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The Intern. Ch.05The Intern. Ch.05.I eventually crawled under the covers and fell asleep. At some point she must have done the same because when I woke the next morning she was spooned into my back. For a few minutes I lay in the warm comfort of her embrace then I reached behind me and tugged the duvet off her. She woke at once with a startled grunt. I lifted her arm away from my waist and pushed her to the edge of the bed.“Can’t sleep all day, girl, time to make some coffee,” I told her, “get a move on while I take a shower. I’ll be down soon.”She stumbled out of the bed looking slightly disappointed but left the room, padding nakedly through the door without a word. I stretched out under the covers luxuriating in the warmth and re-living scenes from last night. Reluctantly I got up and took a shower and then chose my clothes for the day. I wasn’t expecting any clients, but one never knows. I chose a pale khaki suit with a skirt that had a business-like length. A freshly and crisply ironed white shirt made me feel in command once more. I couldn’t be bothered tidying up as Mrs.M would be in later and was used to finding discarded underwear thrown around the room. She could even be trusted to thoroughly clean my strappie before putting it back in the toy drawer. I looked through Yvonne’s underwear drawer and selected the black set. I laid it out on the bed along with a black skirt, an almost transparent white blouse and an unopened pack of black hold-ups. Satisfied with my choice I went down to the kitchen drawn by the aroma of freshly made coffee.Yvonne was standing by the sink, cradling a mug of coffee in her hand. She really should learn to wait for me before starting I thought but I decided to let her off this once. She immediately sprang into action as I came in and poured a cup for me. She obviously saw me as above such a mundane thing as a mug and served mine in an elegant antique cup and saucer. I sat at the table and looked at her. She was still unkempt from last night. Her make-up had smudged somehow, and she had her own dried juices caked along her thighs. I was tempted to leave her like that but thought I should at least put on a respectable front for the office.“You’re a mess, girl,” I told her, “better get and shower. I’ve laid out your clothes on the bed. You have five minutes.”She opened her mouth to protest but then thought better of it and quickly put her cup down and rushed from the room. I grinned to myself as I watched her run off. I sat and savoured my coffee while I waited.Her idea of five minutes was obviously different from mine as it was a full ten minutes before she came running down the stairs. I was already standing next to the open front door. To be fair the extra time had been worth it as she looked very neat and tidy. She’d put on the minimum of make-up and given herself a lovely natural look. She hastily pulled on her shoes, which she had carried down the stairs, and then stopped in front of me awaiting my approval.I slowly looked her up and down. The contrast between the black lingerie and the almost diaphanous blouse was very striking although, as it was a warm and sunny day, I thought we could be a little bolder.“I think we’ll start with ‘cute and sexy’,” I told her.She looked down at herself and quickly undid another button and rearranged the neckline of her blouse. I smiled in approval and pointed at the open door. She walked past me and stood next to the car. She seemed less fazed with being out in the open than she had been before. She had come to realise that my front driveway and garden were quite secluded. I locked the door behind me and got into the car. When I opened her door, she didn’t scramble in as she had done before but eased herself in more gracefully. It was a pleasant drive to the office which we did mostly in silence, both enjoying the sunshine. I stopped before we got there and parked outside the local baker’s shop. I took some money out of my bag and handed it to Yvonne.“Go get us both something for later, there’s a dear,” I said to her, “they do a little apple pie which I love and whatever takes your fancy.” I decided to be ‘nice’ boss today, so I added, “and you can go to ‘flirty’ while you’re in there.”She quickly buttoned herself up and left the car. In truth it made little difference as her blouse was so thin but it made her feel better. A short while later she reappeared carrying a small bag but looking a little flustered. illegal bahis siteleri She got in quickly and hunkered down in the seat.“What’s up?” I asked.“Oh, Miss, that lady from yesterday was in there. She kept pawing at me.”“Ms.Evans? Pay her no mind. Although you must be nice to her, she’s worth a lot of money for the business.”“I tried to be polite, Miss.”“Good girl, now back to ‘sexy’ mode.”She dutifully released one button and I drove off. By the time we reached the office she had calmed down and was smiling again. We worked steadily until mid-morning when we stopped for coffee. For some reason I couldn’t get an image of Rose out of my head.“Rose is quite pretty, don’t you think?” I asked Yvonne as I ate my apple pie and she fellated her choice of chocolate éclair.“Yes, Miss,” she replied with her mouth full.“I have decided that she needs a shopping trip. I know how much you enjoyed it and I’m sure she would feel the same. Let’s ring her mother right now and arrange it.”I picked up the phone and dialled my own home. I knew that this was Mrs.M’s morning to come in and do the ironing. She also had instructions to answer the phone and take messages. So much nicer I always thought than that dreadful robotic message. She answered almost at once and I switched the phone to loudspeaker.“Hello. Ms.P’s home, may I …”I quickly interrupted her, “Mrs.M its me,” I announced, “I’ve decided that my offer to take Rose shopping was such a good one. Is she free this afternoon?”“Oh… errr… I think so Miss but it’s really not necessary.”“Nonsense. She’ll enjoy it I’m sure. Tell her to come to the office at two o’clock.”“Of course, Ms.P and thank you so much.”I pressed the button that cut off the call and looked at Yvonne with a grin. I was surprised to see a frown of concern on her face.“Don’t be silly, Yvonne, you’re coming too. In fact, there’s one or two things I want to get you. You won’t be forgotten.”The look of relief that came over her was a joy to behold. I changed the mood by returning to the costings I had been doing and she once more attacked her keyboard. I was just easing off and thinking about lunch when there was a flurry of activity on the stairs and Mo burst in.“Hi, darling,” she called out, “I’ve come to take you to lunch.” She stopped suddenly to take in the transformation of the office. Her gaze swept the room and lighted on Yvonne who had looked up from her work when the whirlwind came in. “And the lovely Yvonne as well of course. You’re both coming. My treat.” I could do nothing but give in to the force of nature that was Mo and I bowed to the inevitable. We all trotted down the stairs to the car. Poor Yvonne had to squeeze in the back as Mo grabbed the front seat. She still looked in a state of shock. I knew the feeling, but I’d known Mo long enough to be used to it by now.Lunch at a different pub than our usual was equally as good. I managed, through extreme self-discipline, to confine myself to one small glass of wine but I’m sure that Yvonne had more than her usual allowance. When we left, she was a little wobbly and almost fell into the back seat. On the way back, I made the mistake of telling Mo what I had planned for the afternoon and I immediately realised what would happen.“Darling, what a marvellous plan! Yes, let’s go, this shop sounds amazing.”When we got back to the office, a little later than planned, Rose was still standing patiently outside. I beeped the horn and beckoned her over. She had on a pink blouse that seemed to me to have seen better days and a darker pink skirt that was obviously home-made, probably by her mother. I had a vision of tired and drab underwear and felt better for our little trip out. Mo climbed out of the car and switched to the back seat.“I’ll squeeze in here next to the lovely Yvonne. Rose can sit with you.”It was impossible to argue with Mo, so Rose climbed in next to me. As I drove to town, I watched Yvonne’s face in the mirror and smiled. Not wanting to miss an opportunity Mo was taking advantage of the situation. I couldn’t see below the level of the front seats, but I guessed that Mo’s hands were wandering. I parked at the mall and we all got out, much to Yvonne’s relief although Mo insisted on holding her hand as we walked to the shop. Rose hesitated when she saw what was on display in the window and I had to press her forward with a hand on each shoulder. I looked over the top of the racks and lengths of perabet güvenilir mi shelving looking for Carol the manager.When she saw me and our little band, she came over immediately, probably sensing that another good sale was in the offing. I explained that Rose was to be the main focus of her attention today and she immediately guided us into the back where the fitting area was. Poor Rose looked terrified and ready to bolt for freedom, so I stood by the door and folded my arms and looked at her sternly. Carol walked round her slowly, prodding and poking at her to gauge her size making the poor girl squirm and blush. Meanwhile Mo had found a chair and pulled Yvonne onto her knee. Yvonne seemed to have got over her shyness and was looking quite comfortable.Carol began to unbutton Rose’s worn-out blouse and, when Rose lifted her hands to protect herself simply slapped them out of the way.“Don’t be silly, girl,” she said sharply, “how can I judge your size?”Despite Rose’s struggles she tugged the blouse down her arms and passed it to me. I looked around and put it on a nearby chair. The skirt was a very simplistic affair with an elasticated waist and was tugged down quite easily. Rose was more concerned with keeping her panties on than fighting for the skirt. We collectively took a long look at the girl before us. Even Mo stopped whatever she was doing under Yvonne’s skirt to take in the sight.I was very pleasantly surprised. She was far less frumpy than I had thought. Hidden beneath her baggy clothes she was relatively skinny. Not as thin as Yvonne and with larger breasts but something of a hidden gem. Her underwear was in a sorry state though, her bra having been washed so many times that the original white had turned to grey and her panties could more accurately be described as school knickers and were probably a leftover from those days. With an air of professionalism Carol manipulated Rose’s breasts beneath her drab bra, squeezing the together and lifting them up. I was pleased to see that Rose’s hands stayed by her side through all this. Carol walked round behind and did the same for the girl’s buttocks, almost lifting her off her feet at one point. Then she turned to me.“May I make a suggestion, Madam?” she asked.“I’m relying on your expertise,” I told her.“She wants lift and separation here,” she said, reaching round and cupping Rose’s breasts to demonstrate, “to give her some oomph. A couple of good bras should do it …,” she hesitated before going on, “… but I think she’d be perfect for a corset. For special occasions, Madam, I have just the thing in mind.”I nodded my assent and smiled, a picture already forming in my mind.“And these …,” she continued, cupping and lifting Rose’s buttocks, “are far too nice to be covered over. I’ll go and select a few items if I may?”Without waiting for a reply, she was out of the door and back into the store. As soon as she left Rose’s hand flew up in a c***dish attempt to cover her semi-nakedness and she looked pleadingly at me.“Do I have to, Miss?” she almost begged.“Don’t be silly, c***d, you’ll look and feel amazing after this. Now, lift your feet.”I stepped forward and grabbed her skirt which was still d****d around her ankles. She obediently lifted one foot and then the other and I picked it up and placed it with her discarded blouse. I glanced at Mo but she was too busy, deep in the throes of kissing Yvonne and groping at her now exposed boobs. Yvonne seemed to be giving as good as she got and was returning the kiss with enthusiasm. I could see I wouldn’t get any work out of her for the rest of the day.Carol suddenly reappeared pulling a wheeled clothes rail behind her, laden with hangers. With her no-nonsense attitude she parked it next to Rose and went and stood behind her. Without asking she unclipped her bra and pulled both it and Rose’s hands out of the way. She dangled the bra from a finger with a disapproving look on her face before letting it drop onto the floor in a corner. She moved round to the front taking off the rail as she did so a sumptuous looking corset in red with black trim. She put it round Rose’s waist. She zipped it up the front and then returned to the back to cinch the laces a little tighter. I was amazed! The dumpy farmer’s wife-to-be had almost disappeared before my eyes to be replaced by a seductively sexy young woman. I could feel stirrings begin in my pussy as I looked at tipobet her.Satisfied it was now tight enough Carol returned to the front. She adjusted so that her boobs peeked over the top. The corset was designed so that it supported but didn’t cover her nipples. When she stepped back, I got my first real view. I was overjoyed with Carol’s efforts. She certainly knew what she was doing. Obviously, the knickers were wrong. White cotton was so out of place, but Carol already had that covered. She plucked from the rack a neat little thong, red with a black edging that beautifully matched the corset. Rose watched as she approached with the miniature garment and looked at me with pleading eyes, but I refused to give ground. I glanced across at Mo to find that Yvonne had been dislodged from her lap and now knelt on the floor with her head buried beneath Mo’s skirt. I said nothing as I felt it was not my place to do so. If Carol objected I’m sure she would have said something. Mo’s eyes were fixed on Rose. From her vantage point she had the rear view so had a different set of delights to see. Carol had already tugged down the cotton knickers and revealed a dense bush of thick blonde pubes. I made a mental note to deal with those as soon as possible. Again, Rose’s hands tried to cover herself but were slapped away by Carol who then smacked first one calf and then the other to get her to lift her legs. The white knickers followed the bra into the discard pile in the corner of the room. This time Rose knew what was expected of her. She allowed Carol to put on the tiny thong and adjust the sides to her satisfaction. Finally, she stood up and stepped away allowing me a long hard view. Gone was the frumpy country bumpkin look and it had been replaced by a very sexy girl who exuded charm and seductive allure. After a long moment Carol turned to me.“Seems a pity to cover up such a sight, Ma’am, but I guess you’ll be needing to get her home.”“We will and preferably without being arrested on the way. What have you got for us?”She went back to the rack of clothes and selected a peasant blouse, very similar to the one that Rose had worn yesterday. It seemed to fit her country girl image. Rose seemed more than willing for Carol to cover her up and cooperated as the blouse was put over her head. Carol adjusted it with care pulling it down so that it covered Rose’s nipples by the barest fraction of an inch. I could tell that Rose was itching to reach up and pull it further up and I was pleased she resisted that urge. The top was followed by a peasant skirt, again similar to her usual style, but plain rather than floral and several inches shorter that she normally wore.“If I may, Ma’am, I won’t suggest stockings. I think bare legs suit that outfit.”“I couldn’t agree more, Carol, you are a genius. Normally I’d offer you the use of one of them, but I dearly want this one for myself and …,” I glanced at Mo who was slumped in her chair breathing heavily. Yvonne’s head, although still hidden from view had stopped its frantic bobbing up and down. “… and I feel her companion may not be able to give of her best right now. Next time I promise.”“Ma’am is too kind but pleasing customers is all I really want.”“Well, you have done that today. Cost those up for me and add an assortment of similar items. You must know by now what I like. I have one or two items that I wish to buy but I can choose those myself.” I turned to Mo, who had now recovered to some degree. “Come on Mo, we’re leaving.”I didn’t want Yvonne feeling left out so I headed for the toy section and picked out a couple of items. When I went back to the main counter Carol had already filled several carriers for me to collect. I knew I could trust her judgement and that inspecting her choices was unnecessary. I passed her my items and she totted up the bill. She was doing very well from my custom. I passed the bags to Rose in two bundles making sure both hands were full. I knew she had an urge to pull up her top to a safer level, but I was determined that she should not. Without giving her a chance to even try I headed for the exit.By now Yvonne had stopped worrying about covering herself up and she and Mo followed me back to the car. I was amazed at the speed with which Rose climbed into the passenger seat. When I got in, I noticed that her blouse had already ridden up by an inch or two, so I reached across and tugged it back down. If anything, it was even lower and the hint of an areola was now visible. I gave her a stern look and she contented herself by putting her hands down and discretely ensuring her skirt was hiding everything. Mo seemed to be completely out of it, so Yvonne at least had a quiet journey home.To be continued …
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