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Making a BabyA couple of years ago….. I was living in a small village… had a run down trailer on a piece of land that I was buying to eventually resell… I was living there whilst I demolished and prepped the land….It was a nice quite village…. no crime… not a single thing for sixty years… the type place where community was important….Most of the neighbors didn’t talk to me… they ignored me…. I had managed to buy up something they all wanted and they were pissed…..Including the owner of a very big house next door……The property I had… originally was part of the house…. it was sold separately… the guy had tried to get it but lost out to me….. he had a ton money and was pissed because he wanted the land…..I found all this out from his wife….Now these people were not the type of people that house was originally for… it was a million dollar house…. they were basic people…. he was a builder…. made some money… they moved from city and used that money to buy the new pace….. they were fake Prada in a real Prada house.. if that makes sense… common….like me….He would always be working… she would always be sitting on her enclosed private rear area smoking…..My dog ran out one day… to her…. I apologized… we talked…. I put dog away and she said I could return and smoke with her if I wanted…. I did…We talked for a while.. due to smoking we talked about random shit….She explained he could not even know we smoked together… he didn’t like her talking to men at all… especially me…..Over a couple of days… late in summer… we would meet behind the house… smoke and talk…..It came to pass, that I was canlı casino ready to move out… began packing up…. had sold the land.. not to him so he was really pissed at me……We sat there in the shade talking about how she really wanted a baby…. he said they could have one…. but…. sex was infrequent and it was taking a lot of time…..I randomly offered her my cum.. a joke… a laugh…..Nothing happened….. we laughed.. talked.. smoked and then I left….Later that afternoon he had left again for a job that would take him away until the next night…… she invited me for a smoke at night…. I arrived at the back like always and sat down…. she called me into the house…. I had never been in before….She called to me asking for some help upstairs….I found my way to the bedroom and when I walked in… Jesus it was perfect…..she was wearing a completely sexy as fuck Ann summers lingerie set… she was on the bed looking perfect… her long brunet hair all clean and she had worked hard to present herself in amazing way….We made a deal…. right then… it was so simple…. I would spend the night Cuming in her… she was at her most fertile…. we were making a baby…. my baby… but he would raise it… he would never know… I would never care…..Once I reassured her I was game….. we started kissing…..We agreed that for the best chance of her becoming pregnant we should fuck like we were making baby’s….. intense… loving…. entwined… not just dirty fucking… she wanted to make a baby with me….As she pulled me between her legs and slid me into her tight clean shaved pussy… she whispered things like it is ok…. were güvenilir casino making our baby…. it was hot as fuck… Being that we would be fucking again that night…. the first time was a straight in… and unload deal…..She put a pillow behind her back to arch.. spread legs wide and in such a sexy way kissed me encouraging me to seed her….It was amazing…. knowing she was ready and that I was breeding her….as she held either side of my hips… her beautiful face looking at me.. whispering to me things like…. that’s it daddy make our baby… I built up super hard… super fast… and boom.As I twitched and filled her so hard… she moaned… pulled me deep and then with pure desperation in her eyes as I pulled out slowly… began teasing her pussy and begging me to help…. she had to cum so that it would force my cum deep…. her legs were high up so gravity helped… and she literally screamed my name as she moaned and shuddered…..We lay there kissing for a while… she would say things like how she hoped to god she was having my baby… how I was filling her again as soon as possible…. it was fucking awesome….We went for a smoke… out back.. it was dark nut the moon light us up…then her cell went off…it was him.. he was at the hotel… bored….she looked at me and said… maybe you should unzip and pump a load for me baby….I wasn’t sure if she was talking to me or to him… she was talking to us both…… she grind a smile as she talked dirty to him… explaining how she was out back… how she was teasing pants down… how he should kneel and pump for her….She begged him for a baby… he was saying that as soon internet casino as he got back the would make one…..I held my dick with the tip on her pussy as I pumped…. she stared at me… everything she was saying to him… she was actually saying to me….Then came the unload…. she realized that I was really close… I was desperate to push in… I began and she smile the biggest smile ever.. let out a moan and said make our baby daddy……. I heard him moan and cum as I slid in his wife……… she quickly told him she had to clean up and put the phone down on him…… I heard him say wait hold on but she didn’t… she had heard him to…She looked at me as the cell rang again and spread wide….. quickly getting her tits out as I pounded….The way she made me unload was amazing…. as the cell rang…I asked if she should get that.. he would be pissed… she adjusted.. spread and said…. baby… you are the only important thing right now and we are making our baby…..I murmured… I held her tight and unloaded… my monas were loud…. she just whispered encouragement…. she held me as I dribbled into her and she giggled whilst stroking my body….This cycle went on for most of the night… we had fun… we laughed… we made our baby…..Nine months later give or take… she had our baby… sure it could have been his.. maybe mine… we have no idea… hopefully will never know….After that night as part of the deal we never spoke again…. the only time I saw her again was when I randomly decided to visit the area to see if she was prego… there she was with him and there baby in the yard on the back porch… surrounded by friends and family… all laughing as he held there baby all proud of his achievement in life….I had some emotions… pride… a little jealousy…. but it was what it was……So technically… I may possible have a c***d in the world…. but I’m not raising it… he is.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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