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The Young Amazons Part 5. Girl fights man
A captured soldier is pitted in Gladiatorial combat in the Arena, his opponent a beautiful young Amazon Warrior. The winner to execute the loser. *WARNING* Some of this story is not for the squeamish.
Cassius lay on the bare floor of the cell, his whole being filled with terror. He was clad only in sandals, his genitals enclosed in a tiny white silk G string, with a built in skin tight penis pouch.
Like most of the prisoners he had been a soldier of the Albion Army who had been captured in battle by the Amazons. Despite heavily outnumbering the girls, the men had been no match for the supple hellions, who had easily outfought the men, those not killed in battle were either brutally tortured, castrated and killed, or a few like Cassius were stripped and brought as prisoners to the citadel. He had been beaten up in battle and then stripped naked by a beautiful plump ginger haired girl. The “lucky” prisoners had been selected as slaves, others to be tortured and slain in the Amazon warrior training academy, one final group were selected to be executed for the amusement of the Amazon populace in the Arena. Cassius had been selected as an opponent in an imminent gladiatorial fight to the death.
He had spent an hour in the dank cell, an older Amazon had delivered his garment and sandals and ordered him to wear them. In his cell, the air had reverberated with horrendous screams and pleas for mercy from many male prisoners. Immediately adjacent to the cell was a torture chamber and he had had to endure the sounds of his friends being brutally whipped and savagely tortured by young Amazon warriors.
The door creaked open and a short skirted Amazon Guard arrived, “It is time, you will fight in the Arena, follow me Bitch!” she screamed at him. He immediately obeyed her, surveying the scene of total horror in the torture chamber, his eyes wide with terror as he witnessed his nude comrades being savagely and slowly put to death by their beautiful near naked teenage captors.
As he neared the arena the noise grew louder, the air full of high pitched screams and shrieks of excitement. He followed the Amazon up a tunnel into the light. At the arena entrance she stopped and sneeringly eyed the pouch “ My God you are small” she laughed.
“OK Bitch boy, you will walk into the centre of the arena and face the tunnel, your opponent will enter, and stand beside you, you will then bow to the Queen. You will then face each other and walk back ten paces. When instructed, the fight will begin, no weapons, just hand to hand combat. The winner will then execute the loser, if you win you gain unconditional freedom. Walk out now you Bitch!”
Filled with terror, Cassius walked very self consciously into the centre of the arena, feeling ridiculous in the silk G string and pouch. his eyes widened in terror as he surveyed the all female crowd, all eyes fixated on him. The women and girls all hurled insults and abuse at him and laughed at his very skimpy attire. They were all scantily clad and topless, many shamelessly flaunted their shaven pussies at him, their fingers slipping rapidly in and out of themselves.
He noted an elevated wooden frame had been set up, there were with shackles attached to it and a knife hanging from it. Adjacent to the frame was a large sawdust filled container and shovel. His blood ran cold, he was shaking uncontrollably with utter fear. He faced the tunnel, who would his opponent be? Hopefully another man he thought, praying it wouldn’t be an Amazon warrior as he would have no chance against her. He turned and faced the tunnel as his opponent appeared, his jaw dropped as the person approached him.
There, slinkily walking towards him was the most staggeringly beautiful young girl, clad only a minuscule black high cut thong, her height enhanced by the skin tight leather thigh boots she wore. The topless beauty slowly and slinkily approached him, she looked so young he thought, his pulse racing as he drank in her extreme beauty and willowy figure. She was tall, very slim, with endless long sexy legs. Her waist was tiny and she had small firm breasts, her tiny nipples jutted out proudly as she pushed her exposed chest out. Her long mousy coloured hair was tied up and and a long plaited pony tail ran down the length of her back. She held her head high as she walked, exuding supreme confidence and pride, her bright blue eyes shone, her skin flawless, she had high prominent cheekbones and full pouting lips.
He knew it was so wrong, but he felt a twitching in his loins, he felt a strong desire for this stunning young Goddess. As she drew close her eyes focused on his penis pouch, she stared intently at it, not diverting her gaze, pouting her moist lips and running her tongue slowly over them. The sight of this young leggy beauty staring avidly at his genital area was really getting to him, he was hypnotised by her beauty and unable to tear his eyes away from her flawless tight ultra slim body, her delicious milky thighs and her vaginal mound. The tiny thong covered only her pubic entrance, her hairless pussy lips clearly visible as she ever so slowly and sexily approached him. He fought hard, willing himself not to, but he was unable to prevent an erection forming, his shaft bulged hard in the silk penis pouch, conspicuously displaying his arousal. The topless beauty drew level with him, her fiery eyes stared intently at his, she held her head high, he returned her gaze as his heart pounded, his face displaying his panic, his lust, his fear. She stood before him and turned, he copied her as they
bowed to the Queen, who along with her entourage smiled and pointed at his prominent erection.
The beautiful young Amazon Commander stood before them, addressing them and the raucous crowd of women.
“This is a fight between man and girl. The winner is not to kill the loser in the fight. There are no weapons it will be straight combat with no rules, on submission of the loser, the victor will then sexually humiliate and remove the genitalia of the loser, prior to executing them. Our fighters are this pathetic 53 year old male and our fearless Young Amazon, Ulga. Ulga has shown extreme fighting prowess and skill in battle, she has slain many men, she has also demonstrated the highest prowess as a huntress, tracking down men with consummate ease. She has kept and glazed in bronze, all the genitals she has removed from her male victims. She has been nominated by the Amazon Seniors to fight this wretch. On my order the fight will commence.” The Parade Commander turned to the fighters and spoke “You have 3 minutes to prepare yourselves mentally then the fight begins”
Cassius stood quivering in deep shock, ashamed at being stood fully erect at the sight of this teenage girl, the more he fought it the harder he became. The tip of his iron hard penis was leaking pre cum, drops of fluid visibly staining the penis pouch. The teenager faced him, standing feet very wide apart, her shapely legs seemingly endless in the high heeled thigh boots, she formed her tiny hands into fists, placing them on her hips, she thrust out her small breasts, her tiny nipples were now jutting out prominently, the material of her tiny thong was also slightly stained, a drop of fluid seeped from it. It was clear she was sexually aroused at the prospect of fighting him, her unwavering gaze was fixed avidly on Cassius’s erection, her sparkling blue eyes blazed hatred, she had no fear and she was really wet inside now, relishing the effect that she as a teenage girl was having on the pathetic male. Cassius tried to pull himself together, as he watched the girl’s beautiful bright eyes staring at his steel hard manhood.
The near naked women and girls in the crowd screamed with excitement, mocking Cassius’s size and deriding him for getting an erection in Ulga’s presence. Cassius felt utter humiliation bahis siteleri canlı and shook with total fear, the, Amazons were renowned as the greatest ever warriors, a match for all men, but she was a teenage girl, surely he could out fight a teenager?
Ulga had detected his fear and with her beautiful face twisted in hate, she taunted him “look at you, your pathetic penis hard at the sight of me, a teenage girl, you make me fucking sick you perverted dirty old sad cunt. You have no chance I am going to fucking destroy you, beat you to a pulp. I cannot wait to humiliate you before my Amazon sisters, then harvest your genitals before I finish you off. Prepare to die horribly at my hands you filthy pathetic perverted sad little CUNT!”
Ulga spat a huge globule of spittle into his face, then turned and walked to her position. As Cassius wiped the spit from his face, he ogled her gorgeous tight shapely young ass, her thong was absolutely minute, a mere piece of thin string vanishing into her firm flawless cheeks. He could not suppress his erection, he was bulging out of the penis pouch, the tip by now totally stained by his pre cum discharges, the silk material of the pouch strained against the tip of his penis, which fully displayed his total lust for the long legged boot clad young Amazon.
She turned and faced her erect opponent, tweaking and rubbing her tiny erect nipples with one hand, her other hand prised away the tiny thong and she shamelessly inserted her fingers inside herself, she vigorously pumped her fingers in and out, despite the crowd noise he could hear the sloshing noise as she drew her small fingers in and out of her bare pussy. Ulga gyrated her body thrusting her hips, arching her back, rolling her eyes, she was totally consumed with lust, close to orgasm. Cassius longed to touch himself at the sight of the long legged young beauty, he felt no shame any more, like Ulga he was also consumed with lust. If he won the fight, those lustful pouting sexy lips would be wrapped round his penis and he would get to fuck that amazing teenage ass.
Ulga had adopted a fighting stance, her hands raised in tight fists, her long slim legs in a sprint position. He stood sideways fists raised, his erect penis still diamond hard, throbbing and bulging uncontrollably in the silk pouch.
The Parade Commander stood between them. She raised her arm “Let the fight begin, girl versus 53 year old man!” She dropped her arm and moved away.
The erect Cassius held back, despite the fact his opponent was a teenage girl he trembled with fear. The topless girl circled him stealthily, her movements cat like, feinting to attack him. She moved very close to him, he instinctively backed away, she maintained her forward movement, her beautiful face serene and confident, she detected the fear in her opponent. He soon found himself almost up against the wall. With no escape route the terrified Cassius launched a fist at her head, but with amazing speed the she blocked his blow and crashed a savage blow into his solar plexus, she followed this up by rapidly spinning round and building up huge momentum Ulga crashed her left boot into his genital region. Cassius stumbled in great pain, Ulga backed right away, then sprinted at him with alarming speed, performing a somersault, her shapely thighs whirling thought the air as her boots crashed with great speed into his face, as he fell back and using her lightning reactions and strength, Ulga grabbed him around the neck. He struggled to escape her vice like grip, just as he was about to her boot clad legs kicked his legs away and he fell on to the floor. He groggily got to his feet, she dived low grabbing his thighs, again knocking him over, she followed up by raining fierce blows down on Cassius’s stomach. She stood up and backed away as he got to his feet., he was winded and desperately trying to draw in air, however, before he could fully recover Ulga sprinted towards him, launching her slim body into a series of super human forward flips, on the last flip she skilfully angled her body so her boots slammed hard into Cassius’s stomach, causing him to shout in pain and knocking him on to his back, she followed up with multiple rapid kicks to his stomach, severely winding him, seizing the moment Ulga dived on top of him, her taut stomach pressed tightly against his, her bare erect nipples squashing into his chest, her face next to his, her vaginal mound rubbing against his penis pouch. Ulga raised her slender taut muscular arms and rained powerful blows down on his face, she broke his nose causing blood to stream down his nostrils, she had detached several of his teeth and blood oozed from his cut lips and mouth and and down his throat, his vision became blurred as his eyelids swelled up under her blows. Cassius felt his jawbone crack as Ulga continued her ferocious assault on him. In addition, he was struggling to breathe, despite her slender frame Ulga was incredibly strong and had him firmly pinned down. Like a savage Lioness toying with her pray she suddenly stood up and backed allowing Cassius to get very slowly to his feet. He faced her again, desperate for respite from the teenage girl’s attack, as pain racked through his near naked body, he tried to collect his thoughts, despairingly trying to think of a strategy to fight back against this thigh booted supple hellion. Ulga smiled coldly at him and again flew at him, her slender arms and legs a complete blur as she administered a series of karate kicks and chops all over his face and body. His arms flailed wildly as he tried to land blows on her or to grab her. It was all to no avail and he fell backwards, sprawling in agony into the dirt.
Ulga slinkily walked to the other side of the arena, she turned and faced the terrified Cassius as he struggled to stand, she was really toying with him now. He struggled to his feet, knowing he was no match for her and that she would publicly inflict a painful death on him, none the less, the sight of this stunningly beautiful topless young girl, clad only in thigh boots and thong really turned him on. Cassius stood fully erect, bulging hard in the penis pouch, as he prepared to try and fight back.
The all female crowd were cheering wildly in support of Ulga. They knew the 53 year old male wretch was no match for her colossally superior fighting skills. She was skilled to the highest level in all martial arts, she was also a renowned huntress and had out fought, captured, emasculated and killed many men. Groggy and in intense pain, Cassius had barely laid a blow on her, blood dripped from the many wounds she had inflicted on his bare body, his broken joints ached. He stood in the centre of the arena facing his assailant as she continued to circle him, her movement stealthy and cat like.
The teenage beauty raised her head pouting her full lips, she smiled sickly at him as she stared at his prominent bulging penis pouch. Aroused by the effect she was having on the 53 year old Cassius she drew closer to him and shouted loudly “You are a spent force, you sad perverted dirty old CUNT. You are a FUCKING sad pathetic loser. You are no match for me you pathetic FUCKING WORM. Look at how I turn you on, you are PATHETIC, your useless penis erect at the sight of my young body. Now I FINISH YOU”
Her face full of pure total hatred, Ulga sprinted towards him, Cassius instinctively raised his arms, desperately seeking a way of hitting her as she bore down on him. It was hopeless, she feinted to punch him then launched into a cartwheel, slamming her boots viciously into the his chest, his body crashed to the ground on his back, he was badly winded. Her boots then crashed into his torso with great momentum and power, there was a sickening sound as she broke some of his ribs. He screamed loudly in agony and she flew at him, her near nude body pressed against his, she straddled casino siteleri him, her small hands grabbed his throat and she squeezed tightly, he struggled to breathe, his arms and legs flailing wildly in total panic, he felt the life oozing out of him and was on the point of blacking out. Suddenly Ulga released her grip, Cassius desperately gulped air. He looked up at the teenage beauty sat astride him, she stared triumphantly into his eyes, his penis was so hard, squashed firmly by the leggy beauty’s thigh boots. She then stood up beside his body which she had broken, bending down she grabbed him under his shoulders and displaying her great strength she lifted him up, Cassius staggered barely able to stand after her vicious assault. Ulga tightly grabbed his pouch encased erect penis, she pushed him back against the Arena wall and drew a slim shapely leg firmly up into his groin, he felt the skin tight leather of her thigh boots pressing into his groin. She moved her beautiful face inches from his, her blue eyes burning with triumph and lust, her lips pouting, she drew her knee higher, her boots crushing into his thin silk thong, crushing his testicles, her tiny hand squeezed the tip of his manhood with great strength. Cassius screamed out his whole being racked with pain, Ulga spat in her victims face. “Do you submit you fucking dirty perverted OLD CUNT. Do you submit to a teenage girl?”. Cassius was by now in total absolute agony “ Yes yes yes please spare me” he whimpered at Ulga. The young Amazon Warrior released his penis and lowered her booted shapely leg, in a split second she grasped his arm twisting it upwards and threw him with great force into the dirt. She slowly reached down and ripped off his thong and penis pouch, discarding it into the cheering crowd. She stood up and placed one of her boots firmly on to his chest, gazing down at the now fully naked Cassius lying helpless in the dirt beneath her, Ulga the Amazon stared fiercely and triumphantly at him, he gazed up at her slim willowy body the erect nipples of her small breasts silhouetted against the blue sky, her legs were so long, slim and beautiful, the boots so tight, the flesh of her delicious curvy thighs rippled over the top. Her high cut thong now fully displaying her shaven pussy lips.
Despite his predicament, Cassius’s penis was as hard as iron as he gazed up at his young Amazon assailant, she was easily the most beautiful sexy female he had ever seen, any misgivings he may have initially had about being fully sexually aroused in public by a teenage girl had long gone. He yearned to spend the rest of his life worshipping and adoring her, being her utterly devoted slave for life, his mind was flooded with fear about his fate. None the less, he was desperate to relieve himself, he would feel no shame, his overwhelming desire was to publicly masturbate on his knees before Ulga and shoot out his spunk in tribute to her. The tip of his penis was partially exposed, his pre cum glistening in the light against the purple of his glans. Ulga shouted at him “Draw back your foreskin worm, expose your swollen head fully!”. Cassius obeyed her and drew his skin back, the bulbous head of his erect penis now fully exposed to the crowd, Ulga hissed loudly at him “From now on you will address me as Mistress and do EXACTLY what I tell you, and under no circumstances do you cum, you fucking worm, YOU WILL ONLY CUM WHEN I TELL YOU”. Cassius stammered “Y Y Yes Mistress, I will obey your commands”.
“Lie on your back you useless Bitch” she ordered him, Cassius obeyed her instantly, his erection very conspicuous. Ulga spoke again “Before your final ejaculation you will pleasure me”, and with that the long legged Amazon removed her thong and sat on his chest, her face twisted in lust she moved forward over his face her thigh boots pressed firmly into his bare thighs, her exquisite leaking fully shaved cunt left a slime trail as she moved up his torso, before planting her vagina firmly over Cassius’s mouth. He drove his tongue into her moist cunt, drinking up her flowing love juices, she was writhing uncontrollably, her tight bare pussy hole sopping wet, he nibbled at her clitoris gently running his tongue slowly and silkily across it, he gripped her exquisite honey thighed legs tightly, prising them apart, burying his face in the teenager’s exquisite gorgeous womanhood. The crowd cheered raucously at the sight of the 53 year old man expertly and skilfully administering oral pleasure to the teenage Amazon Warrior, many of them drove their fingers in and out of themselves as they watched on. Ulga rubbed her tight tiny nipples, rocking her head back and forth wildly as he drove her to orgasm, she screamed loudly and uninhibitedly with pleasure as she rocked over Cassius’s busy mouth, then she began to buckle wildly, keeping her her tiny bare cunt firmly over her victims mouth, flooding his mouth with her love juices. She dug the heels of her boots firmly into Cassius’s thighs, drawing blood and puncturing his flesh as she rode his face. She came very hard, screaming loudly as waves of pleasure pulsated through her body, after orgasming she sat on his face for several more minutes moaning softly at the feel of his tongue deep inside her. Fully satiated, Ulga dismounted him and stood up, her long endless thigh booted legs and body still shivering with post orgasmic sensations.
The beautiful young Amazon stood over her defeated naked male victim. “Now for the climax you fucking loser, STAND UP NOW!” Ulga sneeringly shouted at him. “Yes Mistress” Cassius mumbled as he painfully dragged his broken beaten body off the dirt. She attached a leash and penis collar to the base of his erect manhood and pulled it taut. “I will now take you on the stage and execute you, you WILL keep your penis fully erect until I tell you to ejaculate” she ordered him. “Yes Mistress” sobbed Cassius. With that Ulga proceeded to slowly and slinkily led the beaten Cassius on to the stage. The crowd was euphoric, cheering loudly and applauding, screaming out their acclaim for Ulga and hurling derisory remarks at the beaten Cassius.
Ulga faced the Queen “May I brief the condemned man please Your Highness”. The Queen nodded.
The beautiful topless Amazon fighter stood in front of her nude victim. She spoke quietly to him, her shining eyes staring intently at his. “Having outfought you I now conclude the proceedings. There are protocols to be followed, so take heed and obey me. I am shortly going to execute you, however before I do so I will cut off your genitals. Failure to follow the protocol will result in the ceremony being cancelled and you will be removed to the citadel central square where you will be publicly, very savagely sexually tortured to death over 7 days by Fiona the Torture Queen. So follow all the rules and you will die here on the stage relatively quickly.
I will secure you by your ankles and wrists to the frame, initially your right hand will be free enabling you to masturbate. Your testes must be empty of all seed prior to removal, so you will pump yourself, ejaculating into the vessel I will be holding. Once you have ejaculated I will feed you all your filthy seed, you are swallow it and clean out the vessel thoroughly with your tongue.
I will then secure your free arm to the frame, take the knife and stand beside you, I will nod at you at which point you may wish to brace, as I will then quickly remove your genitalia. I will then walk slowly around the stage displaying your penis and testes to the crowd, I will return to you and insert them into your mouth and down your throat. After a short duration if I feel you deserve it I will show mercy cut you loose throw you to the floor and place my boot over your mouth and nose suffocating you.
The teenage Ulga moved her face up against Cassius’s saying “I remind you for a canlı casino final time follow my commands, keep your penis fully erect and I will despatch you quickly. Fail to do so and you will undergo the most protracted savage sexual torture. Do you understand bitch?” “Yes Mistress Ulga” Cassius whimpered. The beautiful young Amazon smiled “Good” she said “then let us proceed”
The willowy teenager faced the Queen and cried out loudly “May I begin the ceremony please Your Highness” The Queen nodded her approval.
“RAISE YOUR ARMS BITCH” Ulga ordered, Cassius immediately obeyed her. The slim beauty grasped his left wrist and carefully secured it to the frame. “NOW SPREAD YOUR LEGS BITCH” Ulga screamed at him. She knelt down and meticulously tightly attached his ankles to the lower section of the frame, his body was in a star jump shape, tightly bound. The young Amazon then adjusted the frame angling her victims body slightly backwards, thus giving the audience a better view of the pathetic males genitals.
She stood back checking her victims position, he gazed in awe at her beautiful young body, so very slim, her endless gorgeous legs wonderfully enhanced by the thigh boots. He was desperate to cum, his penis hard as steel bulging out as he admired her stunningly beautiful face. She was perfection, flawless. His emotions a mixture of total overwhelming fear and total lust. How could any man not be turned on by this beautiful topless, boot clad young Amazon clad only in a minuscule thong. His penis thrashed as he tried to fuck fresh air, he was consumed by lust, desperate for friction against it to relieve the pressure.
She stood so proud, her bare chest jutting forward, she looked him in the eye. “It is time. You must now empty your testes and drain all your man filth out before I emasculate you, you fucking worm. DO IT NOW AND STARE AT ME WHILE YOU DO” the leggy Ulga commanded her victim. Cassius’s penis was diamond hard despite his terrible predicament, his glans heavily smeared with pre cum which oozed from the exposed head, as he stared wide eyed at his beautiful topless teenage executioner. Cassius grasped his shaft to masturbate for the final time, he stared avidly at the sensationally beautiful Amazon Ulga who stood before him. It seemed surreal that this beautiful girl was about to savagely execute him by removing his manhood. He drank in her exquisite beauty, gazing at her beautiful face which was contorted in a twisted cruel smile, she ran her tongue over her lips as he slowly stroked his erect shaft, aware of the spellbound gaze of the crowd of semi nude crowd of women and young girls licking their lips and fingering themselves. He gazed at Ulga’s small breasts, her nipples iron hard as she ran her fingers over them, he drank in the curvature of her slim body, her toned flat stomach and her endless slim long beautiful boot clad legs. She had pulled her minuscule thong aside and she rapidly inserted her fingers in and out of herself, once again there was a clear audible sloshing noise as she probed in and out of her wetness, driving herself to another orgasm. He was close now, so close, he could feel his legs starting to buckle as he gazed at the beautiful Ulga. She drove herself to orgasm, she was so turned on at the emasculation she was about to perform. Her head jolted back and she writhed spasmodically as she climaxed, she wobbled on the stage, barely able to stand as she brought herself off again, she jammed her sodden wet fingers in his mouth and he tasted her pussy juice for the final time. “CUM NOW YOU FUCKING SAD DIRTY OLD CUNT, SHOW YOUR DEVOTION TO YOUR TEENAGE AMAZON SUPERIOR BEFORE I FINISH YOU” she screamed at him, spitting in his face. She placed a vessel by the head of his penis, he gasped and screamed out her name, as he furiously massaged his engorged shaft. Totally consumed by lust, his body shook as reached climax and streams of semen gushed out of his swollen glans, he continued rubbing himself violently as he experienced the orgasm of his life, had she not secured him to the frame he would have been unable to stand, so violent was his climax. “DRAIN EVERY FUCKING DROP YOU SICK OLD CUNT” Ulga screamed at him. Cassius continued to rub his shaft, pushing his foreskin back and forth over the head, every last drop oozing into the vessel. Once satisfied, she grabbed his arm tightly and bound it to the frame, he was now utterly totally helpless. Ulga raised the drinking vessel to his lips, “TILT YOUR HEAD BACK YOU PERVERTED OLD CUNT AND DRINK YOUR SEMEN, LICK UP EVERY FUCKING DROP OF YOUR MAN FILTH”. He obeyed his superior instantly. With that the beautiful Amazon girl tipped the huge cum load into his mouth and giggled as the sperm slid down into his widely open mouth, he licked the vessel out cleaning up every drop of his spunk, the teenager inspected the vessel and satisfied she placed it down. She took paced back, the klak klak of her high heeled thigh boots echoing on the stage.
She reached behind her and removed a razor sharp stiletto knife from the top of her thigh boot, she moved it before her bound captives mouth. “Kiss the blade with which I am about to emasculate you BITCH BOY”. Her beaten victim obeyed immediately, passionately kissing the blade as the beautiful warrior girl closely watched him.
“I will now prepare your genitals for removal WORM” hissed Ulga.
She grasped his semi erect penis and drew the blade across the base of her victims shaft and testicles, making a few small incisions in the skin, he winced in pain.
“Now you are ready BITCH” Ulga screamed, her lips pursed in pure hatred.
She gripped Cassius’s shaft tightly, roughly pulling it upwards, he yelled out in total agony. The topless young Amazon placed the blade by his scrotum and roughly sawed into his genitals, blood spurted out on to his naked thighs, he emitted ear piercing screams of total agony as the smiling young beauty skilfully worked the knife, carefully sawing through his testes and penis. The helpless wretch’s body buckled feverishly on the frame as the teen girl carried out the emasculation on her live male victim. The honey thighed young Amazon worked meticulously, her blood spattered skin tight boots pressing into his thighs as she sliced into his genitals. Intense waves of pain shuddered through Cassius’s body as Ulga skilfully and adeptly carried out the savage deed. She screamed loudly and with one final strong upward slice she finished removing his genitalia, Ulga cried out triumphantly and turned to face the cheering female crowd. She paraded around the stage, holding his genitals aloft, the odd drop of cum still oozing from the warm tip. Cassius screamed loudly, his bound body buckled in extreme agony, blood gushing out of him as the blood spattered Ulga waved his manhood aloft. She faced her agonised victim placing his genitals in front of his face. Her luscious young body was covered with his blood, drops dripped off her tiny fully erect nipples, her beautiful face contorted in hate as she unceremoniously stuffed his dismembered penis and testicles into his mouth. The young Amazon cut her mutilated victim free and he staggered around in total agony and choking on his own genitals, his hands instinctively went for his mouth, but the teenage beauty kicked his legs away and he fell backwards on to the wooden floor. She stood astride him, placing one boot firmly on his chest, she stared pitifully down at him and nodded, placing the sole of her other boot firmly over his mouth and nose.
Cassius thrashed wildly about in indescribable pain, blood pouring his groin as a result of Ulga emasculating him, and now with his freshly removed sex organs stuffed in his mouth and throat, he was unable to breathe, he gagged and wretched uncontrollably. He stared up at his thong clad young Amazon assailant, his eyes wide and pleading as the beautiful topless teenager stared coldly and dispassionately into his eyes. He grew faint and his movement stopped, his arms flopping lifeless by his side, the last sight he saw were the long slim thigh booted legs of his young Amazon superior pressing into him.
Part 6 coming soon…..
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