The Courtesan Empress – Chapter 7

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The Courtesan Empress – Chapter 7
Thea had found a new way to fuck. With a sort of leather sausage with straps attached she could screw girls like a man and currently she was doing just that to her friend and personal maid Anna. It was all thanks to the rescued visitor from a far the opera singer, Erika. They had these things that were called strap-ons in her home and they had one made here without telling the fabricator who was a shoe maker and good family man. If he had known the purpose, he would have been shocked.

Covered in olive oil to lubricate it was clearly doing the job and no more lubricant was needed as Anna was producing more than enough juices herself.

“Oh Divine, that is so hot, being really screwed by my mistress, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!.” yelled Anna as she had an orgasm and collapsed.

“I thought that is what mistresses were meant to do to their servants.” Joked Thea. Vella the other servant, gave her a cynical look. Vella was currently using another strap on to pleasure herself, rolling it around to stimulate her privates. A dreamy look on her face showed the pleasure this was giving her. Thea thought that the chubby girl had lost weight since coming into her personal service overseeing food preparation for the Empress’ table to stop such condiments as cyanide being added.

“I think I know someone who could make an improvement on these instead of using leather using a substance called latex. Not much is produced as it had only a few uses but I think that these would definitely be better as it’s all smooth and springy. Also, it doesn’t go manky and mouldy.”

“Once Anna’s cries of ecstasy had subsided and Thea had withdrawn, she rolled over looked at Vella. Yes, definitely less chubby. By all accounts she was a bundle of energy in the kitchen watching everything so perhaps all that flitting around and nervous energy was the explanation. Also, she was a lot happier and as Thea knew unhappy people turn to food for comfort.

“What does this person make at the moment?”

“Mostly balls that bounce for the c***dren but also flexible sheeting which stretches. Don’t ask me what that is used for.”

“Well take a couple of guards and go see him. I don’t want you ending up with a broken neck like our little poisoner.”
“Don’t worry I avoid being in quiet places and Sorros has been giving me lessons in looking after myself and Lady Valeria has been giving me different lessons in looking after myself. I never thought that what women do in a fight and men are different.”

“Oh yes and every madam worth calling one makes sure her girls know how to defend themselves so take the lessons from Valeria seriously men can use strength we have to use guile and agility.”

However, it was not Vella who was attacked but Arcos, the apothecary. Though he had an escort when he returned to his home and workshop the escort was disabled first and then the thug went for the old man who should have proved an easy target.

As it happened old, he might be, slow he wasn’t and he legged it to try and get to safety. The young thug was surprised but took off after him and thought he had his victim when he ran into a dead-end alley. The would-be assassin discovered the reason for Arcos choice. It was narrow and did not allow for the use of the staff with which the guard had been laid out. It was however ideal for the gladius a wickedly sharp short sword.

The bullyboy approached cautiously as whilst he could not swing his staff, he could still stab with it and he had greater strength and reach than the elderly apothecary. As he stalked down the alley, he got surprise number two, when roofing tiles whizzed past his ears thrown like discus. The urchins who lived up on the roofs were the same ones that Arcos ensured were fed. They were not about to allow their benefactor to come to harm. A heavy roofing tile caught him on the ear and dazed him. Before he knew it, he had been hamstringed by Arcos. The thing about taking on those involved in medicine is they know exactly how the body works and how best to stop it working. Another stab to the right arm, followed by one to the left rendered him helpless.

“Timon get my bag I know you know how to get in the shop and know where it is. Critos follow me we have a my body guard to see too. Elissa watch this cretin and whack him with the staff if he makes trouble for you. Mind you I want him alive and capable of thinking, Lastly Notti go to Lady Valeria ‘house of entertainment’ and tell them that Arcos needs help and his bodyguard is down.”

Things happened remarkably quickly, the guardsman had a thick skull and was coming around though very woozy. Arcos got him lying down, a local matron got a blanket to cover him. The matron’s husband on having things explained went to the alley with one of the k**s to ensure the thug didn’t escape and made a good job of securing the thug. As it happened the thug was in pain and considerable fear that Elissa who was a tiny waif but quite strong enough to lift the staff. Elissa had an evil look on her face as if she was about to pound his brains in whatever Arcos said.

The city watch turned up sharpish having been alerted by Valeria’s manager followed not a long time later by a number of the Palace Guard including their surgeon. The injured guardsman was removed on a stretcher as was the thug who was not going anywhere for days even with his stab wounds.

As the sergeant charge arranged things Lieutenant Sorros, second in command of the guard arrived. Sorros bahis şirketleri had been in bed with Thea and Azeena when the message came so had orders directly from the top. It was an interesting experience to have your cock in a woman who exploded with anger without disengaging. Thea had quivered with fury as normally even tempered hid a spectacular temper when sufficiently provoked.

Sorros came almost immediately and was washed of by Anna with her mouth. Quickly dressing he went to the crime scene.

“You are, I see unharmed Arcos. I am impressed at your ability to look after yourself. Now make sure this idiot is taken and stays alive.” He said pointing at the injured bravo. “The Empress wants him to survive being interviewed though from her tone no guarantees after that. Be in no doubt men, that our Empress annoyed is a very scary lady and at the moment she is furious.”

The thug did talk and quickly for if he was nervous of Elissa he was panic stricken when faced by the Empress personally and his first concern was not survival but avoiding what she would do to him. Broken bones and bruised k**neys he could take with equanimity but he didn’t know quite what Thea had in mind but it would be way beyond painful. The information allowed his pay master was caught whilst still preparing his departure and thus the bravo saved his own life though it was spent on the galleys as an oarsman.

The pay master was a man of some means but where they came from was not readily apparent. Thea had him brought before her in chains in front of the entire court before announcing that he would be held and interviewed at ‘her pleasure’. Now was not the time to show the nice fluffy side of her nature as anyone who served her deserved the full might of her protection and she was making a very public show of it. Not that she wasn’t angry she was but if she had wanted, she could have concealed it but chose not to.

That night her various lovers found that an angry Thea was energetic in bed. Alexandros decided to guard her personally in addition to the normal complement. Alexandros intended to do this the proper way but Thea had other ideas and had his clothes off after a few minutes argument. With his weaponry beside the bed his most personal shaft was deep inside her bum as Marcos used the front hole. No gentle nibbles from the Empress this time all of them would have bite marks in the morning including her royal personage. Marcos decided that as her husband he could return her bites in kind and Thea loved it.

When Thea climaxed, she was so loud that a guard rushed in fearing for her life and left again red faced to see his imperial mistress being double done by his commander taking the rear. Poor lad thought Thea he did look very young an innocent though presumably he was a talented fighter to hold his position.

Whilst this threesome was going on Sisa and Anna were tribbing on the couch. Grinding away at each other they were getting pretty excited and hearing Thea cum with so much force set them off.

“Thea accuses me of being a noisy cow but that was incredible I bet they heard it outside the palace walls.” said Sisa when she had come down from her high. The next morning, they found that Azeena and Sorros had certainly heard it in the adjacent suite that they now used. Thea had got Valeria to arrange that all her closest friends were housed near to her. Apart from anything else it made sense from a security angle that nearby accommodation was occupied by those she trusted.

Thea was not in the best of moods the next morning having had possibly too much wine and certainly a lot of rough sex but regardless she felt queasy. Valeria took a look at her and sent for their tame apothecary who proscribed a herbal infusion that involved mint. It certainly helped much to everyone’s relief as ill-tempered monarch was a trial for everyone.

Having calmed down and got back some of her normal good humour Thea realised that she should reward those who had assisted Arcos. The goodman and his wife received the empress’ thanks first hand. Both would have drinks for free down the tavern for a long time as a result. As for the various waifs they were offered a better life.

Critos the sneak thief and housebreaker declined moving to the palace but instead Arcos let him and the rest of his crew live in the living rooms behind the apothecary. Indeed, all the crew moved in and a local widow was hired at palace expense to look after them. What was not made public was that Critos was taking in to the employ of Tymos and was used by him to organise the cities underclass in working for their empress. Already popular for what she had done to ease their lot this quickly meant that nothing much went on without the palace finding out.

By all accounts it did not take him long to seduce the widow and install his girlfriends in their joint bed.

The exception to the young people taking up residence with Arcos was fierce Elissa who wanted nothing more than to work in the palace so was given the job of Vella’s assistant at overseeing the safe production of Thea’s food. This provided remarkably successful as the girl had trained herself to be very sharp eyed as a way of surviving on the street. Elissa did not catch any poisoners but she did spot a thief lifting the imperial silverware.

The other surprising thing about the girl was that she was older that she looked and in fact an adult. With decent food she filled out and showed small mobilbahis but adult breasts. A bit of enquiry found that she her parents had died when she was a baby in the same bout of plague as Archos wife, which made her just eighteen.

Elissa was only too happy to join in the nightly orgies and was a fiercely passionate enjoying rough sex. Particularly she liked being buggered by her new mistress wearing the strap on. Marcos wandered in to find her on her knees being hammered away at by his wife.

“Move over I want a go.” Anna gave him a quick blow job to get him lubricated and he took over from his wife, Elissa was delighted.

Thea tired from her efforts lay on her back. The thing about the leather cock was it didn’t go floppy and Sisa too advantage of this to climb aboard. Bouncing up and down whilst Thea relaxed and watched the gyrating titties.
Tymos had appeared and suggested a course of action with the man behind the attacks who proved a lot more intransigent than his hireling. Both were put on trials and found guilty and received the death sentence. This time Thea was not going to commute it attack her and she could be lenient but attack her people and she wasn’t.

The thug was immediately put to death in the prison as Thea had stopped public executions on the grounds that they should not be a source of entertainment. It was not one of her more popular moves but she wasn’t budging on that. A howling mob watching someone turned off was not right. The leader however just disappeared into Tymos hands and he took him to a remote tower in the outer city defences.

Tymos explained to the man that he was in a dire predicament. “Your dead, the news of your execution has been published and die you will but when and after how much distress is up to you. There is a young woman who lives on the streets and whose only source of food and comfort was the apothecary Archos. If you do not talk, I will let this very fierce young lady loose on you. I will supply her with any instruments she needs. Not all of you might go to the grave.”

If it had been scripted it couldn’t have been better at Elissa played the part of a sadistic maniac to perfection, at least Tymos hoped it was an act. What did it was the question as to whether men sang higher if their nuts were cut off? They got the information they wanted and for the moment their prisoner stayed alive and not in that much discomfort. Admittedly having Elissa as his jailer was a trifle nasty but he wasn’t physically harmed.

Tymos returned to the empress with the information he had which surprised her.

“Our nasty little mastermind believes that his employer is Lady Carlern. Not her son the ruling lord but the dowager lady. Fortunately for us he wouldn’t do the job without knowing who it was who was employing him.”

“How interesting, see how much you can verify and well done.”

“As you command imperiousness. There is another thing I would like to mention.”

“Which is?”

“The condition of the cities defences are lamentable. I know there is a lot of land between us and any potential enemy but we would not stand up to any half reasonable siege. Before I became a spy, I was a military engineer but spying is more interesting and pays better.”

“I do not see what you cannot do both. If I employ you as an engineer it will make it easier for you to stay in contact with me. Present yourself with this introduction and we can see about putting things right.”

The other highpoint of the day was the arrival of the rubber strap-on’s. Not just that but ones to stick in a hole and a very long double ended sausage which could have a girl on both ends.

“These others were my idea.” mentioned Vella smugly.

“I like the long one, I am damp just thinking about it. Get your clothes off Vella.”

Vella did as instructed and proved to be equally sopping. The two women fed the end into their wet slits and started wriggling whilst the others present watched. Apart from Prince Marcos it was an all girls party. Azeena grabbed one of the shorter rubber tubes, stripped and started to use it on herself. Sisa did the same with the other one that was a bit thinner. This left Anna with nothing to play with until she felt her dress lifted off revealing another soggy muff into which was inserted Marcos erect sausage.

They were swapping around and trying out different positions and combinations. Anna had got the rubber strap on fitted and was screwing away at Azeena whilst Marcos kept up at her. It was to this scene that Valeria was admitted along with the singer Erika. They took one look at the scene and got out of their dresses as well Erika grabbed the other rubber strap-on and took Valeria doggy style.

The next morning Tymos presented himself at court looking very different to his normal non-descript grey clothing. Smart but not flash he looked every bit the successful professional man.

A commission was duly issued to survey the defences and make a report. In fact, the work was to start straight away but discreetly. Well as discreetly as major building work can be. But the areas getting the attention were well away from the nobles dwelling who tended to crowd around the palace. Fortunately, the gates were in fairly good nick as they served as headquarters, prison and the like.

What was far more genuinely discreet was the production of the feminine toys. They couldn’t really be sold openly but would be done through the city’s brothels and the women only baths. bahis siteleri Another discreet item that was to be made more widely available were the herbs that the prostitutes used to avoid pregnancy. Arcos was arranging for these herbs to be gown in large quantities and quietly manufactured in to the finished pills.

“I didn’t realise your majesty that I would become rich in your service not with bags of coin but as a major trader. Eh Imperiousness, my daughter has been having a nag at me until I agreed. You see she wants to join in with the other girls when you eh, play.”

“I had taken her for a good girl.”

“As far as I know she is but I think she has decided it is much over-rated.”

“What about you, are you not interested in having a woman again. If you become rich and I agree you will then plenty will be interested.”

“Actually, I have a widow of my own age who I visit we are getting quite friendly. I keep it quiet because I don’t want to shock Lea. Why do daughters always think their father are too old to be interested in sex.”

“That is a wisdom that escapes me never having known my father. Tell her Agranos, she is going to join in with our parties so she can hardly get sniffy about your discreet liaison. If you would like we can bring the lady to the palace I am sure we will find a use for her.”

“I am not sure about that my lady she is a mid-wife. One of the most respected in the city.”

“Ah, in that case I want her here for he own sake. I keep on feeling sick and my breasts are sensitive. If my courses don’t come soon then I think it is a clear indication I will need her services. Now keep that quiet, nobody knows though I suspect Valeria has noticed. I want to be sure before I tell Marcos”

“In my experience Anna and Vella will have noticed as well, they are far more used to these things than high born ladies. I will lay in more of the mint infusion. I trust it worked?”

That night a rather nervous Lea came into the private apartments after the evenings official entertainment was finished. Thea had ensured plenty of wine was present though she was avoiding it herself having got opinions it may harm any c***d she was carrying. No, it was Lea they were going to get drunk

After a few glasses Lea shed all her quiet inhibitions and became very giggly and utterly randy. As well as Marcos both Alexandros and Sorros were present.

“I am pulling rank the poor girl doesn’t want your massive military cocks for her first time. I will use my more subtle aristocratic one.” Marcos had drunk quite a bit and was getting more relaxed around the other two in any case.

“Lea was sitting on a sofa, stark bollock naked fussing one of the cats which now full grown were large balls of fur and purr.

“I am supposed to taste things so I should taste what is oozing out of your thing my lord.”

Thea noted that maybe she wasn’t quite as innocent as they all thought. After all you can do quite a lot and still remain technically a virgin. Lea attention to giving Marcos a blow job seemed to prove her hypothesis. However, Alexandros and Anna were giving her their attentions and she lost interest in the others. Sisa and Vella had found the rubber toys and were lying beside each other pushing them in their respective holes. Someone had commented that they look like the shoots of the dildo bush so this is what they were now named.

Azeena and Sorros were showing their growing affection for each other by gently making love oblivious to the raunchiness around them. The loud panting as Lea came for the first time from riding a man’s cock did not impinge on their private world. Thea made a mental note to send an envoy to Azeena’s father hoping that he would not think a lieutenant of the guard was too lowly for his daughter. After all, whilst the desert people were more informal than those of Byzantos he was a high lord of his people.

When later in bed she mentioned it to Alexandros he suggested that they create the new rank of under-commander of the guard and make what was de facto the case that Sorros was his deputy, de jure, with the new rank and being created a lord. This was done officially the next morning much to the young man’s chagrin and Azeena’s delight. It had the advantage that a new lieutenant could be appointed to replace Sorros and the complement of the guard discreetly increased.

Thea was introduced to Agranos lady, called Mira, who looked younger than she expected though this was apparently mainly due to a good diet and the right unguents used on her skin.

“I can have the old man make some up for you and your ladies, imperiousness. Now keep your flattery for impressing your idiot lords and let me examine you.” Thea was gently prodded. Lea had her lie on her back and massaged the small of her back and placed some hot stone on it which hurt and first but quickly became so pleasant.

“I can be fairly sure my lady, that you are most definitely pregnant. Whilst only a couple of weeks late you are normally regular and show all the other signs. I think you can tell your lord husband at the very least.”

It was only spring, but proving to be a hot one so Thea had a good excuse to have an afternoon nap with her husband. They were both too languid to do anything other than kiss.

“Ah you Ok Thea, I notice you are feeling sick a lot and taking Agranos tisanes. I don’t want you getting ill. I know our marriages was one for reasons of state but I have come to love you.”

“I am glad of that. I love you too. You don’t mind me having fun with Alexandros now you have fallen for me do you.”
“You know I get rather a kick out of it, particularly as your girls outnumber your male lovers. Now don’t avoid the subject you’re not ill are you.”

“No, my love, I am pregnant.”

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