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The Sleep Out in the Tent
OK, everybody put your way back hat’s on to remember a simpler time, before cell phones, computers in your home and all that kind of stuff.
It was summer, school was out and we were just shy of our teens. We had spent the day playing like k**s in the early 70’s did. We went into a friend’s pool to cool off when the idea came to have a sleepout. The friend with the pool had just gotten a new tent so it was decided to be at his place in the back yard (we were in a suburban area). All of us had gone to our homes for dinner and of course got permission for the sleepout.
We all met back at his place with our sleeping bag, a pillow, and our bathing suits. We all went into the tent, dropped our stuff and slipped into our suits for a pool dip. bahis siteleri canlı before long it was getting dark and we all lost out suits, skinny dipping in the pool. We thought there was nothing unusual about 5 naked guys in the pool. We all got a pretty good look at what each other had for equipment. We had all seen each others before anyway. Soon it was dark enough for us to make run for the tent without suits on. Before long we were looking for something to do. The idea came up to go for a streaking run around the neighborhood (streaking was all the rage back then). Off we went, sneakers and cocks that had just barely enough hair to let us know we were growing older. Whew, back to the tent without getting caught!
What should we do now?
It was casino siteleri decided to play a game of truth or dare. Five naked guys playing Truth or Dare, got boring. the new rule was introduced, Dares only.
Ok, that made things more interesting. It started simple enough. Come play with my dick. before long we had all touched each others cocks. It was enjoyable, fun, gave you and excited tingling feeling. By this point all of us were hard or as we used to say back then had a boner. It was kinda interesting how our cocks all looked the same but were all just a little different except for one guy who had a tiny short shaft with a big head. I swear it looked like a golf ball on a tee. Before long it went to rub yours on his, play with his balls.
Then canlı casino the big dare came out. Put my dick in your mouth. It was my neighbor telling me to do it. It was no problem I had done it many times before with him, but not with an audience. I had to act a little shy but it was time to give the blowjob. Well in it went, we are all so horny. Before long it was while you suck my dick I want him one one ball and him on the other. Before long we all had turns on each others cocks and balls. What a night to look back on and dream about. Four different cocks in my mouth and 4 pr of balls. Everyone else there that night had the same adventure, four dicks and four pair of balls. We were such little hornballs that if we could have bent over that far we would each had 5 because we would all done our own also.
We all hung together for years and sucked each others cocks many more times after that but never in as large a group as we had that night.
I wish I could go back to that time with knowledge that I have now.
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