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Granny What Big Eyes You Have
We were still young, our mid twenties I’d guess. My husband and I along with his brother and wife were invited to come up to their grandmothers cabin for the weekend. None of us were sure why but is was a nice escape from the dog days of summer if nothing else.
It was a first for me but I heard of many tales coming from time spent there, I almost felt like I knew the place already. Arriving some hours later it proved that like most times things in your head are far bigger then reality but all the same it was a nice place. Grandma herself who I always seen as quiet and withdrawn was in her element at home, I could hardly recognize her. I smiled as the boys rushed over to hug their grandma and laughed as she reached around squeezing both of their butt cheeks. Finished with them she stood open armed calling for us girls, a big hug and kiss but do butt grab so should I feel cheated? She did not shy away from smashing her chest against mine but as we are both busty I guess there’s little chance you couldn’t.
Going up after work we got there a bit late and night falls early on the mountain, we hardly got in and unpacked before other then the area around the mercury light it was pitch black outside. Grandma had the oven and all the burner busy making dinner for a small army let alone just the five of us. Looking around bahis firmaları you could tell family meant a lot to her, photos lovingly placed everywhere. Each one had its own story and she took pride in telling us them every chance she got. It was after the guys went to bed, early as they wanted to catch the lakes morning bite. A quiet moment lead grandma to take a frame off the table, oh I recall this summer as it was one of my favorites she claimed.
That was the summer I caught Jeff (my brother-in-law) masturbating a hundred times if once. I laughed and his wife turned ten shade of red in embarrassment. Then Grams looked to me saying she never caught my husband, keeping the conversation lively I told her she must of needed to try harder as I can confirm he still masturbates. Now I had Grandma laughing and Jeff’s wife beet red now. Having had enough Kim bid Grandma and myself a good night and went up stairs to join her husband in bed.
Grandma looked over toward me asking if I was going up too, I had told her no that I slept in the car coming up so be up for a bit longer. With that grandma got up saying she’ll put another log on the fire then. Doing so standing there in front of the flames I got a appreciation of her body, the thin fabric of her robe did little being backlit by flames. If that wasn’t enough she turned rubbing her kaçak iddaa nipples explaining the fire always makes them hard, I didn’t say but mine too were well on their way. Now front facing I could make out the dark triangle of her bush, lucky it didn’t catch a fire.
After that she drew near and instead of taking her seat back in her chair she took the spot on the couch still left warm from Kim. After sitting she asked if I mind, tucking her legs under the blanket I had over my lower body. Conversation took back up and it took more then a few before I started to question the movement of her foot positioned between my legs. Being a good five inches taller then me and three of those in her legs, her heel found my bare pussy well before my foot made and contact with hers. I would be hard finding the right words to get her to stop but it also felt very good so instead I outstretched mine, my big toe finding her furry mound. I d**g my big toes up the slit stopping when it hit her big clit. She placed her hand on top, positioning her clit between my big toe and the next. Squeezing my toes together pinching and milking her clitty.
Maybe I was just that horny but I wasn’t uncomfortable at all with her, exposing my breasts and pulling on my nipples. She quickly mirrored me and between that and foot play we both climaxed. After that I mentioned kaçak bahis it was shower time for me, I still wasn’t tired but the orgasm although enjoyable it was far short of what I wanted so finding more in the shower seemed like a good option.
I was there and well on the way when I noticed in the steamy mirror Grandma watching from the doorway. Her fingers all but disappeared in the forest between her legs as she rubbed on herself watching me do the same. I didn’t make that I seen her known but I also didn’t let the fact to stop me from getting mine. Taking the shower wand and putting it to use proved to be the trick and now finally to a state where I could catch some sleep.
Still foggy I recall the alarm going off and my husband telling me to go back to sleep. I lost track of time but I didn’t feel like I fell asleep again. Maybe a change in mind as I could feel my husband kissing the inside of my legs. Back and forth and side to side, I laid awake but eyes closed enjoying the moment. It was when my pussy was being attended to that I knew something was off, not bad but different. This caused me to look under the covers finding a big head of gray hair parked over me. I locked my fingers in it moaning “oh Grammy”
She pressed my legs up high lifting me just off the bed, with that she started to lap her long tongue at my backdoor which felt incredible. I rubbed my swollen clit as she tongues my ass, the two proving to be quite the combo which delivered as my body shook with an incredible orgasm. As unexpected she enter she left leaving me very contented, for now anyway.
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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32