Geting Some Help

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Geting Some HelpSo…. the set up is basically this……… we are separated, but living in the same place, we have separate rooms and in a few months I am leaving and we are divorcing…. for now, I have my own room and she has hers….. we exist in the same space…..It has been a while, since we did anything sexual and part of the deal of us “co existing” for a few months, was no sex… treat each other like room mates….This does however change, when something is wanted, by her…… same as it always has been…… this time, she wants a new cell phone… cant afford it at all and knows I can easily…… So the cycle began… a few days bitching about the cell she has…… pissed off for a day about not being able to get a new one…. then hints that I should get it for her, jokingly of course…..There I was last night…. laying on my bed….. looking at some porn and thinking ok so she wants a cell….. then came the text….. instead of coming to ask me she sent a random question that she had all day to ask….. it was just an excuse… we started texting… I asked her if she would be willing to do me a sexual favor in return for the cell…. she said no sex, but agreed to just wear a thong and let me suck on her huge tits as I got off on her…. it was a deal.So… I walked in and she was already on the bed propped up against her thousands of pillows, wearing a red thong and nothing else….. the room was dark but she had turned on güvenilir canlı bahis siteleri her fake candles and had the fake fire place on the tv…. legs wide waiting to be used….I undressed as she maneuvered to get comfortable and give me all the show, whilst I then kneeled beside her groping at her tits and wanking slowly…… she complained that this would do nothing for her… so I simply slid some fingers in and teased her… she said nothing and just lay there as I fingered her and groped her tits…. her facial expressions, were a mix of just wanting to get it over with combined with not sure if to just stop… uncertain… wants the cell… has to get cum on….As I kneeled there, I would finger for a few minutes then pump myself and suck her tits…. just grab them and grope…. She started to use her vibe toy in-between and I encouraged it…….. as I spread her wider, moved her arms and made her all sexy for me to wank over….. she basically had figured that I was going to take a while and cum over her… so she may as well cum too….I had an idea….I use my right and due to using it on her… wanking was slower…. so I just maneuvered between her legs and pushed her wide… she just lay there teasing as I used her as visual stimulation …… with one hand pumping my dick and the other fingering her as she vibes her pussy…… I would stop and grope her tits as she closed her eyes and let me perabet use her….Then that was it….. I was solid hard…. the tip was touching her pussy… so I pushed in fast and hard as I sucked her tits and before she could say anything smashed into her at least thirty times as fast as I could….. She let out a moan that basically said… cum dump me…. so I kneeled, deep in her and pulled her knees up… she held position as I thrusted a few more times…. then back to wanking and fingering while she vibes away…The routine became, that I would finger and wank or just wank, as she vibes her pussy… then randomly, whenever I decided…. I pushed in and took her pussy, positioned her legs…. After the first few times I began making her hold her tits when it was pussy fuck time……. the last time as I fucked deep into her…. she held her legs wide and perfectly as I had positioned them… whilst holding her huge tits and making sure as I moaned and built up, I had tit to suck… then she began to cum as she realized I was not just fucking her… I was about to cum dump her… The build up was a frantic crazy pleasure….. she lay on her back… propped up by pillow… tits held in each hand….. legs so the knees are at shoulder height and as wide as she could…… I pumped in and out… sucking the left and then the right… moaning… telling her it was Cuming… it was so fucking close…….. I lifted up and perabet giriş watched her face turn…… the no fucking, no using her, no making her a hoar……. She closed her eyes and moved her arms to what I love….. the two big tits held together by her natural form from her arms reaching down to hold her inner thighs… also keeps her braced for what she knew was about to happen…..I watched her…. my dick pumping in and out… I built up like this for five minutes at least… watching my dick in her… watching her tits move perfectly… watching her face and knowing she was ready……… I moaned and her eyes opened suddenly with a almost shocked look…. boom…. I thrust hard, fast and no consideration for her at all….. it was for at least three minutes me building up and using her pussy… she just watched me use her… She lay there with a desperation on her face as she was being used…… she looked like she wanted to beg me to stop… don’t cum in me…. but what was the point…….She lay there and when I asked… can I cum in you…. she reluctantly said… yes…. It was mumbled, so….. I looked at her and told her to tell me to cum in her…. cum in me…. it was the uncertainty… the realization she was a whore a cum dump… her slight pause and crackle… that triggered the deep thrust….. the tightening of her arms… I thrust so hard and deep to bury that seed, that she let out a noise like I had hit her in the gut and then she orgasmed hard…When I was done… my dick was softer and the cum was emptied… I pulled out and handed her the towel after cleaning myself off….She lay there I dressed… then I walked out of the door back to my own room…. and we will never talk about it….

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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