Mistis’ Adventures Part 48

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Mistis’ Adventures Part 48
Mike sat there, pondering where to start. While he was thinking, Sharon got up and went to see how the cornbread was progressing, and came back. This was something she was wanting to hear. Mike talked so very little about the days before they had all met and become such good friends. She was, more than anything, hoping to hear something about HIS family. He NEVER mentioned them, except for one time he said something about them being up in the Northeast somewhere.

Mike finally decided where to start. He told about his first and only time with Misti, and how they had been so shabbily treated. They had left and went straight to the air base that they had just left. Mike had gone straight to the base personnel office, and asked if he could speak with the person who handled his specialty. He had been called in after a short wait. He explained that he wanted to see if there was an available opening in Europe. The Master Sergeant had pulled a screen up on his computer, and named several posts where a person with his rank and skill set were needed. Mike asked if it were possible to get concurrent travel for Misti, explaining that they had just last night returned from Thailand, and didn’t have anywhere she could stay while waiting, and, while she was fluent in American, reading, writing, and speaking fluently, was NOT a citizen, yet. The Sarge had chuckled. “That is the easiest thing to remedy I can think of. Hold one while I make a phone call.” He had dialed a number and spoke to the person at the other end. It was a short conversation. He thanked the other person and hung up, turning back to Michael, he held up one finger and made one more call. He again spoke briefly, told them something, and read Misti’s description from her passport. Again he thanked the person on the other end and turned to them. “A base taxi will be out front in just a minute. They are going to take you to JAG to take a picture of your wife, and she will be sworn in as a citizen. They will make her an American passport, and swear her in. She will have to answer a few citizenship questions, and she will be an American citizen. Your flight number is on your new orders. Your flight leaves at 1900 this evening. You will be assigned to Rhine Main Airbase, just outside of Frankfurt, Germany. You will be there for the next 3 years. Congratulations, Mrs. Tinsley. May I be the first, so to speak, to welcome you to our country. I’m a Trekkie, so I’ll tell you, like Mr. Spock. Live long and prosper. I hope you enjoy your time in Germany.

Mike was shown where he could leave their bags, and told what they would need for Misti. They went to two different offices. The last was with 4 other ladies, which held up their hands and were sworn in as U.S. Citizens. The taxi was outside. The driver, aware of what was happening, had been in the room to witness the women being sworn in. He always enjoyed when he was able to see this ceremony. He returned them to the office where their bags were waiting, and had carried them to the terminal to check in, and check their bags for the flight. Mike shook his hand, and thanked him profusely. Misti had, before he could get back in the car, hugged and kissed him several times, adding her own thanks for the kindness he had shown them. She had also insisted on his giving her his name and home address, so they could contact him in the future.

They completed their check-in, and went to the BX in the terminal, and making a few purchases. Then they went to the snack bar and had a bite to eat. It was 1700, and left to go to their waiting area. Soon their flight number was announced and they boarded their flight. It lasted almost 7 hours. Misti and Mike both got their first look at Germany. They were both astounded at how HUGE Frankfurt was. It seemed to go on, forever.

They landed, and were sent to clear Customs, and shown to temporary quarters. It was 0800, local time. After Mike had been shown to his new Squadron, the Duty Driver had taken them to the Base Housing Office, and they, luckily, were assigned to an apartment in Base Housing. This was to be their home for the next 3 years. It was completely furnished, even having rugs on the floor. It was 2 bedrooms and one bath, on the second floor, with a balcony. It looked to be very comfortable. The Sergeant’s wife on the first floor, had followed them up, shaking their hands, and introducing herself as Mrs, Chasteen. Her husband was the Stairwell Commander. He would come up and introduce himself when he got home that evening. If they had any problems, or concerns he would help them. If an emergency arose, she would call him, and he would help them with it. She went one step further, asking if they knew where the Commissary was located. They didn’t, so she offered to take them so they could get what they needed. They were gone a couple of hours. Mrs. Chasteen helped them carry their groceries up, asking if there was anything more they could think of. She shook hands with Mike, but, Misti, having none of that, hugged and kissed her on the cheek. Mike, taking the cue from Misti, did the same. He was somewhat surprised when she turned as he started to kiss her cheek, to take his kiss on her lips. She looked over at Misti with a smile. ” We women can spot another most of the time. If you ever decide you want a bit of variety, our door is ALWAYS open. We love to meet new people, and help them adjust. My husband, most of our friends think, is a VERY handsome gentleman, but, that is something you will have to decide. If you’re interested, there is a swimming area not too far from here. It’s clothing optional, and is very nice even if the güvenilir bahis şirketleri water is a bit cooler than many like. It is still VERY interesting. Many men, and some women like to come just to observe.”

Misti, as women do, had taken note of Mrs. Chasteen’s attire. She had been wearing form fitting trousers, and a very thin shirt. She was also braless. Her nipples were plainly visible through the thin fabric. They were ample, but, not overly large. Misti and Mike had both been taking furtive peeks at them. When Mike had kissed her, she had put her arms around him, and his hand, as it was lowered, had brushed against them. Misti was surprised at how large her nipples were. She saw Misti looking, and, with a smile, lifted the shirt up to expose them. They were the kind you saw in bathing suit or bra commercials. They were just as nice as her own, but slightly larger. She kicked the door shut behind her, and peeled her trousers down. She wasn’t wearing any panties, either. She had a well-trimmed, light brown bush pointing to the juncture of her legs. She unashamedly peeled her pants down to stand naked in front of them. Misti returned her smile and followed her lead, taking off her own clothes. Her figure was equally sexy. Mrs. Chasteen, had, in the car, told them to just call her Ellen, or just Elle. She liked both handles. And her husband was Alan, or simply Al. They had no c***dren, YET, but were hoping. One more reason to enjoy friendly neighbors, she giggled. He was also an E-6. He would show Mike where he could pick up a cheap car to use while they were in-country, and where, if he was interested, the Rod and Gun Club was located. There were 3 commissaries, and 3 BXs, 2 with Drink Shops where something more serious than Cokes could be purchased. When he signed in to his unit, they both would be issued ration cards, for tea, coffee, cigarettes, and other controlled items. Black market was a problem, and was a court-martial offense she warned.

She stepped over and put her arms around Misti, kissing her full on the lips, and inserting her tongue into Misti’s mouth. Misti, long used to this kind of behavior, returned her kiss in kind. They moved over to the sofa, still embracing. She eased Misti to a seated position, kneeling between her knees. She gave Misti one more long, lingering kiss, and took one, then the other of Misti’s nipples in her mouth, gently sucking them fully erect. Mike had seen his wife like this, before, and enjoyed watching her to the utmost degree. He had decided, at that first meeting at her house, that she was SERIOUSLY sexy. He had, in the following days and weeks, seen her with men and women, and had enjoyed seeing her with other people at every chance. This was no exception. Ellen was about 5 ft. 6 or 7 inches tall, with olive colored skin, blue eyes, and light brown hair that was long enough to reach just past her breasts. She had a cute girlish face that seemed ready to break into a smile at the least provocation. If he were any judge,
and he was pretty good at guessing these things, he would say she was a 36 C or possibly D, 24 or 25 inch waist, and 36 or 37 inch hips. He would put her age as 25 or 26, maybe 27. All in all, a very nice package. Her pubes looked to have been plucked, and had been shaped to a broad line from her clit, up about 3 or so inches. He had decided she could be a very exciting partner.

She had moved down to Misti’s crotch, and was kissing and licking everything. Misti was making noises like she was enjoying her attention. Ellen had guided her to a prone position, spreading her legs. She raised her head looking Mike squarely in the eyes. “A GENTLEMAN would be naked and behind me, taking care of MY needs for ME.” This not too subtle hint was all Mike needed.His own clothes were soon at his feet, and he had knelt, after she had raised enough for him to reach, behind her. He placed his dick, where she positioned him, and pushed into her. GOD!!! She was WET!!! He pushed deeper and deeper inside of her. It felt like she was sucking him in. Even though she seemed to be busy working on Misti, her butt wagged from side to side, and gripped him tightly. She was even BETTER than he had imagined she would be. Still eating Misti, she groaned. “Cum inside me, PLEASE! I LOVE having men cum inside me when they fuck me.” She didn’t have a chance to say more. Misti pushed her head down, raising her ass up and groaning her own orgasm into their new neighbors mouth. This made Mike shove into her as deep as he could, spurting wave after wave of cum inside of her tight pussy. She shoved her ass back to capture all he had, groaning in unison with him AND Misti. They were singing a trio. When he pulled out of her, he still had a raging hard on. Misti immediately pushed him to his back, mounting him in reverse cowgirl, and settling down with her sitting on his stomach, his full length inside her. She sat motionless for a full minute, maybe two, enjoying how he felt inside of her, then bending forward to rock gently, so he could see himself going in and out of her tight little twat. These Americans have so many names for a woman’s vagina, she thought. And just as many for a man’s penis. It was going to be fun remembering all these names. Elle had cupped her hand under her pussy. GOD she thought. He MUST have needed that. She couldn’t remember having a man cum so much in her. Her hand was nearly full, and she could STILL feel some inside of her. She was looking around for some tissue, or a rag to wipe her hand with. She went into the kitchen and washed her hand. She came back, and saw Mike motioning to her. His voice was strained. bahis şirketleri “Sit on my face.” he requested. “I like to eat creampies.” This elicited another smile from her. She squatted over his face, and lowered until she felt his tongue darting into her pussy. She lowered a little more, and was rewarded by feeling him suck on her pussy-lips. His tongue darted in and out of her hole, lapping it clean. She came several more times. THESE people are going to be FUN! she thought. Al will surely enjoy HER!!!

Misti rode Mike long enough to cum many more times before he shot his cum inside of her. Elle had stayed mounted long enough to have many, MANY orgasms of her own, before she collapsed to her back, her legs on either side of Mike’s head. MIsti simply fell forward, half laying on the sofa, moaning lowly. MIke simply lay there washed in sensations. This was turning out better than he had hoped.

They stayed for a while, finally rising. Misti took a towel from a suitcase for them to dry off with and all three of them got in the shower, together. They had a very good time in the shower, and Elle, asked if they had towels, or if they needed anything else. They admitted that they had only two towels, their toiletries, and their clothes. Elle suggested that she take them to the other PX, in Frankfurt. It would only take them about 15 or 20 minutes to get there. They also had a Drink Shop, and an Electronic Store. They agreed, dressed, and left. They whizzed down the autobahn to an exit, marked Ausfart Bonames. Here they turned and went to a street marked Homburger Landstrasse. This led them to the Main PX.

Parking the car Ellen led them to the building housing the PX proper. They showed their IDs and went in. Mike got a cart to hold their purchases. First they went to the dry goods area, where Misti picked out sheets pillowcases, towels, and couple of blankets. She started to buy a comforter, but Elle told her to wait. They could buy better made ones, cheaper, at the Flea Market on Saturday. They bought a few sweaters, some blue jeans, AND a couple of designer jeans for Misti, and some sneakers for Misti and Mike, blue jeans, a few shirts, some socks and a few other things for Mike. That it all came to less than $300 was a big surprise. Elle had advised them to wait before buying heavy winter coats. They would look for them later. Mike offered at the very least, to let him pay to fill her tank with gas. She laughed and reached over to the glove box, extracting a book of coupons. “This is how you buy gas here. You buy a book of coupons, according to how powerful your car is, and pay with the coupons. They are from one liter, to twenty liters. You have to round upward to cover how much to pay. My little square-back takes 40 liters to fill when it’s completely empty. A VW Bug takes 35, and American cars usually take 50 or 60 liters, depending. One of Al’s officers has a pickup. It takes 80 liters of diesel to fill. And he can only fill it at a few places. One we passed on the Autobahn coming here. I’ll show you on the way home. If you want, tomorrow I will take you to the BX and commissary at Weisbaden. It’s nicer than these here. It only takes about 30 minutes to get there. And Saturday, when we get around, we’ll go and show you the Sand Pits. It’s the swimming area I told you about. You’ll see acres and acres of pussy and dick out in the open. Most people go there to show off what they have. If it’s done somewhat in private, most of the people will fuck with you. That’s one more reason they come there. It’s so easy to get laid.

At Ellen’s suggestion, they pulled around to the Drink Shop. She purchased a case pf Heineger beer in flip top bottles, and a case of Mountain Dew. This was one of the few places that had it most of the time. MIle bought a case of Lowenbrau, a case of Bud, and two cases each of Coke and Dr. Pepper. He thought for a second and added a case of Sprite. They looked around a vit more and he also bought a half-gallon bottle of vodka, another of rum, and one of Ol’ Grandad. They loaded it all up and headed for home. They pulled in next to the stairwell an began to unload everything. Several people came out and introduced themselves. All lived in this, or the next, stairwell. almost all were also E-6s or E-7s. There were two E-5s. They all helped to carry their things up to their quarters. A little small talk and they were gone. Ellen introduced her husband to Mile and Misti. She winked at her husband, stating that Mike and Misti were “their kind of people.” She described what they had done earlier. Al was almost drooling. Misti got up, announcing she was going to put their stuff away. She stood, inches in front of Alan. She, smiling at him the whole time, began stripping her clothes off.She pulled her sweater off, laying it on the edge of the sofa, followed next by her shirt. She slowly unsnapped her pants, and unzipped them, tugging them to the floor. she raised up and placed them, also, on the sofa. Completely naked, she stood, allowing Alan a slow, complete inspection of her nude body. He was transfixed by her beauty. She was a wet dream on two legs. He reached toward her slowly, as if she were a dream that would disappear at his touch. Misti had seen other men do the same way, so she reached down and unzipped his pants, extracted his manhood, and began kissing it. A few kisses later she sucked it fully into her mouth. He responded quickly. She unbuckled his pants, and kneeling, untied his boots and removed them and his socks. He had unbuttoned his shirt. He stood at her pulling on his hand, removed his shirt and T-shirt and drawers, and followed her into the bedroom. canlı casino She looked at him with sparkling eyes. “How would you like me FIRST!” Emphasizing the word first, so he would know he could have her all he wanted. He looked at her, his eyes full of lust. “I want to go missionary, then, maybe doggy, but VERY first, I want to eat that beautiful pussy.” Her reply didn’t require words. She laid back on the bed, opening her legs, and spreading them wide.He briefly looked at her spread pussy, kneeled, and stuck his tongue into it. He licked until she had cum twice, then started kissing her tiny red, by now, clitty. She had several more orgasms. He put his hands under her soft butt cheeks and lifted her up, sucking, kissing, and licking from her clit to her anus, even sticking his tongue inside it to rim her. She managed to get her voice back for an instant. ” PLEASE!!! DON’T FUCK MY ASS. IT MAKES ME SHIT!!! ” In spite of the situation, he roared with laughter at her proclamation. “Okay, sweetheart. No butt-fucking.” He gave her one of the most complete “oral examinations” of her life. He climbed onto the bed beside her, and pulled and lifted her up beside him. He turned his attention to her breasts as thoroughly as he had her pussy. She was almost convulsing in passion.

He couldn’t wait any longer. Al rolled on top of her, using his knees to open her legs wider. She lifted them and reached down to guide him inside of her. She felt him opening her labia, and then, it seemed, he just kept ON sliding inside of her. On and on. Deeper and deeper he went. Finally he stopped. Ir felt like he had gone into her for a mile. He slowly pulled back, nearly out of her. Then she felt him going back in. Her orgasmic spasms made her actually lift off the bed. If it weren’t for his weight on top of her, she felt like she would have jumped high enough to hit the ceiling. She was moaning crying, sobbing, and screaming. All at the same time. She locked her ankles around his waist, lest he take this wonderful thing away from her. She pulled his face down to hers, shoving her tongue as deep inside HIS mouth as she could, pulling back only long enough to smother the rest of his face, neck, and shoulders with kisses. He was STILL at it. Is this what it feels like to be fucked to death? she thought. This was her last coherent thought. She became a bundle of raw emotion. She hugged him to her breasts with her arms, held him inside of her with her legs, and covered everything she could reach with her kisses. She felt something building inside her abdomen, It felt like she was going to fart, but it kept building. She felt like she was going to blow up. Then, mercifully. It DID. It tore a scream from her throat that all the neighbors must have heard. To her, it was a dull roaring sound deep in her ears. Everything was spinning. Did they have earthquakes here? She couldn’t open her eyes. She felt his warm weight on top of her, first. Then she heard…the sound of someone laughing? It couldn’t be. She felt the bed move slightly and his weight was gone. she then, felt her legs moved gently, and something warm touched her down there. Her body jumped every time she felt it. She was finally able to open her eyes. There was something brown between her legs. She managed to focus her eyes enough to recognize that it was the top of a head. It lifted, and she saw a face under it. OH, YEAH! It was their new neighbor. What was she doing down there? Suddenly she felt the touch again. She’s
licking my pussy. Mike was standing in back of her. She could see that he was fucking her doggy-style. The way she closes her eyes, she must be kiking it. Misti got her voice back. “Fuck her good, Mike. Give her your cum.” Mike smiled at her. “Okay, Baby. I’ll give it to her good. He grabbed hold of her ass with both hands, shoved, and groaned his load into her waiting body.

Misti lay there for a bit more, then was helped to the bathroom, and into a tub of very warm water. A few minutes later she was able to stand, with assistance, and dry off. She was helped into the living room. A cold drink was placed next to her. Her first coherent question was “What HAPPENED?” Elle tried to answer, but couldn’t quit laughing long enough. Mike, flashing a big smile, told her. “Al laid you like a load of bricks. Two of our new neighbors came up to see if you were okay. They watched Al fuck you for a little while, got horney, and went home so THEY could fuck a little bit, too. Several others came up, but, didn’t go in after Elle and I told them that Al was fucking you for the first time. All of the men, and 2 of the wives want to try you out. Al has already fucked all the women. The guys all have fucked Elle. There are others that Elle told me about. I’ve fucked her three times while Al fucked you that ONE time. I never heard you make noises like that before. You must have enjoyed it, the way you carried on. If you’re hungry, a guy brings pizza around to sell. We bought 2. He works in the NCO Club. He watched you getting laid, smiled and asked if you would let HIM fuck you. Elle said he was SUPER good in bed, and has a VERY large dick.” Elle chimed in. ” We told him you would let him. He’ll be here tomorrow night around 8 o’clock. He’s from Ethiopia. He’s black as midnight, but VERY handsome, and a WONDERFUL lover. He’s fucked most of the women in these quarters at one time or the other. He could make a living as a stud service if he wanted, but, he loves to cook.”

Misti had her next three years in front of her.

Realizing they had been talking for a while, they got up and went in to eat. Sharon had cut the cornbread, and Cathy had set the table. Misti had to promise to continue telling the story, later. The memories had set Misti off. She wondered where the others were, now. She hoped they were as happy as she was. She really missed them. Especially Al and Ellen. They had ended up as their VERY best friends.

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