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Jeri, Miguel and Sylvia at the Star-Vue motelI went from bored to horny really quickly.I had to get back to my gig, though I didn’t really want to, now. Jeri and Miguel had their heads close together. then they were kissing just like people who are going to find a motel soon. I had never seen her like this. She was gettting to me. I wanted to crawl under the table, push her skirt way up her thighs, pull the crotch of her panties over, and bury my face in her pubes. Jeri had a nice bush, and a fragrance and taste, even when she wasn’t excited, but now I knew she was. My whole thing with my music is to let nothing distract me. My focus was going away because of this picture in my head. Miguel was in the picture, too, maybe I was blowing him or something like that…but Jeri …The three of us went to a motel in Huntington Beach someplace after my show. I was thinking, as we rode over in Jeri’s car, of him riding my puss so sweet it would be more like Cuntington Beach. My pussy was wet. Jeri was driving . We were making out in the back seat. He’d been groped by both of us. He really got the message, and now that he knew how the rest of the evening was supposed to go, he was an eager boy if his hard cock was any measure.. He was kissing me and had two fingers up me. It felt really great. I thought: “This is what is supposed to happen in back seats.”I didn’t want to leave Jeri out so I said to her:: “Miguel has two fingers up me, Jeri, two fucking fingers. I’m a long way from comming, but it really feels great. How much longer till we get to this place?”We were fingering and kissing and cock stroking in the back seat. I was thinking about Miss Hanscomb’s idea about tying me up so I was helpless, and then having these guys come and fuck me till I went crazy. I was all mashed up in this squirmy kiss with him. Where did he learn to finger my little pussy like that? In my mind, I was bound with knots and strong rope so that I could barely move, but my pussy and ass were wide open, and little Miguel was the. “male talent” they had sent over to fuck my holes without mercy. God, he was so fucking hot. My pussy was a river. We were on the freeway, still a few miles from the motel.I don’t know how Jeri found this place. I never thought therewas a funky part of Huntington Beach, but she found it.”Don’t ask, but one time I cheated on my husband, and the guy took me here. He said “If you aren’t killing somebody, they don’t care how much noise you make at the Star-Vue Motel..””Too bad he wasn’t the guy who got a lot of noise out of me. I wanted to come back here so the three of us could fuck as noisy as we want. I’m paying for everything. Does that sound like a deal?”.We pulled into the parking space in front of room twenty-three. It looked as if most of the place were empty.”Yeah, not so busy on weekdays, but it fills right up on Friday nights. Quite a few hookers work out of here. I hear you guys in the backseat, and now it’s going to take me a while to get that fresh pussy smell out of my car. Sylvia, I want some, your pussy and that boy too. Get your ass in the room.”Performing, being the center of attention, usually gets me interested in sex, and now we were in room twenty-three of the Star-Vue motel with some pot , Miguel, Dee Dee and our experience güvenilir illegal bahis siteleri and imaginations.I loved his tiny ass. You just couldn’t know how sexy that part of him was until his shorts came off. A dimple at the base of his spine, and two perfectly shaped little buns. He had a little man asshole in there, too.I wanted to just yank his pants down as soon as we came through the door, but Miguel was too dignified for that. He would have been offended. I have some things I like to do with my lover’s asses when I’m in the mood, and that’s where I was tonight.What I didn’t expect was to be hand cuffed behind my back by Jeri before we got through the door. She said “Sylvia. turn around…” and, like that, I was a prisoner. Her prisoner.”Sylvia, you’ve been telling me you like to play games like this?”I was stunned. It was so quick.”Jeri! Are you really going to hurt me?””How much hurt do you want, baby? I just want to see you happy..””Wow” was all I could think.”I’m going to fuck this beautiful man right in front of you, Sylvia, a few inches away, and I want you to stay there in your fucking handcuffs and watch it. I know you are so horny now, you can hardy wait.”I fell to my knees”I want you to watch us and get so excited that you beg to come, beg me for it, do you understand?'”Jeri, I had no idea…””Well, now you do, bitch. Let’s get your fucking clothes off. This is going to be a fucking party.”To Miguel: (in Spanish)”Remember what I told you about this girl and piss? She is such a degraded whore she will do anything, anything. She will beg you to let her drink your piss, Miguel, plead and beg for it. You can spit in her face, put your sperm there, or turn around and she will beg you to wipe you ass all over her face. She would do this without those handcuffs, wouldn’t you, Sylvia?”Here was my moment.”Yes. Miss Blake, yes, please.”We were in the motel room. Jeri was already unbuttoning my blouse.Miguel: (in Spanish) But Jeri, I am confused. This woman is no whore. What are you trying to say?She is a singer and an artist and will one day be famous and richer than all of us…”I”Tell after three hours is Sylvia is a whore or not, Miguel…”I”“””Sylvia, . I noticed something when I was still in school, before I was married. When I suck a dick, my mouth gets..what is the word?…my mouth gets all wet and spitty, you know, kind of like a pussy, and If I like what I’m doing, the spit gets all over him, gets all over my face and runs off my chin and his penis. Sometimes, if he’s a good lover, he rubs that fat cock all over my fucking face, I know you like to see that or have your lover do that, don’t you? Now, dear, all you can do is watch. and you can’t touch your pussy no matter how much you want to, and when the spit is starting to drip, from us, I want you to scootch under us on your bare bottom, and catch it before it hits the floor. Do you understand? Don’t let any spit or drool or whatever..pre-cum, maybe? touch the floor. Don’t let it touch the floor. It’s best if you get it in your mouth, but, as long as it lands on you, you won’t be punished.. By the time I get all wet, I’ll be moaning a little, I always do. You little güvenilir bahis şirketleri cunt, I know you like to hear that shit, don’t you?”””Yes, Miss Blake. I love it.””Let me hear you moan, cunt. Moan like you do when he finally gets that cock in your whore mouth..”I wasn’t quite ready. I made a fucked up attempt at a moan.Jeri reached down and squeezed my nipple. Hard.”I want you to watch us and get so excited that you beg to come, beg me for it, do you understand?”I had done this before…it sounded like fun.“Yes. Miss Blake, yes, please.”I said to Miguel in my best Spanish: “Miguei, my darling, please listen carefully. Please. I am a complicated woman, do you understand? Sometimes I’m the quiet girl from the high school, sometimes, when your penis inhabits my insides, I feel like the goddess of love. Sometimes I need to be treated like a filthy, filthy whore. This is part of who I am, my dearest, amd I will play these women in the roles I do on stage, in front of hundreds of people. Those people won’t know I sing of my love and my need for you, Miguel, the need I have in my loins for you. now.How does it feel to you when I have wrapped my pussy as tightly as I possibly can around your penis? How does if feel, Miguel?”” It feels as if I have ascended to heaven, Sylvia.””Let me do that for you. please. Fill my mouth and my pussy and my asshole with semen. Let me be your slave and Jeri’s slave, and then I will give you love with every part of my woman’s body. Please degrade me now in any way you choose, but please do not beat me, or break my bones. Please do not scar my face. My hands are bound, so I cannot prevent you from doing anything you want.”Jeri demonstrated by spitting directly into my face from two inches away.She already had most of my clothes off. My breasts were exposed.”””All I’ve been wanting to do since I picked this guy up tonight is suck that big dick you told me about, Sylvia. I groped him a little driving over to the club..that’s the biggest dick I’ve ever…”I told you…””Shut your fucking trap.”Jeri was rubbing her cheek against the front of Miguel’s trousers. “It’s been so long since I had a nice big one in my mouth, Sylvia. how about you?”I was silent.” I want to feel him explode in my mouth, that’s another thing I could never get my husband to do. Sylvia, do you think you will get excited watching me blow Miguel like that?””Yes, Miss Blake.””You’re dying for it, aren’t you, you little whore?””For what, excuse me, Miss Blake?””To wrap your lips around him, and your arms around his ass and his hips and feel Miguel pump and pump and pump till he fills your little mouth full of his sperm. To hold his cock in your mouth like that until he stops coming, and then hold him gasping in your arms?””Yes, oh please, Miss Blake. I want that so bad..””Do you want to hold his deposit of salty jizz in your mouth as long as you can, till it burns, just because it feels so fucking sexy?””Yes, Miss Blake, I love that, I want that.”I was starting to get turned on now. I don’t know where Jeri, my sweet friend, had gotten this script, but it was working. My hands were secure behind my back. I tried to get my fingers down so at least I could tickle my ass, but she had cuffed me so I couldn’t reach.”I’ll canlı bahis şirketleri bet after that, you want to get on your back, spread your legs, open your pussy lips, and have Miguel fuck you and fuck you and fuck you until you are coming so hard and fast you are screaming and crying and begging him to stop except when you are begging him not to or getting so excited you are telling Miguel you will kill him if he takes that cock out of you…”I hadn’t quite thought of it that way, but I liked Jeri’s description. It was close enough. I could feel a drop or two now on the outside of my pussy. The inside of my pussy had been wet since we were making out in the back seat.”Yes, Miss Blake, I want that. My puss is so wet for that…””Well, I’m going to get that. You get to watch. don’t try to touch yourself, do you understand? Does it ever excite you, just to watch, or do you need to touch and kiss and love and suck and FUCK!?”I actually made a groan, a sex groan. I don’t know where it came from, but it was loud.I knew this little piece of bondage and torture that I didn’t plan for was going to be interesting, that’s what the moan told me.Jeri got his clothes off, then hers. I liked seeing Miguel naked, of course, but I liked seeing Jeri naked even more. It didn’t take too long for me to get the idea that Miguel was going to eat her puss before any other festivities began. seemed like a good idea to me, except…”Cum-whore, get up and come over her a sit on the bed. i want you to watch him eat me out…watch him, understand? that is what youi are going to do. NO touching, no talking unless I talk to you first. Tell me if you want some attention by moaning like you just did. Do you understand?””Maybe I will have Miguel give your pussy a lick. enough to excite you, not nearly enough for what you need.””Yes Miss Blake.”Now I got the first intense burst of wanting it. I had been through this before with Judy, I couldn’t touch myself, or him, or her. All I could do was look into her eyes, listen to her. watch both of them, and let the passion build.Jeri did not bring us all the way out to the Star-Vue motel with the intention of being quiet. She had been having quiet sex her whole life. Six or seven rooms on either side of room twenty-three were empty.She began to talk to Miguel as he pleasured her.”Eat my pussy! Miguel! Eat it. …Fuck! ( in a lower, not quieter voice) “Oh fuck…yeah.Oh Jesus.”She broke our roles for a moment. Her breath was coming in short gasps now, though she could still string a few sentences together.”Oh, Sylvia, this is so good. I’ve had to keep my mouth shut about this my whole fucking life!”I was totally turned on now by my restraints and watching Jeri get so excited. The combination of sights, sounds,smells and touches,at least the ones I could grab while being handcuffed, were nothing short of wonderful. I loved Jeri’s sex noise, the panting, sighing,moans and her sex words to Miguel:”Oh baby, you make my pussy feel so fucking good…””Sylvia, did you and Judy teach him how to do this? He eats me like he is the fucking devil’s nephew.”I was in restraints, and the feeling of pure lust was just starting to pour through my body, I could see MIguel’s tongue near Jeri’s clit where I thought mine should be, I could see his proud penis in the air, the fat crown with his foreskin back ,with a small drop or two of pre-cum, just where I felt my mouth should also be. but still I laughed at Jeri’s comment.”Miss Blake, I have noticed Miguel to be rather a quick study, ma’am.””Indeed, my dear.” she said.” He is driving me crazy.”
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