Lt. Hottie – The Lorian Paradox

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Lt. Hottie – The Lorian Paradox
Commander “Trigger” Orion opened the hatch that lead to the power core. Behind him the sexy Lt. Holly Jo Ascella waited silently in the confines of the maintenance tube, waiting for his “all clear” signal. The hunky commander and the blonde beauty were onboard an enemy vessel, hoping to take advantage of a once in a life time prospect.

The opportunity had appeared quickly, and despite less than a day of planning they had been able to sneak aboard the enemy’s Vega class star cruiser. So far the mission had gone like clockwork, they were safely on board with a chance to deal a devastating blow to their enemy. If their Intel was correct, then this ship was picking up 3 high ranking Lorian officials who, if captured, could conceivably turn the tide of the war. They just had to make sure they slowed the Lorian ship down enough that the human alliance could get starships into place for a proper ambush.

Trigger silently waved the all clear signal, so Holly pushed his duffel bag through the opening of the hatch where he grabbed it. He opened it and checked its contents as she pulled herself out. Despite 20 minutes of crawling in a tunnel she looked fantastic. Her long blonde hair flowing as she dropped to the floor, checking for sensors. Trigger would have done so before signalling her, but she didn’t want to leave any part of this mission to chance.

It was a tricky mission, as they had to disable the ship enough to slow it, without stopping it outright. Complicating things further was that they had to make sure there was no evidence of sabotage what so ever. If the Lorians were anything, it was overly cautious. If there was even a whiff of something being out of place, they had a tendency to change their plans drastically. Despite her impressive record, Lt Ascella had several recent missions under her belt that had gone south when a Lorian had discovered the tiniest of details out of place. Lorian paranoia was extremely inefficient but it was slowly winning them the war. She was determined to avoid any making any mistakes on this mission. She’d do whatever she needed to, even if it meant working with Trigger.

Holly walked to the power core and inspected the casing. It was exactly as they expected, a round sphere of plasma, encased in a hexagonal metallic pillar, with bizarre controls designed with something other than human hands in mind. That feature alone made any idea of sabotage damn near impossible, luckily the lab technicians had finally found a way around it. An experimental solution Trigger was unpacking silently.

The two hadn’t talked much since coming on board. Trigger and Holly didn’t get along. Each was a decorated war hero in their own right, so there was a mutual, if grudging respect. Ultimately though, they had different ways of operating that usually didn’t complement one another, personally and professionally. In their off hours, he was a well-known ladies man, while she was much more private with her love life, despite having the nick name Lt. Hottie among the enlisted men. Not that any of them called her that to her face. Her wonderfully gorgeous face. Professionally, their differences had been made clear by the numerous yelling matches they’d had during mission planning sessions over the years.

The brass knew to utilize their abilities when they needed creative tactics, but never sent them into the field together. This mission had been the rare exception to that, and even then only because they were the only people in this section of the galaxy in the position to pull this off. Getting along didn’t matter, only accomplishing the mission did.

“Ready?” Trigger asked as he opened up his duffel bag and began to put on the custom built gloves over each hand. Designed to replicate Lorian appendages, the gloves were cylinders about a half a meter long. As he slid his hand into the opening at one end, the machine hummed and attached itself to his nervous system. From the other end, a meter long faux alien tentacle grew. If it worked, it was supposed to enable him to use the odd Lorian controls, a vital part of the plan. He’d need to insert his tentacle hands into the power core’s release mechanism, two holes on one side of the pillar, and then maintain neurolink through the handles to open the casing. Holly was then going to insert a bio-organic formula that had been developed specifically for the mission, into the power core. It was a one shot deal, once the neurolink was severed the appendages would become unable re-establish it. He felt an odd sensation as he slid the 2nd glove into place, it was as if his arms had grown several extra feet in length.

“Just a sec” Holly responded, pulling out a crystal globe from one of her hip pouches. He watched her do it, and couldn’t help but admire her body. They both wore skin tight suits, the inner layer to the clunky space suits they’d left behind when they entered the maintenance tunnel 20 minutes earlier, but she had more curves then he did, and he couldn’t help but enjoy them. He may not have liked her, but he couldn’t deny she was attractive.

“Shit” she said, holding up the crystal globe for him to see. The viscus fluid inside had leaked out, only half remained.

This was a serious issue, the fluid was to be inserted into the core, where it would lower the conductivity of the plasma. It would slow the ship down temporarily, and then dissolve into the plasma over the course of a few hours, leaving no trace whatsoever. Losing half of it could mean disaster for the entire plan.

To Trigger’s credit, he didn’t waste a single moment trying to figure out how the vial had broken, or if she was to blame. He just dealt with the situation as it was.

“Is there enough to complete the mission?” he asked.

“I don’t know.” She told him. “Open the casing and we’ll see.”

He inserted his “hands” into the holes, and after several seconds of feeling around, he found the release handles. His forearms tingled as he linked into the alien computer and he applied the pressure in ways that human hands simply couldn’t. With a strain he was able to open the casing. Holly peered over the top of the plasma sphere. It was mesmerizing, like a campfire, as it held it’s perfectly smooth surface while at the same time constantly shifting colours as the liquid energy within flowed randomly.

Holly threw her long blonde hair over a shoulder, as she leaned in and poured what she had on the very top of the sphere. The viscus fluid gathered on the surface, then after a moment, sank through the thin surface layer of the sphere under its own weight. There was no noticeable change in the plasma.

“We need to find something else to add.” He told her.

“I know.” She hissed. It was unprofessional, and she mentally kicked herself even as she did it, but she was feeling yet another mission begin to fall apart on her. Jogging around the outskirts of the room, she checked every cabinet, every shelf and any place where a replacement fluid might have been stored. She found nothing.

Trigger watched, unable to move. He’d been specifically warned that the tentacles were a one shot deal. If he released the handles, the neurolink would be severed, the casing would close and he probably wouldn’t be able to open them again.

“What about those pipes, along that wall.” He asked, motioning with his head towards the piping running up and down the port wall.

“No good.” She told him. “Those are all coolant lines, and coolant would be easy to identify if mixed with the core’s plasma. We need something that will break down.”

The two scanned the room. There was a sense of urgency in that they wanted the mission completed as quickly as possible, but neither panicked, as they knew the room itself was fairly isolated. Lorians might be paranoid, but as far as they knew, it was impossible for a human to do anything to the equipment in this room. That said, they didn’t want to linger a moment longer than necessary.

“There’s got to be something.” He said, thinking a loud. He cursed himself for putting himself in a position he couldn’t get out of. He should have had her put on the gloves, so he was the one mobile and free to improvise. If that cost them the mission, he’d never forgive himself.

Holly was also kicking herself mentally. Searching for something, anything that could salvage this mission.

“What about saliva?” she said. “Organics break down, and we could probably produce a lot of it.”

Trigger nodded, it seemed like a decent suggestion, and was at least something worth trying. Holly leaned over the power core and spit. The saliva hit the sphere and dripped down bahis firmaları along the surface. She re-positioned herself, standing on the tips of her toes to ensure she was able to spit directly on the top of sphere. He snuck a peek at her ass, as the tight material framed it amazingly. Far too light to break through the surface, the second attempt also poured down the sides.

“No good. It needs to be heavier to get through the surface barrier.” She told him.

“Shit. Will what we added already be enough?” he asked, fearing their entire mission had failed.

“Doubtful. Ideally we’d have twice as much in there, but I don’t think there is anything else we can do.” She told him.

Trigger shook his head. If the coolant wouldn’t break down and saliva couldn’t break through, there was only one other option.

“I hesitant to even mention this, but…” he started.

“But what?” she asked, her eyes squinted at him questioning. It was unlike him to speak so delicately. Normally he was blunt as hell.

“You’re not going to like it.” He told her.

“Like is irrelevant. We’re here to do the mission. The mission is everything.” She told him genuinely.

“Well…” he hesitated.

“Trig, act like a fucking professional. If you have a solution, than let’s finish the job.” She barked at him. She’d seen him chew out cadets for humming and hawing less than he was doing right now and she’d be damned if she was going to let him treat her like anything less than an equal, his rank notwithstanding.

“I can produce… a viscus fluid, but I’m going to need a hand, so to speak.” He motioned with his head to his hands, still locked in position.

She looked at him quizzically for a moment, before she realized what he meant. To her credit, she didn’t so much as raise an eyebrow once she figured it out.

His semen could replicate most of the properties of the fluid they were supposed to use, and with his hands unavailable, she’d have to manually stimulate him to get it.

He’d been right, she hadn’t liked it. Not at all. He was a pompous, arrogant jerk that she didn’t like to be around and while the thought of giving him a hand job would have been completely unthinkable in any other situation, it seemed to be their only option now. She’d be damned if she was going to let another failure go on her record, regardless of her feelings. And it’s not like he wasn’t good looking. It was just his personality that was a turn off.

Without a word, she nodded, determined to be professional about the whole thing. She walked to him, reached over and silently undid his fly. She pulled his cock out and wrapped a hand around his completely soft member. She squeezed it a few times and then gently pulled on it but got no response what so ever from him or his dick.

“I suppose some visuals are required.” She told him. She released him and took a step back. She unzipped her skin tight top quite a ways. Her breasts were small, so her neck line could get past her navel without actually showing much in the way of cleavage.

“How is that?” she asked, the tone of her voice an extremely forced attempt at being sexy.

“It’d be perfect…” he told her. “…if I was a first year cadet. Christ woman, have you never had sex with a real man before?”

His tone was angry, but she refused to be hurt by it. Instead, she accepted his challenge and unzipped her top completely so it hung open, but her breasts were still covered. She looked at him stoically. “Are you an ass man or a tit man?”

He smiled reluctantly. She was a bitch and he didn’t like her, but she had a great set of tits that he had stared at more than once. Normally she wouldn’t be worth the hassle of seeing naked, but given the situation, he figured he might as well take advantage.

“Titman.” He told her. “Though there is nothing wrong with a woman with a nice ass”

“Tits it is then.” She said. Without missing a beat, she flipped her top over her shoulders and dropped it to the floor. She stood for a moment as he took in her topless form. Her breasts were round, but small. Her skin was a flawless creaminess, her nipples wonderfully puffy. His cock began to stiffen.

“So that does it for you huh?” she asked, as she stepped forward, ducking under one arm so they were face to face. She took hold of his cock once more. “You like my tits do you, Commander?”

As she used one hand to stroke his cock, she held her breasts up with the other arm. He stiffened even more under her touch.

“They are okay, for a start.” He told her, giving her as little encouragement as he could.

“For a start huh?” she challenged him. “I bet these little hands can make your cock spurt without even trying.”

“Maybe when I was a younger man…” he admitted, “…but these days I need my women to put forth more of an effort.”

Holly pumped his cock faster, up and down, gripping him tightly. The two stood face to face, angry with one another, each refusing to concede anything.

“You’re hard as a rock. It seems this is working well enough for you.” She told him still seething, even as she continued to stroke his rock hard cock.

“I wake up this hard, woman. Get on your knees and show me what you can really do.” He ordered.

She hid her surprise well. Up to that point, she had had no intention of anything other than a hand job. The idea of putting Trigger Orion’s cock in her mouth had never even crossed her mind. She wanted to refuse him. She almost did but this was what the mission required and she was determined it would succeed.

“Is that what you’d like huh? You like your little sluts to suck your cock? Is that how Trigger gets off? The decorated war hero has to convince young women to suck his cock, for queen and country?” she mocked him.

“Don’t judge too quickly.” He countered. “You’re one of those sluts now aren’t you? You’re going to have that cock in your pretty little mouth soon and you’re going to like it.”

“I may put it in my mouth…” she told him, as she dropped to her knees. “But I’m never going to like it.” She gave him a look of disgust, then stuck out her tongue and licked his shaft.

“Ahh, that’s it woman.” He ordered as he looked down at her. She looked back up in loathing but not stopping. In fact she made a point of staring right at him. As her hand stroked his shaft and her tongue lapped at his balls, her eyes burnt daggers at him.

“Is this what you need?” she asked. “A pretty little mouth around this big fat cock?” and then she took his dick deep into her mouth. He gasped as she bobbed her head up and down fast, sucking hard.

Lt Ascella wasn’t happy, but if there was one thing she knew, it was her duty. She needed to make her Commander cum, and though the academy may not have trained her for this specifically, it had taught her the mission was everything. She’d do whatever it took to accomplish it. She grasped his ass and pulled herself forward, deep throating him in one swift motion.

“Fuck woman. You’ve done this before. You’ve done this a thousand times haven’t you?” he said.

She pulled his cock out of her mouth, continuing to pump as she spoke. “Is that what you like? A whore that sucks cock?”

“Yes.” He told her. “Now tell me you’re my whore. Tell me you’re my little fucking whore.”

She hated him in that moment, making her say such a vile, dirty thing. But she refused to back down.

“I’m a whore. I’m little whore that is sucking your fat fucking cock.” She told him. “Right now, I’m Your Little. Fucking. Whore.” Then dove back onto his dick like the desperate whore she was pretending to be, deep throating him again.

“Uhhh” he grunted, delighting in her warm, wet mouth. But as the sensations built, he shifted his cock awkwardly, trying to get her to release him.

“What?” she barked as he slipped out of her mouth.

“I was close there.” He told her.

“Isn’t that the whole point?!” she argued.

“Think woman, we need to put as much into the core as we can. The more we add, the more likelihood of success.” He told her. She cursed inwardly, knowing he was right.

“You need to keep me at the edge for as long as you can, without tipping me over. The longer I take, the more we’ll get. Its basic human physiology.”

“You’re a fucking bastard.” She told him.

“That may be, but I’m not wrong, am I?” he asked.

“No. You’re not wrong.” She relented, keeping her rage inside. There was no point in having humiliated herself this much, only to then fail. She had already committed herself, this was just seeing it through.

“Now give me a moment to calm down.”

“Yes, sir.” She said, unmoving.

“But we don’t want me too calmed down though do we? Why don’t you play with yourself for a bit.”

“You’re a fucking tipobet güvenilir mi pig.” She told him as she began to pull off her skin tight pants. She had to wiggle to get them off, shaking her hips. She was too close for him to fully enjoy her pussy as she exposed it, but he did admire the way her tiny breasts bounced as she shook.

“I’m sorry.” he said with a tone that made it clear he wasn’t. “Should I be worried about your feelings here or completing the mission?”

Again, he was right and she knew it.

“Completing the mission, sir” she told him reluctantly, as she reached down and began to play with her pussy.

Commander Orion watched as she stood in the space between him and the power core. His dick twitched as she used one hand fondle her tits. Her other arm moved rapidly, and though he couldn’t see her hand, he knew she was fingering herself. After a few moments, her breathing became laboured.

“You’re actually enjoying this.” He said with a wry smile.

“Fuck you.” She told him.

“Yeah, okay. Fuck me.” He agreed, knowing she had meant it as an insult not an offer, but taking her up on it all the same.

She shook her head at him, but knew she was going to. Given the limited space and his arms being unavailable to support her as he stood stuck to a machine, face to face was too awkward. She had to turn around so her ass was to his crotch, so they could fuck doggy style. It wasn’t a position she chose often, because of the a****listic nature of it. She usually preferred to be able to see her lover and not treated like just a body there to be fucked. In this case however not having to look at Trigger was a bit of a bonus.

She backed up, and the reached between her legs to guide his cock to her pussy. As the tip pushed against her tight hole, she involuntarily grunted in pleasure.

“You like that?” he asked as he thrust the rest of his cock into her swiftly.

“Uhhh.” She grunted again. “Is this, uhhh, where I tell you how big your, uhhh, cock feels?”

He began pumping in and out. Her ass rhythmically hit his pelvis as he pounded away.

“You fucking love this and you know it.” He told her.

“Oh, it so big commander.” She mocked him angrily. “Your cock is so big, uhhh, it’s stretching out my pussy.”

Despite her tone however, what she was saying was true. His cock did feel huge inside her, and though she was angry as the situation, she had to admit that it did feel amazing to be penetrated so intensely.

“I’m… oh fuck… you’re so deep my pussy feels full.” She told him.

“Take it, yeah, take it.” He ordered as he banged away.

She arched her back, thrusting her tits out, which he could see over her shoulder as she leaned her head back towards him.

“You like this? I bet you do.” She teased him, even as he pounded away. “I bet you wish you could just pull my hair as you fuck the hell out of my tiny, wet pussy.”

He grunted, unable to form words.

“Are you close commander? I are you going to give me your big load?” she asked, assuming the dirtier she talked, the more ejaculate he’d produce. “Are you going to spurt a big load out of that cock for me?”

“Christ woman!” he bellowed. “Your cunt is better than I could have imagined.”

She spun around and slapped him hard across the cheek. It took him completely by surprise, and in that moment, as he stared at her in disbelief, she realized how much he needed her. This was how he got off. The dirty talk, the savageness, it was a fetish that turned him on. He wasn’t going to cum without her. True, she needed him as well, if the mission had a hope of succeeding, but somehow that was different. And that difference changed everything for her.

“You’re an asshole.” She told him, as she slipped out from between him and the core.

“What the hell are you doing Lt?” he barked, frustrated his release had been denied.

“Following orders. You told me to keep you at the edge for as long as I could.” She threw his own words back at him than dropped to her hands and knees and crawled away from him. He watched her butt as she looked back over her shoulder.

“Nothing wrong with this woman and her nice ass, is there?” She asked, slapping a cheek hard to punctuate her sentence. Then she rolled into a seated position, facing him, as he stood trapped several feet away.

Away from the commander, even by just a few feet, gave her the space to contemplate her bizarre situation. It was a paradox of sorts, where she was simultaneously being forced to act very sexually, but because she had no choice, she was free to act in whatever sexual manner she chose. It was oddly liberating. She could be as filthy as she chose, because she had no choice.

“Y’know, for all the talk about men being ass men or tit men…” she told him as she opened her legs wide “Every guy I’ve ever fucked, has always liked my pussy the best.”

She began playing with herself again, and this time he had a clear view of the show.

“You like to look don’t you?” she asked as she played with her clit. “You like to watch sluts finger themselves and moan in pleasure and you pretend you’re responsible for how good they feel don’t you?”

“Every women I fuck walks away satisfied.” He argued.

She groped her tits, pulling on her nipple with one hand and the other hooked inside her pussy. She moaned in pleasure before responded. “Not like this. You couldn’t possibly, oh yes, make me feel this, ohh, ohh, fucking good.”

Trapped, attached to the machine, he u*********sly began thrusting his hips. With no friction though, it did nothing to relieve his frustration. She laughed and then threw her head back while she enjoyed the sensation of her fingers in her pussy. Trigger had to fight off the urge to release the handles and use his dick and the faux tentacles to fuck her all three of her holes. Despite his urges though, he knew the mission came first.

“Do you like watching commander?” she asked, as she rubbed her clit. “Oh god, you fucking love this, don’t you?”

The Lt.’s moans built, and she lifted her head to look at him once more.

“Tell me commander. If your hands were free what would you do to me, right now?”

He shook his head, unable to articulate his anger and frustration.

“Would you fuck this pussy?” she asked between moans.

“Would you stick your big cock, oh god, in my pussy while I…” he voice got higher pitched fucked herself “… I, I fingered my clit?”

“I’d stick my dick in your mouth to shut you the fuck up.” He barked.

She laughed at him, but before he could say anything more she whimpered.

“I’m going to cum. Oh god, I’m really going to cum.” Her hand was a blur of movement, she closed her eyes and then suddenly her whole body stiffened as she came. Trigger’s cock twitched as he could do nothing but stand and watch.

The Lt. took a deep breath, opened her eyes.

“How was that commander? Did that get your balls churning? Are you ready to give me a big load yet?” she asked, mock-innocently.

She crawled back to him on her hands and knees.

“Is that cock ready yet?” She asked as she approached. “Does it want to go back in to my tight little twat or my sweet little mouth?”

Holly reached up and grabbed a hold of his shaft once more, and slowly began stroking him. He gasped in pleasure.

“I think it’s time to finish the mission.” He told her.

She circled the tip of his cock with her fingers. “You didn’t actually answer me Trigger.” She scolded him. “My mouth or my pussy?”

“Lieutenant.” He closed his eyes as she tightened her grip and began milking his dick. “… please.”

“Mouth or pussy?” she whispered.

“Mouth.” He conceded. And no sooner had he said it, she was bobbing her head up and down his cock, engulfing his cock and her hand continuing to pump.

“Oh god, I’m close.” He told her.

“Nuh-uh.” She said before diving back on his cock, slurping loudly.

“Holly, get the globe, I’m going to cum.”

She released his cock from her mouth and told him. “Not yet.”

She continued to slowly stroke his cock with her hand as he tried to order her.

“Lt. Pick up the globe, I’m, I’m…” he couldn’t finish the sentence as she squeezed his cock, hard.

“You are not going to cum yet.” she licked, swirling her tongue around the crown.

“I’ll not have this mission fail…” She sucked his dick deep into her mouth, slurping as she sucked, “… Because you couldn’t hold it back.”

“Or do you want me…” lick

“to tell central command…” lick

“we failed…” slurp

“because…” slurp

“you came…” slurp, slurp, slurp

“too soon?”

Her hand and mouth pumped his dick and he had to tense his entire body to hold back from shooting in her mouth.

“Please, I have to…” he begged. perabet

She released him from her mouth, and let his cock dangle on its own for a moment. It was a dangerous game she was playing. She was desperate for the mission to succeed, so she knew she had to get every ounce of cum out of his body, but she also had to be careful to be ready when he did finally blow his load.

She picked up the globe from the pile of her clothes on the ground.

“Is this what you want commander?” she asked.

“Yes.” He told her. “Let’s fill the globe and then transfer the, um, fluid to the power core.”

She had never heard him waiver before in her life. He was always so full of himself. For the first time she needed that to be true, albeit in a very different sense.

“Not until we know for sure we’re going to have enough.” She told him, and put the globe back down. He watched in horror as she left it on the floor and then slid up his body, her back to him so his cock nestled between her ass cheeks. Standing there, rubbing up against him, the globe was completely out of reach.

“You have to hold off long enough for me to get the globe.” She told him. “You cannot cum, until I have the globe. Do you understand commander?”

“Yes. Now pick up…” he was cut short again, as she reached between her legs and slipped his cock back inside her.

“Now fuck me.” She ordered him. She pressed till his cock entirely inside her. Her ass pressed against his pelvis, unmoving.

“Fuck me.” She repeated. “Don’t cum, just fuck.”

Trigger’s head was a swirl. He needed to orgasm more than ever in his entire life, yet he knew if he did he would fail in his mission and potentially hundreds, if not thousands of lives might be lost.

“Fuck you, you dirty bitch.” He told her as he began to pump in and out of her.

“Fuck you for taking such a stupid risk” He continued as he increased his tempo.

“And fuck you for BEING SUCH A SLUTTY WHORE.” He yelled as he pounded away with abandon.

Holly reached down and began playing with her clit as he fucked her senseless. Her long hair flailing as he drove his cock into her again and again.

“That’s it Trigger.” She encouraged him. “Fuck me, fuck me as hard as you want, just don’t cum.”

He grunted while she moaned. Her orgasm built even as he strained to deny his.

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.” She whimpered, her hand rubbing herself as she enjoyed the feel of his cock inside her.

“I’m going to, oh god, I’m going to cum.” She told him and with a moan, her pussy tightened around his cock as she came with a squeal.

“YESSSS! Fuck yes. I’m cumming. Oh god, I’m fucking cumming.”

They stopped, him still inside her and they both stood panting, trying to recover their breath.

Lt Ascella then turned around so they were face to face again. She looked up at him and without a word took hold of his cock once more. He began to take quick breaths in through his nose, clearly focusing all of his energy just breathing.

As she slowly stoked his member yet again, and she repeated her instructions. “Do not cum.”

“I never liked you.” He told her.

“Like is irrelevant.” she told him again. Her hand sped up and he moaned. “We’re here to do the mission.”

Her hand slowed, and she whispered. “The mission is everything.”

She released her grip on his cock as he leaned in and kissed her. It was a deep and passionate kiss. She bit his lower lip. Their tongues found each other, her hands moved up to hold his head as the pair made out like teenagers.

Eventually she pulled away and dropped to the floor, taking hold of the globe. Holding it in one hand, away from him, she reached out and held his balls with the other.

“I think you are almost there.” she told him, as she gently slide her hand up his shaft. “Almost, but not quite.”

She began jacking him off, making it clear the globe was nowhere near in position.

“I can’t hold it.” He cried out as she stroked him. It felt so good, yet holding back was intensely painful at this point.

“Are you ready to cum for your whore?” she asked, increasing her pumping but not bringing the globe any closer.

“Are you going to give it to me Commander?” She begged. “Going to give your whore a big load?”

“Fuck.” He grunted, still trying to hold it back.

“Not just yet.” She encouraged him, one hand holding the globe the other stroking his cock at blinding speed. “Just remember how my mouth felt around your cock. How tight my pussy was.”

“FUCK.” He yelled, in as much pain as pleasure.

“Remember how you made me your slut. How you made Lt. Hottie your slut.” she continued, as she slowing brought the globe closer to his dick.

“That’s right, Lt. Hottie is your slut.” She told him, still pumping his cock. She placed the top of his cock into the opening on the globe, it fit almost perfectly. “Now give it to me. Give your slut all that cum.”

“GOD YES, AHHHHH!!” he groaned, unable to hold it in any longer, he came with more force then he had in his life. Spurt after spurt firing into the globe, filling it. She actually had to tilt it as it filled past the half way mark to prevent any spillage.

“That’s it. Cum for me. Cum for Holly Jo.” She encouraged him, still stroking his cock with one hand

“Mmmmm” he grunted, through gritted teeth, his spurting starting to subside. When it stopped, she used her thumb and forefinger to coax the last of the badly needed fluid from his shaft.

The small globe was almost completely full.

Holly then quickly but carefully hopped up. He watched her backside as she stood on her toes, reaching up to pour his semen onto the top of the power core. He couldn’t believe what had just happened.

His liquid sat on the sphere for just long enough for her to doubt it would work before it sank through the surface layer and into the core. The core flickered and the constant color-shifting slowed dramatically.

“Mission accomplished” she told him, though truthfully they still had to get off the ship without being caught.

Trigger disengaged from the handles, as the Lt. dressed. She had her pants back on by the time his hands were completely free of the machine. He looked at his tentacled hands briefly as she put her top back on, dismissing any thought of using them on her. He removed the gauntlets, put himself back in his pants, and packed the now useless gloves back in the duffle bag.

The two climbed back into the maintenance shaft without saying a word to one another for the rest of the mission.



2 months later, Lt Holly Jo Ascella was in her quarters. She had a book open on her lap, but hadn’t been reading it for several minutes. Her mind had wandered back to that mission she’d had with Trigger Orion. It had been an unusual mission to say the least. Every once and a while she’d think about that mission, and even more occasionally, as she was right then, she’d imagine Trigger still wearing the tentacle gloves, and different ways he could have used them to fuck her. Oh the fun those gloves could have been, she thought.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the door tone.

“Come!” she said aloud.

In walked her commanding officer, Admiral Ross. She hopped to attention.

“At ease.” He told her. “I just got off the comms with Central Command. It seems you’re up for another promotion.”

“Sir?” she asked.

“Trigger Orion’s report of the Lorian mission has been making some waves.” He told her.

“Waves?” she asked, suddenly her heart was racing. Did that bastard actually report everything that went on during that mission? If so, her reputation, and likely her career, was ruined.

“Apparently there are several details he simply refuses to disclose, but keeps repeating that you salvaged the mission while he was incapacitated.”

“Yes sir.” She told him.

“He won’t say what you did, just that you went above and beyond the call of the duty and had to, and this is his exact quote “endure more than an soldier he has ever known.”

The Admiral looked at her for a moment but was stone faced. Trigger was a pompous ass, but he was an honourable one.

“I’d ask what he was talking about, but I don’t think you’d tell me.” He said.

“No sir.” She told him.

“Congrats soldier. I don’t know what you had to do on that mission, but on behalf of the entire fleet, I thank you. And pray that this war ends before any other soldier has to go through whatever it was you went through”

The admiral didn’t quite know what to make of her smile so just he nodded and left her to bask in the glory of a job well done.

She had done well, but she knew the war was not over yet. Not by a long shot.

And there was always the chance of another mission with Trigger, now that central command knew they could work together in the field after all.


I’m always happy to get constructive feedback. What worked for you and why, what didn’t and why, anything that will help make my next story better. Please leave a comment or message me.

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