Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Goaaaal !!I sat staring blankly into the glass of wine balanced on my knee paralized with boredom as i circled my finger around and around the rim of the glass as my oblivious husband and his 3 friends drank can after can of beer and argued loudly about the football match that was on the t.v. this was not my idea of a fun weekend. I wish he had gone to his parents like he normally did so i could talk to my dom. I longed to be with him but with my husband and little cherubs home it was to risky this weekend. This would be the first weekend i hadnt spent serving him online for months. He must be angry at me for not telling him i wouldnt be around.. im in for it when i do log on. I felt the irritating little buzz in my knickers as i drifted away thinking how he would punish me.. i lowered my phone down into my lap behind the arm of the chair and discreetly glanced over to my husband and his friends to check they wasnt looking.. my heart began to race and my hand trembled as i struggled to type in my username and password into the chat app that i used. BEEP … BEEP … BEEP … BEEP … FUCK !! i realised i hadnt muted the notifications as my phone blew up as his messages came in one after the other.. i quickly pushed the phone down the side of the chair and leaned against it in a desperate panic to stifle the sound.. i looked up at my husband no doubt with a exspression of sheer guilt but he was engrosssed in a argument with his friends and hadnt noticed.. i could hear my heart beat in my ears as i made eye contact with my husbands other friend dave.. he looked at me with a puzzled smile before shaking his head and looking back at the t.v.”Dam.. hes noticed.. ive got to style this out” i thought to myself as i quickly stood up holding my phone tightly pressed to my thigh as i made a hasty retreat out of the living room and into the kitchen..”Im gonna call it a night babe okay ? Goodnight guys”My husband was so wrapped up in his friends he didnt even notice.. as soon as i got into the kitchen i bahis siteleri canlı looked at my phone and franticly scrolled to the notificarion settings.. but the messages just kept popping up on the screen and getting in the way.. i kept crossing them off but then a giff appeared.. it was a mature white woman on her knees struggling to suck a monsterous black cock as thick as a can of beans and at least 12 inches long !! I was momentarilly mesmerised as i watched the huge cock spill spunk into her mouth until the point it overflowed out and coated her entire face in white transperent paste.. “Having fun lolly?” It was like being struck by bolt of lightning as i phiscally jumped at the sound of the voice directly over my shoulder.. i spun to face it and saw dave standing there with a devious grin on his face.. id been caught red handed.. I was so caught off gaurd i couldnt even talk and i failed to even speak a propper sentence.. “OH ..da… its.. no im.. im.. just..” I turned on my heels red faced and made my way past him.. hed given me such a fright my legs were like jelly and it showed as stumbled up the stairs.. he followed me “im just gonna use the loo yeah?” I chocked out a embaressed reply as i reached the landing and wobbled into my bed room.. i stood at the bottom of the bed squesing two fistfulls of my hair as i whispered to myself “fuck it fuck it fuck it you pratt lolly.. you bloody idiot” i took a deep breath and composed myself as i heard the toilet chain flush and turned to face the hallway..Dave walked out of the bathroom and stood on the landing brazenly fastening his belt as he looked at me and quietly teased “so.. you like big black cocks do ya lolly?” I quickly stepped out into the hall and grabbed his shirt and pulled him into the bedroom while angrilly holding my finger to my lips in a frantic “shhhhh” motion..”Shush my sons in the next room !” I was about to plead my innocence when he suddenly threw his arms around me abd pulled me close to his body..”Its casino siteleri ok i can keep a secret if you can” i put my hands on his shoulders and leant my upper body backwards as i hissed in protest “Are you fucking mad my husbands down stairs” he responded by grabbing a big handfull of my arse through my thin leggings and pulling my hips into him.. i felt his hard cock pressing against my mound as he quietly replied “wed better hurry up then” i felt my body weaken in his arms as he disrespectfully thrusted his hardness against my pussy through the thin material and placed his hand on the back of my head.. “cmon girl.. gimme a kiss” I swallowed loudly paralized as our mouths slowly drew closer.. our lips touched and he began to peck and lick at my slack reluctant mouth.. he pushed his hand down the back of my stretchy lycra leggings and fondled my bare arse cheek before grabbing my thong and yanking it even further up my arse using it to walk me backwards as he turned his head to the side and slipped his tounge into my mouth and greedilly exsplored. I squeeked into his mouth in protest as the thong nipped into my soft pussy lips and the backs of my legs bumped against the base of the bed.. i remember looking wide eyed over his shoulder down the hallway through the wide open bedroom door as his tounge franticly stirred in my mouth and he slowly lowered me down onto my bed..I laid on my back with my arms stiff down by my sides as he immidietly slid his finger tips into the waist band of my leggings and quickly snatched them past my arse and walked them quickly down my legs and pulled them off.. he didnt even bother to take my knickers off.. he just knelt on the bed and placed his hand behind my left knee and pushed it up and to the side before clambering between my legs and dragging them to ine side..He quickly pushed his shorts and jeans down as i looked up at him and gasped quietly under my breath “hurry up”He laid down on top of me with his face over my shoulder fumberling canlı casino between my legs.. i felt his wet tip prod against me and then push.. i winced in silence as it pinched inside me and sank down against the resistance of my slightly wet but unready cunt.. my whole body tensed at the sound of the creaking bed as he began to slide quickly and selfishly up and down my body..His breathing grew heavier in my ear as he gradually gathered speed.. i got wetter as his hard length caressed my spot and i took to sucking his neck to silence myself as i spread my knees wide and just let him slam into me to the hilt.. the tickle in my womb grew stronger as i hooked my hands over his shoulders and thrusted my hips towards him giving him full access to get inside me as deep as he wanted.. There was a loud cheer from downstairs as my huabands football team scored and they all began drunkenly singing loudly.. i took advantage of the noise and panted deaperatly”CMON THEN FUCKING GIVE IT TO ME”He began dunking into me right down to the balls hard and fast to as the bed squeaked loudly as we bounced up and down.. within seconds he was grunting in my soft blonde hair and slowly grinding to a halt.. he collapsed his weight down onto me as his orgasm squirted deep inside me over and over.. he took a deep breath and pushed himself up to his feet.. did up his jeans and quickly ran down the stairs shouting “goooal” I laid there with my legs spread and squelched my fingers into my spunk filled pussy. As i retreated my fingers i could feel his huge boiling hot load of spunk running out of me so i snapped my knickers back into place and let run out into them.. i stared out at the brightly lit hallway and lisend to him celebrating with my husband as i stirred my clit through the sticky gusset with my finger..My nipples hardend.. my stomach churned.. I felt my arsehole wink and my clit leap before a long powerfull warm toe curling tingerling orgasm washed over me from head to toe.. I sat up on the bed desperate to disctract myself from the overwhelming feeling of guilt.. i unlocked my phone and looked at the messages my dom had left me..CUNTHUNTER: where are bitch CUNTHUNTER: reply whore !!CuNTHUNTER: thats it.. your getting it when i get you online you fucking bitch..

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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