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Saturday was much the same as the previous night. I remained completely naked, not even allowed to wear shoes of any kind while they were dressed nicely from rising and throughout the day except when their use of me required them to undress completely or modify their dress as when Mrs. Harrison might raise her dress and lower her panties for me to ‘graze on her cunt’, as she referred to it. I was fucked and had dildos used on me. I remained near them at all times to do their bidding and serve them in any way they desired. When they frolicked around the pool, I spread sunscreen on them and stood to the side. Thankfully, my many hours of being outside naked had turned my laboratory-white body bronze with no tan lines.
There were many times when I sensed they were frustrated by me. My being in the sun without sunscreen was one of those times. I gathered they anticipated my body becoming sensitive from the sun, which would further the pain that might be inflicted later. I just continued doing what I was told and not giving them overt reasons for inflicting punishment on me. As Mr. W had commented, these were people who played at BDSM and were not severe practitioners and that became evident by their frustrations.
Early afternoon I was taken into the basement to what they called their ‘dungeon’ room. It contained a number of devices, equipment, and items on the walls that could be used. I saw whips, floggers, and canes in one area. Dildos on long poles of various descriptions, many clips, clamps, chains and ropes of various diameters and coiled lengths. An ‘X’ frame stood on a platform and hooks and pullies were attached into the ceiling. They only showed it to me but used none of it at that time. They taunted me that this room would be used later when some of their group arrived for a special party. Then, I was forced over a saw horse that had the cross piece cut into a peak. They assured me I would get to know it better tonight, but at the moment it was merely used to press into my stomach as Harrison thrust his cock into me and his wife raised her leg for me to lick at her cunt. I didn’t orgasm and now knew better than to try to assist it in any way. The fucking without satisfaction, the teasing touches, and mild abuse gave me frustrating arousal and I had no doubt but that was intentional.
Early evening after they had a light dinner of left-overs from the previous night, I was informed that three couples from their group would be arriving. Although the entire group had been invited, the spur-of-the-moment nature of the invitation limited the turnout. A black leather collar similar to a dog collar was fastened around my neck. Then they fastened matching cuffs to my wrists and ankles. Otherwise, I would remain naked, my hair pulled back into a ponytail to be out of the way. I would later discover it was handy for them to use to pull and hold me in position.
Prior to the guests arriving, I was given my instructions with only enough information to allow me to perform each task. I was assigned the task of welcoming each arrival at the door with my hands behind my back as they entered. They would be having drinks and general discussion before the evening activities at which I would serve them. I was warned to be available and accessible at all times to their guests. After drinks and the opening social period, they would move to the ‘dungeon’. At that point, I was told I had only one responsibility: Do exactly as I was told when I was told.
I stationed myself at the door in anticipation of the guests’ arrival. As each couple did, I opened the door with, “Welcome to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison. I am here to serve you in any way you desire. Please do not hesitate to use me as you please.” I then extended my hand towards the living room where they would find the hosts. Before they left me, though, they freely touched, pinched, groped, and probed my body as I stood with hands at my back and legs spread shoulder width.
The couples all arrived in a short time span and I followed the last couple into the living room to make and serve drinks. As I moved from couple to couple taking drink requests and serving them, the groping and probing continued. I was told to stand still while a guest groped me, but that predictably led to punishments for being delayed in getting drinks to all the guests. My tits and ass would be slapped or I would be directed to spread my legs further and my cunt would be slapped. My sole experience so far indicated that the primary practice of BDSM seemed to be to inflict pain and humiliation on the subject.
Mrs. Harrison made it a point to announce to the group that I had especially sensitive nipples and clit, not that she knew why they were that way or why they seemed unusually engorged. After that, the guests made a special effort to take a turn at testing those nubs. Many times, as one was testing those someone else would bide their time by fondling my tits or ass or probing into my cunt or even asshole, then putting their finger up to my mouth to be cleaned. Though the individual action could bring arousal, the aggressive and rude approach to it tempered the ability to achieve any appreciable sustained arousal. My body reacted with increased erection in the nipples, engorged clit, and leaking cunt, but I experienced little in the way of building arousal that might lead to an orgasm.
But, almost as if they were reading my mind or had personally experienced the same reaction, everyone but one couple stepped away to watch. This one couple tag-teamed the stimulation of my body. The wife used her mouth and fingers on my nipples and mouth while her husband drove two fingers into my cunt, curled them frequently to attack the g-spot with his thumb rubbing my clit. That was when I discovered there had been arousal rising within me but I couldn’t track it to any achievable climax. With just the two of them in a concerted tandem effort, I was brought to a crashing orgasm that left my knees weak as I gasped and sobbed my release. I blushed at the intense exhibition as I saw all the other couples watching with leering expressions on their faces.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison seemed to say unison, “See … didn’t we say she was a responsive slut? It is time to have some serious fun with her.”
My breath caught in my throat and my heart skipped a beat as I was blind folded and my hands fastened in front of me by attaching the two cuffs together. They moved me by two men taking hold of an arm on each side and I imagined being led out of the room for the stairs to the basement. Once down the stairs, I heard the rustling of clothes and guessed the others had stripped out of their clothes. I heard something scr****g on the floor. They took off my blindfold. The thing they had dragged into the room was a sawhorse. Like the ones that were used to block off traffic, only not quite as long and several feet lower. It was painted flat black and the top piece instead of being flat had been replaced with a sharp wooden point at the peak that angled down to either side. It was the same one I had been bent over before. I could also see the others. They were not naked as I had presumed, but were clothed in a variety of strange and bizarre black items, many of leather. Corsets and series of straps entwining bodies. Most women had b**sts and cunt exposed, most men had shorts of one kind or another with pouches over cocks. All the couples were in their 50’s or 60’s. Most of the men had large stomachs and most of the women had small to medium, sagging breast and extra pounds. All had bald genitals. I appreciated all the more how Mr. W has taken care of himself.
Clearly, I was to be the center of attention of the gathering as they all milled around me, continuing to grab, poke, probe, and fondle any part of me they could. That was abruptly stopped when I was lifted up, and placed on it like I was on a saddle. Being on this horse at first was all right as long as I could put my feet on the floor. Of course, it was at the perfect height where I could bend my knees and even spread my legs wide apart, which was what they instructed. When I did, it opened my cunt to where the hard-peaked wood was cut into my cunt. Then they pulled my ankles up behind me and tied them behind me on the same cross piece. I was now straddling the narrow piece of peaked wood with my cunt holding most of my weight with my cunt lips splayed on either side the wood peak and pressure applied directly onto my clit. It only took a short time before it became sadistically uncomfortable, but at the same time the pressure on my clit was perversely stimulating. But, after sitting there for a while, any pleasurable agony was replaced by pure pain.
The longer I straddled the thing the more it was hurting. I was at such an angle that my clit was receiving a lot of my weight onto the sharp edge of the sawhorse. Then, when I tried to lean back to balance the pressure, it transferred to my hole and ass, but it eased the pressure on my clit.
While two women began attaching clamps to my nipples, one of the guys approached casino oyna with a vibrator. It had a long wand with a curved tip on the bottom and about the size of a small inverted spoon. He firmly pressed it on top of my clit and mashed the tender nub against the sharp wood. I yelped at first, rocking back and forth moaning. I was in both pain and strange pleasure as it rattled and vibrated loudly and went from the soft part of my clit to the hard wood between my thighs. My clit being abused like this produced a most unusual guttural noise I couldn’t place the source of before realizing it was me.
The vibrator had its effect and combined with the clamps on my nipples, diverted attention from the painful edge of the sawhorse. I could lean back a bit, taking more of the weight on the crack of my ass, the weight of my hundred ten pound frame pushing down on the tailbone over a narrow sharp piece of wood is going to hurt but there seemed little choice but to alternate the pain.
I was rocking very slowly, back and forth, gasping, moaning, and trying to shift my weight to ease the pain from one location to another. But after a while, easing the pain on one part only increased it on the other and it got worse and worse. Even while this was happening the flat wand had my clit trapped between it and the sharp wood. I could see the sadistic look in his eyes as the vibrator alternated in speed and pressure. He then forced it even harder against my clit as the clamps over my nipples were turned tighter.
This was making my breathing raspy and gasping and my heart pounding, the muscles in my pubic area contracted and nerve endings in my clit acted as though they were on fire or electrified, as if electric shocks were zapping me, and I was totally helpless to do anything about it. My head was then turned to one side by a man’s hand and I found a hard cock directly in my face. He had to be standing on a stool but I wasn’t allowed the time to look down. His cock jabbed at me and I instinctively opened my mouth wide and it was forced deep into my mouth to the entrance of my throat.
It was nearly too much to fathom, to comprehend, and to process. Painful stimulation was coming from so many locations of my body I didn’t know which was which and which might have pleasure and which were only painful. Pain and pleasure became mixed, thrown into a basket that was my body and mixed up with a giant, high-speed mixer. This left me more glassy-eyed, dazed and lightheaded than I had ever been.
They alternated like this as my soft tender cunt sank deeper down over the sharp wood, and the flat little vibrator manned by the sadist continued to play over, on, and around my clit. Their hands occasionally rubbed and squeezed my tits, severely twisting the clamps constricted on my nipples, then added flogging on my ass, stomach, and tits. They said nasty things to me, “Suck my cock, bitch,” and “You love a cock in your mouth, don’t you sweetheart!!” “You are nothing but a little whore.” All as I was savagely face fucked and slapped.
When the orgasm swept through me, it came as a complete surprise. I felt the surge of pleasurable tension and incredible energy as my inner thighs and pubic muscles tightened despite the painful abuse on the sawhorse. My insides squirmed and twisted, as a hot rush from this orgasm racked my tortured body. I gurgled and gasped with the cock in my mouth. The pain was awful by then, but it somehow was momentarily masked by the orgasm screaming along my nervous system.
It left me lifeless, drifting, dazed, as the last guy pulled his cock out of my lips and he let loose a shower of hot cum directly in my face that dripped to my bare tits vulgarly heaving as I gasped for breath. It was only then that I realized it hadn’t been one cock in moments of face fucking but all the men alternating to my mouth. It wasn’t one climax of cum on my face and tits but that of four men. I was completely wasted. They had made me a limp fuck doll to also abuse. They milled around organizing themselves as my body sagged on the sawhorse, my hands in front of me for stability but my feet still tied behind me. It was minutes before someone decided to release my feet and lift me from that torturous seat.
Once released, my legs slowly straightened out to where my feet were again touching the floor but my legs could barely support me. I was carried to a flat table and my arms were stretched past my head and feet were spread wide and fastened. The vibrator was given to one of the others and told to keep working on my clit as a large dildo was brought to my abused cunt. Just when I thought I could stand it no more they would stop with the vibrator and the incredible pleasure of the dildo would return only to be interrupted by the vibrator, again. Over and over they alternated. The clamps on my nipples were removed and the blood rushing back to my poor nubs produced about as much pain as the clamps. To replace torment of the clamps, though, the flogging of my tits and stomach resumed.
I screamed and screamed as the sharp little alligator clips now bit tightly into my nipples followed by someone pulling on them hard as if to ensure that they were indeed securely tight. When I enhanced the sensitivity of my nipples, I never imagined they could be pulled and abused this way. I could barely watch them being stretched by those nasty biting clips.
I couldn’t image these soft, mature women enduring this treatment. Mr. W had been assured I would not experience anything the wives didn’t experience in their ‘BDSM play acting’. But how could we know? I gazed into the eyes of some of the women when I could focus my attention and I saw in them something that wasn’t quite right about this. But I also saw the edge of frenzy when the crowd action takes over the individual.
I must have passed out because when I came to, I was still on the table but my hands and ankles were not bound. My nipples still had the clips attached to them, though they seemed to have gone numb from the steady abuse. When they discovered me awake, I was pulled off the table and moved to what seemed like a half barrel on legs. I was positioned in front of it and by the looks of the naked cocks around me I knew I was about to be fucked. But then I saw the women coming toward me, all with strap-on cocks. It amused me, privately, that the strap-on cocks were bigger than their men’s. One of the men approached me moving something in his hands. He turned me to face him and I saw weights like the ones attached to me last night only these were much larger. As he attached them, the teeth of the clip dug into the nipple flesh more savagely than ever and the once numb nipples suddenly burned with searing pain.
They then turned me violently to swing the weights, then moved me to the apparatus. Each step was a burning flash of agony through my nipples that coursed through my tit and body. I was pressed over the barrel and once again fasten arms and ankles so it was impossible to move. The first man approach from behind and slammed his cock into my cunt hole without consideration or preparation. He slammed to his full depth and ravaged me for his pleasure. Each savage thrust jolted my tits and the weights attached to alligator clips. The cock in my cunt wasn’t intended to provide me pleasure but the searing effect from my nipples made sure I wouldn’t find any pleasure in the fucking. One after the other, man – woman – man, etc. Eight cocks fucked into me and four dumped cum into my cunt.
I had no idea what time it might be. It seemed like only an hour but also seemed like days. I supposed it was purposeful that no clock was visible in this room. Regardless of the actual time, I could see these people weren’t nearly ready to give up.
I was lying on a mattress on the floor. I had been unceremoniously dropped there after being released from the bindings of that barrel thing. The group was off to the side arguing about something. I overheard something about ‘tit hanging’. Mr. Harrison and another man had seen some video of women hung from their tits. Harrison was explaining it to the group: wrap rope tightly around the base of each tit, then through a pulley pull her up into the air. Everyone else seemed to be against it. They had never tried anything like it before. So, they had been willing to go beyond the agreed limitations …
Harrison gave up on that idea, but turn to two other men, “Could you get the other items?” Several of the women stepped back as it was discussed and the two men opened containers I hadn’t paid attention to before. One woman put her hands to her mouth and another began arguing with her husband. Then I heard comments that held my attention:
“Relax dear, they attach but can be peeled off. It will just sting her.” This from a man to his wife trying to calm her as they looked into the smaller container.
At the other container, several women shrank back shaking their heads. Again, I heard a reassuring ‘isn’t poisonous’ and ‘any bite isn’t bad’. One woman, showing that these women weren’t as submissive as I originally surmised, confronted the group, “If anything like this is tried on me, canlı casino siteleri you’ll wake up with you dick cut off.”
The smaller group seemed to have won and I was again hoisted up onto the table and strapped into place. A ball gag was placed in my mouth. I had already screamed at their treatment several times and I wondered why now they felt the need to muffle me. The smaller contain was brought over and placed on my stomach. Three men, including Harrison, reached in and pulled out four inch long leeches by their tails. My eyes bugged out and I did scream behind the ball. From swimming in ponds in the country as a k** I had to have much smaller ones removed by an adult many times and I just hated the idea of them. I watched in terror as two were dangled at my nipples. The container on my stomach blocked my view of where the other was going, but I had a panicked idea. Soon, the two I could see latched painfully to my nipples. The men wickedly pulled on the tails to show how tightly the things had gripped to my already painfully abused nubs. Then, I felt fingers at my clit, pulling back the hood to expose as much of my clit as possible and the damn wiggling thing bit into the equally abused sensitive button.
They left the leeches attached, sucking from my sensitive nubs, and just watched until someone decided to add a vibrator to my cunt. It added nothing to the situation as all I was aware of was the damn blood suckers. They finally agreed to remove them but to my horror Harrison hadn’t thought about how. I knew from my c***dhood that you didn’t rip them off, the sucker part could be left behind in the skin. One woman stepped up and asked for salt. When Mrs. Harrison returned from the kitchen, the other woman sprinkled salt over the mouth region and slipped a finger nail underneath and successfully pried the mouth off. The salt on my abused nipples and clit stung badly, adding yet another element of pain to my already struggling body and brain.
My mind was by now numb. I attempted to detach myself from the current situation at least mentally by putting my mind on Mr. W and the guys. They gave me an escape, but it was only temporary. After the leeches were removed, I was momentary pressed up against the ‘X’ frame. Though I wasn’t fastened to it, several of the men held me in place with arms and legs spread as the women returned to flogging my tits, stomach and cunt. Although the flogging was less impactful with each strike than the canes, the repeated strikes of the multiple strands of leather took their toll on the tender flesh of these regions.
I noticed movement around the table, again. The other container I had forgotten about was now on the floor at one end of the table. With a signal from Harrison, I was led to the table and raised onto it. Again, my hands and ankles were fastened off either side so I was helpless to use my arms and was spread before them. I heard the click of the container snaps open and several of the women backed further away. Almost afraid to look, I still couldn’t avoid lifting my head to look down my nakedly exposed body to Harrison at the foot of the table. Supported in his hands was what I guessed to be a dark snake about 2 ½ feet long. He was supporting it by the head and mid-section. The tail wrapped around his arm, which he seemed to ignore as he gazed at my gaping cunt. A dread and shudder took hold of me.
I heard his voice and had to tear my eyes from the snake to focus on him to comprehend what was happening. “Cunt, pay attention. This is an African Ball Python. It is a little more than 2 ½ feet long from head to tip of tail. I should let you worry since you are just a slut, a cunt, nothing more than holes to be used and abused. Even more so since you are Stanley’s cunt. But I will tell you that it will not bite, at least not dangerously so. It might want to wrap around your leg like it is doing to my arm now, but that is not the intention. You see … cunt … this guy is going into your cunt. And, we are going to bait your cunt to encourage it.”
I looked in horror and realized why the women had back away. Many people have an aversion to snakes … biblical, I suppose. The snake was black, some very dark brown with light brown to golden sides. The belly was cream colored with s**ttered dark markings. Harrison lowered the snake to the surface of the table while now holding onto the tail end of the snake. The head of the snaked roamed back and forth, its tongue flicking out, detecting my inner thighs but not particularly interested in my open cunt. I thought, for a moment, that this might not work for him, after all. But I forgot about the comment about ‘bait’. Another man appeared next to my left thigh with a very small mouse dangling by its tail.
I screamed and cried out and began thrashing about on the table. Since my hips were free, I was able to make quite a disturbance, at least for the mouse and snake. That was quickly resolved by strapping my hips to the table. Someone else used fingers to pull open my cunt and the mouse was carefully placed at the opening and held there. Despite my revulsion, I craned my head to look, I couldn’t help myself. I saw the snake stop its back and forth motion and its black, beady eyes focused on the struggling mouse. The snake was allowed to move forward and the nearer the snake came the more frenzied the mouse became. Its tiny clawed feet were struggling for a grip on my tender flesh to escape the snake. When the man released his grip on the mouse’s tail, it took the only escape route it seemed to have … inside my cunt.
I could feel the mouse scurrying around inside me and finding no real escape. I was horrified as I watch Harrison’s hand move closer between my legs, which allowed the snake’s head to come directly to my cunt where the mouse had disappeared. As I felt the flicking of its tongue on my abused lips, I dropped my head and cried for them to stop, pleaded for them to stop, and promising them I would do anything if they would stop. But, of course, they didn’t need, or even want, my cooperation. They could and were already taking from me what they wanted.
I squeezed my eyes shut and held my breath as the snake’s head slipped between my cunt lips. My heart was racing so fast I should have been concerned, but my only focus was the head of a snake slowly moving into me, its tongue searching for its prey in the darkness of my body, its tongue flicking repeatedly on the wet, sensitive skin inside my cunt.
The whole experience quickly rocketed past horror and fear and revulsion of what was happening inside me when the small mouse’s tiny claw touched my cervix and the snake’s head backed into my g-spot, the combination of which sent jolts of electric, erotic stimulation through me. I gasped and cried out, no longer in the way the people surrounding me desired in tormenting me, but now as a very unique form of erotic experience took hold of me. My hips rose against the straps as the snake repeatedly butted against my g-spot as it now aggressively sought its prey.
I came violently, my entire body shaking, shivering, shuddering against the straps and restraints holding me to the table. In between gasps, cries, and moans, I gulped air into my lungs. The world seemed to go black but not from u*********sness but my eyes rolling back as the sensations overwhelmed me.
My body eased through the orgasm and the snake seemed to be at rest, only partially inside me. Then, it occurred to me what that had to mean … the snake had captured the small rodent and was in the process of swallowing it! Inside me! Only then, the snaked began to move, not out but in. More and more of the snake began filling my vaginal cavity. Was it seeking a secure, protected place to consume and digest its prize? Was my vagina the sanctuary it sought? Bit by bit I felt the snake’s scaly body ripple as it pulled itself inside, more and more, curling and twisting over and around itself as it pulled its body in. I craned my head up to look between my legs to find about 1 ½ feet of snake extending between my spread thighs meaning about a foot of snake was inside me. But it wasn’t stopping. It continued to inch inside, coiling and winding itself. As it continued, I became transfixed by the roiling of my abdomen, rising in one spot only to fall and rise in another spot as the snake moved and coiled and twisted. All the while its body rubbed and pressed and expanded my cunt. Its body pressed and jammed and sc****d over the g-spot nub inside and my cervix deep inside.
Another orgasm quickly built and exploded followed by another and another. I lost track of the orgasms, when one stopped and another began … if in fact one ever stopped as another shook me on top of the previous.
Then, there was nothing. The world went black
When I regained some awareness, my breathing was still ragged and my heart rate elevated, which seemed to indicate to me that I hadn’t been out for long. But my cunt was now empty … the snake was gone. I was still restrained on the table. The people were milling around me. I detected a sense of arousal and excitement from some, disappoint from others, and anger from canlı bahis a few, particularly from Harrison and the man who had brought the snake. Clearly, my body had showed them I had experienced an extremely heightened erotic experience … what they wanted was for me to experience horror and revulsion.
What followed was a change within the group. Harrison said, “Ivan”. Whatever that was to mean, it created a sense of reluctance in some of the group. One woman even objected, saying I had experienced enough for one time. Harrison ignored her and instructed his wife to get Ivan. I was surprised when the couple objecting left the room, but my attention to that was diverted by the restraints being removed and being placed on the floor on my hands and knees over a short, narrow bench where I was again secured with my knees spread and hips secured. The bench only supported my lower body requiring my arms to support my upper body giving me use of my arms and hands.
I soon discovered what ‘Ivan’ meant when I heard the clicking of claws coming down the stairs. I strained to look in that direction to find Harrison’s wife leading a Doberman on a leash. The woman brought the dog to me. I raised my head and our noses touched. I knew what was to happen. I was going to be fucked by this dog, mated to it, given to it as if I were a bitch for breeding.
There was a stirring among the remaining people when I didn’t react to the dog’s introduction. Harrison took the leash and led it to my ass. The dog immediately began sniffing at the pungent scent coming from me there, his snout touching my ass and cunt. The first swipe of its tongue sent a shiver through me as the tongue easily parted my open lips. The tongue worked feverishly over my slit as it captured the juices seeping out from my earlier orgasms from the snake. I sighed and moaned as I repeated, “Yessss … yes … ohhhh, yessssss” over and over. The long, wide tongue was soothing on the inflamed tissue of my cunt.
Harrison was becoming angry, again. I continued my enjoyment of the tongue on my abused cunt and he began swearing, calling me names like ‘cunt’, ‘whore’, ‘slut’, and ‘bitch’. I smiled inwardly at his frustration and my new ability to get revenge on him because all but ‘whore’ and ‘bitch’ were already true of me.
He had the dog mount me, the partially exposed cock poking around my ass until it finally poked into my opening. I gasped as it drove into me. I dropped my head and groaned, “Oh, fuck … oh, no … OOOHHHHH, FUCKKKKK YESSSSSS!” My previous reluctance, even disgust, at the thought of being fucked by Duke was gone. I was captive, unable to resist, or affect any real change to what was happening to me. But I instantly recognized I could torment these people even more than what had happened with the snake. So, I let myself go. I gasped more as the dog grasped me around the waist and the bench, his grip much less effective than if it was just me. His thrusts became deeper as his cock grew and expanded inside me. I curled my back as much as possible for his cock to penetrate me in new ways and angles. “Fuck me … oooooooo … mmmmmm … fuck … yessssss … make … meeeeee … your bitch!” Then, to cap it off, “Yessssss … fuck me with a real cock … give me your cock that is real sized.”
I knew I was frustrating them, at least Harrison. I knew his whole intention was to abuse me, to gain his sick pleasure at my revulsion, pain, and fear. The dog didn’t do that and it seemed to frustrate him even more. As the dog’s knot formed and the people witnessed it, I cried out in anticipation of a real knot filling me. In a way, I was now striking back at them by being more vocal than normal and the reaction I received from Harrison spurred me devilishly on.
Despite the abuse my cunt had already experienced from their clips, clamps, and flogging, I came twice on the dog, when the knot pushed into me and again as we were knotted and I managed to rock the knot against my g-spot. Harrison had stormed off before the second orgasm followed by the other men and his wife.
The dog had turned and I realized two of the women sat on either side of me as the dog continued to test the knot tying us together. I craned my head to make eye contact with each of them, delivering a questioning expression. It must have been expressive despite the stain I was feeling.
One of the women offered, “The dog has always struck fear and panic in women.” The other continued with, “That’s what it is used for. Women have reacted so violently … its presence served the purpose.”
“You mean no other woman has been fucked by it?” They shook their heads. “Has it fucked a woman before?” More shaking. I laughed and they looked at me questioningly as they released my bindings. I merely added, “Well … though this is my first time, you should try it some time. The knot is wonderful …”
With my cape hanging over my bruised, abused body and my heels in my hand, I staggered down the front steps with assistance from Harrison’s wife. Harrison himself walked hesitantly a few steps behind. Robert and James rushed from Mr. W’s side at seeing me having trouble walking. My cape opened more when Mrs. Harrison released me and stepped back, revealing the bruising and marks visible on my tits and stomach from the clamps, clips, canes and floggers. Robert grabbed me around the shoulders and pulled me against his body. I nearly collapsed when I felt the firm security of his body and arms.
James stepped past us and bellowed, “SIR?!”
Mr. W rushed in front of him, placing his hand gently, but firmly, on his massive chest. “No!” James protested, “We’ll take HIS wife, then. We’ll return the respect he showed Em.”
Mr. W removed his hand and patted his chest, “No, you wouldn’t do that … well … maybe you would, come to think of it. But I don’t think that is the response Em would want.”
James’ gaze firmly fixed on Harrison, his face reflecting only malice and contempt, “Sir, right now I think I could be that kind of man.”
From behind him and in the security of Robert’s arms, I called out to him, “James, thank you, but Mr. W is right. You don’t want to do that … not really.” I laughed at a thought and that caused them all to look my way, even the Harrisons. Robert had picked me up and held me like I was a small hurting c***d. “If we took her to do what we would do …”, I smiled at him and looked to her, “… she would find herself in an orgasmic, blissful world she wouldn’t want to leave. That’s the difference … you guys are caring, but you are so damn fucking sexually fulfilling. Besides, we got what we wanted.” James’ whole body relaxed and he slowly backed to Robert and me. As James enveloped me with Robert, two massive black men treating me like a fragile doll, I caught Mrs. Harrison looking at us with what seemed like envy.
Then she spoke as she took a couple steps toward me, “Are you saying you went through this just for Stanley? That was your only purpose?”
I chuckled, “Yes, that was my ONLY reason. You see, I’d do ANYTHING for him … and, I’d do anything for these two. I’m not sure you’d understand that, though. I can feel that kind of commitment to them because they give it to me.” My smile disappeared, “Your husband’s word was trusted by us. I feel sorry for you because I don’t know how you can trust him.” She dropped her eyes and I was helped into the back of the limousine. Mr. W had separated himself with Harrison and giving him some heated words we couldn’t hear. Harrison looked beaten, crushed, and defeated. Mr. W wouldn’t divulge what was said and we didn’t push the issue. I could rely on the situation having been taken care of, though.
Back home (what a wonderful feeling), Robert wanted to carry me again but I insisted on walking, even if I needed some assistance. They took me to my bedroom where I released the clasp of the cloak and let it drop to the floor. They collectively gasped with renewed anger at seeing the rest of my body. I pulled them all into a group hug, “I don’t want to be put to bed.” They collectively tried to argue. I persisted, “I need to feel you guys. I want to feel each of you inside me to remember my wonderful life here.” I looked into their eyes, “I don’t know if I will be able to enjoy each of you tonight but I want to. I need this … just”, I smiled, “… be very gentle.”
We all laughed as they took in the sorry condition of my body. They shook their heads in wonder at my expressed wish but relented. Not surprisingly, the guys yielded to Mr. W joining me in my bed, first. He undressed, with no embarrassment of doing so before the clothed men around us, and joined me in my bed. He kissed me, then lowered to take a nipple between his lips, which had always been a sure point of pleasure for me, but I flinched and he pulled away. He moved down my body, intent on preparing me with foreplay after the weekend of just being used, saw my red and swollen clit, hesitating, then smiled, “How can you be so wet?”
I smiled at him and the others, “Because I am back with my wonderful sirs.”
Mr. W and I orgasmed together and that must have been all my body required to give up because I quickly fell asleep before either of the other two could join me. It would be days before I was able to properly service them as a group and I was desperate for it to happen, because then I, and they, would know our world was right, again.
* * CHAPTER 8: CELEBRATING will follow * * Thanks for reading.
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