down with satisfaction at her ravaged, leaking anus. I reached for the tissues and handed her a wad to wipe herself.
“Did you like it even more when I was crying?” she whispered, not meeting my eye.
“Hey, it was new. I mean, I’ve never fucked a girl in tears before,” I lied. “I don’t know why you were so bothered about me getting my cream pie, anyway.”
She gave me a look of world-weary sadness that belied her age, then sighed.
“Just bad memories. You’d never understand.” She started dabbing the tissues between her legs. It looked like she was about to say something else, but her phone pinged on the bedside table.
“Shit,” she said, checking the screen. “I need to get back. Shannon and the others will want to know what I’ve been doing.”
“Well, you can tell them all about how I paid you another five hundred quid, and how you actually came when I was doing you up the arse.”
“Fuck off. I was pretending again, innit, to try to make you finish quicker.”
I shrugged, feeling pretty certain she was lying about that. Not that I really cared if she wasn’t.
She sat up, and started pulling on her discarded clothes. I watched every movement of her body, savouring the time I had left with her. Once dressed, she scooped up the cash from the bedside table and shoved it down the back of her shorties. I had a vision of my come still leaking out of her, soiling the notes.
“See. We both got what we wanted, in the end,” I pointed out.
“Wanted? Right. Like I wanted some disgusting old pervert to basically **** my arse for money. I had no choice, remember?”
“Don’t knock it. It was a useful business arrangement. One we could repeat sometime, now I know you’re up for it,” I suggested. “I mean, you’re Mum’s a fucking deadbeat so you’re always going to be in need of cash, and… well, I’m never going to say no to a bit of action, right? Quid pro quo, and all that. Just see it as helping each other out.”
She stared at me for a long time, liked she couldn’t quite believe what I was saying. Her lip puckered, and her eyes filled with tears once more.
“I’m not a fucking whore!” she sniffed, looking down.
“Says the girl who’s just made over a thousand quid today, just for letting the disgusting old pervert next door have sex with her. That’s nothing to be ashamed of. That’s fucking high class money. So, what do you say? Next time I get lucky on the horses, should I let you know?”
She wiped at her eyes ineffectively, but the tears weren’t enough to obscure her glare. It was understandable, in the circumstances. It was the look of pure hatred.
“Simple question, Lauren. Yes, or no?” I pressed.
“Seriously, you really are a cunt, you know that?” she said, her voice cracking with emotion.
“Yep,” I nodded. I could hardly argue that point.
“Fuck you,” she blurted with a sniff, shoving her phone angrily into her shorties. Then she stormed out and slammed the bedroom door behind her.
I sat back down on the bed, listening to her thump down the stairs and out through the front door. I wasn’t upset by her histrionics. Far from it. We might not have parted on good terms. She might have called me the worst word she could think of. She might have been in denial about her status as a bona fide prostitute. All in all, it wasn’t going to go down as the most positive of responses to my suggestion of future dalliances. But that wasn’t going to stop another smile from forming on my lips, because I knew none of that mattered.
What did matter, as always, was that I was still in the game. Because amidst all her bluster and profanity and tears, one little thing stood out in my gambler’s mind.
She hadn’t actually said no…
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