Just a little nursing scene with a very long time

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Just a little nursing scene with a very long time
Hi Guys and Dolls.
Before I started doing Adult photos videos and phone sex I was Real Nurse RN. I am college educated so this is basically what would happen in real life with a real patient. Not a sexual thing but still sexy fantasy for many men! I often get reg exams or Nursing stories request on my nite flirts phone calls
Yes You can call me https://www.niteflirt.com/pid/9925537 look for nursevicki get 3 min free using this link

I thought I would share a recent fun time with a long time fellow Nurse who likes his temperature taken by a Nurse!
My Friend has been ill many years and is special to me, So I gave him a small gift of my time and my imagination to make him feel good! Yes once and nurse always a Nurse! I would not do this for just anyone but i know him for 15 years
This is only written though it gives idea on how a real Nurse does behaves. Of course my friend has a nurse thing and getting his temp taken! I don’t do this all the time, I was feeling in a good mood! Enjoy and remember it is better bahis siteleri canlı when I talk about it then just write! This is part 1

SilentPartner 57M Switch

Hope you are well
NurseVicki 55F Domme

yes indeed you sweetie
SilentPartner 57M Switch

Glad you are well. When I see you online I get sweaty.
NurseVicki 55F Domme

Why is that dear?
SilentPartner 57M Switch

I have a thing for nurses.
NurseVicki 55F Domme

i know we been friends for many years now
SilentPartner 57M Switch

and you have taken good care of me
SilentPartner 57M Switch

I adore that feeling
NurseVicki 55F Domme

Aww poor needy fellow lets take your temp! SaY aww
SilentPartner 57M Switch

I would always open for You….
NurseVicki 55F Domme

slides the glass rod into your mouth shh
picks up wrist and palpates it to find pulse looks at watch and counts your pulse
NurseVicki 55F Domme

smiles at you good boy I say
SilentPartner 57M Switch

Starting to redden immediately at the attention…
NurseVicki 55F Domme

as i start to watch your chest countng your breathes
SilentPartner canlı bahis 57M Switch

Tries to say thank you but it comes out sankyoo
NurseVicki 55F Domme

NurseVicki 55F Domme

shh no talking
SilentPartner 57M Switch

Blushes even more at being hushed by the lovely nurse
NurseVicki 55F Domme

I pick up the BP cuff of the rolling BP machine and pull it closer to you!
SilentPartner 57M Switch

(how do I look to You?)
NurseVicki 55F Domme

Be quiet i say as I lift your right arm up and wrap the cuff around you and smile as i put the head of my stethoscope under the cuff
NurseVicki 55F Domme

I slowly pump your arm up as i listen my eyes on the meter
SilentPartner 57M Switch

(Not talking Nurse…just open thoughts for You. )
SilentPartner 57M Switch

( I am warm at the idea of all this – is that sick or stupid?)
NurseVicki 55F Domme

you look pales sweaty and i am know you are ill just with that why else would you be here in a hospital bed
NurseVicki 55F Domme

(Just enjoy our little fantasy nothing wrong with that )
SilentPartner 57M Switch

moving bahis siteleri the thermometer from one side of my mouth to the other
NurseVicki 55F Domme

I am still working the Blood pressure and i notice you moving the i stop for a sec leave it I command
SilentPartner 57M Switch

stops in my tracks at your tone and command
NurseVicki 55F Domme

I release the valve and start over clucking my tougue at you be still please or i have to stick in your bottem
SilentPartner 57M Switch

(I should check bp in real life soon)
SilentPartner 57M Switch

(and temp)
NurseVicki 55F Domme

Umm well it is a bit high dear but You seem warm to ok lets see that ! Open your mouth
SilentPartner 57M Switch

opens for You
NurseVicki 55F Domme

I pull the glass rod out and hold it high enough for me to read 102 it reads. ” Yeah Your running a fever again, I better go get you your meds for that” smile and you
SilentPartner 57M Switch

looks at the caring Nurse

Part 2 tomorrow unless you care to call!
Call nursevicki for phone sex on Niteflirt.com

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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