halloween party

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halloween party
im a freshman in college at its about to be halloween weekend. im off of swim practice this weekend so I decided to see what my buddy Tyrell from back home is doing. Tyrell goes away for college too and he was coming home this weekend too. he is going out to a few parties and invited me to come. he told me to meet him at his uncles cuz he didnt tell his parents he was coming home cuz he wants to party all weekend.
so I leave school and head to his uncle D’s house. I get there D greets me and immediately tells me tyrells mom caught wind of him coming home and made him go to his parents house and she took his phone away. im so annoyed cuz it was a three hour drive. D tells me I can crash there after the parties if I wanted too. but I didnt know the parties Tyrell did I explained to him and also I didnt have any costumes cuz Tyrell told me he had one for me. D told me he was having a costume party at his house that night but it was more adult like oriented but offered me I could stay and attend. I was very unsure cuz I know Uncle D is gay and it makes me uncomfortable about what kind of party it was. but he insisted that a friend has extra costumes that he can call and ask for one and told me just to have fun and no one is gonna pressure u. not feeling like driving back to school or going home cuz I didnt tell my parents I was in, I decided to stay.
D calls his friend, how tall are you D asks, 5-10 I tell him. he repeats it to his friend, then ask weight, I tell him 155 he repeats it. then I hear him say no he is a white swimmer . not sure what that meant but I didnt pry.
D asks me if I wanted to start drinking I ofcousre said yes. he makes a us drinks, and brings out 4 shots of vodka with them. he said this how we start. being a college student I could drink rubbing alcohol. I slam two shot with him. he said now chug ur drink through the straw. he looks at me and says u feeling comfortable yet. I was confused how he knew I was nervous but I said yea thanks that really helps. he said good cuz that was everclear ur gonna be feeling really good soon.

1hr 30mins later his friend arrives with a suit case. its a tall black beautiful woman. must be 6-1 at least, about 40 years olden really busty like really big boobs. D introduces me to Tiana, I say hi im mike she responds nice to meet u mike im Tiana. her voice is alittle deep but she was soft spoken. Tiana ask for a room so we can try on costumes. D points and says down the hall. he told Tiana be gentle with him he is a first timer and smiled. figuring he meant first timer for the party tonight.

Tiana takes my head walks me back, her hand dwarfs mine. she said she olny has one option on short notice. she told me she was gonna make me a girl. I laughed and said yea right. she said trust me people will known its a joke it will be funny . she said here is ur total outfit. pulls out shoes, stockings, skirt, a school girl top, a wig and a make up bag. I was like no way. she grabs both my hands looks me in the eyes and said ur gonna put this on. some how some way she convinced me with that simple look. I was like what about underwear do I wear my boxers. she said oh sorry I must’ve forgot u gotta wear these and pulls out panties. I asked why not boxers bahis şirketleri she told me cuz my were too long.
she told me to get undressed. not in front of you I told her. she said sweetie u aint giving up what I want baby just get undressed.
so I did down to my boxers. she looks at me and says wow u are hairless. I said yea I have to be for swimming. she asked if im hairless under my boxers, told her yes.
she throws the panties at me and turns away and said quick but them on. I do as she says.
she turns back around and tells me to spin around, she comments that I have a great ass. so she helps me dress with the rest does some make up and paints my nails. she tells me im all done its time to go the party has started. I said let me look. I took a look in the mirror and was completely shocked I looked like a hot slutty girl. feeling pretty drunk and now I feel like im liking this outfit more then I expected I felt my hairless cock twitch. shocked at what just happened I quickly put my hand over my groin area, Tiana saw me reach to cover. she said tuck it back baby its what I do.
I looked at her with a strange look at she took my hand and we walked out to the party
the house was getting packed, guys dressed like girls, girls as guys, half naked people, guys with sheets over them with holes in it by there penises. I see D he is dressed in leather vest and has a thong on that has sleeve for is dick. and has a leash in his hand. something about his ripped black body is making feel weird. he walks over to me and tells me how pretty I look and pats my butt. i blush little and say thanks, I have no idea whats going on. why am I liking this. he hands me a drink and tells me to keep drinking tonight’s gonna be fun. the night goes on and I keep getting complements. each on making me feel more and more confident. one guy comes up to me he dressed as a cowboy with chaps and I can see his bulge through the black speedo he is wearing. he asks me my name I say mike, he says no ur name isn’t mike it should be Michelle. so now im Michelle. D comes up behind me, says Michelle u should let me put u in my leash. I told him no thanks, he rubbed my back and my butt and said please u look so hot it would be fun. I felt his large cock rub against my leg. my cock started really twitchin. why do I like this attention so much I thought to my self. he handed me a shot and I took it. he said only for a minute or two. I said ok.
he puts the collar around me neck not too tight but snug. I see his sleeve on his thong filling out. in shock I couldn’t stop staring. he saw me gazing at his large cock. he said if I listen like a good girl hell let me touch. I quickly responded I didnt want to touch it at all. he laughed and said ok Michelle sure u don’t. I could sense the sarcasm in his response. he walks me over to Tiana and asks her to hold the leash for a minute while he takes a piss. Tiana grabs my leash pulls me into her roughly we lock eyes and as im looking up into her eyes amazed at her beauty, she leans in and we start making out. my cock is getting so hard. she feels my cock and tells me sissys like you shouldn’t be getting hard, she grabs the leash orders me to follow her to a back room. its pretty dark I cant see tipobet güvenilir mi much. she leads to a bed, orders me to lay down, so I do as she says. I told her I haven’t done this much. she assures me she will be gentle. we start making out again, then she lifts up my skirt and starts stroking my hairless cock. she slides down and starts blowing me, I feel like im gonna cum and as I get close she stops sucking and tells me to flip over she wants to see my ass. I gladly do cuz I didnt want to cum before we had sex. I was so nervous but so excited to have sex with this beautiful woman. then I feel her kissing my ass, and then I feel her tongue lick my hole. I clinch up and try to turn back over cuz I never had that done before and im really unsure. but she quickly grabs the leash and forces me to lay back down. she starts to really lick my hole and I begin to kinda enjoy it. she is really getting it wet. before I know it I feel her tongue go into my hole and she moves it in and out. I again clinch up and she yanks on the leash. Im starting to understand that I need to just let her down what she wants. I feel her slide up my back and I can feel her massive breasts against me. she reaches down and begins to rub my hole with her finger I clinch up again.i told her its gonna hurt and im not ready for that stuff she said no it won’t hurt baby Im gentle, and I have something for u to get u ready. for some crazy reason I believed her. then she stood went over to the dresser came back and handed me a little jar and turned the tv on. she told me she gonna stream a video to the tv. she also told me she wanted to to inhale from this little jar every time the video tells me too. she tells me to lay on my stomach to watch. she is sitting behind me rubbing my ass. the video starts off with kinda fast music and a girl voice commanding me to listen to the hit counter in the corner and inhale what she says too. and the lady on the video is calling me all types of sissy names. then cocks and girls sucking cocks start flashing through. I start inhalling at every command. im like 3 minutes in and im completely in love with the idea cock I cant believe so much cock is running through my mind. my cock is hard im so turned on I realize Tiana is a 2 fingers deep in me and im loving it. im so horny its driving me nuts I want more idk what I want more of I just want to do more. im ready to fuck Tiana. she can sense Im ready for her. she pulls her fingers out turns me over, i reach to go up her dress I want to eat her out. she grabs my hand shoves the jar tells me to inhale deeply and close my eyes, I do she says inhale again, again , again, the video still playing in the back ground. I can hear it call me a cock sucker and slut etc. she says open ur eyes baby. I open them and see her dress up and at least 9 inch uncut black cock between her legs, my mouth opens in shock im bout to say something to her but before I could she yanks the leash and slams her monster in my mouth. I immediately start sucking like im in love with it. she tells me a good girl and she knew I loved her cock. im completely hypnotized by her and the poppers I cant stop sucking this thing. every so often she makes me up for a hit. perabet I can feel her cock rock hard she is liking it im so proud of my self for being good at sucking cock. im should be hating my self but Im having so my fun. she looks down at me and says let me see ur asss again. I stand up to turn around, I see her grab the lube or something like that, I turn over she lubes her fingers up and start working my hole. I inhale every so often even tho the video stopped. its back to being dark I cant see anything again. I feel a lot of pressure on my hole and then I feel little pain that starts to turn into a pleasure feeling. tiana asks me does it feel good sissy? I let out a moan and said yes ma’am. I feel her thrusting faster, then I hear her tell me to open my mouth, with my eyes adjusted I look up D is standing on the other side of the bed with his long fat black cock hanging in front of my nose. I gladly open my mouth start sucking Ds massive cock. I feel his cock getting harder and harder. I look back and its not tiana fucking me its the cowboy who gave me my name. at this point it feels so good I don’t care, tiana hands me the poppers and tells me she needed me to open up more before she could fit. I feel the cowboy really thrusting and he tells tiana he is getting close. he pulls out takes his condom off, D pulls his cock from my mouth the cowboys slams his cock down my throat and starts dumping cum in my mouth as he is doing that I feel another cock enter my ass, and this one is a lot bigger then the last, I hear tiana say swallow so I did of course. and to be honest I kind of liked it and they all could tell. I look behind me and tiana is fucking me and D is stroking his cock over in the corner. I continue to inhale, my cock is oozing cum it feels amazing. I hear a knock at the door then a few voices. I hear D tell them to cum in my mouth, idk where they came from but three guys walk over to my face and start cumming all over my face and mouth I swallow as much as I can. they finish and leave.
tiana pulls out comes around front of me and tells me to finish her off, I begin sucking and just like I expect D is jamming is massive cock in my ass. he is working it in really well, tiana tells me not to waste a drop of her cum. I promised not too.D is really starting to fuck me hard, I think im gonna cum I yell. and before I know it I start to cum but nothing like I have experienced before this was different this was earth shaking. then D starts dumping his load in my ass and at the very same time tiana is blowing her load down my throat. It was the biggest load over im trying to keep it all in mouth its starts dripping out, D pulls outs cums dripping out of my cock ass and mouth at the same time. D smacks my ass tells me good girl and walks out. tiana smiles at me throws some cash at me tells me thats my cut, then snaps picture. she explains they have parties once a month a guys will pay to dump their loads on sissys like me. so the picuture is for the group website and the money was from the loads I took. except Ds and her load cuz they were on the house she said. she told me she better see me next month. I said yes ma’am, then she made me lick the cum off her cock and the bed. she said she told not to waste a drop. she lead me back to another bed room put me in the bed she got in next to me. kissed me on my neck and told me to get to sleep cuz some guys crash here and they want head in the morning. I nodded yes closes my eyes and fell asleep with a smile…..

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