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My French Teacher and fellow french studentsI was kind of a shy guy in school. I wasn’t awkward with most girls but I was definitely an introvert. I’m considered latino and grew up speaking spanish at home so when it came to pick classes in H.S. I decided to try to learn French since it was foreign to me and it sounded like the class would be mostly girls. It was. There were only 3 guys in class. Me, another latino that was very effeminate and tried to be a teacher’s pet, and a white guy that was not the type of guy girls of that age wanted to deal with. We had a french teacher that had been around a while and had silver hair. Her hair amazed me. Shoulder length and straight. She was thin and had small breast and was thin and tall. About 2 or 3 inches taller than me at the time. She wore slacks and blouses most of the time. Her pants accentuated her shapely ass. It was such a beautiful ass. She seemed to catch me staring at her butt quite a bit. I was a 3 sport athlete, football, wrestling, and track (shotput and discuss). So there were quite a lot of announcements in the mornings where my team or my individual name would be brought up for sports victories. Mrs C. would always make a great show of congratulating me when we’d start class if she’d heard my name during announcements that day. She would walk over and rub my back and shoulders as she told everyone about what we had done the previous day sport wise. She would work the scoreboards for a lot of the teams during games or meets.Anyway to me Mrs. C. was a very very attractive woman. None of the other guys seemed to think so because she had the silver hair and one of those aristocratic noses. You know the type, slightly longer than most with just a hint of an upturn. She was extremely feminine and carried herself in a sexy womanly way when she walked, talked, or moved in general. Her body was a designers dream model and her ass was my dream come true.Anyway, she and I got to know each other quite well because I took her class every day of my 4 years in H.S. Most of the other students dropped out of class as the semesters went by and by our senior year there were less than 10 of us left in the French IV class. She decided to reward our senior class with dinners at her house for anyone that wanted to experience a French evening where only french was to be spoken and she would make popular french dishes. The first time we all went and she introduced us to her “sister”. They said that they lived together because it was just easier monetarily for both of them and it allowed them to travel to Europe and around the world during their vacations. I found it funny that her “sister” never came to any school functions so I quickly realized that her “sister” was actually her partner. Non of the other students bought it but I knew she was a lesbian. That realization both disappointed me and turned me on at the same time. Here was this mature sexy woman that like me and I really liked her and loved every inch of her body and I was flat out not her type. Talk about ending your fantasies. But now instead of just choking my cock thinking about how I would bend her over and make love to that beautiful ass and her sexy lips and pert breast. I would now be a voyeur in my fantasies and would sit in a closet jacking off watching her and her lover do things to each other that I had barely heard anything about up to that point in my life. There was one girl in my class named Denice that was a small version of Mrs. C. in a tiny body. Denice was attractive, short, thin and had an incredible ass. She had even been a cheerleader one year. She gave it up after realizing she wanted to spend more time studying than dealing with Cheerleader drama. I dated Denice off and ond make out and talk about the people we liked and who we thought was sexy and who we would like to do if we got a chance. She liked and trusted me and would have long conversations with me about everything on her mind. I was very smart and she liked that and I was an athlete and she loved that so we talked a lot and we also explored each other a lot. Like I said we dated off and on. We’d date during the school year when it was convenient and wouldn’t during the summers and school breaks just because it was too much hassle to try to see each other with our busy schedules. Anyway, she would ask me and tell me most anything. She was constantly asking me why I like her and why I liked being alone with her. We had started a sexual relationship our Junior year and were experimenting with whatever we felt like our senior year. Denice was pretty adventuresome. The bonus of dating someone that liked to read and research was that it translated into the sexual realm as well. Denice would check out or buy books about sexuality and sex positions and how to make your partner happy. This was during the early 80’s. So we had the flower people to thank for all the books they wrote on the subject.Denice asked me once why I liked French class and I told her honestly that I like Mrs. C. I told her that if I ever got a chance I would do her in a heartbeat. She laughed and teased me about it and I talked her into telling me which of the teachers would be the one for her. She said it was the Health/Gym teacher. Because he was always perfectly groomed. He was our wrestling coach as well. So she asked canlı kaçak iddaa me that since I had seen him in his wrestling singlet, if I could see the outline of his package. You know, was it big or normal or small? I told her I honestly never noticed that you could see anyone’s package shape through the singlet. It was just something we wore and as far as I knew, no one was looking at each other’s package shapes through the material. She told me she like going to my meets because she could see what my cock looked like in my jock strap and she knew which way I liked to tuck my cock and she liked comparing the outline of my cock to what she knew it was like in real life. She then used that information to picture the other wrestlers junk without their singlets in her mind. She would ask me about the other guys. She liked to describe them and then ask me if she was right about it or not. I told her I wasn’t in the business of checking out cocks in the shower.So she promised to do things she read about in he books with me if I would check out the cocks and asses in the shower and play along when she described them when we were alone before or after we had sex. So she is the reason I started checking out other guy’s junk when I was in the Army, it had just become habit. (Bad girl Denice, bad girl!) LOL!But I say all that to say that there came a time when I started reversing the game on her and would ask her about the girls in the shower when we in gym class. I would describe a girl’s pussy, pubes (this is before everyone shaved,remember?). I would describe their bodies as i picture them in my fantasies. Their tits, shapes of their asses ( I knew jeans would make some asses look a lot finer than they actually were) and the shape of their bushes. Who had the most hair on their pussy and who had the least. Who did the bikini wax and who let it all hang out there. There was one cheerleader who was very smart and very good looking. She had large tits and during the basketball games we’d go to Denice and I had noticed that she definitely did not bikini wax. You could see some of her bush sticking out past the panty part of the cheerleading outfit. I asked Denice to see what she could find out about that bush when she was in the shower with her in Gym class. She told me they were not in the same class but would find a way to go to the gym during that class and get a peek. She came back a few days later and told me she was amazingly neat and a perfect triangle shape but that it was big triangle but she really wasn’t hairy beyond that. She noticed it made my cock hard when she described it. So that was the new game…to see who could get the other one wet describing the bodies of people we knew and had personal information on. I would tell her about the wrestlers, football players, track team and the coaches and she would tell me about the girls in gym classes. She worked in the office because she had taken most of her required courses and used the office as a study hall for almost half of her day our senior year. So she could fake having to take messages to teachers or students and hang out at the gym or bathrooms to get the down low on just about any of the girls in school. She turned it into a science and it became a challenge if I asked about someone that she really didn’t know all that well.By the time we graduated she knew the cock sizes of almost all of the guys that played sports and their coaches and I knew who I wanted to date during the summer. That is how I ended up asking her to find out about Mrs. C. and her body. I even raised the stakes and told her I would do anything she wanted if she got me a picture of Mrs. C. naked.She, of course, laughed her ass off and made fun of me for weeks after that revelation. Then she kind of felt insulted. Here I was a teen boy with a girl that liked to have sex with me and we had started introducing kink into our sex and were very very open about sex with each other and I was telling her to ge me a naked picture of our mature silver haired French teacher. I told her that Mrs. C. is actually the reason I asked her out in the first place. That she and Mrs. C. shared an amazing likeness in their bodies. Denice was just shorter and brunette. She didn’t speak to me for a few days after that but then she started to get horny and we made things good. She asked me why Mrs. C. flipped my switch so much. I told her that I’ve always had a thing for older women. That most guys do. But only a few of us are willing to admit it. But I told her that for a while I thought Mrs. C. had a thing for me so that got me because of how she would rub my back and shoulders and always find a way to bend over when she was in front of me. Whenever she was away from me she would stand and talk to the students but when she was in front of me she would bend over at the waist so I could get a great look at her gorgeous ass. Dencie verified it for me by saying that our Junior year she and the other girls had talked about how I was treated better than everyone else in the class. If I didn’t have my assignments I would get extra time or it wouldn’t count against me when everyone else would get a “0” for that assignment if they did what I did. Or I would be singled out a lot for extra time with the teacher. But they laughed it off because of the age difference.Now tipobet she was thinking that maybe there was something to it. But we both kind of laughed it off because of the live in “sister” situation. So we talked about Mrs. C. a lot and what I would do with her if I ever got the chance. And that would get Denice very very horny and wet. She would jack me off while we made out and talked about Mrs. C. or she would suck my cock in her little mouth and moan when she liked what I would describe to her about what I wanted Mrs. C. to do to me or have me do to her. Then she would either climb on top of me and ride me really really hard and fast or bend over and ask me to fuck her in the ass, because I loved both of their asses. And if I fucked her in the ass, we didn’t have to worry about condoms. ( I was known to forget to get condoms on my dates with Denice just for that reason.)(Yeah! She and Mrs. C. had that kind of ass.)So eventually we plotted a plan to try to catch Mrs. C. naked. Denice would get herself invited to her house and ask for help with applying to colleges and make calls and ask about their foreign language classes,etc. She would try to stay as late as possible and then she call home and I would make believe to be her dad on the phone and ask Mrs. C. if Denice could spend the night because there was a last minute family emergency that took us all out of town and wedidn’t know what time we’d be able to get back into town to pick her up. Mrs. C., of course, agreed happily. We’d already been to her house for the dinner parties so we knew the lay of the land. So Denice snuck out of the house and around to the backyard after leaving the bathroom window open a bit and used some mirrors she left out in strategic places in the bathroom near the shower, they had a large bathroom, so she could aim a camera at the mirrors and hopefully get pictures of my dream woman in the buff. Well it all went according to plan. Accept we got parts of her body rather than one whole image of her body in the nude. So in one pcture she got her tits and in another she got her pussy and in another she got her ass. She actually got quite a few of her ass, since that was my most favorite part of her body.I didn’t complain because I have a good imagination. I also took some pictures of Denice on the same roll of film and took it to a guy that worked at a d**gstore that developed film and asked him if he could get it developed without too many questions being asked. He said we’d be taking our chances because they sent it away to get developed and sometimes the nude pics came back and sometimes they didn’t. Guess it all depended on who was developing film that day and if they liked to jack off to pictures of women in the pics.Ours came back and I showed them to Denice and she agreed that they did have very similar bodies when compared side by side. The picture of Mrs. C.’s ass seemed to make Denice very horny indeed, because she made the comment that if she had a chance that she would eat the peanuts out of her shit. I about had a heart attack from laughing so hard. My girl was starting to realize she like girls liked she liked boys. I had so much new masterbatory material in my head now that I was set for years to come and cum. I kept those pictures well into my adult life. Denice and I then realized how stupid we had been by not trying to find out more about her relationship with her “sister”. That that would have been some serious jack off material for both of us.So Denice and I would look at those pictures and she would repeat back to me what I had always said about wanting to do with Mrs. C. and that gorgeous ass of hers. The last meal had at Mrs. C’s house our senior year our French teacher came out of the closet to us. There were only 5 of us at the dinner and besides Denice and I the other 3 were the effeminate latino guy, the weird nerd guy, and the super shy super quiet girl that anyone barely knew existed. So I think her secret was safe with us as long as she wanted it to be. Mrs. C asked if anyone thought that this was inappropriate and felt uncomfortable that she would make sure they got home safe if they wanted to leave and didn’t have a car or a ride. We all told her that we had already figured it out but it was good to know she trusted us like that and everyone stayed and enjoyed the evening. To which she kissed her partner and I got a huge bulge in my pants and Denice, of course, noticed me trying to cover up. So she had to out me and tell Mrs. C about my crush on her since I started taking French as a freshman. I was rock hard, and I mean rock hard thinking about Mrs. C and her girlfriend making out with my cock between their mouths as they did so. I almost didn’t quite get what had just happened in the room. The guys were giggling and the shy girl was outright laughing. Mrs. C noticed I was daydreaming and asked me if I had anything to say for myself. Which is when I snapped out of fantasy mode and snapped into “Oh shit” mode. To which I just shrugged and said, “I couldn’t have picked a better looking woman to crush on.” She came over and rubbed my back and shoulders and leaned down and I got a view of her tits in her bra as her blouse hung low in front of me. She kissed me on the cheek and whispered I always knew it and I fantasized about you too. BANG! I tipobet giriş literally moaned out loud and grabbed at my cock as she walked away. Denice giggled and the guys were dead quiet. The shy girls was stunned and things got good after that.Mrs. C asked if we all still wanted to have dinner or if things got to weird for anyone. Nope! we were all in for the evening!!!Mrs. C. sat between me and her girlfriend (partner?) Not sure what to call her…never have been. Anyway, there was a lot of leaning into me as we talked and joked and she and her girl drank wine and the rest of us drank pop. She would occasionally touch my hand or brush my thigh and look at me after she did it looking for a response from me. I sat without much response because I didn’t want to cum in my pants. i wanted to wait and shoot a huge load into Denice’s ass later that evening. Denice was rubbing my thigh and brushing my cock when she thought nobody would notice, except everyone was watching us. It finally got to the point where I sat back and closed my eyes and shot a load in pants as Denice rubbed me off through my pants. Mrs. C asked if I was ok laughing while asking if her cooking had made anyone else ill. I told her I needed to splash myself with cold water and excused myself to the bathroom. I stumbled as I stood and Denice volunteered to help “her man” to the bathroom. Everyone laughed because of the size difference between us and she was holding me up.We were gone for about 10 minutes which is how long it took me to finger Denice to an orgasm under her summer dress. When we got back to the dining room everyone had stepped out back on the deck and was laughing and carrying on. Mrs. C asked if she could have a word with us and we stepped back in. I thought we had been caught and were going to be told to leave. Instead she took us both out of eyesight from the rest of the group and asked if we were good. We said yes and she asked if we’d like to stay after everyone else left, that there were things she wanted to discuss with the two of us. We agreed and about an hour later the dinner party broke up and her partner drove the shy girl home and the two guys left together.Denice asked as they were pulling away if either one of them realized yet that they were both gay. I shot her a look and so did Mrs. C and then Denice asked Mrs. C why she was called MRs. instead of Miss or Ms. Mrs. C said she had been married for a few years after college but she didn’t like being used as a punching bag and that her partner had been the one to talk her through that rough patch of her life and one thing led to another and they ended up living together. She kept the Mrs. title because it led to less questions about her personal life. That many teachers still thought she was married and she didn’t bother to correct them.So when her partner came home we all sat in the living room and chit chatted a bit and then Mrs. C told us she had asked us to stay because we had done something in the bathroom that could cause her and her partner a whole lot of trouble. She said that if anyone in attendance decided to talk about we were doing in the bathroom that we were all going to have to deal with the consequences and she was fine with it because she was an adult and could find other work but we were young and it could cause us emotional trauma if we got reputations plus the consequences of dealing with parents.So we apologized but were told not apologies were necessary just to make sure that things like that weren’t habit we got into because there is always someone watching, “Right Denice?”I was instantly like OH SHIT!!! she knew about the camera. Denice was still oblivious to what she meant and said I suppose. So we all looked at her dumbfounded then we saw the moment it went from lost in her world to OH SHIT!!! The camera!Mrs. C asked for the pictures back so I showed them to her. I carried them in my wallet so no one else would find them by mistake.She asked if that was all and we told her yeah. Then she noticed the pictures of Denice and asked why I had Denice’s pictures if I could have sex with her anytime I wanted. I told her that it was actually pretty hard to find places to have sex without getting caught. So I used the pictures of the sexiest women I’ve ever known to jack off when the urge got to be too much for me. I caught her by surprise with that. She giggled, her partner laughed and Denice seemed mortified that we were discussing me jacking off to her pictures in front of the teacher we both masturbated too. I told Mrs. C that she was the one responsible for Denice’s realization that she was bisexual. That after Denice saw how turned on I was thinking about her, Mrs. C, in those pictures that she started to get turned on looking at those pictures and that we had actually started taking turns taking the pictures home to masturbate with. Mrs. C and her partner were sitting really really close together now and were staring at Denice, who was staring at the floor and acting very very nervous. The ladies were starting to get turned on. You could tell by how their mood had changed and how they were interacting. Mrs. C was getting her back rubbed and her partner was getting her thighs caressed. Then at some point we all just realized that we were about to do something. I kissed Denice and rubbed her tits then worked my way to her thighs and lightly went across her pussy and back to the other thigh. I looked over at the ladies and they were kissing and looking at us. That was an incredible incredible night for Denice and an even better night for me.
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