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Homeschooling Shana
It was the summer after Toya’s freshman year of college, and it was only the third time she had come home since we had dropped her off last August. It was great to finally be home for more than a few days, she thought. She was attending a big university several hours away, and the only times she’d been able to visit us was for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Now, though, she had the entire summer back home in Florida to work on her tan, relax, and spend time with her family. She had really missed her sister, especially, while she was away. Shana was s*******n when Toya went off to college – she was just getting to the age when years didn’t mean so much and the sisters had more in common. Now, back for the summer, Toya was looking forward to the opportunity to reconnect with her sister.
Shana was 18 now, a year younger than Toya’s 19. It had been lonely for her, at first, when Toya left for college. She still had her year-younger brother Joey around to hang out with, and they had grown closer over the past year, which was nice. But still, it was very different. There was no one at home to talk with about girl stuff – clothes, makeup… boys. She especially wished her sister was around so they could talk about boys. Shana had gone out with a few boys from school, and the farthest she had gone with any of them was kissing. Her last boyfriend, Mark, had gotten a few good makeout sessions before they ended up breaking up. The breakup was a shame, although Shana initiated it. She had really wanted to take their relationship to the next level, sexually, but didn’t really know what to do. Unfortunately, she had put it off too long, and Mark got impatient, apparently, and ended up coaxing a blowjob out of her slut friend Stacy. So obviously, Shana had to dump him when she found out. Shana was determined to get some advice from her older sister while she was back, so as to not let such a thing happen to her again.
The first week Toya was back, she and Shana got plenty of time to hang out. We worked all day, so the sisters would typically wake up late, head to the beach, find some lunch, then either go back to the beach in the afternoon or hang out with friends, or just head back to the house. One morning, while the sisters were lounging around at home about to go to the beach, Toya brought up the subject of boys.
“So whatever happened to Mark, Shana?”
Shana told her the story of him, and Stacy.
“What an asshole! I can’t believe some guys!”
“Yeah,” Shana replied, “but I guess it’s not totally his fault.”
“Of course it is! He cheated on you, Shana…”
“I know, I know. What I mean is… I don’t know, I guess I can’t help but feel at least a little responsible… you know? I mean, we were together for a few months, and anytime he tried to do that kind of stuff with me, I shot him down. I can’t say I blame him too much for getting head from Stacy when I wouldn’t do it for him.”
“Oh… well why didn’t you do it for him? I’m just asking, you know – it’s totally cool if you want to wait for a while before getting into that kind of stuff. It’s definitely your decision. I’m just curious,” Toya said.
“I know… but it’s not that I didn’t want to… I was just sort of scared, you know? I didn’t know where to start, and I didn’t want to do anything wrong.”
“So you would have had sex with him if you knew what to do?”
“Well yeah,” Shana replied, “God only knows how many times I rubbed myself raw after I got home from one of our dates…! I would have loved to have gone all the way with him, but I’d just heard so many horror stories of girls’ first times, and I knew if I got him naked then I would want to fuck him, then I wouldn’t know how to do it right, and…”
Toya cut her off, “Calm down, sis! You’re underestimating yourself. But you’re right… from here on out, if you want to keep a guy, you’re going to have to give him a reason to stay!”
“What about you? How are you doing in the boy department? What are college boys like?”
Toya chuckled. “Well, if you must know, I’m doing quite well for myself. College boys only want to fuck… but, God, it’s so great! They take you out for dinner, then afterwards you go back to one of your places and give him a handjob or a blowjob or something… Then the next time, after the date, you get to fuck! Then after that, sometimes you don’t even go on a date… you just meet up for sex – between classes, in the middle of the night, whenever. And you can do it with more than one guy at the same time, too. Nobody cares!”
“Wow,” Shana said, “That’s awesome… but everyone doesn’t think you’re a slut?”
“Of course not, everybody does it this way.”
“Well in that case, I definitely need to figure this out before I get to college. I don’t want everyone thinking I’m a prude or something.”
Just then Toya saw Me sleepily walking out of our bedroom towards the bathroom, wearing only my boxers. All this talk about sex had her thinking somewhat naughty thoughts about her dad. He had really shaped up in the last year! A little bit of hair on his toned chest, some stubble on his face, nice abs… he was turning into one of the college boys she was used to having so much fun with.
“Well I’d like to help you figure it out, sis. What do you say I teach you how to pleasure a guy?” Toya asked her sister.
“Yeah, Toya, that would be great… but how?”
I was walking back toward our bedroom when Toya stood up and called out to him. “Hey Dad, come her for a sec.”
I looked up, then walked into the living room. Toya walked up to me, then put her hands on my shoulders. “This is going to be so much fun!” she said to no one in particular.
“Follow me, you two,” she said.
I was still a little sleepy after brushing my teeth and my morning piss, so I followed my daughters without much thought. Shana was a little confused, still not really understanding what her sister was up to, but she stood and followed anyway.
Toya walked into her room with her father and sister behind her. She told them to sit down on her bed, and they did.
“What?” I asked her.
“Shut up, Dad. You’ll love this,” Toya said to me, standing in front us. “Okay, Shana ,” she said to her sister, “the first step is to get the guy good and horny.”
“WHAT?” I said again. Shana looked at her sister incredulously.
“Okay, Dad, you’re done talking for the rest of the day. This is about Shana. And Shana, you wanted my help, so here it is.”
“Well yeah, but…” she replied.
“But, nothing. We need a guy for this, and Dad’s pretty hot if you forget he’s our dad. You’re actually pretty lucky, you know. And you,” Toya directed towards me, “you’re really fucking lucky, so just go with it, okay?”
“As I said,” Toya started again, “the first step is to get him good and horny. Usually bahis siteleri canlı this is done by the two of you making out.”
Shana took a sideways glace at me, then glared at Toya again.
“Go ahead, Shana,” Toya said.
“I don’t know about this, Toya,” Shana said, with a somewhat worried look on her face.
“Oh, for God’s sake!” Toya said in exasperation as she moved to the bed. She put her knees on the edge of the bed, on either side on My hips, and put her hands on my naked chest, pushing me back to a reclined position. She moved her hands to my shoulders, then lowered her face to mine, pausing with her lips a fraction of an inch above mine. I lay there, still in disbelief, with my lips parted. Toya pressed her lips to mine, giving me an almost relationshiply peck. Then, she pressed her tongue into my mouth finding mine, closed her eyes, and gave me one sexy, several-second-long french kiss. She lifted her mouth from mine, then stroked my hair with one hand as she went back down and sucked my bottom lip into her mouth. I finally moved my hands to rest on the sides of her ribcage as we finished our kiss.
Toya lifted her head a bit and looked at her sister. “See,” she said, “Dad’s willing to play. Why don’t you join in?”
Shana sighed, turned on by the sight of her two relatives entwined, then nodded. Toya raised up off me, and turned onto her side next to Me. Shana was a little more hesitant than her sister, first gently taking one hand and resting it on my chest before sliding it down my abs to my navel. She smiled at me, then leaned over for a kiss. Instinct took over at this point, and Shana started making out with Me like I was one of her boyfriends. She pressed her mouth over mine, and took my lips in hers. I began to take initiative and slid my tongue in between her lips and into her mouth. Her tongue found mine, and she let it swirl around it as we made out. She continued to rub her hand over my chest, and my hands found their way to the side of her head and her side. Toya took a moment to remove Shana’s shirt, which left her in her short shorts and bikini top. I enjoyed the fact that there was more skin to touch and my wandering hands began to turn on Shana that much more. I cupped her ass with one of my hands and gave a little squeeze. Shana cradled my head in her hands as she continued the assault with her mouth, stroking my head and hair as our warm mouths explored each other.
Toya reached her hand down to the crotch of My boxers, feeling the tent that my growing erection was forming. She then took one of Shana’s hands in hers and led it to My covered cock. Shana instinctively grabbed my dick through my boxers loosely in her hand, and began to rub around it.
“Okay,” she said. “It looks like Dad is ready for step two.”
Shana removed her mouth from mine and smiled, biting her bottom lip as she looked into my eyes. I couldn’t help but smile, not believing the turn that his morning had taken.
“Let’s start with a handjob. Sometimes, if you don’t want to go all the way with a guy yet, a handjob can be a good way of giving him something without doing too much. Dad, take off your boxers.”
I grinned, then was out of my boxers in record time. Shana’s lips parted as she stared at my erection. It was so big, she thought. So hard… so beautiful. My hard cock was angled up towards the ceiling, and my balls lay loosely below it. I propped himself up on his elbows, waiting for whatever it was to come.
“Nice dick, father… I’m impressed! Okay, Shana. Wrap your little hand around Dad’s nice, hard cock that he is so kind to give us.”
She did as she was told, feeling how hard, yet how soft, my shaft was. I sighed at the feeling of my daughter’s touch and let my head fall back. God, this was getting better and better every second.
“Now… pretty much, you just move your hand up and down on his dick. Don’t forget about his balls, too. Give them some attention, roll them around in your hand… Go ahead.”
Shana started to slowly jack me off, sliding her hand up and down my dick. With her other hand, she cupped my balls and lifted up a bit, taking their weight in her hand. She jiggled them around, smiling as she explored my body. She began to speed up her action… it was kind of fun. My breathing had also sped up considerably by this point. My cock felt harder than it had ever been in my life, and my daughter was actually doing a good job. We were both starting to get into it when Toya spoke up.
“Well, that’s pretty much that.”
“What?” Shana asked, stopping the motion of her hand and resting her hand on My cock.
“I said, that’s a hand job. You did well. That’s about all there is to it.”
“But what about when he cums? I mean, what happens then? That’s the important part, right?” Shana said, confused.
Toya laughed. “Don’t worry about that, sis… I’m sure we’ll get to that part all too soon…”
Shana relaxed and lifted her hand off of my still-hard cock.
“A hand job is a great way to give a boy something to keep him coming back, without really giving him too much,” Toya taught her sister. “But,” she continued, “if you want to give him a little bit more, then we transition from using your hand to pleasure him to using your mouth.”
“Okay,” Shana responded, “What do I do?”
“It’s really hard to do it too wrong,” Toya answered, “but start by holding his dick in your hand and taking the tip into your mouth. The head of the penis is the most sensitive part, so it’s really important that you stimulate it. If you can take it further, then it feels really good to the guy if you’re able to take more into your mouth… It’s best if you let your lips and tongue rub along his shaft as you bob your head up and down on his cock.”
I smiled and eagerly nodded my head in agreement.
“Come on,” Toya said, “give it a try! Dad’s waiting…”
Shana smiled a shy smile as she was really about to cross a new barrier. Of course, today was the first time she’d ever held a guy’s cock, so that was definitely a milestone… But to actually take a penis in her mouth! That was a big step! And God, not to mention whose dick it was… her own father’s! This was almost too much for her. She took a deep breath and re-gripped My dick. She looked up at Me as her head lowered towards my crotch and saw my big grin. Well, if nothing else, she thought, she was helping me out and making me feel good.
Her face stopped an inch from the tip of my dick. She gingerly extended her tongue until the tip contacted the head of my penis. At the moment of contact, my cock jumped at the sensation. She smiled, then swirled her tongue around the perimeter of My manhood. She took one hand and cupped my balls again, then enclosed the tip of my penis into her warm mouth.
“Ah… casino siteleri ohh, God, Shana … that… feels so good,” I managed to say.
My encouragement made Shana feel a little bit more at ease. She took another half inch of My dick into her mouth, then pulled up to its tip. She started to get into a bobbing motion, able to take a little bit more of my cock into her mouth each time, until she maxed out at a little more than half of his length. She blew me slowly, drawing out her motions as her lips slid along all sides of his cock as she bobbed up and down.
“Okay, Shana…From the looks of dad’s face, he’s getting pretty close to an orgasm. I don’t blame him… he’s had an exciting morning so far. You have a couple options here. You could either take it out of your mouth and jack him off as he cums; or, you could leave it in and let him cum into your mouth.”
Shana momentarily popped my dick out of her mouth to ask, “Which is better for him?”
“Leave it in,” both Toya and I answered at the same time.
Shana resumed the blowjob with a new sense of purpose. She was about to make me cum. The first guy ever that would orgasm as a result of her efforts and hard work… She had to make this good. She looked up at me and made eye contact as she sucked my dick. My face was scrunching up a bit, and my mouth was hanging open. I rested my hand on the back of Shana’s head and loosely grabbed her hair.
“Alright, Shana, here it comes,” Toya warned her sister, experienced with guys at their moment of orgasm.
Shana swirled her tongue around the tip of my cock as the first ribbon of semen spewed from my cock. She continued to suck me in as the second, then third, and fourth spurts of My cum shot into her mouth. Shana instinctively swallowed the thick liquid that was invading her mouth as she felt My balls twitching in her hand, feeding my cum into her waiting mouth.
I was mildly bucking my hips at this point, absolutely loving the warm sensation of my daughter’s mouth enclosing my most prized possession as I came. I shot more semen that I thought I probably ever had before during this seemingly never-ending orgasm. Finally, my orgasm died down, my body collapsed, and I let out the breath I had been holding in for several seconds. Shana gave one last swallow and removed her mouth from my cock, letting it go with a sloppy ‘pop’. She smiled up at me with a small glob of his cum showing on her bottom lip.
“That was so fucking hot!” Toya said as she dropped to her knees. She took Shana’s face in her hands and, before her sister knew it, gave her a full-on, full-tongue kiss. Although surprised, Shana wasted no time in embracing her sister’s kiss. She moaned into Toya’s mouth as their tongues danced. Toya gave her sister one last peck on the lips, then caught the one glob of my cum that was still hanging on Shana’s lip with her tongue before she leaned back and admired her sister.
“Damn our dad tastes good, don’t you think?” she said.
Shana smiled as she sat back on her heels, tasting my flavor in her mouth.
Toya took the quiet moment as an opportunity to continue her lesson. “A blow job is always a good move. Apparently it feels amazing, so the boy is always satisfied if that’s as far as you’re going to take it that night. Also, guys are always way too excited their first time with you, so if you want to fuck him it’s still a good move to get him to cum once before he penetrates you. That way, he lasts longer when he does fuck you.”
“Before he penetrates me with this?” Shana asked, lifting and dropping my limp cock.
“Well, obviously we need to get him hard again…” Toya continued, “A good way to get him nice and horny is to let him eat you out. It’s a good way to get yourself warmed up, too.”
I already began to perk up a bit from the nature of my daughters’ talk.
“Okay…” Shana replied, a little nervous about completely exposing herself in front of her father, even though she knew it would happen eventually… and even though she had just swallowed a load of his semen. She kind of knew from the start that she and I would be fucking by the end of Toya’s lesson, but as of this point she was still wearing both her bikini top and bottom, and her shorts.
“Well, the first step is to get that top off…” Toya said, getting impatient.
Shana faced me on the bed, then reached up and untied her top, letting it fall to the floor. I was in awe as I stared at my youngest daughter’s full, perfect breasts. God, had her chest changed since last time I saw it when they used to bathe together. Her breasts weren’t large, but they definitely weren’t too small. They were just… perfect. Small, dark, erect nipples capped the tips of her beautiful tits as they hung from her chest magnificently. I couldn’t help but stare.
“Alright Dad, I’m pretty sure instinct should take over at this point,” Toya coaxed me. “Make your little girl feel good.”
I tenderly reached out and cupped Shana’s breasts with both hands. I had never really fantasized about my daughter before, but I had certainly noticed how she had grown into a beautiful young woman. It was never really sexual… I just admire her, I guess. But now, it was definitely sexual feelings that I had. All of the pent-up, unrealized feelings that I’ve for my daughter came to consciousness as I held her breasts in my hands. I leaned my daughter back until she lay flat on the bed, then he I bent down and took one of her glorious nipples into my mouth and sucked. Shana dropped her head to the mattress and let out a sigh. Even after all the fun she and I had had this morning, this moment was still the first real sexual pleasure she had ever felt from a man.
I continued to tenderly suck on her breast as my hands wandered around her chest and abs, then down to her crotch. Shana jumped a bit at the feeling of my strong hand on her pubic mound, but quickly relaxed as she realized that she would rather be nowhere else at this moment. As I reached my mouth up to give Shana another sensual kiss, Toya helped out by first pulling off her sister’s shorts, then her bikini bottom. Both Us were now completely nude.
The new change in attire allowed My wandering hand full access to Shana’s beautiful young body. My fingers found the entrance to her vagina as I continued to make out with her. As one of my fingers made its way into her sopping wet pussy, Shana came out of her stupor and began to rub her hands over my back. She gripped my shoulders as I began to finger her pussy.
“Ahh… that feels so nice, Dad…” Shana moaned as our mouths parted.
I slid down the bed until I was on my knees on the floor. Shana’s ass was on the bed with her pussy at the edge. I positioned himself so her legs were spread and resting on canlı casino my shoulders and my face was near her crotch. I looked up as Shana grinned down at me, anticipating the pleasure that I was about to bring her. I concentrated my effort back to the task at hand. I had eaten out a couple of girls before, but I felt like I was really being put to the test here as my oldest daughter watched.
I extended his tongue and let it drag across one of the outside lips of Shana’s sex. Her abs clenched and she drew a sharp breath in. Yes, she had masturbated before… but this was already so much better. Her hand came down to rest on the side of my head as I teased her. I continued to lick around her pussy without making contact until Shana broke down and pulled my face towards her pleasure center. I obliged and thrust my tongue into her.
“Oh God Daddy, yes!” she yelled.
I swirled my tongue around inside her sex before contacting her clit, which sent her overboard. She clenched my short hair with both hands and spread her legs wide as I ate her out. The sharp pleasure she felt flooded her head and she lost track of time as my tongue worked wonders on her. Just as her breath began to quicken, she barely heard her sister once again call off our fun. She lifted her head and looked down to see Toya behind Me with her head on my shoulder and her hand around My rock hard cock, gently stroking me.
“I said,” Toya repeated, “he’s hard again. It’s time for our Daddy to fuck your brains out. You ready sis?”
Shana stroked my hair lovingly. “Oh yeah!” she answered.
Neither My daughter nor I had could believe this. Although neither one of us had previously considered the other a candidate for sexual pleasure, we were so entwined in their current affair that all we could think about was fucking. We wanted nothing more than to fuck each other until we were both satisfied.
“Alright, Dad,” Toya said, “this is your time to shine.”
I gave Shana one last lick for good measure, then rose to the bed beside my daughter. I lay on his side next to Shana, and rubbed his hand over her stomach and breasts. I lowered my head to hers and forced his tongue into her mouth, where it swirled about with hers. While we kissed, I swung one leg between Shana’s knees as i settled myself on top of her, then I spread her legs with my other knee. I broke the kiss as Shana reached down and grabbed my hard cock, pointing it toward the entrance to her warm, sopping wet hole. I lowered my buttocks until my dick was pressed against her opening, then gave a push until the head of my penis was enclosed comfortably within her. Both of us stayed in this position as we breathed heavily, our mouths open, waiting for the next step. Finally, I grabbed her shoulders and pushed all the way inside her, letting out my held breath and nearly collapsing on top of her.
“Ahh… Oh, Dad… God… oh fuck,” Shana moaned. She breathed heavily, savoring the feeling of fullness she felt as my long cock was sheathed entirely within her. She relished the feel of my muscular body covering hers, my toned body pressed on her pert breasts, her nipples smashed to my chest, the stubble of my face resting against her smooth cheeks. She wrapped her arms around my body, her hands resting on my shoulder blades as we lay, growing accustom to one another.
I kissed my once again, then withdrew my cock from her. I gently slid it back into her warmth as she moaned, then withdrew once again. Shana’s lips were parted and her eyes were tightly shut, concentrating only on our joining. I was now getting into a rhythm, pulling out and entering again as Shana’s hands slid down to the sides of my rib cage. I sucked on the nape of her neck as I continued my assault on her body. Her legs wrapped around my lower back, pulling my cock further into her with every thrust as I continued to fuck my daughters young body.
Shana loved the feeling of my cock inside her. She couldn’t imagine a person more suited to take her virginity than Me, who she knew loved her and would take care of her. Likewise, I was certainly enjoying the sensations that my daughter’s soft, slick, warm pussy was giving me as we were joined on the bed. Shana reached down and gently grabbed and massaged My balls in her hand as I fucked her. Every time my cock entered her body, it gradually stretched her insides until it bottomed out inside her as her narrow canal squeezed the head of my cock. Then she would feel me pull out until only my engorged head was left inside her. By now, she was getting warmed up to the point that her hips were beginning to rise and fall to compliment my thrusts. She began to buck her hips as a warm, tingling sensation started to build up in her loins. Her breath began to become sharper and more frequent as My efforts paid off.
“Oh God Daddy, this is so… fucking… GOOD!”
My confidence boosted yet again as I sped up his thrusts. Shana wrapped her hands around my neck and pulled my face to hers, once again interlocking our lips and tongues as we pleasured each other. As the pleasure began to build within her to an almost unbearable level, Shana spread her legs wide and began to hump her butt off the sheets. All at once, the pleasure crashed down as she began to come.
Shana’s pussy began to rhythmically clench and release my cock as I pumped into her still. She closed her eyes and let out a soft, prolonged moan as her orgasm took over. I, realizing that my daughter was cumming, allowed myself to finish as well. I grabbed her shoulders from beneath and pumped into her depths for all that I was worth. I released one strong rope of semen into my daughter as my orgasm took over my body. I managed to pull my spewing cock from its home after the first spurt as I collapsed onto my daughter. I continued to thrust as my cock slid, slick from my daughter’s pussy, between our stomachs, pressed tightly together. I squirted three, then four more gradually weaker spurts between our hot bodies until I finally completely collapsed onto Shana.
We lay there catching our breath for several moments as we regained composure from our mutual orgasm, our sweaty cheeks pressed against one another. Finally, I raised up onto my elbows, separating our stomachs and leaving a string of cum connecting us. I rolled onto my side and stared at my daughter, drained and sexually satisfied. She opened her eyes weakly, smiling at me with her hand on his side. She eyed me up and down, from my sweaty matted hair to my heaving toned chest to my gradually softening cock, admiring the man that I was. She wiped my cum from my stomach and spread it onto hers, joining it with the semen that I had deposited on her during my orgasm.
“I’m almost speechless,” Toya said, watching us in out post-orgasmic glow. “I’d have to say our lesson is complete. You’re ready for college, little sis!”
“Maybe…,” Shana said, biting her bottom lip and still looking at me. “But I think we might have to practice again later, just to make sure.”
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