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The Big WankThat was the name they gave it! The regular hen party that Sandy went to, so to speak. It was really a race meeting.As a teenage male I was no stranger to the feel of my hand on my shaft. Ever since that magical day when my balls dropped I’d wanked and wanked. Its a wonder I didn’t go blind, good job the school myths weren’t true! What I wasn’t familiar with was the feel of a girl’s vagina around it, even at the age of eighteen. A couple of girls had watched me wank around the back of the school, I mean watched me at their instigation. They had asked, I never knew why, but then callow youth never did think things through. Soon after, I met Sandy.Sandy was in her thirties and she took me in hand; literally. She smartened me up, stopped me slobbing about and sent me to the gym, and yes, she wanked me. She only wanked me. She didn’t fuck me, so I was still a virgin in that respect. She told me basically that I could take it or leave it. I took it.Then it was time for my first “Big Wank”. Sandy told me what happened there, she prepared me mentally, and she prepared me physically too. When she wanked me that week she never finished me off. She always left me stiff and jutting and threatened me not to finish myself off so I couldn’t really wait for the big night.It was a big country house she took me to. There were women arriving from all over, all ages from twenties upward. Sandy was well known and I was introduced as her new boy to several of them. Including a grand old Duchess who must have been güvenilir illegal bahis siteleri eighty who stroked my naked ass appreciatively and curled her knarled fingers, dripping with rings and bangles, around my young balls. I think she owned the house. Ah yes, I was naked. I forgot to say. Sandy had me wear a simple shirt and pants to travel but had me take them off as she parked up. None of the women were at all surprised by this although I did get a few appreciative looks from some and my cock was already erecting embarrassingly at times. Embarrassingly to me perhaps, but the women expected it I think. Anyway there were some other men there similarly naked and each with a woman that appeared to be in charge.Well, I was there for a reason Sandy had brought me and it wasn’t to socialise. The grand old Duchess told Sandy to get me in the arena, and get me to the arena she did. Not before the grand old Duchess had fastened my wrists behind my back with a plastic tie though. It was the rules Sandy whispered to me as she took me over and registered me with the girl on duty. Male hands were forbidden here! The girl official took a card from Sandy and scanned the QR code on it. All my details popped up on her screen, and I mean all! Not just my measurements, but also those measurements, and what looked like a list of the dates of my most recent wanks too. I didn’t even know that Sandy had compiled that data. Actually, I didn’t even know it was worse than that. I was on Sandy’s database güvenilir bahis şirketleri accessable to any of the women here and was advertised as a runner on the race card for the evening. I found out afterwards that I was 5:1 at the paddock where Sandy led me round for inspection. I was entered in the first event for novices.The arena was a sawdust ring with a large circular black glass table set off the ground. It had circular rings engraved on it at regular intervals. Sandy brought me up to it where an official had shown her to stand me. Four other men were brought up too each in charge of a woman. At the official’s nod, Sandy started to wank me. Of course, I reacted to her lovely fingers beautifully, stiff and rearing as befitted my eighteen years and not at all phased by the shouts and encouragement of the watching women. Of course, all my competitors were too, novices meant that we were all of a similar age, but I didn’t realise that it meant we were also all virgins. The feel of a vagina was not to spoil our reaction to the hand you see.The guy opposite me was the first to come and I thought that I’d lost, but no, it was not a race against time. The women had a set time in which to wank us off certainly, but it was not a race to do so. His sperm jetted across the black glass in long strings as he delivered about six spurts. An official ran round and placed a small flag where the furthest spurt had reached and called out “Two foot, seven.” to much cheering. I was the third canlı bahis şirketleri one to orgasm. Sandy had a lovely regular insistent unhurried stroke on me which was irresistable. I felt like iron in her hand as the feeling reached back down into my balls and my glans drooled strings of pre-cum. A bit more dribble raised a cheer from the women as they knew from my swollen glans that I was due. Past the point of no return my spurt looped across the glass with Sandy giving me just enough elevation to give extra distance. I’d failed on that spurt but the second went at least six inches further leaving me to deliver six more shorter and shorter. “Three foot, two.” called the girl as she placed the flag. I was winning so far, not that I could have cared a damn sweating after my effort. A bigger black guy next to me was next. “Three foot, six.” she called and flagged him. Highly impressive, I’d come second I thought, conscious of the beautiful use of words. The boy after him only reached two foot six and was not in contention.The black guy was led away to the winner’s ring. Sandy just led me off to a supervised area where I was joined later by other men as they finished their events. I learnt a bit from them as the “Big Wank” went on. Learnt there was another contest sometimes for second and third orgasms, but Sandy had obviously not entered me for that. Those events were restricted to more experienced males.I also learnt that Sandy was only my trainer. The grand old Duchess was my ‘owner’ or that is to say the person who paid Sandy for my training and collected any prize money that I was likely to win.The two girls who had asked to watch me wank were her grand-daughter Fiona and grand-niece Bea her talent scouts. They had been in the crowd that night. Later in my competitive career Fiona took over my training.
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