Walking with Scars

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Walking with Scars(Okay, I wrote this. I admit it to be absolutely disgusting, but felt compelled to write it. The opening line, ‘there is nothing better than ****’ just kept appearing in my thoughts, for years. I finally gave in and wrote this fucking thing. Everything I know to be true, tells me that **** is wrong. It is. Don’t do it. Read WALKING WITH SCARS. There’s a point to the madness. The line has since stopped appearing in my thoughts.)——————–Walking with ScarsA NovellaBy: hugo carlos arreolaThis Entire work is COMPLETE fiction.This work is 2016 © Copyright Protected To the Darkness Inside us All.1 ScarsWe all walk this earth with scars upon our souls. The innocence of c***dhood is overpowered by the darkness we come to know as adults. Some scars run deeper than others.2 Jake“There is nothing better than ****,” Jake said to himself after he came inside of Natalie. She, was of course, u*********s due to the fowl concoction he injected her with earlier that night. Earlier that day…Jake worked as a pharmacy technician at the local d**g store. He was a mediocre employee at best. Always showing up to work on time, he made sure to only do the bare minimum of work so that it appeared he was a somewhat useful employee. Just as he’d show up on time he always left work on time; he was never willing to work overtime as his ‘extracurricular’ activities kept him quite, busy. So busy in fact that once a month he would stay out until all hours of the following morning. That day was today.Being that he worked in a pharmacy, he had access to all manner of pharmaceuticals. Jake’s tool of the trade was an injectable compound – that for the safety – of you the reader – will be simply be referred to as injectable 457. What made it so easy for Jake to take the 457 from the pharmacy was the idiot pharmacy manager Shaun, who was so-involved in his own personal drama that he had trouble doing any actual managing of the pharmacy. Jake simply updated the inventory numbers in the computer and more 457 would come in the daily delivery to replenish what he had taken. You’re thinking – his thievery must have been caught on the security camera at some point, right? Wrong. You see, Jake found a blind spot in the feed that allowed him to pocket one syringe – whenever he needed it. Since he only needed one – well, sometimes he needed two – a month to do his dirty deed – nobody was the wiser.A few minutes before the end of his shift Jake got the old ‘five-finger discount’ on injectable 457 and said his usual goodbyes to his co-workers. Jake was an outwardly friendly guy with a somewhat ordinary look about him. He was average height, average weight and kept his hair cut down to the bare minimum year round. He had friends here and there, many acquaintances but nobody you’d say he was really close to in general. Jake liked being alone – where someone might say he was lonely – another might say he was comfortable being alone. That is a difficult thing to do – most people cannot handle ‘alone-ness.’ Jake was a big reader and while he was in high school he tested among the highest of percentiles. During this time, Jake had many friends. There was many a whisper by teachers as well as his peers – about the ‘places’ he would go in life. Something happened just as he was starting to apply for college and everything changed. For now, we shall just refer to it as ‘the Incident’. After said incident he became a loner. Jake completed high school third from the bottom of his class thanks to said incident. He just stopped caring all the time and only did the bare minimum, which drove his grade-point-average to semi-mediocre levels. There was never any visible outburst or breakdown that anyone noticed during this time. Jake held himself up somehow after the incident. After high school Jake got himself a job at the local supermarket as a clerk bagging groceries. He was perfectly content making minimum wage. He worked his shifts – all the while refusing to do any overtime. He lived at home so he paid zero rent, which enabled him to save money. A few years went by in the same daily routine. Oh – he loved routine; he thrived on it. Jake became a master of time. He compartmentalized the hour – breaking it down in his mind. His mind saw an hour as four sections of fifteen minutes. Fifteen Minutes. That’s nothing; it goes by in a flash. So – those years went by quickly. One day – out of the blue – Jake quit his job and went to work. He had plenty of money saved. He then took the necessary classes to become a pharmacy technician. He finished those, got licensed by the state and became certified as well.So he left the workplace and headed for every sinners favorite eatery. As he was walking up to the huge nine-foot-tall door, he looked up to see the bright neon sign – Suicide Café. The signage itself was huge and clashed with all the signage of surrounding businesses. Simply put, the sign was a big ‘fuck you’ to conformity and healthy eating. Anyway, in the 20 years the place had been open for business there hasn’t been a time when the wait time to be seated was under an hour. The place was open from Noon to 2AM everyday – packed from open to close. It didn’t matter really because at the ‘Suicide’ the bar area was just as big as the dining area – all so that patrons could build up the courage and the appetite to eat the fare. Two things regarding the food – everything was cooked in duck fat and a secret ingredient mostly unknown to the public – a dash of cocaine…was put in everything. Everything on the menu was naturally so good that people didn’t seem to mind paying over two hundred dollars per person per meal on top of the already exorbitant prices of the many libations. It’s actually funny, because its menu consisted mostly of burgers, steaks, and ribs – you know, BBQ for the most part. Business was booming. You may be wondering why the authorities have not shut down the place. Truth is – nobody really knows why – although, there are many theories as to why the police stay away. Some say the owner is connected – whatever that means. Others simply say the police are corrupt. Jake simply thinks the ‘Suicide’ is so loved by its patrons that it is only ever spoken about in a positive light. Jake also never pays for his food, his drinks nor does he ever wait to be seated. As was mentioned earlier, he does have friends here and there. Fred is the founder and owner of the ‘Suicide’. Let’s just say that Fred and Jake’s proclivities have a point of intersection. “Ah, hey Jake – will you be wanting a table then?” “Not right now Maya. I want to hang out at the bar for a while – cool? I’ll come tell you when I’m ready to eat – cool?” Maya was one of the hostesses at the ‘Suicide’. She was of Japanese descent – which really did it for Jake in a settle-down-and-have-k**s sort of way, but that was never going to be the life for him and he knew it. Maya worked at the ‘Suicide’ on a full-time basis, making 25 dollars per hour; she also played up the Asian card and worked at a local massage parlor on her days off. She was a regular worker bee. “Okay, no problem – just tell me when you’re ready to eat…k?” “I will…thanks, sweetness.”Jake found a place at the bar, sat his ass on the leather-bound stool, and ordered his first drink of the night. Two things never happen at this bar; you don’t eat, and you don’t order water. It was more of an unspoken rule more than anything, really. If you just happen to break the rule or were a first time patron and did so – you were simply ignored by the bartender. If you were smart you’d look to your right then left and figure it out on your own. If you were stupid and somewhat lucky, a fellow patron might enlighten you on the matter. Around halfway through his second drink, he saw her. She had to be somewhere between twenty-six and thirty with a body that most would say is ‘thumb-worthy’ – figure that one out on your own. If you still need a description she was five foot eight and a brunette. Her body measurements were about 34-25-35 and she had a cup size of 32D – at least, that is as best as he could estimate based on his extensive past experience with the female gender. Once Jake fixated on his girl – he was as focused as if he were on ADHD meds. She would be his tonight without a doubt. Jake wasn’t exactly shy but he wasn’t stupid. He made his over near her making sure he was within earshot. As he was sitting close by – he made sure never to make any eye contact. He remained completely focused on his drink – all the while keeping his ears open on his girl. He just had to know her name. Ten whole minutes passed when he heard a name being called out from clear across the other side of the bar. “Natalie!” “Hey Natalie!” Jake saw two other ladies walk over toward his girl. Apparently his girl was named Natalie. One of her friends was okay looking – a six at best. The other one was a two – a complete grenade. Natalie was a hands-down ten which makes total sense because every ten has a fucking grenade for a friend. That’s just the way it is with friends. The two ladies came over to Natalie and gave each other loud and almost obnoxious greetings and hugs. Jake listened closely to their conversation. He soon learned their names. The six was named Anna and the grenade was named Wilma. Jake laughed on the inside; Wilma – it figures the grenade would have such an ugly name. It was apt. Oh, how their conversation went on and on and on about absolutely fucking nothing. It drove him crazy how pretentious these whores were, but he clenched his ass and took another sip of his beverage. Jake had a very high tolerance; he could drink most anyone under the proverbial table. The conversation continued and Jake grew annoyed – he ordered a beer to change things up. Anyway it didn’t matter to him what they talked about. The more they talked the less they had to say. It made little difference. At the end of the night Jake would plant his seed in Natalie – he was sure of that.Then, something happened. Jake was so focused on his drink he almost missed the fact that the whores – well, to be accurate – two whores and one grenade got up and were walking over to Maya to be seated. He left his half-finished drink at the table along with a tip for the bartender. He wasn’t a complete asshole. He walked over to wait for Maya to return. “Oh hey there Jake – you all ready now?” “Maya, sit me down near those three ladies over there.” Maya and Jake had known each other for so long – they had developed a certain rapport. They didn’t really ‘know’ each other as they only ever saw each other at the ‘Suicide’.Maya seated Jake right near Natalie and her friends. He heard them give their drink order – which only made things easier for him as he just knew all three would be properly sauced for later. Then he heard one of them – the grenade – order a salad. The server gave her a deep sonorous laugh in the face. “You bitch, this hea’ is the ‘Suicide’. We don’t serve no goddamn salad hea’. Just take a look at the fuckin’ menu if you please; do you see a salad section anywhere on the damn thing. Now will you please give me yo’ order or would you care for a few more minutes to decide?” “Ah – Oh – I’m so sorry, sir. Could we please have just a couple more minutes? I’m sorry. “ “Good idea, you young thang. I be back in a few to take that order.” That was Paul. The fattest black man you’ve ever seen. Jake thought he was absolutely disgusting. The thought to put an end to Paul’s misery once and for all – had crossed his mind many a time – but Jake was no murderer – so, they remained just that – thoughts. He had a point. Paul was disgusting. It was damn wondrous how he even managed to move around, he was so rotund. “Natalie, are you sure about this place. That waiter was a complete asshole. Do we really have to take his insults? I can’t believe he talked me that way.” “Oh my freaking god…. are you serious right now? Get over it Wilma.” “Yeah, get over it – please just decide what you want to eat – I promise you’ll love it. Everything is good here.” “But I’m trying to watch my weight.” “Girl, are you crazy – you are looking great these days!” “Wilma, Anna’s right girl – you are looking fantastic!” Wilma smiles and looks down at the menu with hungry eyes. Paul walks over to Jake. “Hey! What up cracka’? What’ll it be for you tonight?” Jake looks up at Paul with a genuine smile. “Hey there Paul. Yeah – I believe I’ll have something new tonight – you know, something different. Can you tell me about the Special?” “Fo’ sho’ I can. Tonight we have a double cheeseburger with bacon and a fried egg. It come wit’ corn on the cob doused in melted butter, a side steak dipped in melted butter, a small bucket of sweet potato fries, three shots of bourbon and your choice of either chocolate cake with ice cream or vanilla cake and ice cream.” “Sounds great. Yeah I’ll have that.” “Wonderful, how you want the meat cooked?” “I’ll take it rare as hell and I’d like the egg over easy, please.” “Coo’ – coo’ – yeah that’ll work. Will you be having chocolate or vanilla cake?“ “I believe I’ll have the Vanilla – please add a second scoop of the ice cream. Oh and before I forget – can I substitute rum for the bourbon? Oh! And can I have beer, doesn’t matter which – surprise me.” “You sure can. I’ll go put your order in right quick and have someone bring you that beer right away.” “Thanks.” “Not a problem at all.” About five minutes later Paul walked back over to the three lady whores and took their orders. Jake was surprised to hear them all order the same thing – the shrimp platter over rice. Predictable – he thought. Round after round – the ladies kept knocking the drinks back; it made Jake wonder why these bitches were here tonight. Were they celebrating a promotion at work? Were they going out to club later? Jake couldn’t understand the celebratory nature of their laughter. That sort of mirth was outside of his wheelhouse, so to speak. He never felt anger or sadness that he did not experience the joy of camaraderie. It just did not affect him. Many a person would tell you that sort of thing should affect a person – not Jake, but how do you really know a person. We’re all individual beings with our own separate thoughts. We simply cannot occupy the same exact space as another person. This was Jake’s understanding on the matter. While they were all eating – Jake overheard their plans for the evening. They were going to walk over about the nightclub on South Main Street. Perfect. He knew it well. He’s done work there in the past. Time came to settle the bill – for the girls anyway. Jake left a tip and made his way outside for a smoke while he awaited their exit. Just as he was going to flick the butt into the street he heard their laughter as they made their egress. It was hilarious to watch; they were tripping and falling all over each other. The only reason they didn’t fall was because they had each other to hang on to. After referencing their phone for the location and direction of the club – they began the hopefully sobering walk in the brisk air of the night. This part of town had excellent street lighting, so Jake hung well back as to not make it obvious he was following them. He knew where they were going – he only followed them in case they decided to go elsewhere. About twenty minutes later they entered the club. It didn’t matter whether you were a grenade or a ten – all women were corralled into the club right away. It made for a target rich environment. Before Jake walked in he made sure he had the syringe of the 457 in his pocket. The moment of its use was fast approaching. This club had multiple rooms for every taste in music. Naturally, some rooms were bigger than others. Each room had it’s own bar area. Jake’s favorite place to stand within the club was in the space between rooms. The incongruous sound he felt between two nearly opposing types of music resonated with his persona. The place was enormous. Jake walked up to Samson, the bouncer – smiled, gave an upward head nod, slipped him a twenty and walked right in after his prize. Now came the task of searching the darkened rooms and hallways between rooms of competing rhythms and pulsating beats. He went room to room – eyes wide open and scanning each room. He was a man on a mission. Regarding Jake’s choice of women. He was an equal opportunity r****t. She did not necessarily need to be a ten on the ‘thumb-worthy’ scale. He wasn’t even looking for any particular type of woman – as a matter of fact. Equal opportunity means just that. He even ****d a guy once – all that mattered was that he or she captured his discerning eye. The person had to have a certain immeasurable quality that reminded him of a certain something – it’s funny though because he could never put his finger on exactly what that quality was he found so attractive. Ah, there she is – he found her in the room of house music. His heart beat with the pace of the bass. He went to the bar and ordered a shot of something – he had no idea what – it was wet and burned his throat each of the three times he put the glass to his mouth. Oh how he loved to dance – he moved to the beat – the bass moved his body rather than the other way around. All the while keeping a sharp focus on his target. It was almost as though he was dancing around her. Round and round the room went. His feet moved with the music – it felt as though he became this other person – one almost capable of complete and utter joy. Round and round the room went. At one point and for the briefest of moments Natalie and Jake were face to face on the dance floor; it was as though in that moment – they were moving and dancing together. They seemed to have something in common – an enjoyment of uninhibited movement on the floor following the pulse of the beating music. The time came a long while later when Natalie said goodnight to her friends for whatever reason and made to leave the club. How fortuitous, Jake thought. He soon followed suit and was out the door as well. The night was going his way, he thought. There were a line of cabs outside – ready to pick up drunkards to take where they needed to go. Natalie hopped in a cab. Jake got into his own cab. “Follow that cab, my man.” “You got it.” About thirty minutes later, Natalie’s cab dropped her off at what Jake assumed was her apartment building. He made his cabbie stop about a block away – all the while keeping his target within view. It was late into the night, so nobody else was out and about. As the two cabs were leaving the area, Jake got low and quiet to make his move. He made his move from behind and got her in the neck with the 457, as she was about to open the door. Everything went black for Natalie – she never saw it coming as the 457 works quickly. He immediately starts his timer – four hours and counting down. He quickly makes a move to hide her in a nearby alley and then calls Marcus – another ‘friend’ of Jake’s who works for an Internet ride-sharing service. Twenty minutes later Marcus rolls up to pick up his passengers off the books, of course. They had an arrangement. “Hey man you’re lucky I was in the area” “Yeah, lucky – thanks for showing up so quickly.” Jake never had a set way of picking up his targets. He was always working ‘on the fly’. It was best not to make it too easy for the investigating authorities. He knew he would be caught someday – but not tonight. Luckily the 457 left little if any trace within the body. Otherwise this adventure would have been over soon after it started. Marcus dropped them off at the storage facility where Jake did his work. He had a large storage unit where he kept his tools of his trade. “Okay, you know the drill – give me two hours and then roll back up to the unit to pick us up and then you’ll take us back to her building to ‘drop’ her home. Got it?” “No problem man – whatever it is you do in there – be careful okay?” “I will. Remember…two hours, cool?” “Got it.” Marcus was not too bright. He really did not think about what Jake was up to in the storage unit. Truth is, he did not care. The arrangement between them suited him just fine. He’d go park about a mile away and keep himself occupied with his mobile library of porn. Jake opened the door to his storage unit, entered into the darkness and placed Natalie ever so gently on the mattress in the center of the unit. He then turned around and closed the door. Jake switches on the lamps he setup in strategic locations to wash the room with light so he could see his enjoyment. The light was still dim enough, however, to set the mood of the room. Jake began to feel a rush of blood going to his penis – but not yet – not yet – he said to himself keeping it in check. He was excited. Oh what a fucking rush! The room smelled of bleach – he kept it clean. He starts by carefully undressing her – paying close attention to how he she wore her clothes. As he took them off he folded them neatly in a pile off to the side. Once they were both naked – he spread her legs and got familiar with her body. He used baby oil – all over – every inch of her body – in every orifice. Oh she was so fucking glorious! At this point, you must saying to yourself – you bet this idiot was taking pictures or video. Well, you forget – Jake was certainly no idiot. His only documentation of his actions was his sweet memory of the experience. Jake saw the idiots on the news who get caught simply because they documented their antics in the form of pictures or videos on their phone – fucking idiots – this always made Jake laugh. Another thing he never did – was to take a trophy. He dropped off his targets with everything they had on their person when he picked them up. Anyway let’s get back to it. Along the wall he had his various items for insertion. Some were big – some were small – a couple of them were huge. Jake liked to simulate the act of double penetration. That is, fucking both the cunt and the ass at the same time. He took few minutes to examine the many items. Ah – yes – of course – tonight he was in the mood for the softball bat. Now – understand – Jake was not a total a****l – he did use plenty of lubrication. He slathered it on the end of the bat and gently shoved nearly a quarter of the bat up her tight ass. She was going to feel that in the morning, for sure. At this point Jake was erect and hard as marble. He lifted one leg as high as it would go, got into position and then rammed his cock home. Oh it was glorious. With every hard thrust he felt himself going balls deep into her body. Ah – it felt so good. He loved every second of it. He loved r****g people – women and men – mostly women. He loved it more than anything. It was his d**g – his vice – his pleasure. Taking something that simply didn’t belong to you was what gave his life meaning. At least in his mind, it did. Thrust after thrust – he fucked the shit out that fucking whore. Thrust after thrust. In. Out. Oh yeah he was flying, pumping his wings to go higher and higher into the clouds. Trust after thrust he rammed his cock into her body. It was building up – harder – deeper –faster. It felt so good. Then – a massively robust explosion of cum cascaded deep inside her body. “Oh. Oh. Oh. Ah. Delicious!” Jake moaned in complete and utter rapture. “There is nothing better than ****.” He collapsed next to Natalie and said, “Thank you for that. It was much appreciated. I am in your debt.” He laughed out loud. “Not really, but thanks.” Jake was completely spent; he lay there for a few minutes gathering his thoughts. He replayed the events of the night in his mind a few times. Then he got up and wiped himself off with a clean towel. He then went over to the corner where he kept his cleaning supplies. He came back to Natalie with a huge grin on his face, a bucket, a funnel, a bottle of pure bleach, and some towels. First – he checked his timer and saw that he still had ample time and so there wasn’t any reason to rush. Jake yanked the bat from her ass – letting the air escape – it was music to his ears. He then took the funnel, spread her legs, inserted it into her vagina and poured some bleach into her. He let it seep out of her for a few minutes then wiped her with a towel. Jake then proceeded to wipe down her entire body with bleach. After doing so he carefully clothed her and got her ready for transport. His task completed – he cleaned up, turned off the lights, opened the door and gently placed Natalie into the waiting car. Marcus drove them back to her building. They arrived just as the sun was coming up over the horizon. Jake opened the door and gently placed Natalie on the sidewalk. He sat her up with her head down as though she was sleeping it off. “Marcus, please take me home.” “No problem, Jake.”3 Maya“Oh baby – oh baby – oh baby – fuck me!”“Who do you love – tell me – tell me – say it – say it.” “You – it’s you! Now shut it, will you! Take that dick out of my ass and put in my mouth. I want to taste myself.” “Whatever you say, woman.” Maya loved keeping it dirty in the bedroom or in this case on the kitchen floor. She led a few different lives. You know her as the hostess at the Suicide Café. She is also masseuse at massage parlor. Maya also has a boyfriend named Chris; he has no idea she works as a masseuse. They’ve been in a committed relationship going on five years. Now keep in mind, committed does not mean monogamous – they have zero clue that they are not being faithful to each other. It seems to work for them – living in sort of blind innocence. Being that they both are extreme workaholics – it is a near miracle they find any time at all for each other in their hectic schedules. Suffice to say that the majority of their conversations happened in the carnal way – not all but most. After they each got to cum – they both looked at the clock. Chris was going to be late for work – he was a policeman. “Oh shit – got to go – shit!” “Take a shower on your own – you’ll make it. Don’t worry.“ Maya was easy-going; Chris was high-strung. What Maya didn’t say was that she was also going to be late for her job at the massage parlor. She wasn’t worried. Her presence there was not time critical – plus it was her ‘extra’ job where she earned ‘extra’ money – so it was no big deal. Maya was second-generation Japanese-American; Chris was who-knows-what-generation Irish-American. She was five foot nothing; he was six foot nine. They couldn’t be anymore different on the outside. They were both the same inside – dirty. Chris showered up, got dressed with some haste while keeping a keen eye on the clock. He refrained from kissing Maya; that would be a mistake as they’d likely end up naked and fucking again. He would be late for sure – in that scenario – and they both knew it. “See you – when I see you love.” “Until then, babe!’ As Chris was walking out the door he found himself smiling; ‘I’m going to make it on time, Maya was right’ – he thought to himself. In some aspects of her life Maya was as self-aware as most any enlightened individual. Now keep in mind – the loose definition of enlightened is used here to simply say – ‘She knows what she’s doing’. Maya trimmed her pubic hair, showered and got dressed. She then headed out the door of the condo and got in her car to head to the massage parlor. She pulled into the small parking lot and looked up to see the names of the various businesses that operated in the same strip mall – including the parlor. The name was third from the top – ‘Magic Hands’. There was nothing special about the lettering on the sign as to not attract the wrong kind of attention. You see, as with most if not all massage parlors in the area – the services offered on the surface – were not exactly the services provided. On the window of the parlor it listed the various types of massage: foot, deep tissue, Swedish, hot-stone, shiatsu. Another name for the type of business was a ‘rub and tug’. That is the name it had earned through certain circles of society. It was an apt name because that is generally what happened at the massage parlor. Reader, come on – does it need to be spelled out for you? It’s a brothel masquerading as a massage parlor. It was also known as an ‘Asian massage parlor.’ Maya played the role well. She figured she looked ‘Asian’ – hell, she was ‘Asian’ – so she played that card. As Maya was walking into the parlor she saw the clock on the wall – only ten minutes late. ‘Not bad,’ she thought. Eu meh – the manager – greeted Maya as she came in telling her (in perfect English) that she had an appointment scheduled for ten minutes from now for a half hour massage. “Okay – no problem – I’ll be ready.” Maya’s name at the massage parlor was Apple of all things – she was a popular in-demand fruit. All the women of the ‘Magic Hands’ played up the Asian card – they all spoke perfect English but reverted to fresh-off-the-boat English in front of clients. It was simply giving clients what they were looking for in a masseuse – it gave them a feeling of power over a seemingly demure woman. Maya was the only woman working there that was not of Chinese descent. The rest spoke Mandarin, mostly to talk shit about their clients. Maya had learned to understand what they saying – she picked it up quite well, in fact. She could get by speaking Mandarin, but nowhere near the level of her co-workers. Besides – it really made little difference because in the eyes of the client – all they saw was some Asian girl. Maya hears the door chime signaling a customer. “O hello mista. Ah you hea’ fo’ ma ssage?” “Ah, yes…I wondering – is Apple available?” “Have ppoinmen?” “No, I just decided to stop by, is she available?” “No she not. She ha ppoimen schedua’l…do you still wan ma ssage?” “Ok, sure.” “How long?” “I think half hour will work.” “O Kay forty dolla.” A few moments later Maya hears “Ok. Follow please, I show room. Want showa fi’st?” “Ah, no thanks I’m okay.”A few minutes later, Maya heard the door chime once again. This man was here for his appointment with the delicious Apple. He was shown to his room. He declined the shower as well. Most did. Maya gave him some time to get undressed. She had changed into her massage apparel. Most clients liked to get a bit hands on so she liked to wear something that was both light and easy to take off as needed. She walked up to the door and lightly knocked to announce she was going to enter. Upon entering the room she saw a fat black man lying on his stomach. To be more accurate he was balancing himself on an enormous beer keg of a stomach. For a brief moment she thought it might have been Paul, a co-worker from the Suicide Café. She then got a better look and saw that it was not; Paul was much fatter with more flabbiness to him. “Hey darlin’. How are you today?” “Oh. Okay. How you?” “Doin’ fine – you’re Apple right?” “Oh. Yes, am – would you like oil o’ lotion?” “Oil is fine.” “Ha’d o’ soft?” “Somewhere in between, sweetness.” “Okay.” This whole conversation happened with the fat black man face down on the massage table with his bare ass facing up. Usually when clients failed to cover themselves up with a towel across their midsection, it signaled that the person was aware of the services provided. “How old are you, hun’?” As Maya was squeezing some baby oil onto her hand she answered, “Eighteen.” “Oh good, I thought so. You look young. I’m thirty-two. Okay, I’ll be quiet now and let you get to it.” She – of course – was not eighteen years old – it simply playing into the wants of the client. Maya was older than eighteen but she looked young, which only served to her advantage. Older men would cut off one of their testicles to be with a girl half their age – metaphorically speaking. Maya began by slathering some baby oil on the man’s back. He seemed strong for a fat man – he muscle tone was crazy good. It must be – to hold up his body while carrying that massive keg in front. She worked his muscles with her hands and elbows. Kneading it like dough. She worked up heat between her hands and his skin. The baby oil helped because his skin was dry; it was dry as dirt. She moved down to his midsection – working the ass with both hands. At this point she noticed a slight movement of his legs to reposition his body. “Be sure to work my asshole, please.” Maya said nothing. Ass-play, it was. The majority of clients liked that sort of treatment, as it was a particularly sensitive part of the human body. Maya was only happy to oblige the man. She moved quickly to work the legs for a bit. After every stroke of the leg she would go all the way up to brush the groin area; she made sure to touch the tip of his cock. She continued this for a couple minutes. She then felt his hand on her ass. She smiled. Maya picked up the baby oil and squeezed a generous amount into her hand. She was going to work his asshole. She lathered it up and down his crevice. She took her index finger and gently shoved up the man’s asshole, to which she heard a low-toned moan of relief from the man. “This okay?” “Oh, yeah…. Can you use two fingers? Go deep as you can.” “Okay.”Maya got to work going in and out of the man’s ass with two fingers, trying to go as deep as she could. She shoved harder each time she entered his body. After a few minutes, she stopped. She went over to the sink in the room and washed her hands. She turned to the man. “Okay. Be back wit’ hot towel.” “Sounds good.” Maya exited the room to go get the hot towels from the utility room. She came back and wiped down the man with the steaming hot towel. She even wiped between his cheeks. After doing so, she noticed a brown smudge mark on the towel. Gross. Anyway, she was glad she washed her hands. “Tu’n Ova, please.” The fat black man complied; he turned over. Maya put a pillow under his head and continued with the massage. The man pulled down her pants to caress her vagina. Maya felt a sudden rush fly through her body, being touched by this stranger. She didn’t even know his name. She then made her move to the big black cock. She cupped his balls for moment and gripped his shaft a moment later making him hard. “What you wan’?” “How much for you to let me suck on your tits and then use your mouth on me, down there?” Maya pretended to think on it for a minute. Truth is, she didn’t have to think about it – she gauged each client for how much she could squeeze out of the fucker. This man was into her, he had an appointment – meaning he came to see her probably thanks to a review he found online – and he was rock solid. All men are vulnerable when they are hard and about to pop; at that point money grows on trees. Maya gave him a number, “160.” “You got it.” Maya then lifted her shirt and let the man suckle for a few minutes. She then made the move to put the big black cock into her mouth. She started by slobbering on the shaft, make it wet with her saliva. She obviously could not fit the entire dick into her mouth. It was huge and had girth. She did her best. So proceeded to fuck his cock with her mouth. She stroked it with one hand while at the same time cupping and squeezing his balls with her other hand. After a few minutes a massive eruption almost caught Maya by surprise as he came into her mouth. She took the entire load. She nearly gagged, as there was simply so much of it deposited into her mouth. She took a moment to keep herself from vomiting. Maya then moved up a bit so the man could see her swallow his load. Men get off on that.The man quietly moaned in rapture after he came his brains out into her mouth. Maya noticed he tasted like pineapple juice – good for him, she thought. It seemed as though he also knew what he was doing. He lay there for a few moments with his eyes closed – breathing deeply. Maya took another hot towel – slightly cooler now – and wiped down the man. “Would you like some wata?” “Oh, yes that’d be great – thanks sweetness.” She exited the room to get him a tiny cup of water, while he got dressed. When she returned the black man was all dressed with her tip in hand. “Here you go darlin’ – I gave you an extra twenty because I enjoyed myself so much.” “Oh tank you so much. Have nice day. See you next tine!” “Ok. Take care.” The fat black man walked out the front door, satisfied – satiated, for now. Men who came to “Magic Hands” could never really get enough. It was akin to heroine – you always wanted it again. It was a rush to be touched by someone you did not know – someone who was seemingly amenable to doing most anything for a low price. It was certainly less expensive than heroine. Maya readied the room for the next target – she swapped out the soiled towels for fresh ones. She also went into the bathroom to use some mouthwash and used a wet-wipe on her vagina along with a little rubbing alcohol. All the other rooms were currently in use, which meant she was up next for whomever happened to walk through the door. Maya loved working at the ‘Hands’ because it kept her sexually active all the time. Some of the other girls did not feel the same way. If asked, they would tell you that the ‘Hands’ made them feel like cheap underpaid whores. Which was true as they only made minimum wage with zero benefits, as they were all independent contractors. The only actual employees of the ‘Hands’ were the three managers who made a little more per hour plus benefits (sort of, they were given the choice of one HMO). Naturally, managers did not receive tips from clients. Maya did not see any problem with the way things were at the ‘Hands’. She was able to keep 100% of her tips, as the business owner – on the surface – needed to remain ‘respectable’ among the business community. The business owner – a man – could only report income from the massage services received upon entry. Plus, it gave the owner and managers plausible deniability in case of any trouble with the authorities. Maya also did not work at the ‘Hands’ on a full time basis – which could possibly make a difference. She simply didn’t give a shit. She got paid – that’s all that mattered. She was able to report the income as well thanks to Fred at the ‘Suicide’. He was fully aware of her activities at the ‘Hands’ – there was a chance encounter between them at the ‘Hands’ a few years back. It happened only once. Fred called her into his office the next time she worked at the ‘Suicide”. They had a talk – Fred agreed to help wash her ‘Hands’ money making it clean to deposit into her bank account. He also agreed to avoid going back to the ‘Hands’ – he’d go elsewhere. In return – he created loyalty. Maya would be a loyal employee of the Suicide Café – meaning she would be read into the less than savory practices of the ‘Suicide’. Maya would be let into the inner circle – so to speak – of the illicit happenings at the Café – you know, the behind the scenes shit. It also got her a considerable bump in pay at the ‘Suicide’. It was a win-win for everyone involved. Maya hears the door chime. She’s up. The client is greeted, his money is collected and he is shown to the available room. Maya gives him a few minutes to undress. She found it important to never make the client feel rushed; haste made for smaller tips. She was there to service her clients; in her mind quality was greater than quantity. After a few minutes she walked in and noticed a young man; he could not have been older than eighteen. She closed the door and went to speak to Eu meh; it turned out to be fine as his identification was checked. His name was Ben and he was a day over eighteen; yesterday was his birthday. Maya was so relieved – she did not need that sort of drama. She walked back into the room. She noticed he had his midsection covered. He was a first time client – that was for certain. What remained unclear was whether or not he was aware of the actual services provided; she thought he probably did not. Damn, she thought. She was not going to get her usual tip out of this one. No matter. It would still be a rush to put hands on such a virginal-type body. Cum or no. “Oh, hello – how a’e you today?” He seemed so nervous – you could almost see the vibration coming off the young thing. “I’m fine. Ah, you?” “I’m good. Tank you. Ah, fi’st tine?” “What?!? Oh. Oh. Yes it’s my first time.” “Would you like me ma ssage you ha’d o’ sof’? Oil o’ Lotion?” “Huh? What?” He thought for a minute – obviously trying to make out what she said. “Um….soft? Please. And…Oil? I think.” “Okay.” Maya started working his back muscles with a gentle touch. Elbows were not used for the soft approach. His body was so tight and lean – almost no fat. As she worked her way down, Maya was careful not to go too far under the towel. She had no intention of spooking the young creature. She skipped his ass area and went down to his ankles to work her way up – one leg at a time. “You okay? You good?” This seemed to startle a somewhat relaxed young man – he quickly composed himself and responded, “Yes. Thank you.” He was face down on the massage table, but Maya suspected he had his eyes closed trying to avoid getting an erection. She worked the legs for a bit with a gentle upward motion, stopping just under the upper thigh and coming back down. Each time the very tips of her fingers brushed up against his testicles. After a few strokes she noticed he raised his ass a bit – followed by his hand moving under his body. He then lowered his midsection back down to the table, placing his hand back to rest at his side. Maya could only assume he ‘adjusted’ himself so that he could more comfortably lie atop his erection. This made her smile in a devious manner; perhaps she would be getting a proper tip. After all the movement, Maya made her way up just a bit higher with each stroke of the leg. “Okay. I be ‘ight back. Going to get hot towel.” She heard a somewhat muffled affirmative yet somewhat confused response.Maya returned and wiped him down with the hot towel. Maya asked him to turn over while she held the towel in place for him to cover his ‘modesty’. It was the polite thing to do, right? When he was turned over on the table his tent was pitched. Maya figured this would be interesting. She massaged his stomach for a bit while carefully testing the waters. She brushed her fingers under the towel a few times. She felt the edge of his pubic hair with each pass. Maya looked at the boy’s face. From what she could tell – the light in the room was dimmed a bit – he had a look on his face that looked as though it was somewhere between pleasure and embarrassment. With her hands on his body, she could also tell he was making a concerted effort to keep his semen inside his body. He simply did not want to let go – not yet. She skipped his midsection and went down to his legs. Again, with each upward stroke she would let her fingers brush up against his testicles. Maya was so wet now – she wanted to undress and fuck this boy right here and now. She was ready, but kept herself in check. Her willpower was strong. It was quickly approaching the thirty-minute mark, so Maya thought she would end the session by surprising the young man. She moved a hand up under the towel a gripped his penis and gave it a stroke, while leaving the towel in place. “This okay,” she asked him. He gave out a relaxed moan and said, “Oh. Yes it is.” Maya pulled back the towel to let the penis breathe. She saw he had a long narrow uncircumcised penis. She continued being gentle with him. Caressing the shaft up and down with her hand, she heard him moaning in low tones. Soon after she noticed upward movement in his balls – he was going to pop. What came next had to be the biggest gob of semen she had ever seen. The stream of cum shot four feet into the air like a geyser. He kept spurting his seed – there was so much of it. He did his best to keep as quiet as possibly. Maya let him rest there for a minute, then cleaned up all the semen. After wiping him down with the warm towel, and covered up his midsection – so she could go flush the cum-soaked tissues down the toilet. When she returned, he was still lying on the table, naked – and erect, again. His session was over, but Maya wanted his repeat business so she was polite about it. “Uh. Yes, Ma ssage ova’. Tine to get d’essed , sweety. I accep’ generous tip, please. My nane is Apple. Come see next tine, okay?” She gave him a moment to process what he just heard. He was no longer as nervous now that he was relieved of his ‘tension’. He then made to get up and as he was awkwardly trying to dress himself – his erection was still in play – he said, “Oh. I’m so sorry. Yes, I have money for your tip. Apple. Your name is Apple? Okay. Apple, I will see you – uh – again.”After he finished dressing he took out his wallet and pulled out what must have been six or seven hundred-dollar bills plus a few twenties. Birthday money? Maya didn’t give a fuck. “How much is enough tip miss, uh Apple?” “Oh. Hon E that too mush. 160 is okay. “ He gave her an immediate look of surprise, but after a brief moment of pause he gladly handed it over. Maya tucked the money into her bra, and went to get him his cup of water while he put on his socks and shoes. They met at the door to the room; Maya could tell he still carried his erection even though he was trying to hide it by tucking it up behind his belt. His walk was telling. “Wata?” “Oh, uh, yes – thank you.” He drank it down in one gulp. “Okay have nice day okay. See you next tine!” “Uh, okay thanks. Yeah see you next time.” Ben walked out the door trying not to let his erection escape from up behind his belt.Maya looked at the appointment book and saw someone was due to arrive in half hour for an hour session with her. There were never any client names written down in the book; it was simply a girl’s name next to the indicated time. Maya went to the back to get Apple ready for the next client. Hour appointments usually meant larger tips. For whatever reason some men were willing to pay more for the additional time when the same result can be achieved in half the time for less money. Again, it made little difference to Maya. She figured these men just wanted the extra time to explore her body a bit. The door chime sounded. As Maya entered the room she saw a tall, somewhat-chubby white man with dark hair. “Oh. How you today? Take shower?” He didn’t say anything at first – he just looked at her or rather looked at her body with a huge grin on his face. He lifted his arm and made a ‘come-here’ motion. Interesting, she thought. There wasn’t anything creepy about him, which would have made her think twice about approaching. The man took her in his arms and between his legs. She could feel his flaccid penis on her thigh. He grabbed both breasts in his hands, giving them a bit of massage. He really wanted to feel the tits between his hands, almost kneading them like dough. He then brought her in close – real close – placing his face into the crook of her neck. He inhaled her scent deeply into his lungs – taking her all in. Maya was wet at this point. This guy was a total stranger and yet it was, as though he had known her for years. This was most definitely not his first time to a place like the ‘Hands’. Oh, he was comfortable. He then whispered into her ear, “I want the full service, please.” Maya did a mental fist pump. “Okay. Sweetie, just so you know my full-service tip is one thousand – up front. Is that okay with you?” Maya knew this guy meant business so she dropped the fresh-off the-boat; she did not want any misunderstandings about the transaction. “No problem. Let me just get my wallet.” He paid Apple. Maya politely excused herself to go swap the money for a condom from her locker. She returned to find him sitting patiently on the table. Now, to be clear – full service meant that he could do anything he wanted short of beating or hitting her – too hard. In other words, anything too loud to be heard or anything that would leave a bruise was not okay – it was not allowed. It was also understood that if it did go too far – the girl could end the session at any time while still keeping the money. ‘Full Service’ was the unspoken code of the massage underworld. It, along with the rules and etiquette of the service were widely known. It was the ‘secret menu’ of your friendly neighborhood massage parlor. Of course, there is plenty of gray area for things to go awry. Maya walked over to him, ready. He made a move; he wanted to undress her. They were both completely naked. The man suckled and nibbled on her nipples. At one point he seemed to almost chew on them instead of nibble. Somehow even the chewing remained gentle. As he was doing this he had one hand down on her vagina – gently massaging her clitoris. Maya’s cunt was near dripping. She began cupping his balls, feeling them both. He was so warm. The room felt warm. He then asked her – politely – to get up on the table so he could taste her. She got up on the table and lay down, spreading her legs open. He went to work on her labia – moving up to the clit. He worked his magic with his tongue. Apparently, he had quite a bit of tongue in his mouth because she felt him enter her with his face. It could only be his tongue, she thought. This guy knew what he was doing. He worked his way down to her anus and worked that hole for a bit. Oh the sensations she was feeling were outright wonderful. It was euphoric. He asked to return the favor. She did. She noticed he had an average penis, and was completely bald. He must wax, she thought. Interesting. She made his shaft wet with her saliva. After tea-bagging his balls she moved down to his anus to complete his request. All the while, hearing him moaning in low controlled tones. “I would like to fuck now, please. Raw-dog.” “As you wish. It’s your dime.” Maya brought the condom just in case. ‘Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.’ It was a good ‘rule-of-thumb,’ in Maya’s opinion. He began by having Apple get on her knees and coating his cock with baby oil. He slowly entered her asshole. He was gentle. Once inside he got into a slow and steady rhythm, going balls deep with each entry. Maya was so enjoying this – she could tell he was as well. She never got over the high of fucking and being fucked by a complete stranger; it was invigorating. The man suddenly exited the ass, grabbed Apple by the waist, picked her up, turned her over, and placed her on her back with her legs spread. He was strong. Apple didn’t weigh much, but the lift took little effort and was controlled. Maya was ready for his cock to thrust its beak into the Apple. The man got into position and entered Apple. He fucked her deeply and gently. Each entry was both balls deep and controlled. It was as though he wanted his entire shaft inside of her each time. The tension was a building crescendo. The room smelled of sweat and sex. It was hot. They were both dripping sweat. He took a hand and put it around her throat. He gave it a gentle yet forceful squeeze as he erupted inside of her. He had nothing but the look of pleasure on his face. Satiated – his seed was deposited directly. Unfortunately, Maya did not get to cum, but she enjoyed it all the same. That was an incredible fuck, she thought. Maya took a few minutes to clean up a bit. She got dressed and composed herself before leaving the room for the hot towels. She came back to find the man was all dressed and ready to go. “Would you care for some water?” she whispered. “No thanks. That was excellent. It was just what I needed. Thank you so much. Take care, bye,” he quietly responded. The man walked out the door with a sort of relaxed confidence. Maya entered the room again and got naked to more properly cleanse her body. She also made a mental note to stop at the pharmacy before going home to pick up an emergency contraceptive. As good a fuck as it was, she simply was not having that fucker’s baby. She got dressed and got the room ready for the next target. That was the highlight of her day. Maya serviced a few more clients with simple acts. She gave one a blowjob and swallow; another wanted to only have his prostate stimulated – he was able to somehow cum without any manipulation of his penis. She also gave a couple of basic hand jobs. There was also one very old man who came in for an actual massage – when she tried to touch his tiny shriveled penis he simply said, “Sorry dear – my plumbing is out of order, but thank you so much for the attempt. It is appreciated. Just being touched is enough for me.” He gave a respectable tip for a man who did not cum. Maya was glad she could help. The end of the day came around for Apple. Maya would return the following week to work a day at the ‘Hands’. She did take a day off now and then – she wasn’t a complete nut job.She was meeting Chris for dinner later that night – they were having beer and pizza. She had a stop to make before going home to shower. At the d**g store, she was in line to pick up her emergency contraception and she looked behind the counter – she saw Jake. She had no idea he worked here – it probably didn’t help that she usually went to a different pharmacy. She decided – on a whim – to change things up a bit tonight and go to the ‘d**g Store’. She was glad. In the years time she had ‘known’ him – she only ever saw him at the ‘Suicide’. From what she could tell he was a good guy and wouldn’t mind getting to know him a bit better. She did have to concede that he was a bit odd – he never came in or ate with anyone at the ‘Suicide’. Maybe he could use a friend, she thought. Maya knew Jake was part of Fred’s inner circle but that is all she knew about that matter. She didn’t really care – she figured if Fred trusted him, then she could as well. Their eyes met – both smiled in acknowledgement of each other. She got to the front of the line. “Hey Jake, I had no idea you worked here.” “Oh, well now you know and it gives you a reason to continue using this pharmacy in the future.” He had a certain charisma about him. She decided at that moment – she liked him. She would try to befriend him. “So, how can I help you today?” “I need one of those over-the-counter emergency contraceptives…you know – the ‘B-pill’.” “Sure not a problem at all, Maya. Let me just get one for you. Give me a moment.” He went over to the shelf and picked up a ‘B-pill’ package. It annoyed Maya how there was so much packaging for a single pill. Jake came back to ring her up and as he was doing so she sort of blurted out, “What time are you off work?” Jake smiled and said, “In a couple of hours, why?” “I’m meeting my boyfriend for dinner tonight. I can bring someone else along – so – you know – we can double date. Sound fun?” Maya had no clue she was setting a friend up with a r****t. Maybe she would be saving her. The logic is – if she saw his face – she would then ‘know’ him thereby excluding her as a target. Who knows, right? We’ll see. Jake thought about it for a moment. “Hmmm – yeah okay – I’m down. Where are we going?” “Great. We’re going to ‘Stan’s Pizzeria’ – you know it?” “I know it. Great mom-n-pop place.” Maya finished paying for the ‘B-pill’.” “Okay. Let’s meet at – let’s say – around eight-ish” “See you then. Bye for now. I can help the next person in line. “ Maya left the ‘d**g Store’ feeling content with herself. As she entered her car she got the water bottle from the passenger seat, opened up the ‘B-pill’ and swallowed it. She then went over to a nearby trashcan to discard the evidence. She felt no need to stir up drama at home. Now all she had to do was call a girlfriend and convince her to go out on a blind date with only a few hours notice. She thought of Paige. She was perfect because she was her exact opposite; she did not put out. Maya wanted to befriend Jake not set him up for some sort of booty call date. She called up Paige and after some protest got her to agree; Paige would meet them at the pizzeria. Maya went home to shower as she had the aroma of semen and sweat on her; it was faint but noticeable.4 PaulPaul was fat. He was rotund. He was a disgusting ball of flab. He didn’t give a shit. He lived every day to the fullest believing he was put on this earth to eat and fuck. Somehow, he was surprisingly ‘fit’ for a man of his size. Most people his size would be in the ring fighting a constant bout with depression. Not Paul. He liked being fat. He enjoyed all things big. Most of all he like fucking and being fucked by huge women. Yes, he enjoyed having a strap-on up his ass. He was sexually liberal to a near extreme. If you ever get the chance to engage in some voyeuristic type activity – have a look in on Paul while fucking one of his fat women. It’s like watching two continents collide. It’s great fun to watch. Paul was a black man – yes he carried a big black cock between his legs. It was enormous – just like Paul. He measured it once – a full twelve. The unfortunate thing was that being a man of his size he had trouble getting it up with ease. Not to worry, he always made sure to have ‘Blue’ with him at all times. The only time he ever went to the doctor was to get a prescription for his ‘Blue’ pills. You’re probably thinking – the commercials say – ‘to check with your doctor to see if your heart is strong enough for sexual activity’. Then you night also be thinking of Paul; a man carrying his weight must have a compromised heart thereby excluding said person from sexual activity. This was not true; Paul had a strong heart – for the most part. Even so, his doctor had recommended against sexual activity, as his numbers weren’t great. Paul did not give a fuck – so, he asked to sign a waiver. He was a difficult man to say no to – his persona was intimidating to most people. His monthly ‘Blue’ prescription was called in to the ‘d**g Store’ about an hour earlier. Paul was in line at the pharmacy to pick up his pills. He picked up thirty at a time and always paid cash. You’re thinking those suckers are expensive; how does a fucking waiter afford paying cash for thirty pills of ‘Blue’ at one time. Paul would tell you to shut the fuck up. He would also add his reasoning of you don’t know him. Truth is, Paul pulled down a healthy income from his work as a server at the ‘Suicide’ along with his ‘behind-the-scenes’ duties. The money he made in tips in one night – alone – could equal that of an average weekly paycheck of most anyone. He was definitely not hurting for cash. Paul had his wireless headphones on – he loved listening to classical music. Strange, right? Paul was a quagmire within a mystery. You’re thinking; he’s huge – he must be stupid, right? Wrong – along with having a high IQ (tested and verified), he also had an extreme amount of ‘street’ smarts. He knew how ‘make that dolla’ – as he liked to put it. Paul was a huge man with huge ambitions. Well – sort of anyway. He had huge ambitions to live up to his purpose in life – to eat and fuck – but to do it in style. On top of that – he didn’t want to bust his ass working for meager pay. The job at the ‘Suicide’ was perfect for him; it gave him the income he needed to live the life he knew he was meant to have in this world. Lucky. In his mind, he had it all. “Oh hey Paul, how can I help you today?” Jake was working. “What up, my cracka’. Yeah, I’m here to pick up my prescription. Doc called it in about – let’s see – shit – about an hour ago.” “Okay, let me check on its status. One moment please, Paul.” “Take yo’ time Jake. I ain’t in no hurry. Today is my da’ off. Say, hey when we gonna see you again at the Suicide. It’s been a while.” Jake brought Paul his prescription and rang him up. “Well, in fact I was planning on going over for a few drinks tonight with my girlfriend Paige and a couple others. You know one of em’ – Maya – she works there. She worked a morning shift today. “ “Oh right, Maya – the little Asian girl… hey what is she – Chinese?” “No, Japanese.” “No shit, I had no idea. Okay Jake, take care now. I’ll be seeing you. Late. Oh yeah – and have a bomb-ass time tonight, a’ight.” “Okay, Paul. Will do. Thanks. Take care, bye. I can help the next person in line.” Paul put his headphones back on and began bumping some Bach. He walked and jiggled out to the parking lot.He got into his huge boat of a car and headed off to visit one of his women to get his nut off. Her name was Bernice and like Paul, she was black and huge. Unlike Paul, however, she loved get fucked by her complete opposite as well. So it was that when Paul opened the door to her house that he walked on her being fucked on the living room floor by a stick-thin-more-limb-than-body white guy. “What the fuck is this bullshit? Is you fuckin’ my piece of ass, motherfucker? Ah, I know you not. You best be taking your white dick out of my chocolate bar, now!” Yes, a thin guy digging fat chicks is a ‘thing’. His name was Scott, and as soon as he heard Paul come and spout off at him – he was the proverbial deer in the headlights, frozen. He then looked down at Bernice, locking eyes. “Bernie. Sweetheart you didn’t tell you were involved with anyone else when we met.” “My bad, sugar. I never said I was single neither!” Paul had a whole stable of women he kept around to fuck as he pleased. He didn’t own them nor did he intend any sort of commitment to any of these women. As mentioned, he was into all things grand – he felt that his cock was enough to satisfy his women thereby negating the need for any additional cock. In short, walking in on Scott and Bernice – pissed him off. Paul rushed Scott with fury and hate. Paul is a good guy – in his eyes Scott was the one solely responsible for the transgression. He’d fuck the shit out of Bernice later to help her see that his cock was the only one needed to fill her vagina. Of course, Bernice had done this in the past – fucked someone else – and she’d continue to do so in the future. She didn’t give a fuck. It was just bad luck that they were caught this time – Paul never announces his ‘visits’. In his mind, all the women in his stable should be ready at anytime. Period or no – Paul was always down to fuck. He didn’t mind a little blood on the dick. As Scott saw Paul coming toward him, he swore he felt the house shake – his flight response took over. He pulled out his dick from inside Bernice. Paul noticed the white guy had this super long pencil-thin cock. ‘Not bad son,’ he thought for a moment, as he was in mid-stride. Bernice rolled out of the way and stood up, calm. Scott trips on the chair behind him. Next thing he knew the whale that was Paul was on top of him. An enormous amount of blood rushed to his head. Paul went at him – pounding on him with his fists. Everything went black for Scott. By the time Paul was finished beating on him – you could no longer tell that Scott had a face. His head was one big ball of tenderized meat. Paul turned around to look at Bernice. She had put on her robe and was simply sitting on the couch, calm. With a blank stare on her face, she picked up her beer can from the end table and finished it off in one swallow. “Ah, you done? You best know you gonna clean this shit up, right?” “Bitch, please – you know I will. I’ll take care of it!” There would casino firmalari be no getting his nut off today – Paul had a job of work ahead of him. It was going to be a long night. Good thing he was also off the following day.Paul got his mobile phone out of his pocket. “Yeah, hey – whatup!?!” Fred was on the other end of the call. “Hey Paul, it’s your day off man. What can I do for you – tell me.” “I’ve got a package that needs processin’, tonight.” “Not a problem Paul. Why don’t you swing by now, and drop off the package? We can process it tonight after closing. Sound good?” “Sounds like a plan, Fred. See you when I see you, boss. Late.”The call ended. Paul went to the kitchen to get the various supplies needed to clean up his mess. Bernice, at this point lit up a marijuana cigarette; she would have you believe it was for medicinal purposes. It wasn’t. She put down the roach and went to the fridge for another beer. On the way back she bumped into Paul, who was bent on one knee getting a garbage bag out from under the kitchen sink. She came back to the couch and put on some girl-on-girl porn. She was not planning to assist in the cleanup effort – not at all. “Bitch, put somethin’ else on – don’t distract me while I’m doing this shit. I know you ain’t gonna help me none.” Paul was busy picking up chunks of face and brain. Bernice switched to the news. “That’s right Kim, we have yet another sexual assault on her hands.” “Nate, do the police have any leads or have they a suspect in the case?” “Well, Kim – I spoke to police Lieutenant Chris Boon today and he only said as of now they do not have suspects nor do they have any persons of interest. When asked for more details, further comment was declined – stating that he could not comment any further because it was an on-going investigation. What we do know is that the victim walked into Saint Martha’s Hospital this morning, informing doctors there that quote she was ****d, in pain, and needed help end quote. It is our understanding that a **** kit was then completed. For channel 2 news this is Nate Bucklin, reporting.” “Okay. Thanks, Nate for that report. And now, onto a water main break on. . .” Paul laughed out loud in a mocking fashion. “Now ain’t that some shit. I tell you – woman – there is some fucked up shit goin’ round these parts, right?” Bernice took another swallow of her beer, and changed the channel to a show about zombies. Paul forgot about the **** story and finished cleaning up his mess. He put Scott on top of an area rug and rolled him up. Paul then cleaned himself up and changed into a spare set of clothes he kept in the house. He pulled his car around back and brought rolled up Scott to place in the spacious trunk. He came back inside and called out, “A’ight Bernice, I’m headed out to take care of this shit. I’ll be seeing you another time. Take care of yo’self, hea’” “Alright, bye.” Paul got into his car and drove the speed limit all the way to the ‘Suicide’ to drop off rolled up Scott.He pulled up to the delivery entrance of the “Suicide Café’ and made a call. “I’m here. Open up, yeah?” A few minutes later he saw Fred open the huge metal receiving door. It was pouring rain. Fred was also a giant of a man; unlike Paul he had the body of someone who went to the gym every single morning. He did; Fred had an entire private gym facility at his home. He had an on-staff personal trainer and everything. He was ripped! Paul sees the door open and takes that as his cue; He gets the rug out of trunk and throws it over his shoulder. He walked over to door. “Hey Fred, I brought a rug to help change your décor!” “Always the fucking comedian, aren’t you?” “So, how do you wanna handle this, boss?” “As per usual, I think. Yeah, same as last time. We’ll cut up the body and process it. The rug and that garbage bag you have in your hand can go into the incinerator downstairs. Good?” “Yeah, I guess. I was just thinkin’ we could just – you know – put the whole dang thing in the flame this time. Just a thought.”“Are you crazy? I am not going to let all that meat go waste because you feel like taking a shortcut tonight. No, you did the dirty – now you better believe you’ll be getting dirty tonight. Now go do whatever for a few hours. Come back after closing – to handle this. We’ll get it done quickly.” “Okay – see you then, boss.” Paul got in car and drove back to see Bernice. He swallowed a ‘Blue’ pill – he was going to teach her a lesson by showing her that his cock was king. He was going over there to fuck some sense into the woman. He had plenty of time before he had to be back at the ‘Suicide’ to clean up his mess. 5 JakeHe opened the door to walk into ‘Stan’s Pizzeria’ to meet the others. Being that he was – for the most part – socially awkward, he showed up a bit early to acclimate himself to the surroundings. He headed in and went to the bar for a little courage in liquid form. He ordered a dark beer. He took one long swallow of the frosty beverage, set the glass down on the bar, then he turned around on the bar stool to really take in the place. A man named Stanley owned ‘Stan’s Pizzeria’. Well to be clear, it was a family business. The place had the feel of being inside someone’s home, cozy. Only difference was the cozy feeling came with an entire parking lot outside the front door. There was live music there most every night. There was also a pool and Ping-Pong table in the back. It was a real family place. This made Jake somewhat anxious. He had a great family life when he was young, before ‘the Incident’. After, he became a completely different person who somehow broke off from the part of him that he was in his youth. Now he walked among us, scarred. So you see, he felt anxious because of the disconnect he felt. He did not know what he felt in a place such as ‘Stan’s’. It was something gnawing at the back of his mind; he had no point of reference to place it. He just felt odd. Act casual, he told himself. Smile a bit more, he continued. It’s going to be okay, he concluded. Next thing he knew, as he finished his second beer – he saw Maya walk through the door. She had two people in tow; her boyfriend – he assumed – was a tall fucker and a lot older than she was, he thought. Then he saw her – Maya’s friend – she was beautiful, in a girl-next-door kind of way. She was taller than Maya – taller than he was for sure, but was shorter than Maya’s boyfriend. She was white – thin but not too thin – shoulder length brown hair – and she also had the most peculiar set of eyebrows. She had these two bushy brows – not out of control or anything – that drew his attention to her eyes. She made him feel odd. He attributed the odd feeling to the beer he just consumed. Now he was taking in this girl through his eyes; taking her all in. He snapped himself out of trance just in time to catch a glimpse at the rest of her. Objectively speaking, Paige was somewhere around a seven at best, but not to Jake. He saw her; he saw an eleven. Talk about gnawing at the back of your mind, right? Jake and Maya spotted each other from across the room. Jake awkwardly waved them over to him at the bar.Maya came up to Jake and apparently was in a great mood because as Jake stood to greet them, she came in to give him a big hug. How odd, Jake thought – but went along with it. Her boyfriend was obviously not a jealous man, at all. “Oh Jake it’s so great to see you! I’m so glad you made it.” Jake caught Maya’s friend staring right back at him; she looked away and focused her attention on Maya when caught. “Jake, this is Chris and Paige. Guys this is my pal Jake – we know each other from the ‘Suicide’. He comes in all the time.” Pal, eh? Strange, he thought. Maybe this is how it’s done, making friends. Making the effort. For Jake, these matters were not completely unknown but were definitely not his forte. He continued on with the proverbial flow, so to speak. His palms were slightly sweaty, clammy? He was nervous. “Good to meet you Jake. As you may deduce, I’m Chris. Well maybe not because Chris is also or can be a girl’s name, but whatever man – it’s good to meet you.” Chris put out his hand. Jake saw it and paused. Oh – oh right, of course – he thought. He then put his hand into Chris’s and shook it. Damn, the guy was strong Jake thought but did not say a word nor wince. He just kept an open smile on his face and went for it. He leapt. “And so you must Paige. Wow! I hope you’ll pardon me saying so, but you are stunningly beautiful.” Jake was inwardly freaking himself out of his mind. Outwardly, he did his best to appear the epitome of serenity – or at least, he hoped so. He offered his hand and she took it. He gently shook her hand in greeting. As they touched he felt warmth coming off her skin. He also saw the smile in her eyes. Her face lit it up in that moment as they looked into each other. “Thank you, Jake. Thank you so much!” Paige said as she shook his hand. This was wrong. This was all wrong. Jake was a monster; he was filthy r****t who took joy in taking what did not belong to him. Yet, here he was locking eyes with this beautiful girl. He was mesmerized. This was a girl for whom he felt no desire to take anything from. How odd – what the fuck is this? He had no clue. They let go of each other’s hand. “Chris, I’ll be right back. I’m going to put our name in with the hostess. Order us all a round, yeah?” “Will do.” Maya walked over to the hostess to give a name – the place was packed. They’d wait it out at the bar.By the time Maya returned the four beers were waiting for them on the bar. Maya grabbed hers. “Cheers!” “Cheers.” All four glasses touched making that distinct sound glass makes in such moment. “So, Jake what – um – what is it – um – that you do?” Paige was also nervous. Interesting, right? “Oh, well I work in a pharmacy. You?” “Nurse, I’m a nurse. I work over in the emergency department at the hospital.” Jake knew he was supposed to say something in response, but was unclear on exactly what to say. He just said the first thing that came to mind. “How long have you been a nurse?” There, that seemed natural enough. “I’ve been a nurse for a few years now. I love it. I went to nursing school right out of high school.” Just as Jake was about to respond Maya came into the conversation. Chris sat drinking his beer, taking in the conversation. “Say hey Jake, how long have you been working at that pharmacy? If I had known you worked there I would have started using that pharmacy a long time ago.” Chris thought this was odd, Maya wasn’t sick. It wasn’t jealousy; it was simple curiosity. “It’s been a few years now, I think. What pharmacy do you usually go to?” “The one across town – you know, the one next to the pet food place.” “Yeah I know it.” “When were you at the pharmacy? Why? You’re not sick.” Jake immediately saw were this going and knew due to extensive experience, that discretion was paramount. So, he butted in to speak not knowing if he should or not. He decided to take the risk. “She was there to get a pregnancy test,” he said with feigned confidence. Paige responded, “Oh snap your pregnant! Congratulations. I mean I still think you shouldn’t be having sex outside of marriage, but still – Congrats you two!” Maya gave Paige a friendly yet dirty look, and then took a split moment to glance at Jake as to say, thanks. “Chris, honey, darling – I took the test. I’m not with c***d.” She laughed in a jovial manner. Chris let out a telling sigh of relief. “Oh, good! That’s great news. I’m not a father. I’m so not ready to go down that road.” “Yeah, thank the Lord. My goodness, you sure did dodge a bullet there, right?” Paige added. Jake’s gamble came out okay. He inwardly sighed with relief. Just then the buzzer in Maya’s hand went off; their table was ready. They took their half-finished beers with them as they followed the hostess to their table. They were seated next to a window. Jake was last to sit; it was fortunate that the chair they left open allowed him to sit facing the door. He hated the feeling of someone coming up from behind; this limited the number of times that would happen tonight. In front of Jake and behind Maya sat an old couple drinking what appeared to be their second bottle of wine. They were taking their time with dinner. Behind Jake there was a young couple drinking beer with their pizza and salad. And to his left was a family of eight who were also just recently seated. From what Jake could tell it was a mom, dad, three girls, two boys and a baby of indeterminate gender. It was one much older girl – targetable, probably – and the boys appeared to be identical twins. That must be so strange, Jake thought, having someone who looks exactly like you. He wondered if they acted the same as well. Jake took his seat only to realize that he should have done what Chris did; he didn’t pull out the chair for Paige. Shit! Oh, well. Jake was feeling off tonight. He usually wouldn’t give a fuck about such matters. Tonight, somehow, was different. So he just sat and took a swallow of his dark beer. Paige was seated to Jake’s right. She felt compelled to say, “Maya, sweetie would you mind if you and I switched so I can see Jake while we speak. I mean this is a – I mean – uh well – this is a date, right?” Maya laughed with mirth. “Oh, shit my bad. Yeah, you are so right. Ha. Okay let’s switch real quick.” “Yeah, right on! No worries,” Chris added. The girls got up and swapped sides of the table. Once seated, the baby starting wailing. Mom told dad, “It’s your turn, hun.” He picked up the crying baby and walked outside with the little bundle of blanket. “Mom I want a Hawaiian pizza, “ said twin one. “Mother, I’d like cheese only please,” said twin two. All three girls sang out in unison, “Meat lovers.” When the server came up to their table mom ordered a pitcher of beer for dad, milk for the younger k**s and soda for the older girl and herself. The server took their drink order and went to go fetch it. A server walked up to Jake’s table and took their drink order – two pitchers of the pale ale. While Maya and Chris were having an animated discussion about their dodged bullet, Jake and Paige simply sat looking at each other. For a few moments they each appeared as though they were about to say something, each having a word on the tip of their tongues. Not being sure about who was more nervous, they just kept looking at each other for those few brief moments. Until Paige finally broke the silence, “So Jake, tell me – what do you like to do when you’re not at work?” Jake wasn’t sure what to say; he was exactly the most interesting person. He was mostly a homebody. Wait, shit that wasn’t completely accurate. He liked going out, but what might seem odd or peculiar is that he enjoyed doing things alone. He wanted to make an impression, but for some reason did not want to lie. So he said, “I enjoy going to Suicide Café, dancing at nightclubs, reading, going to the movies, seeing bands play live, playing the occasional video game, and smoking weed sometimes.” “Uh, Jake – you know I’m a cop, right?” “Oh shit, fuck man – it’s uh – you know – it’s medicinal.” Chris laughed out loud then came in low to whisper, “Shit, man I don’t give a fuck about that. Hell, bring some over to our place sometime; we can smoke together. “ Jake let out a sigh of relief; just then he felt a lightning quick kick to his leg. Paige kicked him. Strange, huh? She followed the kick with a smack to Chris’s arm and a nasty look thrown in Maya’s direction. “You guys! No! That stuff is bad for you. I know it’s not exactly a sin but it’s not legal. Dammit, Chris you’re a cop – you should know better. Come on.” “Come on Paige give it up. You’re not going to get us to go on the ‘straight-n-narrow’. Chris and I don’t judge you for being so perfect.” “Uh, that’s not true. I’ve got flaws.” Chris gave Jake a quick wink as to say, ‘let’s put a pin in this one’. “Paige – Paige, forget I said anything. I was joking – of course. Come on – do you really think I’d go around breaking the law. I’m a cop for Pete’s sake!” Paige looked embarrassed. “Okay. Fine. So, what are we ordering to eat?” Paige was far from perfect, having a hidden dark side to her that only she knew about. As for Chris, he was as crooked as they come. We’ll find out more about them soon. The family placed their pizza order, ordering a salad each and two large pizzas. One pizza would be cheese and the other half meat-lovers half Hawaiian. The dad came back shortly thereafter from the bathroom; he apparently went out to the car to get the diaper bag. Baby made shit; Dad changed diaper. Good for him. The baby was quiet, sleeping. Dad put baby in the carrier to sleep while they ate. Jake saw the dad sit and swiftly proceed to gulp down an entire glass of his brew, followed by a sigh of relief. Family life, eh? Jake did not even speculate on what that might be for him. He went through great pains to ensure his deposited seed was eradicated from each of his targets when finished with them. Could it be that other than possibly staying out of prison he somehow knew better than to allow his tainted genetic material to live on. The pizza order came to Jake’s table along with another pitcher of beer, dark this time. “Paige, are you religious?” Jake asked. “Is she religious? Hell yeah she is; she goes to church every Sunday; she’s dragged me there – under protest – a few times when I’ve had the day off. Shit, she even goes to confession on a daily basis. Paige – I swear – I have no clue what you have to confess everyday,” Maya said and then continued on, “Oh, Jake don’t worry I’m not talking shit about Paige. We’ve been friends since we were little. She knows I love her. Don’t you, Paige?” “Yeah sweetie, I know.” Jake was surprised she was so religious; he didn’t go for that sort of thing himself. He believed in a higher power, but that’s far as it went. Organized religion was not for him. “Jake do you go to church?” “No”“Why?” He knew why, but this was an answer he could not be honest about. “Organized religion just isn’t for me.” He answered calmly and then changed the subject. “Chris, do you currently have any interesting cases you’re working on?” “Huh? What? Oh yeah bro, check this out – there is this one crazy unsolved we’re working on. I can’t give the specifics but I can say this: We are looking for a serial-r****t who apparently strikes once or twice a month. We assume it’s a guy. This guy is fucking nuts. All I can say is that the guy leaves the victims on the sidewalk in front of their house, fully dressed. Strange, right?” Jake’s internal alarms were going at full intensity. His adrenaline levels suddenly spiked, sending his heart into overdrive. It took every bit of mental strength he had, to hold it together on the outside. He knocked over his glass of beer – luckily it was only about a quarter-full. “Oh shit, that is strange. Uh, how long have you been looking for this idiot?” Jake said, calmly. This was insane – this was too close – too close. Fuck! Shit! Fuck! “We’ve only recently caught on to the fact that a few of the recent sexual assaults in the area may be connected, somehow. That is, unfortunately all I can say about it,” Chris said, all business. Jake calmed down a bit after having cleaned up his spill. He then changed the subject again. He had to do anything that got his mind of what Chris just said. He was in the clear for now, but oh fuck it was too close. He wasn’t sure what to do. He always knew he’d eventually be caught. But this was too close to the fire. “This is a great pizza, right you guys? Paige, what do you do when not saving lives?” “Jake please, I do what I can. I wouldn’t say I save lives, exactly. I go to the gym everyday before work. I go to church. I love to read; in fact, I’m part of a book club. I like to go dancing. Love live music. I’m into Karaoke. I love to hike. I do other stuff too, but you get the idea, right? Oh and yeah this is great pizza. Can I pour you more beer?” “Please,” Jake said. He paused the conversation by taking a long slow swallow of his beer. He then continued, “Karaoke, eh? That might be interesting to see.” Paige, of course, wanted to suggest that they go together but did not want to seem over-eager. Yeah, it was safe to say Jake and Paige were attracted to each other. On the surface it seemed, as though they just liked each other – plain and simple. Could it be that – just under the surface and beyond – their attraction had to do with a darkness they both wished to remain secret from the rest of humanity. Paige may seem normal on the outside, but was an entirely different person on the inside. How, you ask? You’ll see. The young couple behind Jake finished eating and paid their bill. The same went for the old couple in front of him. A few minutes later, a group of girls came in to replace the old couple. At the same there was all manner of family noise coming from the left in the form of laughter, arguments and just plain chatter. Holy fuck, Jake thought to himself – though outwardly he kept his cool. One of the girls in the new group was one of his previous targets. He recognized her almost immediately; it took him a moment to recall, as she was a target from a while back. Fortunately, she has no clue he was her r****t. A devious-looking smile appeared on Jake’s face. He remembered her well. Her name was Annabelle. “Jake are you okay? Jake?” “Oh. Oh. What? Oh yes I’m fine I thought I just someone I once knew, that’s all. It wasn’t him. Sorry, Maya you were saying how you hate it when you’re showering with Chris and he farts in the shower. I heard what you said, see?” Maya exploded with laughter hearing her story repeated by someone else. Chris was proud of his bodily functions. “You two, I swear are living in sin!” Paige put her two cents in. Anyway, the conversation continued with Jake listening while dwelling on Annabelle. She was a first grade teacher in a local elementary school. She was a homebody; Jake grabbed her in the middle of the day when she went home sick (he deduced). He assumed an emergency substitute teacher was probably called in. It didn’t really matter, he supposed. It was first grade – the job had to still be mostly glorified babysitting, right? That time he just so happened to use his own car – a mistake in retrospect – to drive her u*********s whore body to his storage unit. He also fondly remembered stopping – beforehand – to pick up an Eggplant as his chosen insertion item. He got hard at the table just thinking about it. Rock hard. He camped out in his car down the street from the school, but within view of her vehicle. He felt blessed that she just so happened to go home in the middle of the day. Shit, she may have been super healthy and simply going home for lunch; it wasn’t far from the school. Jake didn’t give a fuck! He got to handle his business. Somehow – the erection grew a bit more when he thought about how much ‘persuasion’ it took to get the eggplant up into her ass. He envisioned her body; she was super tall, stick thin, with a flat chest, thick dark nipples and a full healthy bush. She was a redhead. He surprised himself when he felt cum fill his pants under the table. Ah, shit! He said to himself. This snapped him back to reality and back into the conversation. “Ah, yeah I like all kinds of music,” he answered the question just asked of him. Jake had the extraordinary ability to multitask on multiple fronts.The conversation continued on about this and that, with Jake speaking up now and then to seem sociable. His mind drifted a bit, thinking about his time spent with Annabelle. He noticed that she was somehow down or depressed; her friends –it seems – brought her here tonight to lift her spirits. Jake wondered about that; he knew he took something from her that night. He knew it did not belong to him, but still did not see the wrong in it. It was his calling. Jake and his newfound friends finished up their pizza, dessert and beer. “Hey Jake, we’ve got the bill. We’ve got to get going; why don’t you and Paige stay, have another pitcher of beer on us, and – you know – talk?” Jake had the following morning free as he had a closing shift so he thought, why not? “Sure, thanks.” Paige had a smile on her face as if to say, this was a planned outcome. Interesting. “Have a good night you two. I’d say don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, but I know you’ll just do as you please anyway. See you soon, ok?” Paige said with certain mirth in her voice. “Good to meet you Jake. Take care, bud. See you soon?” “Yeah, see you soon Jake? Come by the ‘Suicide’ tomorrow after work for a drink, k?” Jake was impressed with himself for branching out. “Likewise, Chris. Yeah, see you soon, I think. Oh, and yeah I’ll come by for that drink tomorrow, Maya.” “Super cool. I’m off at ten o’clock tomorrow night. See you then. Have fun you two!” Maya and Chris paid the bill with the hostess; a few minutes later the promised pitcher arrived. Jake poured out a glass for Paige and then one for himself. It was icy-cold. Just then, the family to the left made a move to box up the remaining pizza of which there was not much, paid their bill and left for home. “So, Jake I want to know more about you; tell me…” 6 ChrisChris was a cop who also ran a prostitution ring on the side. He was in it for the long run. You see he began recruiting girls and boys when they were around fifteen or sixteen. Oh, don’t worry he didn’t touch them; he wasn’t a p*******e, not really. He met the girls and boys through community outreach; he was there to help the community, while at the same time gaining trust over time and building relationships. He along with a couple of female officers – who were his partners in crime – would take these girls and boys on various youth-group type trips. The actual purpose of these trips was to ‘feel’ them out – to see which k**s were more susceptible to persuasion and being controlled emotionally. The parents figured it was all above board because – hey, there were two females along for the trip. Oh it was legitimate – they were cops; they could be trusted with c***dren. It was simply community outreach. They could be trusted as far as these trips went; no minor was ever touched in a sexual manner. All bets were off once they turned of age. By that time, the prime candidates had already been identified. The chosen were then introduced to the job opportunity. What naïve eighteen year old was going to say no to earning money with the protection of the police behind them. Chris and his small group had a multitude of girls and boys working for them. When Chris met Jake, he had amassed enough money to stop and retire. He could have passed the business on to one of his partners, but he didn’t. The work must go on. As far as he was concerned he was a good guy. He made sure his employees were properly compensated. He did not abuse them. He never made them do something they did not want to do. He ran a clean, respectable service that met the demand of the marketplace. It was also against the law, but that did not matter to Chris; he was the law. He felt untouchable. The best part was Maya knew not a thing about it. They were both so ‘busy’ that they were the proverbial passing ships in the night; two passing ships that paused to fuck and live their lives together as they passed. They made time for each other; that’s what a loving couple does, right? Chris kept a small office downtown under an assumed name for business purposes. He employed an office assistant named Betty and a secretary named Peter. Chris or one his partners would make an appearance now and then, but Betty and Peter, ran the show. They worked in tandem to work as liaison between Chris, his partners and their many employees. They also screened contacts and booked appointments with customers. They were quite talented as they also kept the books, did payroll and funneled money to offshore accounts. It was safe to assume that they held the complete trust of Chris and his partners. Don’t be confused – this may be described as a somewhat legit business, but nothing could be further from the truth. Said business did not report any income. Said business simply did not exist. They were making a fuck-ton of money. They weren’t making Cartel-level money, but nobody was ready to complain. Today, Chris made a stop into the office to check on things. Also – he was there to welcome a new recruit. As he opened the door a wave of sound hit him, as the office had soundproofing. From outside the office in was dead silent. There was no signage on the door; there was only a number, 119. Once inside you were bombarded with the sounds of busy office. Business was booming. “Hey Peter. Hey Betty. How are things?” “Oh, yeah hello Chris. Things are great!” Betty said. Peter put the phone down for a moment, “Hey Chris, your two o’clock called. Said she’d be a little late. Traffic.” “How late?” “Not sure. It’s Wendy, she has a long drive, you know how it is – right?” “Yeah, okay no problem. I’ll wait in the office. I have to look up a couple things anyway.” “Ok.” Great – now he had to go into his office and look busy. He laughed inwardly, no he didn’t – this was his operation (well, mostly his) he could do whatever he wanted (mostly). He went into his office to check on the status of a few employees. Chris opened up the computer on his desk, logged on the office network and checked the calendar for the status and whereabouts of his employees. Matilda, his oldest employee, had been working for him the longest. She was near retirement. Her vagina was on the loose side of things and she was ready to move on. It was her choice, as she claims to have found love; she wanted to marry and have a family. Chris wished her all the best. He wasn’t a monster; she wasn’t a slave. Matilda made a shit-ton of money working for Chris over the years and was simply ready to move on. She was out on a call downtown. She was with the mayor on his ‘lunch hour’ at an upscale hotel. Apparently he enjoyed dressing as a baby then being spanked and m*****ed by his ‘mother’. Whatever works for you, right? Chris didn’t judge; he was into raunchy shit himself, and so was Maya. It was Matilda’s final outcall. Good for her, he thought. Alma the Latina grenade was out on a call to the rough part of town. Some guys, unfortunately, were into grenades. Chris knew it didn’t matter what the girl looked like because someone would be into it. Ugly, fat, flabby, smoking hot 10-status, guys, chicks with dicks, whatever – it just did not matter. He knew the world had a demand for every flavor. He wasn’t going to judge anyone on his or her preference. We are all of us, deviant in one way or another. There is no one particular formula to getting to the goal of orgasm – there were many. He knew this and business was booming. Anyway, the majority of people would say Alma was a zero or a one. ‘To each his or her own.’ The man she was with currently had particular tastes – he loved holding the grenade in his hand. It was a two-hour session. The only other employee he wanted check on was a bit of an issue all around. Gwen was relatively new to the job. She absolutely refused to be fucked up the ass and did not want cum inside of her vagina or her mouth. She was basically a nun that fucked occasionally. She was a giant pain in the ass. Gwen had a terrific body; legs that went on for days. She was great at seducing clients, but when it came to fucking she had ‘two left feet’. Chris was almost not sure what to do with her; he surely wasn’t going to coach or teach her the skills. He didn’t touch his employees that way. Maybe having Vivienne or Melinda (his partners) talk to her again, giving her a few more pointers. He was considering even breaking his own rule by giving her some actual lessons, but that was a last resort. She was losing them money – clients would call up to take them up on the guarantee of satisfaction. That meant they were giving away services for free. Chris would then pay the girl or whomever out of pocket. Something had to be done and soon. He saw that Gwen was currently on a half hour outcall to a house just outside of town. She was out for a simple hand-job; he hoped it would not be too difficult for her to get naked, let the guy play with her body for a bit, then making him cum by stroking up and down. He hoped. Sometimes that fact that she was an eight or a nine made up for the fact that she had those left feet. That was not always the case, unfortunately.Inside the office the walls were glass and there was only one door, the entrance. The door opened; she was here. “Hello, I’m Wendy. I’m here about the job. I’m supposed to start today.” “Oh, hey Wendy yeah go on in Chris is waiting for you in the back office. See him?“ Chris waved her over. Chris met Wendy when she was two. Sixteen years later she was here in his office. She was a different employee because she just so happened to be the daughter of an old buddy. They served together back in the day. Wendy had older girls as friends. One of those girls worked for Chris. Girls talk sometimes. For whatever reason, Wendy wanted to do this kind of work for a while. For six months leading to her eighteenth birthday, she kept bugging her friend Wednesday to put in a good word for her. She wanted to work for Chris. Sooner or later after a couple of phone interviews and then the in-person interview – Chris discovered who she was and she him. There was shock and astonishment on both sides. At first, Chris said no; he couldn’t do that to his buddy. He wasn’t having it. He soon gave in because Wendy kept calling him every day, making concise arguments on her own behalf. She insisted. He finally said okay. It was her life, not his. “Wendy, hello. It’s great to see you. Today is the big day. Have a seat on the couch, please. How are you?” “I’m okay. I’m a little nervous. That’s normal, right?” Chris gave her what he hoped was a comforting laugh. “Oh, you won’t be going out on any calls today. We have to get you situated first.” She sighed in relief. “Oh, okay. Good.” “Now, I know Betty has taken your pictures and everything so we’re all set there. We do need to have a conversation about your limits. You know, what you will and won’t do. For example, we always have need for girls who will do anal. Are you comfortable taking it in your ass?” She got a little red in the cheeks. Perfect. “Love anal. I’ll save you time by saying that I’ll do anything except a couple things.” “Wonderful! Tell me then, what won’t you do?” “I won’t do giving or receiving a golden shower and I will never do any kind of fecal play. Everything else is fair game. I like being tied up, spanked, choked – I’m dirty.” She giggled with apparent joy. Chris got hard under his desk. He almost pulled his cock out to jerk himself off, but he kept it in check. “Wow! You’ll do great here. Don’t worry, we get very few requests for showers or fecal play so it doesn’t really matter.” In the back of his mind, Chris almost couldn’t believe what was happening in his office. For fuck sake, he had known Wendy since she was two years old. Now she was here in his office telling him she loved being fucked up the ass. Wendy wanted to get setup in her own apartment; her transportation was taken care of as she had her own car, the piece of shit that it was – she had it. It was reliable which was the only thing that mattered, really. Chris gave her five thousand cash for her to get started. She could rent an apartment – nothing pricey, he told her. He told her it would be the only money he would ever give her; if she wanted more she had to earn it. He said it in a business-like fashion. She took it to heart. He also gave her a mobile phone – the latest model on the market. It was to be her work phone only and was not to lose it. Chris then explained to her how the money was divided up. She paid close attention to that part. She seemed eager. Good, he thought. “Wendy, if you need any help – any at all – getting set up in an apartment, moving, whatever – please, give either Betty or Peter a call – you have their numbers in that phone. Wendy, this is important please pay attention.” She seemed a little distracted. “Sorry Chris this is all just so exciting.” “Yes, yes it is. This next point is critical. Okay? After today, any issues or problems or help you have or need – you are to contact Betty or Peter. They hire support staff from time to time to help out, but they are your point of contact. You and I don’t know each other after today with regard to anything to do with your work. You are a bit different being that I know your dad, and that’s fine – we know each other under those terms. That’s it. You see me out in public you say ‘hello how are you my dad was just talking about you the other day’. Clear?” “Got it, Chris. It won’t be a problem.” “Good, now explain to me how you react if you happen to see me in public?” “I either don’t know you or I know you, but never discuss the job.” “Excellent.” There was one other thing Chris needed to do – he felt strange doing it considering his history with Wendy. It had to be done. He needed to see her naked, in person. “Okay, Betty told you about the next part over the phone, right?” “Yeah, you need to see me naked. I’m okay with it.” “Good.” Chris always enjoyed this part. He didn’t really need to see her naked, but fuck he didn’t touch them sexually. He figured he at least wanted to see what they looked like completely naked. It was just a bit of fun, in his mind. Wendy took off her shoes and socks; she then stood up. She unbuckled her belt. Chris was hard at this point. Somehow watching a woman take off her clothes did it for him. She undid her pant button. Chris casually licked his lips. “Turn around as you pull down your pants. I want to see you from behind.” Wendy did as instructed and slowly pulled down her pants. She was wearing satin panties. Chris noticed. She picked up her pants, folded them, and placed them on the couch. She then took down her panties, slowly while looking back at Chris. Oh yeah, she knew what she was doing. “Bend over and spread your cheeks for me.” Wendy placed her satin panties on top of her pants. She bent over and spread her cheeks with her hands. Chris made an adjustment to himself. “Turn around and take off your shirt and bra – I want to see your tits.” She did as instructed. Chris noticed a neatly trimmed dark red bush. She enjoyed the natural look, he thought. She peeled off her tight shirt to reveal the ample breasts behind the bra. They had to be a d-cup. In his mind – Chris got up and went to her, ripped off her bra and fucked her right then and there. That was in his mind. “Wonderful, now take off the bra if you please.” She did as instructed, keeping her eyes locked with Chris. As she took off her bra, he noticed her large sand-dollar-type pink areolas. “Excellent, now please take a seat.” She did. “I see you keep yourself trim down there. Tell me, do you ever shave your pussy or even wax it? Some clients like to feel as though they’re fucking a little girl.” “I have in the past. I just need a day’s notice to have it waxed clear. Do they pay more for that sort of thing?” “Like you wouldn’t believe! It’s my opinion that most men are p*******es at heart, wanting k**die vagina. I’m a bushman myself, but I don’t judge. It’s all in good fun, I guess – it’s fantasy. There’s nothing wrong with fantasy – you know, whatever gets you off!” Wendy laughed and giggled at his description of the wants of men. She did think it accurate though. He was right about doing whatever worked. For example, most guys she’d been with got off on depositing their seed into her mouth rather than in her vagina or ass. She figured they probably saw it in porn and it worked for them. She didn’t mind; she’d swallow any load. She was dirty. “You look great! Okay then, you can put your clothes back on. We’re done here. It was great seeing you.” “You too!” “Wendy you should take a few days to find that apartment and get settled. Peter or Betty will be in contact soon. Also please remember what we talked about today. Okay? We wouldn’t want any – uh – problems to arise, right?” “I’ll do my best, Chris. Thank you so much.” Chris laughed out loud. “Wendy, please don’t thank me. Okay, take care. Hey – uh – Betty please show Wendy out.”He was done with his side business for the day. It was his day off and Maya was working, so he decided to give Stella a call. She was the lady he was seeing on the side. The lady he was fucking is more accurate. She was a wealthy widow who enjoyed having younger gentleman callers. Chris was only too happy to oblige. He was hoping she would die in the near future and leave him something in her will. It was a long shot, but it was fun either way. One of Chris’s sexual interests was the GILF. He didn’t know exactly why, but the thought of ‘throwing a hot dog down a hallway’ made him hard as stone. This old woman was anything but dry. She fucked like she was starving for it. Chris somehow thought it had something to do with her late husband. He figured the husband couldn’t get it up or something. Stella alludes to it being a marriage of convenience. Maybe one married the other for his or her money. Maybe he was homosexual, but grew up during a time when that was taboo – only marrying a woman to save face. Chris had plenty of theories, but never put his nose into it, as it really was not his business. He didn’t give a rat’s ass, was more like it. He just plain didn’t give a fuck. She saw him regularly to fuck his brains out. She was hungry; oh the things this lady did to him and let him do to her, it was insane how dirty they got. They did everything; she was surprisingly fit and limber for a grandmother. It was all kept discreet and in-house. Out in public Stella was as respectable and upstanding as everyone expected her to be. In-house with gentleman callers she was a dirty woman who was hungry for play. Chris was her current play interest.As he drove up to her long driveway, he saw Martin, the butler. He pulled up, gave Martin the keys, and went inside. The staff were paid well to see nothing nor speak a word about what they knew was going on when gentleman callers arrived. As he walked in he looked up to see her at the top of the stairs, holding a drink. She took a sip. “Darling, I’m so glad you rang. It’s so very wonderful to see you. Come upstairs. I want to play.” Stella was pretentious, but Chris was here to fuck so it didn’t matter, too much. He walked up the many steps, walking by the ostentatious chandelier. When he reached her she had just finished her drink, and set the glass down on a nearby table. “Hey Stella, great seeing you. How are you?” “My sweet Chris, I’m fine – so much better now, that you’re here.” “What’s your pleasure today?” “Follow me.” She grabbed Chris by the hand and led him into one of the bedrooms. This bedroom had an unusually large bathroom. It was going to be a wild afternoon. She had him fuck both her vagina and her ass, taking the time to taste herself each time he switched. Chris loved to keep it dirty, so it was no surprise when she told him she wanted to drink his piss. He didn’t even blink, just said okay and was led into the large bathroom. They both got into the rather enormous bathtub. She was on her knees; he was standing. As he stood, he tried his best not to get erect again; he didn’t want to displease Stella. He started urinating into her mouth. Slowly at first, and then it came out all at once in a strong stream of steaming clear piss. All the while Stella drank as much of the salty nectar as should could. She loved keeping things strange. The stream ceased and Chris stood there getting hard just watching her swallow the last of his piss. “That was so strange, my darling. Thank you so much for indulging me.” She said it as if somehow she was checking off items on a list or something. “You’re quite welcome, Stella. Anytime.” “Your turn,” Stella said. They switched places and repeated it. Chris drank his fill. It was always interesting when he came to see Stella. They filled the tub with hot water and bathed together. They sat there together in the bathtub just staring at each other. They sat in their filth. It was a fine afternoon. After some time, they took in the view through the double glass doors that opened up to the balcony above the garden. After getting out of the bath, Stella poured herself a glass of something brown from a nearby decanter. She took one long swallow of the brown liquid gave out a sound of utter refreshment. She poured herself another, put the stopper on the decanter, and started walking to the door. As she was leaving the bedroom she said in rather grandiose voice, “Ta ta my darling. Make yourself at home; you know where everything is, right? Call me, okay? Bye.” She let the ‘bye’ just hang in the air as if the word possessed wings while she exited the room. Chris was still hard; he could not believe it. It was as though he was on ‘Blue’, but he wasn’t. He got out of the tub and headed straight for the shower. He doused himself in a stream of freezing water. He lathered. He scrubbed. He washed. When he was done his erection was gone. Chris got dressed and headed for the ‘Suicide’ for a drink. Maya would be there; she got off work late tonight. It was fortunate that He, Maya, Jake, Paige and one other couple all had the next two days off; they were headed for his house in the mountains for some rest, relaxation, and hiking. It didn’t happen often, he planned to make the most of it. Paige was bringing a couple she knew from work. 7 PaulPaul was on his way to the Suicide Café to clean up his mess. It was late into the night or very early the following morning, depending on perspective. As he was pulling up to the rear entrance, he saw Fred and some other fool. The guy handed something to Fred, Paul couldn’t tell what. He got out of his car and headed over to meet with Fred. As he was walking, he crossed paths with the fool. ‘I know that white fool from somewhere,’ he thought. He knew him but couldn’t place him. The guy got in his car and drove away. “Hey Fred who was the dude?” “Oh that was Jake; we just had some business. Anyway, you ready to do this shit?” “Ready Freddy.” “How many damn times do I gotta say – don’t fuckin’ call me Freddy. My mama was the only would could and she’s dead. Got it, Paul?” “Aight, aight boss my bad. You too sensitive sometimes, I swea. Let’s get this here shit done. Thanks fo’ the assist, hea.’” “Yeah, it’s what I do.” They headed into the rear end of the ‘Suicide’. As they walked into the ‘Suicide’ Paul realized where he had seen that guy Jake; he comes into the ‘Suicide’ all the time as a customer. He also knew that Jake never paid – so he must be part of Fred’s circle of friends. He accepted it and never gave it another thought. The Suicide Café was quiet; everyone had gone home for the night. Fred put away whatever it was that Jake gave him. He then went over to another drawer and pulled out some cocaine. “Here Paul, we’re gonna need sum a’ this to do what we gotta do tonight.” Paul took the small vial and emptied some of the white powder onto the counter, cut it up and snorted three white lines through his nose. He then licked his index finger and wiped up the remnants to rub into his gums. Fred only did two lines. The powder was simply the best restorative around; it really got the heart working. The adrenaline flowed with ease. Thoughts raced through the mind. He was ready for the dirty. He pulled out rug de Scott and unrolled it. They kept him in the walk-in so he’d stay fresh. Paul lifted Scott up to a standing position, while Fred stripped him naked – his pencil dick was now flaccid. They tied up his feet with rope, and then threw the rope over the strong railing above. They lifted him off the ground and took the hose to him, washing him clean of any filth. Scott shat himself in the rug after he died. It was utterly disgusting, this work. It was necessary in order to stay in the clear. You may be wondering why they didn’t just bury him out in the woods or something; don’t be stupid. That’s a sure way of heading to prison, eventually. They cleaned up the matter at the ‘Suicide’ because it was more or less a ’protected’ space. Once clean, Scott was gutted and his rib cage was cracked open, relieving him of his organ meats. These were bagged up, destined for the incinerator downstairs with the bones. Fred then handed Paul the sharp knife; he was to skin Scott from his ankles to his neck – pausing to slice off balls and cock, then adding them to the organ bag. It was slow going at first, as this was not something Paul did everyday. As soon as his muscle memory kicked in from previous experience, he soon finished. The skin was then added to the bag of organ meats. Fred was to handle the next part. He was to remove as much of the precious meat from the bones. He took out the knife used for butchering (all done in-house) and went at it. As he cut away the meat, he would place it in the large stainless steel bowl on the counter. Cut. Hack. Slice. Chop. Cut. It went on and on; he even took out each side of the ribcage to strip them of meat. What does he do with all this meat, you ask? He mixes it in with newly cut beef and into the meat grinder; the ‘Suicide’ could always use more hamburger meat. Getting his hands on free meat only increased his margins – right? The average male body weighing in at about 175 pounds has about 15 to 20 pounds of edible meat. That isn’t a lot of free burgers made, but ‘every little bit helps’. Plus, in this case a problem is solved. Fred has never received a complaint about the food and his kitchen is always up to health code, mostly. “Okay, Paul you’re up again.” “Right.” Paul snorts a little more cocaine straight from his fingernail. He then lowers the body to the ground, unties the rope, and chops up the remaining body with a clever – throwing the parts into a cardboard box. Once this was complete, he picked up the bag of organs and skin and put in the box. “Aight Fred I’ma gonna head down to put this here shit in the incinerator.” “Yeah, you do that – hey I’ll clean up here and then head down.” Paul headed down to the incinerator; it was dark so he turned on the light. Paul fired it up and let it heat up. When the temperature was right, he opened the door and started throwing shit in. Fred walked in and helped Paul toss in the last few remaining pieces of Scott. They sat in nearby chairs while the incinerator did its work. When enough time had passed Fred shut it off and Paul collected the ashes and left over bits of bone. “Paul, go put those ashes out back in the yard. You know where the compost heap is, right? Bury it; we should be good. I’ll lock up and meet you outside. I’m just glad I don’t come in till’ late tomorrow.” “You got it, Fred.” They both headed upstairs, Fred heading to his office and Paul out to the compost heap. The compost was home to many a clean up job. Paul buried what he had in the container, what was left of dear old Scott. “See you ‘round Scott. You shouldna been fuckin’ my lady, so you got got, hea’.” After saying those few words, he walked back over to Fred who was locking up. The first evidence of sunlight was upon then. It was the beginning of a new day. Wonderful. “Go home Paul. I know I am; hitting the shower and then to bed.” “Same here, boss. Thanks fo’ the assis’.” “Don’t thank me, but yeah – no problem. See you.” They both drove away, guilt-free and dead-tired. Both would probably sleep like babies. 8 PaigeEver see that show on cable about a high functioning nurse with a d**g habit? Paige was the real-life version with a twist. Life is never the way it is portrayed on television. No. Life is a whole lot messier. Be patient reader, you’ll find out what the twist is in due time. Read on. Paige grew up in a devoutly religious home. Every night before dinner her father and mother would lead the family in a discussion over the holy book. They’d read a different passage nightly, and then go on and on about the importance of said passage; the lesson to be learned was discussed and so forth. Paige took it all in like a sponge, and so did her brothers and sisters. Paige was a middle c***d; she had two older sisters and two younger brothers. For a long time, she took her parents word as ironclad or infallible. They were reading from the holy book so, of course, they had to be speaking the truth. There was a day when things changed for Paige; she woke up in a way when she brought over a new friend from school, to play. Her new friend was Maya and they were to play the latest video game in the living room. The moment Maya walked through the door Paige’s mother Ellen said, “Oh my Paige look what you brought home. It’s a cute little Chinese girl. What’s your name, honey? Do you speak any English?” Paige was so embarrassed that she turned bright red. “Mom!! What?” Maya then stepped forward and calmly spoke in perfect English, “Mrs. Byrne I’m not Chinese. I am Japanese-American and my name is Maya. It’s so nice to meet you. Thank you so much for having me in your home.” “Well, what a surprise. You speak English so good! Maya, eh? That’s such an unusual name for little Japanese girl, isn’t it?” “My grandpa came here from Japan with his wife; they had my dad here. My dad grew up in this country, married my mom, and had me; they wanted a non-traditional name for their first born daughter, Mrs. Byrne.” “Oh how wonderful that sounds, right Chuck? Such history!” Chuck was Paige’s dad; he was at the kitchen table helping Paige’s youngest brother with a school project. “Ellen, I must say I agree. Paige, are you and your little Asian friend going to watch television or something?” “No dad, we’re gonna play my new video game.” Keep in mind this all happened one step into the entryway to the house. Maya barely took a step onto the wood flooring when she was given the third degree. “Okay, honey sounds good. Let your mother know if you want a snack or something. Keep in mind though, we don’t have any Asian-type food for your friend.” “Okay, dad.” Paige saw Maya take off her shoes before entering the living room, thought it was neat and did so as well. A fact that Mrs. Byrne noticed right away; she just grinned and shook her head. Later that night in bed and waiting for sleep to arrive, Paige’s mind was going a mile a minute. She was furious and sleep was nowhere near arriving. So she lied there in bed looking out into the darkness outside her window, thinking. She turned the earlier events of the day over and over in her mind; she replayed what her parents had said in her mind over and over. A thought struck. Light bulb. Her mind suddenly focused on a night a long while back during her parents’ nightly discussions over the good book. In particular, she focused on the discussion regarding the lesson learned; that lesson learned, according to mom and dad, was acceptance of others different from you. This drove her from anger to whole new level of utter confusion and questioning. She began to question everything. She came back around to anger, focused this time. Her parents said one thing and did another. They claimed to be so accepting, but when it came to Maya they completely went off book. Their ‘true colors’ were shown that day, and Paige paid close attention, eyes open. The events of the day changed something in Paige. She became obsessed with the dichotomy of things in life. She became two people. One person was the exterior, which was seen by the world. The other was the interior and was only known to her. Don’t be alarmed; Paige did not suffer from split personality disorder. Think of it this way: Paige was a coin; she had two sides. One side was fully aware of the other. As she grew older the division between her two halves became ever more divergent. Paige was as perfect as she was devious, in equal measure. So it was that she became a nurse; she could help people while at the same time acting on her nefarious wants. Paige worked in the emergency department of Saint Martha’s Hospital. As mentioned, she had a d**g habit. In the ER there were plenty of narcotics to go around. If a patient was prescribed and given two pills, she would pocket one of them while administering the other to the patient. Naughty. She did this all day long throughout her entire shift; when nobody was looking she popped one in her mouth and dry-swallowed. It was a difficult skill at which she had become a master. Try it; it’s not easy. Anyway, it’s early in the morning and Paige is walking to work from the parking lot. As she nears the door she sees two girls walking in under the awning. One was crying; the other was providing the shoulder to cry on. Paige saw them walk in and soon followed. As Paige was walking in to go change into her scrubs, she heard one girl speak in the background “We need help. I think my friend Clara was ****d last night.” Paige felt bad for the girl. About an hour later Paige went to the nurse’s station to pick up a new chart. She opened it to read; it said ‘Bed nine, **** victim, name: Clara Newell, age: 22’. Dark Paige said, ‘Shit! I’m so lucky.’ The chart also said that Clara’s vitals had been taken by the medical assistant and that a report had been taken by police – the report number was also noted for the file. Nurses simply loathed doing **** kits; they were a necessary evil, but so invasive during a time when the patient was at her most vulnerable. Paige popped a pill and swallowed, delighted. She walked up to bed nine, opened the curtain and found the two girls just sitting there looking pathetic. “Hello. I’m Nurse Byrne; how are you sweetie? I understand you went through something awful terrible last night. You gave your statement to those policemen over there, right?” “Yeah. I mean yes, I did; they were very nice. Just glad they were both female; I am so off men – fucking pigs! I cannot believe this is fucking happening,” Clara said. She seemed so angry. Most time survivors of **** never report it; sometime they do report it, come in to the hospital for the **** kit, and barely say anything at all. Every now and then, they report it and come into the hospital filled with rage and anger – wishing they could meet their attacker so they could put a bullet in him. It seems that Clara is possibly the latter. “What’s your name, honey?” Paige asked Clara’s friend. “Me? Oh. I’m Sophia.” “Sophia I need to ask you to please go to the waiting area while we complete this **** kit, okay? Sorry. Rules.” Sophia didn’t say a word; she just grabbed Clara’s hand, gave it a warm squeeze and left to make her way to the waiting area. While Paige was performing the **** kit, you could almost see the anger fuming off of Clara as though it had its own presence. There was clear evidence of **** to the vagina and rectum, but Paige did not come across any other evidence such as semen or hair. Unfortunately for Clara, there was nothing to go on that would help her find her attacker. There was, however, the overpowering odor of bleach emanating off her skin and from within her vagina. Interesting. Paige completed the report and tried to comfort Clara, but Clara was not having it. You could see revenge in her eyes; it was something that was likely not going to happen.It was time for lunch; Paige went to the cafeteria for a quick bite. Fifteen whole minutes later, she was in the c*** ward for some alone time with the patients. Oh how she loved visiting them. She relieved Nina, the only supervising nurse on the floor. These c*** patients needed little looking after, as most of them were hooked up to one machine or another. Plus they were all monitored remotely from the nurse’s station; an alarm would go off if anything went wrong with any of the c*** patients. Anyway, Nina and Paige had an arrangement; when Paige would come down she would send word to Nina beforehand so that Nina could call up her boyfriend who worked in the morgue. They’d sneak off to the parking lot for forty-five minutes to fuck inside his van. According to Nina he had a cargo van with a mattress in the back. Nice! Nina figured Paige simply wanted to be double nice to both her and the c*** patients; Nina simply thought Paige read to the patients or something. That was totally something Perfect Paige would do for them. That was far from the truth; Paige hard a darker reason for visiting the c*** ward on a semi-regular basis. Dark Paige visited the c*** ward for one simple reason. Orgasm. She would have her way with the unsuspecting patients. Though, in all likelihood none of the patients were innocent themselves, none of them ever consented to being ****d. Dark Paige didn’t see it that way at all. She saw as the simply benevolent act of spending time with patients who were seemingly so alone. She only visited with one patient per visit; she wasn’t insane. When the chosen patient was a woman; she would lift the patient’s gown pull the catheter to one side and finger-fuck the woman with one hand while fingering herself at the same time. After she came, she would taste both herself and the patient. She absolutely loved the contrasting aroma and flavor. It was incredibly satisfying. Today, she was after a man as she felt in the mood for something to be inside her. Yes, male c*** patients are capable of getting an erection. Don’t be dumb. Anyway, sometimes Dark Paige would get lucky and come across a man with erection already present. Other times she would have to work the shaft with her hand and mouth to get it to sit upright. Dark Paige was in luck today; one of the male patients was currently ‘pitching a tent’. It was terribly small, but it would have to do as it saved her time. That meant there was more time riding the cock. She lowered Patient Buckner’s blanket, raised his gown, and smiled. It was so small, she thought. She removed the catheter. Dark Paige then got on the bed and put the patient between her legs (her butt to his face). She then lowered her scrub bottoms and underwear (she wore plain underwear to work – nothing fancy). Dark Paige lowered herself into reverse cowgirl position and started riding the man’s little phallus. Oh it felt so good to have a man up inside her body. She loved her lunch hour ritual. She loved her job. She loved life. Up and down she stroked the short shaft with her vagina. She gripped his cock between her legs as though she was to choke the very life from it. Up. Down. It was steady rhythm at first that got progressively faster. She put her hand under her scrub top and under her sports bra, squeezing her nipple. She did so until it hurt. She was close. Keep in mind that she was there for the comfort of the c*** patient; she genuinely cared about them. So even after she came, she kept fucking the man. She took a quick pause to recover, then continued to ride the small phallus. With some luck she would get to make him – and yes, there it is. She felt an unusually large explosion of cum go up into her vagina. Not to worry, Paige was on birth control – though she would güvenilir casino have you believe it was to regulate her period. She smiled, done. She quickly got off the man and moved with purpose. She wiped herself clean and lifted her underwear and scrub pants back on. She was sweaty. She cleaned up Patient Buckner’s wet penis and groin area. Dark Paige then shoved the catheter back up into his now flaccid penis. She the lowered his gown and raised his blanket. Dark Paige only had one more thing to do before heading back to work as Perfect Paige. She went to the bathroom to straighten herself up, wash her face, and to get rid of the evidence in the trash. Like clockwork, as she was leaving the bathroom, Nina was returning to her post. “Thank you so much, Paige.” “It’s really no problem, Nina. Hope you enjoyed your ‘break’.” “I did, thanks. See you later, okay?” “Later, Nina.” Perfect Paige headed back to the ER to resume her shift, satiated – for now.9 FredEven in c***dhood he was a big man on campus, so to speak. He had lofty dreams, huge ambition, and the necessary intelligence to achieve said dreams. Fred was literally always the biggest person in the room. His tenure started back in elementary school when he met the biggest, badass d**g dealer in the neighborhood. As mentioned Fred had ambition; so it was that at tender age of twelve he kicked the living shit out of that d**g dealer and took his entire business out from under him. Yes, you read that correctly; he was 12 years old. Anyway, he took over the neighborhood’s d**g business; it was small but lucrative being that it was on the ‘wrong side of the tracks’. He didn’t sell to his fellow students – not yet. Business was booming; you could say Fred had knack for it. He was a natural, staying clear of any suspicion by the authorities. Then came high school at which point he went from dealer to distributor; he oversaw an entire crew selling for him throughout various neighborhoods. This was a period of heavy expansion; he was out to build himself an empire. A task that was not without conflict; he outsmarted and got rid of many would-be competitors. High school was a breeze; he was the perfect student with perfect grades and perfect attendance. He actually did the work. He was uber-intelligent. The saying goes that the common criminal is fantastically stupid. Well, Fred was anything but common. He was the fucking Mozart of the underworld. It was during this time that he would be working on his masterpiece; he would go on to create a vast criminal network that would eventually bring him to legitimacy. By the time he graduated from high school he was so far removed from the criminal behavior that he gained the notice of the Cartel. That’s right, the Cartel. He decided against going to college so that he could become the Cartel’s partner in this country. So it was that a few years later he built and opened the Suicide Café; it was to be the heartbeat of his operation. To be clear he stayed on top for so long because of his intelligence rather than a methodic penchant for criminal activity. Don’t be confused his zeal was for the criminal underworld. He was the ‘Ender’ of that game. At no point was he ever suspected of any wrongdoing; he held a clean record in the eyes of the authorities. He made money, washed that money, and paid his taxes. About a year after opening the ‘Suicide’ Fred had expanded his influence to an entire region of the country. He had his hands into everything, criminal, underhanded and legitimate. He was a silent partner is thousands of businesses; it was a concerted effort to keep his money washed clean. All this activity and he was perfectly happy to appear as though he only owned the Suicide Café. That’s what he did best, making the world believe he didn’t really exist. He was single, so he had no family complications. He, like Paul, had a whole stable of women who would see to his needs. Many have tried to lock him down in marriage; one even got close. Fred believed himself to be too smart for that, seeing marriage as a tool used by the weak to give their lives some meaning. As for legacy, shit – Fred had plenty of k**s by many women. He supported them all; he wasn’t a monster. He was a good man, making sure every one of his k**s had money for life. He had it; so he put it to use. It was his investment in his legacy. It was mentioned that Fred had his hand in everything. Fred was a good man; he was good at being evil. He dabbled in everything from d**gs to human trafficking. His empire was vast. One thing he didn’t do was protection; he didn’t have his guys go around to businesses demanding ‘protection’ money. Instead he offered many a business owner partnership. They all had the option to refuse; doing so, of course, would mean they could not reap the benefits. In any partnership, Fred gave the owner a tiny fraction of a percent of the cut; a tiny fraction of a fuck-ton is still a hell of a lot. In return for washing Fred’s money, the businesses would simply owe favors. Simple.Tonight Fred was to deliver a special cargo to a certain third party at the docks. There was a large ship with lots of cargo space waiting at these docks. The vast majority of this space was to be filled with exports to be headed south. It was all seemingly legitimate except for Fred’s special cargo. The ‘Suicide’ was hopping with activity as per usual. Mass loads of people were enjoying themselves both at the bar and in the dining area. The crowd tonight was comprised of mostly women; it was ladies night. Very few men were allowed in for ladies night; a little sausage goes a long way in a crowd of so many women. This was an established event that could best be described as once a month tradition. Two things to point out about said event: the only men ‘allowed’ in were on Fred’s payroll – off the books, of course – and the night just happened to coincide with arrival of ship from the south. This ship came in about every other month. You know there is a connection between Fred and the d**g trade, right? Well, Fred used the d**gs (mostly cocaine) as an additive to everything served at the ‘Suicide’; he also was a distributor for that same load being imported from the south. One of the stipulations in the agreement with the Cartel was to supply them with a piece of exotic fruit in addition to the monetary payment. In the early years before Fred met Jake this proved to be challenging. It got much easier with the 457 in hand. This is that point of intersection between Fred and Jake. The transaction you witnessed through Paul’s eyes a while back; Jake handed a syringe of the 457 to Fred. Ladies night was especially bacchanalian in nature. Liquid courage flowed with ease. The limited number of men fueled an aura of perceived safety for the women. Fred’s men where to enjoy themselves to a limited degree – meaning there would be severe consequences for getting shitfaced. Fred told them to drink and enjoy but to keep in check as their job that night was to find exotic fruit. There was always that one girl that came alone – looking to be more social. You know, the hot awkward one; she wears glasses to work because her contacts are uncomfortable during the long day at work. She then pops in the contacts to go out because she thinks it makes her look less awkward. She is a ten with a body complex and daddy issues. She has no clue she is hot in a nerdy way. That girl. You know the type, right? Anyway, the Cartel boss is keen on foreign girls. He treats them however and in whichever way he wants; he then simply discards her when finished. In his mind, she is a foreigner and nobody there will know or miss her. Fred had no idea what became of his special cargo; he didn’t give a fuck. It was the cost of doing business; he needed his relationship with his connect. He had a motherfucking empire to run, right? The awkward girl would be injected with the 457 at the right time. By the time she woke up she’d be in her cabin onboard and on her way to her final destination down south. Fred would continue hosting ladies night until he was informed otherwise by the Cartel. It makes you wonder – who works for whom, right? Fred can’t exactly stop expanding and growing his business, as doing so may carry dire consequences with the Cartel. He was happy, which is probably the most important thing. Right?Fred was working behind the bar; it was his favorite spot on ladies night. He calls over one of his top guys over to the bar for a status check. “Yeah, what’s up Fred?” “How’s it going Bobby? How are the rest of the guys doin’? Have they spotted the girl yet?” “No they haven’t boss, not yet. We’ll find the right one, don’t worry.” “Of course I’m fuckin’ worried; we’re running out of time. We close in a couple of hours.” The night had not bared any fruit as of yet, and Fred was running short on time. He was feeling the pressure. Ladies night has never failed him yet. “We’ll get it done, boss.” “I can’t take that chance; I need to get involved tonight. Bobby, get behind the bar and serve drinks with Alice.”His man Bobby has been with him since the near beginning; he was trusted and completely loyal. Alice was a former girlfriend of Fred’s; the blonde was a six with big natural tits and long legs. She enjoyed MILF status. Fred and Alice dated many years back; it ended amicably as she found love in the arms of another man. She soon spit out a couple k**s and lost her ten-status. She loved working at the ‘Suicide’; mostly because it paid well. She was well aware of mostly everything that went on at the Suicide Café. She knew about tonight’s purpose, but she still didn’t give a shit. She was paid plenty and as long as it wasn’t her that went for a boat ride – she looked the other way. “Alice, Bobby is gonna work the bar with you; I’m goin’ out on the floor.” “No Problem, Freddy!” Fred just gave her a look that screamed ‘you’re lucky we used to fuck back in the day’. Bobby started serving up drinks; Fred moved onto the floor. He moved through the crowd like a tiger stalking its prey through the jungle. He was focused. He’s never missed sending a complete payment and had no wish to learn what would happen if he did. He wasn’t about to fuck with the Cartel boss. In the back of mind he thought about his past. Why the fuck did he ever get involved with the fuckers. It seemed like a great idea at the time. Working with Cartel meant he’d no longer be the middleman, which meant more money in his pocket. His new position in the trade made him a direct distributor – more or less anyway. Lately, he thought more and more about how he was actually working for the Cartel. His intelligence had his head spinning. As usual he always owned his decision. He chose to work with them and would continue to do so for as long as possible. The thing is he could retire at any time; he could simply choose to elevate one of his guys and be done with it. He had enough money for ten lifetimes. The only real question is when is it the right time to do so? There she was at the entry door; he saw her from the window. She was showing her ID to Samson, the bouncer. Samson was a relatively new hire and not in on tonight’s objective. He was simply doing what he did best, working the door, and keeping the undesirables out. He used to work the door at the nightclub nearby, but there was an opening at the Suicide Café with much better pay. Samson can best be described as a gym rat; when he wasn’t working, he was at the gym working on his body. He wasn’t nearly as big as Fred, but his body was impressive. This was his side job; his regular paying job was as a male stripper, sometimes prostitute. Fred was fully aware of this and planned to hopefully bring him into the fold at some point. Fred saw Samson check her ID and casually look over her body; she was acceptable and was let into the ‘Suicide’. She was awkwardly smoking hot; she was clearly coming in alone. Fred was hoping she wasn’t meeting anyone who was already inside. She was about six foot one – a tall bird – with small perky breast. She had long dark-red hair that went down the tightest ass Fred had ever seen. She was wearing this incredible black dress that clung to her as though it was wet. You could clearly see her nipples; she wore no bra. It was a bit short as if it wasn’t exactly in her size. It was so short; it made Fred wonder if she’d expose herself to the world in the mere act of bending over. In Fred’s best estimation, she was not wearing panties. She was clearly DTF. Fred snapped out of his reverie and back into reality, telling himself that she wasn’t for him. She was not for him, he said to himself like a mantra. Fred signaled to Alice and she made a couple girls at the bar leave so that a couple seats would remain open. The two girls walked over laughing and stood in a corner continuing their night with drink in hand. Alice walked over to the girl. “Hey sweetie, if you’re looking for a place to sit there is a space open over by my side of the bar.” At first, the girl had no idea she was being talked to so Alice repeated herself trying to get the girl’s attention. She was clearly nervous. Maybe she even felt out of place. Alice finally got the girl’s attention and repeated herself once more. “Oh. Oh. Yes, thank you so much. I was looking for a place to sit.” They both walked over to Alice’s side of the bar. The girl took a napkin from the bar and carefully wiped off the stool seat as though it was contaminated with contagion. A few napkins later, she sat. “What’ll it be, honey? What can I getcha?” “Um. I’ll have a glass of white wine.” “What kind?” “I don’t know. Um. Whatever most people get, I guess.” “You got it hun, a glass of whatever-most-people-get coming right up, just give me a sec.” Alice took a bottle of Chardonnay out of the fridge and poured a generous amount. “That’ll be 20 or would you like to open a tab?” “No, no I’ll pay. I’m just here to have a couple drinks.“ She gave Alice a 20. “What’s your name, sweetie?” She took a drink then set down the glass, her hand shaking a bit. “Carolyn, my name is Carolyn.” “Well, Carolyn I’m Alice. Say, are you here to meet anybody?” “No, I’m just here to have a couple drinks. It’s my birthday and I’m new in town so I don’t know anybody.” “Wow! Happy Birthday. The next one is on me, okay? Let me know if there is anything I can get you, okay?” “Okay, thanks. Alice.” Carolyn sat there quietly sipping her drink trying not to draw any attention. Walking over to the other side of the bar, Alice gave Fred the green light look and went on about her work. Fred made his way over to the girl; he sat down and inhaled deeply, taking in her scent. Among the regular smells of the ‘Suicide’, which were weed and plain cigarette smoke he smelled what could only be described as strawberry bubble gum. He took her in deeply; his olfactory sense triggered a memory of his c***dhood. He went way back to chewing strawberry bubble gum on the playground with his friends. It was a powerful memory, as he hadn’t thought about those days in a long time. His prey was before him; he went in for the kill. “Hello there young lass, I’m the owner of this here establishment. May I interest you in something to drink? I see you’re just about done that there wine. It’s on the house, of course. A beautiful thing such as yourself shouldn’t have to pay for a drink in my place.” A couple things to note, Carolyn still had a quarter glass left of her wine and she was just one of a myriad of beautiful women present at the ‘Suicide’ on ladies night. Unfortunately for her, this was not a night on which she would be getting a ‘fairy tale ending’. It was just not her night, period. She completely bought into Fred’s bullshit, blushing dark red at the compliment. “Yeah, that would be great! Thank you so much.” She was clearly letting her guard down a bit as the wine was already doing its magic upon her will. How could she know that her life was about to change in a dramatic and final way? He was the owner; she felt safe. She told Fred about it being her birthday. By her third drink she was showing the very early signs of slurred speech. Lightweight. She took her time with the drinks, almost to the point of babysitting. Fred and Carolyn talked about everything and nothing at the same; if it was any other night this may have been construed as a first date. She was not for him. She was not for him. Halfway through her fourth drink she was spilling out the most intimate details of her life. This is too easy, Fred thought. He sat there listening about how she hoped to do well at her new job, which began the following Monday. She told him how she was having the hardest time finding the right furniture for her new apartment. Fred was actually getting to know her; he almost felt bad that he had to conduct his business tonight, almost. Closing time came around along with last call. There was a rush at the bar to order the night’s final drinks. “Carolyn, you’ve had a lot to drink. I definitely don’t want you driving home tonight. Let’s walk you out front and get you into a cab, on me – okay?” “O kay Fred dy Than ks It was gre at meet ing you Hop e we can do this a gain.” She was clearly beyond intoxicated; Fred thought about skipping the 457 altogether, but decided against it. ‘Better safe than sorry’, right? “Of course Carolyn, of course. Looking forward to it. “ He began walking her out front while the frenzy at the bar continued. “Bring the car up front,” he whispered to Jason in passing. Jason would be driving the special cargo along with payment to the docks. He’d also handle receipt of the d**gs in exchange for said the payment. The d**gs in question were in a container loaded onto a truck, waiting for pickup. In other words, Jason was a trusted man. Fred still kept some distance from the criminal activity, though he was a bit more hands on these days – from time to time, anyway. Fred stood waiting with Carolyn out front for the arrival of the ‘taxi cab’. He got a jacket from one his men and offered it to Carolyn; she was shivering and gladly accepted it. The car rolled up with four more vehicles behind it – Jason’s entourage. It was best to show up to an exchange with a small army. Jason was to lead this army. “Here it is,” he told Carolyn. “Why isn’t it ye yellow?” “It’s a private car service. Let me get the door for you. Just tell the driver your address and you’ll be home in no time.” Carolyn didn’t give it second thought, being too inebriated to do any heavy thinking. Fred opened the car door and gently persuaded her to take her seat in the car. He took the syringe out of his pocket as she was sitting, uncapped it with his teeth, inserted it into her neck, and depressed the plunger. Almost instantly everything went black for Carolyn. “Jason, you know what do; take care of it. Call me when it’s done.” Fred capped the syringe and placed the syringe back into his pocket as it was destined for the incinerator. He closed the door and slapped the roof of the car, signaling Jason to go. Fred walked back into the Suicide Café, relieved. He handled his fucking business that night. He walked in and instructed Alice to lock up after the placed cleared out. Fred headed home for the night, to sleep guilt-free. 10 MagdaJake walked alongside Magda on the trail. They were on mile one of a twenty-mile hike; it was just after sunrise. Magda was Paige’s friend and co-worker at Saint Martha’s; she worked as an attorney for the hospital. The three couples decided on a trail that would take the whole day; they were going to attempt the distance but were okay not completing it as none of them were at an advanced level of hiker. They were going to camp out that night and then hike back to their cars the following day. Maya walked alongside Noah, Magda’s husband. Paige had Chris as her companion at this early stage of the hike. It was a brisk morning in the Redwood Forest with sounds a plenty of birds and other such fauna. The air was refreshing. It smelled clean. Magda was enjoying her conversation with Jake; they were currently discussing the intricacies of relationships between men and women. Magda had strong opinions on the subject. She was psychotic and delusional, undiagnosed. A few years back she won a large settlement against the law firm where she was employed as an attorney before she married. She claimed that she was systematically ****d and beaten by all of her superiors over the course of two years, being passed from one man to another. She further claimed that she did not report it to the police because she was afraid of losing her life and/or her job. She had somehow collected enough proof over time to sway the unsuspecting yet sympathetic jury to her side. She won the lawsuit and would never have to work again. The only reason she worked at Saint Martha’s was so she’d have somewhere to go everyday. That is also where she met her husband, Noah; He’s an ER doctor. Here’s the thing; there was never any ****, ever. The truth is that she liked, loved it rough in the bedroom. Pain was her friend; she got off on it. The prosecution failed to prove that she liked it rough. They also failed to prove that she planned the whole thing. She believed completely in the delusion of her own making. Magda was not outspoken regarding her wants and desires of the bedroom. She preferred keeping that private. That’s how Paige and Magda became friends, over the fact that others around them would discuss private matters so openly and they did not. Magda had no clue whatsoever regarding Paige’s activities in the c*** ward. “Paige has told me a lot about the time you two have spent together; she has me curious. I want to know what it is about you that has Paige so excited these days.” Jake let out a fake yet surprisingly convincing laugh. “Excited, eh? Wow I had no idea. I mean I know she’s into me and I her, but really – excited? Amazing. Okay – well, you’ll have to give me a moment to collect my thoughts on that one.”“Ha, okay Jake you take your moment,” Magda began and then continued, “Hey guys go on ahead. Jake and I’ll catch up to you. I have to pee.” “Okay.” Came a yell from up ahead on the trail. Magda went behind a tree to squat and pee; Jake waited nearby. The rest of the group was now well out of earshot of a normal speaking voice. Jake felt a hard shove from behind; it was Magda. “What the hell, Magda?” “I saw you that night. I saw you. Tell me, was it you?” “What? What the hell are even talking about? Saw me do what?” Jake’s heartbeat went into overdrive, beating a mile a minute. What the hell was she talking about; there’s no way she could know, right? His anxiety level reached a new high. What should he do? What should he say? He did his best to appear and actually remain calm. She didn’t know anything. How could she, really?“When I met you this morning, I thought you looked familiar but wasn’t sure how. Then I remembered. It was you at the Suicide Café sitting near those girls at the bar, so focused on your drink. I didn’t think anything of it until I noticed you got up the very second they did, to go eat. Then when Noah and I were being seated I also noticed you sitting close to the same group of girls, again focused on what was in front of you. I didn’t think much of that either. But then, when they got up to leave you got up to follow, you were focused on them. I saw you follow them down the street. I thought it was odd, but didn’t think too much of it until a couple days later. I saw one of the girl’s you were following on the news; she was a victim of sexual assault. So tell me, Jake, was it you?”Jake could not believe what he just heard. She had him. There was only one thing to do; believe the lie you’re telling is the truth. It was either that or he could kill her, but that would be problematic in more ways than he was prepared to deal with at the moment. Also, he was no killer. So he looked her straight in the eye from where he stood; he didn’t want to suddenly move in whereby scaring her. So he looked her in the eye and told her the straight truth. “I have a thing for beautiful women. Yes I was sitting close to them to hear their conversation; it’s something I enjoy, hearing beautiful women speak. Yes, I followed them but only so far as the street where I turned to go home. Truth is, I was captivated by how beautiful one of them was that I wanted to keep her in sight for as long as possible that night. I followed them because I enjoy watching the female form in motion. That’s all; that’s the truth. I didn’t **** any of those girls that or any other night. I respect women. **** is wrong; it’s taking something that doesn’t belong to you.” Jake looked straight into her eyes the entire time, not looking up or down or to either side, as that would reveal the truth as false. “Hmm, okay – that’s not the answer I was expecting, but I believe you.” Magda did believe him, though there was something about his story that still didn’t sit quite right. She mostly just thought he was into some weird stuff; so, she let it go as she figured she was simply caught off guard by his explanation. She did believe he was being truthful. “If you thought I was a r****t why haven’t you warned Paige?” “First it was because I wasn’t sure it was you I saw that night. Second it was because there hasn’t been any time. Also – third – because Paige really likes you and I didn’t want to ruin it if I was wrong. Got it?” “Yeah.” “Now come on – we better hustle if want to catch up to them or else they’ll think we’ve run off together or something. This was the longest pee on record as far I’m concerned. I’m glad I was wrong. But I’m still going to keep my eye on you, Jake.” “Ha okay – okay – let’s get moving.” The two caught up with the others and stopped to have lunch a couple hours later. They would continue their hike making it about three-quarters of the entire trail (by their estimation). They spent the rest of the day swapping walking partners, Magda being inwardly pensive the entire time. That night Magda found herself giving Jake suspicious looks from across the fire, in calculation and deliberation. Everyone stayed up late into the night talking about all manner of topics. The next day passed without incident. 11 AdaSometimes the perpetual loner never feels lonely. Ada enjoyed being alone except for when she was being fucked. She enjoyed being fucked by multiple partners in every hole. It did not matter if her partners were male or female. In her own words, “Okay everyone I want to fucked rough and I want you all to do whatever the fuck you want. Be as dirty as possible; if you can think it, do it to me. I essentially want to be beaten while fucked! Got it?”She would say something to that effect before every gangbang she was involved in. There were a few caveats; she only allowed a maximum of nine people in the room, her included. Filming or recording of any kind was not allowed and everyone was to sign an NDA. She was intelligent, right? Would you like to know what’s interesting about this little minx? She was only eighteen when she endured her first gangbang. As a c***d she was heavily into porn, masturbating up to ten times a day. She jerked herself raw. She simply needed the orgasm. She was obsessed with all things porn; at a certain point she even performed over cam chat for the many p*******es of the Internet. She got off on the father-like attention. It’s not known why that sort of thing did it for her as her father never ever touched her in a sexual way. She had daddy issues of a whole different kind. She was a complex contradiction; she was highly intelligent. She was fully aware of what she was subjecting herself to in her porn-obsessive world. Ada was degrading herself and she loved every minute of it. She just couldn’t get enough. She wanted to shove the entire world up into her pussy. Everything was going well. She had a great job. She was making good money. She managed to keep her secret hidden from the world. There was something missing. She couldn’t put her finger on exactly what was missing. She thought long and hard. Then it came to her. Ada was sitting on a bench outside a hotel waiting for the group that would participate in the night’s gangbang, and she saw a mother picking up her baby from its stroller across the street in the park. It hit her like a huge cock being slapped across her face. Motherhood. She wanted a baby. Soon after that night she went off her birth control and got pregnant not long after. During her entire pregnancy she took advantage of her preggo status and fucked many groups of men and women who were into that sort of thing. It’s perfectly natural for pregnant women to have sex; there is nothing wrong with wanting to fuck a pregnant woman. Ada did lactation webcam shows where she would milk herself for many an onlooker. She got especially high tips when she would drink her own milk. She even kept up with her gangbang activity up until the day before giving birth to a son. Then something changed for Ada; her focus shifted. She loved her son; she loved motherhood. She saw him grow. She was never happier than during her son’s c***dhood. Her son was more intelligent than she could have hoped. He was going places in life; she knew it. Ada was a great mom. She was always there for her son. There were never any of the ‘normal’ issues that arose from being a single mom. Ada was there for every little league game, school play, holiday pageant, school dance, fundraiser, skinned knee, broken bone, bad break up, everything. She even dialed the gangbangs back down to zero. She essentially had sex like a normal person with one man or woman at a time, and nothing out of the ordinary. Then came the boy’s teenage years with rebellion at every turn. Ada’s patience was tested to the limit. She did her best to stay strong. She knew it was only ‘growing pains’.Even though her son did well in school, he was still rebellious. k**s are stupid that way; they think they know everything, but in reality they never have a fucking clue. Young people think that everything is black and white, right or wrong, good or bad. Ada did her best to instill in her son the realities of the world and its near infinite shades of color, black, and white. Her son really ‘pushed her buttons’.Everything would change for her son one night. You see Ada finished having an argument with her son about the complexities of reality. Her son stormed off angry saying that he hated her and wished she died of pancreatic cancer. That’s really specific, right? Wrong. Ada’s mother died of pancreatic cancer so it really hit home; saying it was upsetting is a clear understatement. Ada was fuming mad. Most people would turn to the bottle or certain illicit substances to cope, not Ada. She turned to old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Porn. She went on a bender of sorts, trying to find comfort in the hardest raunchiest stuff out there. After about an hour of rubbing, fingering, and inserting a dildo into her holes, she still couldn’t cum. She needed to do something or her anger would fuel her tension and she would explode. Ada opened up her ‘little black book’ and initiated one of her old gangbang phone trees. She had a section marked ‘emergency’ where she listed those who were down for anytime and anywhere; they were the most reliable. She only hoped that would hold true tonight as she was experiencing a true emergency. She also hoped she could get a hold of them all, as she hadn’t spoken to any of them in a long time. She needed to be sexually beaten to a bloody pulp in order to cum; she had to have it badly. Ada was going to stage her own little rebellion right in the comfort of her own home. She made the calls and all said they would be over in about an hour. She got lucky as seven of the eight were still around and able to participate. Ada did a few things to prepare. She went to the supermarket for beer, bottled water, and a shitload of deli sandwiches; gangbangs took a lot of energy out of a person – breaks are needed. She also bought emergency contraception for the following morning, as she was sure she’d get cum in her many times that night – one k** was enough. She stopped by her small storage unit to pick up her box of gangbang supplies. It was more like a chest and it held whips, double-headed dildos, vibrators (batteries she had, at home), ball gags, anal plugs and beads, and flavored lubricants of every type. Ada doubted her son would be back that night; she figured he would just sleep over a friend’s house, which was what happened after a heated argument. Somehow that night also seemed especially bad as her son said some atrocious things to her. Ada was sure he would not come home that night; it wasn’t a school night, which only made her certain he wouldn’t come home. The rebellion was on; she was going to get fucked, hard. The group coming over that night was diverse; it was comprised of a big black cock, a super long pencil-think white dick, a short stubby Asian dick with girth, a thick native American women with huge tits and ass, a flat-chested midget who was a master with the strap-on dick, a fat black man who was the master of ass play, and a trans man who loved wearing the ball gag and using whips. It was going to be a rough, wild, and crazy night. Was she ready for it? Yes. The last thing Ada did before they all arrived was to take a shower; she felt the need to be clean so she could get filthy. She got out of the shower and felt nervous, so nervous. She’d been out of her element for so long. She simply kept reminding herself that it was like riding a bicycle, something you never forget. Ada just hoped she was still familiar enough with the bicycle as it had been a long time since she last was beaten sexually. She thought back to the days in the past that had brought her so much pleasure; she simply wanted a taste of the experience. A few minutes later the doorbell rang and snapped her out of reverie. Soon after the first arrival the living room was packed with the entire group. Ada gave them her usually prerequisite talk and made them all sign their NDA. The memories began rushing in and her vagina grew slippery with every passing moment. The BBC ripped off her clothes, picked her up, and nearly slammed her to the floor. The native with foresight put a pillow under her head before it smacked the carpet; they didn’t want to harm her that way. A head injury is nothing to be messed with. Pencil dick turned her around, lubed up his erect penis and slammed it home in her ass without apology. Stubby Asian dick made his way underneath her and inserted his cock into her cunt, achieving double penetration. The Trans man put on the ball gag and picked up a whip and started beating Ada across the back; he did not hold back, giving it his all with every lashing. The fat black man got behind Pencil dick to begin the ass play. The native put Ada’s head between her legs so her vagina could be pleasured. The midget got in there as well, sitting on stubby Asian guy’s face so he could tongue her asshole. After about an hour of different variations on the same theme, they all stopped for some refreshment. They all sat or stood in the kitchen drinking beer and chewing on a sandwich, while breathing deeply. Gangbangs took a lot out of a person. Ada came multiple times already but nowhere near satiated. Half hour later they all crowded inside and just outside the bathroom, taking turns peeing into Ada’s mouth and shitting on her body. The smell was horrific and even though Ada did not cum during this part, she simply loved the experience. To do something so taboo, felt warm and wonderful all over. After the bathroom session, everyone went to the kitchen for beer while Ada showered – cleaning the filth off her body. Next came the bedroom where things would get interesting. Since Ada would have more cushioning under body, the small group could treat her like a rag doll. Oh, how they beat the shit out of her sexually. Ada absolutely loved every second of the torture; she came so many times she simply lost count. Then it happened; as they were shifting the beaten rag doll around to shove an unusually large object up her ass, she saw her son standing in the doorway. The look of utter and total shock on his face was so severe words cannot do it justice. She snapped out of her moment of supreme pleasure and became sober immediately, making eye contact with her son. Their eyes were locked together; he was crying. Ada was shivering in fear. Everyone else was like ‘deer in the headlights’. Frozen. The room was quietly still for an eternity within a mere moment. “Mom. I came back to apologize. I came back to say I’m sorry about what I said earlier.” Her son, still in shock, turned around and began leaving the house. As he was leaving, Ada began sobbing like never before. Her heart crushed in the agony of pain. She was only able to say one short phrase, “Jake, please come back. Jake, I’m sorry. Please.” He was already out the front door as she finished speaking. Ada put her head in her pillow and began to cry herself dry. The group said nothing; they saw Ada’s pain. Everyone quietly got dressed, gathered their things and left. The Native American woman wrote Ada a note saying “Ada call me if you need someone to talk to, okay? Maggie Red Feather.” She left the note on the kitchen counter by the phone. Maggie also helped clean up everyone’s mess. Ada’s son Jake spent that weekend sleeping and sitting on park bench. Ada spent the same weekend falling into a depression that would go on last a year. She was still able to function, to work, but was never exactly the same after that night. She really hurt her son. Life went on, though Ada would come to sense a changed boy in her son. When he returned home after that weekend he was somehow different, changed. She had no way of knowing how different; she’d have to walk around with that scar upon her soul for the rest of life. She scarred her son, and she had to live with that. Before going to sleep that night as she was brushing her teeth and looking into the mirror, she saw her reflection; she saw her beaten bloody face. She simply said out loud, “What the fuck did I just do to my son?” She spit a tooth, blood, and toothpaste into the sink. Ada rinsed, turned off the light, walked into her bedroom and fell into bed, feeling the echo of pleasure in her pain. She winced, turned off the lamp, and laid her head on the pillow. She simply lay there among the darkness.12 PaigeShe couldn’t believe it; Paige’s one-year anniversary dating Jake was around the corner. Looking down at her hand, she saw something else she could not believe. There was a ring missing and she was frustrated. She wanted so badly for Jake to pop the old question. There hasn’t been a single time when could say she even suspected that he would. Jake still was and had always been a bit awkward, she thought. Paige wanted so badly to marry the guy she had grown to love so they could make love; she did love him and he had said the same a couple months back. The problem was that Jake had only known Good Perfect Paige, and she was the church-going-bible-reading-dogma-following girl, who simply had to stick to who she was in Jake’s eyes. In her mind he was the most respectful of gentlemen; he never once made a move to get in her pants or under her dress or shirt while they were making out, knowing that Paige was saving herself for marriage. To keep Dark Paige protected she wanted a big church wedding as simply going to city hall would blow her whole Perfect identity. Appearances simply had to be maintained.Paige gave it some deep thought as she slid Mr. Anderson’s erect seven-inch cock up into her sloppy wet cunt. She wondered if Jake even wanted to get married as she reached around her back to cup and squeeze Mr. Anderson’s ample balls. Every time the subject arose Jake became evasive or even changed the subject. She thought that could be due to his family life. Paige was introduced to Jake’s mom Ada a while back; she was a good woman who raised Jake as a single mother. Paige was still not altogether sure why Jake didn’t know his father. She thought that was possibly the reason why Jake avoided the subject; Ada never married. Paige wanted to be married and have c***dren whom she’d raise differently. Paige was certain that the lessons she taught her c***dren would match her actions. She felt an explosion of cum blow up into her body. Paige didn’t get to cum as she was simply too preoccupied with this whole marriage business. As she was cleaning up to return to work she made a decision; she would confront Jake with an ultimatum. Paige was going to put her foot down, hard.So it was that on the night of their anniversary dinner she was going to smack some sense into her man. Perfect Paige was going to speak her mind. They were going to meet at the location of their first date, Stan’s Pizzeria. What a bunch of crap, you’re saying – right? This is their one-year anniversary; they should have dinner somewhere a bit more upscale than a simple pizza joint. Don’t be so pretentious reader; they’re going to “Stan’s’ because the place has special significance to them. It’s where they first met and for them, that was enough.Paige entered the pizzeria; it was like a pack of sardines in the place. The joint was teeming with activity. It was Friday, the one night a week when Stan’s Pizzeria was that busy. She walked over to the bar where Jake said he would be waiting for her. He was nowhere to be seen. She sat at the bar and ordered a beer to drink while she waited for him to arrive. She was sort of angry as he said he’d be there waiting for her; this was so unlike him to be late. Paige finished her beer and was getting frustrated; where was he? She hopped off the barstool. She asked Jerry the bartender to save her seat as she was just going out to her car for a moment. Paige made her way out to the parking lot, not to her car but to check for Jake’s. Negative. His car was not in the lot. It was freezing cold outside so she headed back inside for another drink. She just plain didn’t understand where he was as he had the day off from work. She worked an early morning shift, was tired, and didn’t want to put up with this bullshit. Plus, she didn’t want to be the nutty girlfriend that blew up her man’s phone trying to get a hold of him simply because he was late. She’d been late plenty of times. Paige walked back inside. She was halfway to her reserved seat at the bar when she felt someone grab her violently from behind and pull her in. The attacker let her go almost immediately; she turned around in a strange mixture of anger and fear. She was shocked to see Jake laughing his heart out, real laughter. It was so infectious that she started laughing also. Not a moment later she smacked him as hard as she could across the arm. “You damn bastard, why did you do that? Where were you? Why are you so late? I was worried!” Paige spurted out all at once, while at the same blushing because she swore out loud and in public; she was so embarrassed. “Sweetie, come on don’t be mad – I wanted to surprise you that’s all. I’m late because I got called into work; it was damn inventory thing. You know what a fucking idiot I have for a boss.” She smacked him lightly across the cheek. “That’s for swearing. Okay you big lug – I forgive you but only because I love my Jake.” “Thanks babe. I feel forgiven. I love you too, you know that.” Jake was still awkward, but had made some real strides toward becoming more normal. “Honey bunny order us a couple beers, while I go put our name in, yeah?” “Okay, love – I will.”It turns out Jake wasn’t being truthful when he said he was late because of his boss. His boss was an idiot, but not the reason he was late. Jake actually made a stop at the ‘Suicide’ do some quick business with Fred. Standing there at the bar next to Paige, Jake took a moment to reminisce. He thought back to their first date; had it really been a year ago? Time goes by in a blink of a fucking eye. He couldn’t believe what a changed person he was, well not completely different. He still partook in his activity at the good old storage unit, but this part of him had changed – the side Paige saw, and that was a little difficult to wrap his mind around.They were seated at their table after a half hour and two more beers each. The place was still happening. As luck would have it they were seated at the same table as on their first date. Providence? They placed their order with the server. While they were waiting for their pitcher of beer they each told the other about a frustrating day at work. It was a regular topic between them; they enjoyed regaling each other about nasty or rude or unusual customers or patients they dealt with during the course of the day. Halfway through the pitcher of beer Paige decided the time was now; she would scold Jake for not putting a ring on her finger. She’d chastise him for not putting a ring on her in a statement of complete commitment. She would give him a piece of mind. “Jake – honey – my love – let me apologize ahead of time for what I’m about to say. I’m sorry.” Jake look outwardly confused, but inwardly he knew what she about to say – remember, Jake was very intelligent. He decided to let her have her say. Women, loved to be heard; he knew that. “Jake Wilson Pollard do you see this?” Paige held up her hand. “Yes, it’s your hand sweetie.” “Don’t you ‘sweetie’ me. I’m pissed, you hear. Damn fucking to hell pissed. When are you fucking going to put a goddamn ring on this finger you jerk? I fucking love you, and I know you fucking love me. So? What’s the deal, man? I’m giving you a goddamn ultimatum; do you want this or not?” Paige was so busy and intense within her tirade that she failed to notice Jake reaching for his pocket, placing a small box on the table. She looked down and went dark red in complete embarrassment. She saw Jake stand up, picking up the small box from the table. He then got down on one knee, getting the attention of the entire pizzeria. The crowd was dead silent; Paige and Jake failed to notice the attention as they were in their own world at the moment. “Paige Samantha Byrne. I’m sorry for keeping you in suspense, my love. My answer is yes I want this, but only if you’ll have me. Will you marry me?” Paige was already tearing up, but could no longer contain the waterworks. She began to sob openly. “Yes! Yes. Yes, of course I’ll marry you – you idiot! The answer is yes!” The crowd went nuts, cheering with joy for them. Jake put the ring on her finger; Paige pulled Jake up into her arms and kissed him, deeply. A few moments later their pizza arrived.13 MayaIt was just a regular Saturday morning except that it was freezing cold; it was the dead middle of winter. The weather reports that morning called for freezing temperatures during the day and below freezing over night; it was expected to snow. Maya had the day off at the Suicide Café, but was due at the Magic Hands today. She felt like calling in to say she wasn’t coming in, as she didn’t want to be out in the cold. The owner of the massage parlor put small space heaters in each room, but only in the massage rooms. There was no heating outside those rooms, which meant you spent half the fucking day freezing your twat off. Calling in sick, however, was not her style so she mentally talked herself into going. Plus, later that night she was to meet Chris, Paige, and Jake at the ‘Suicide’. Apparently, Paige had some huge news to share, but wouldn’t give any hints. Maya was actually wondering what it could be; she just knew it could not be that they were engaged to married. That would be highly unlikely, as Jake was simply not the type of guy that got married. Maya was naturally happy that they’d been together for so long and wanted the best for her c***dhood friend, but didn’t necessarily believe that Jake was the best choice. Maya knew deep down that Jake was a bit more than shady, knowing that he has dealings with Fred and was well aware about that meant. Jake could only be up to no good. On the other hand Maya was the absolute last person to judge another person’s choices, especially the choices of a c***dhood friend. It wasn’t even a decision to be made; she kept her suspicions and knowledge of facts locked away in the vault that was her mind. Plus, she was well aware that there were possibly dire consequences for a betrayal of trust when it came to anything having to do with Fred’s business. That was one bill she knew she was unprepared and ill equipped to pay. Maya and Chris finished their usual morning filthiness before Chris had to leave for work. They took part in a little ATM this morning, nothing crazy. Chris finished getting ready, had some coffee, and left for work. Maya, as usual, was in no rush to get to the ‘Hands’. For some reason – lately – she’d been getting more and more relaxed about showing up on time to the massage parlor. Perhaps she was losing her enthusiasm for the place. Time will tell, she thought. As she walked into the Magic Hands she noticed Eu meh, the manager, was sneezing up a storm; she had a cold. Fuck! Maya – offered to handle the reception area as well as a massage room, so that Eu meh could go home to get well. It was done from time to time, although it was a pain in her ass and not the good kind. When all the rooms were full, it meant bolting the front door, which meant a possible loss of business. The girl not in a massage room would work the front. Meaning Maya would actually have to work; hence, the pain she felt in her ass. She was supposed to have the day off. Maya didn’t think of sucking guys off or being fucked in the ass by another guy as work, she only saw it as pleasure. Maya was generally a good person, so she was more than willing to ‘take one for the team’. Eu meh went home, and Maya began to freeze her vagina closed inside the ‘Hands’. She didn’t think they’d be busy anyway, especially being that it was colder than a witch’s cunt outside. She couldn’t be more wrong. It worked out that the timing between clients somehow worked itself out perfectly. All the rooms were full the entire day; when one guy was done another guy would be walking up to the bolted door as the guy was leaving. It was nuts. The first customer Maya had in her room was a stick thin white guy with a micro penis – it was an unusual combination in Maya’s experience. Tall and thin, for the most part, meant the guy carried a long thin dick. Anyway, this guy had an unusual request; he wanted Maya to shit in in his mouth while he jerked himself off. Maya was willing, but she said no because the massage parlor was simply not equipped for that sort of cleanup afterwards. Well that was the answer she gave him, truth was there was actually a line drawn at the Magic Hands. Some things were just too personal. Maya, being the person she was, never wanted a customer to feel judged for what they were into. After a brief negotiation, the guy settled for cleaning out her asshole while jerking off. During the ‘massage’ he managed to get close to his original request, he inserted his tongue so deeply that Maya thought he could have been part snake. It felt great! The next couple of guys wanted simple protected sex; it took the first guy two whole minutes to pop and the second guy erupted in his glove in about twenty minutes. Second guy got his money’s worth. The next client was a woman, which was not totally unusual, though definitely not common. She had a couple of dildos in her purse, but first asked Maya to go down on her for a whole hour; she came multiple times. She booked two hours and used every minute of it; for the second hour she wanted one dildo up her ass and wanted Maya to fuck her vagina with the other dildo. Maya did manage a short break after the woman. After her break came an uptight man whom Maya could tell wanted something more than just a massage, but was too nervous or afraid to ask or make his move. He ended up getting the best thirty-minute rub down around. The last couple clients of the day wanted plain old anal sex; Maya was more than happy to provide. Maya was well spent by the end of the day; she felt filthy, which was awesome in her book, but needed to head home for a shower before going to the ‘Suicide’ as she reeked of ‘butt, sex and pussy’. She showed up to the ‘Suicide’ bundled up, looking like a damn Eskimo. It had started to snow; it was fucking cold. The weather didn’t stop business from booming at the Suicide Café. Heating the place was almost unnecessary; the body heat inside was enough to heat the place. Still, temperature control was on inside. The entryway was large on it’s own by design for this time of year, when it became part closet part mudroom. Everyone came bundled up in winter; as people entered and shed their coats inside they were next to naked thanks to the good old temperature control. Maya hung up her coat; underneath she was wearing a little black dress. She felt odd whenever she came to the Suicide Café as a customer because she was so used to having on her uniform. The term ‘uniform’ was a fairly loose term as all Fred required the servers to wear was jeans or skirt or dress with a collared shirt and apron plus a small nametag. He wanted his servers to be comfortable. Anyway, Maya figured everyone else was there because she went home to shower and was running a bit late. She was right; Chris, Paige, and Jake were waiting for her at the bar.“Okay Paige we’re all here now; what’s the big surprise!” Paige reaches for her pocket, pulls out a ring, and puts it on. Maya is looking wide-eyed shocked at Paige as she is doing so; she’s clearly taken aback. She so wasn’t expecting this outcome. In fact, she was hoping this wasn’t the surprise. “Oh shit, look at that rock – wow! Congratulations, Paige.” Maya was further surprised by the size of the diamond; she knew Jake made ‘okay’ money as a pharmacy technician, but she didn’t think he could ever afford the ring on her finger. It was too nice, somehow; Maya was immediately suspicious. Then one thought came to mind that cleared her doubt. Fred. It was the only explanation; the guy had his fingers in everything, so Maya let it go. There was a small part of her that was jealous, but she was content with her life. “When? Do you two have a date set?” “No, not yet but we know we want to get married sometime at the end of spring early summer; you know, soon!” “We’re happy for you both!” Chris said. “Thanks,” Jake replied. About a half hour later they were seated in the dining area. Paul was their server. A lot of things were decided while they ate. Maya would have to take one for the team and be maid of honor; she wasn’t looking forward to being in a church, but it wasn’t about her so she went along with it. Jake asked Chris to be his best man for two reasons; he didn’t have many options and Chris was there the night Paige came into his life. Paige was saying how fortunate she was that she was a long-time churchgoer, so she would be able to get the date they wanted. She was about 80% sure. Fingers crossed. The Hen and Stag parties were set. Paige made it clear that neither night was to include strippers or prostitutes as entertainment. Chris was disappointed; Jake seemed indifferent. 14 MagdaIt was the weekend of the Hen Party; it was nearly the end of winter but the air was still brisk. Magda was on the road to Chris’s cabin in the mountains; she’d been there once before so she knew she had about an hour left on her drive. She was not listening to music; she was thinking about the little encounter on that hike with Jake out in the woods. She was analyzing that encounter, breaking it down in her mind – almost word for word. She hadn’t thought about it since that day on the trail. Going to the cabin got her thought process moving on the topic. There was just something a bit off about Jake’s response in her mind. Something about what he said and how he said it seemed as though it was meant to innocuous. It was gnawing at the back of her mind as though Jake was deliberately trying to throw her off his scent, so to speak. He did admit to following them and gave a plausible reason for doing so, but she had no idea why she bought into the load of shit he was shoveling. The bastard was hiding in plain sight; she knew it. All these thoughts were pulled back inside her mind where she’d locked them up, as she had no real proof. If she were to inform Paige of her suspicions now, she’d only seem as though for whatever reason she was trying to sabotage the wedding. Why wait all this time? Why bring it up this weekend? As she drove up to the house she decided to let it go, again. Regret is a fickle thing; it soaks up alcohol like a sponge and grows at an accelerated rate.Magda parked on the street and got out of her car. Across the street she saw an older woman getting out of her car; the woman gave a friendly wave as to say ‘hello’. Magda waved back in greeting. The older woman came across the street. “Hello are you, by any chance, here for the bachelorette weekend?” “Yeah I am, actually. I’m Magda.” “Great to meet you Magda, I’m Ada – Jake’s mom.” “Oh wonderful to meet you Ada. Yeah Jake has your eyes – I can see it.” “Thank you. Hey, have you been here before? Maya gave me some crazy directions.” “I’ve only been here once before, a long while back. We went hiking.” “Oh. Magda I’ll just follow your lead to the house cabin – whatever it’s called.” “It’s really a house, but Chris and Maya call it a ‘cabin’ because it sounds more ‘woodsy’.” Both women have a good laugh at the comment and walk down the driveway to the house. Magda gave the door a polite knock and waited – no answer. They stood there giving each other awkward looks. Ada rang the doorbell.Paige opened the door. “Mom 2! Magda! Hello. Welcome!” She’s clearly had one or two stiff drinks. Ellen Byrne was behind Paige a moment later. “Paige don’t be silly; you’re blocking the doorway. Move so the nice ladies can come in.” “Right. Sorry. Mom 1.” Magda walks into the mudroom followed by Ada. “Hello, I’m Ellen – Paige’s mother. You must be Jake’s mom Ada, and I don’t know you sweetie.” Ada gives Ellen a friendly mother-to-mother hug. “I’m Magda; I work with Paige at Saint Martha’s.” “Wonderful. Well let’s go on to the upstairs living room; you two are the last to arrive.” “I figured; we saw all the cars in the driveway as we walked in from the street,” Ada said. The house was not a cabin at all; it was huge. They walked upstairs to be met by everyone else. Magda took a proffered glass of champagne; it was the actual stuff from France and had a cut strawberry in it. Delightful. Magda was introduced to the group; she knew Nina from Saint Martha’s. She worked as a nurse in the c*** ward. Paige was just buzzed but somehow forgot to do the introductions. Maya was helpful in making them. “Magda Ada this is Olivia my mom and Aiko my younger sister.” “Hello.” “Hi.” “Over there at the table playing cards are Lily and Zoe, Paige’s older sisters.” “Hey.” “Hey.” “Ada that’s Nina Watching the movie. Nina, Magda, and Paige know each other from work.” Nina doesn’t respond as she’s really into the movie. “And over in the kitchen are Madelyn, Chris’s mom, and his younger sister Violet.” They also don’t respond because they’re busying cooking. “Okay now that that’s out of the way who wants a drink?” Everyone but Paige responds in the affirmative; Paige decided to slow it down a bit as she didn’t want Dark Paige to make an unwanted appearance – she switches to water.As mentioned, we all walk with scars; this group of twelve women was no exception. We know all about Magda and her predilection for rough sex. Nina has no compunction for leaving the workplace midday to go fuck her boyfriend in the parking lot. Ellen is a racist. Ada is into being sexually tortured and beaten. Maya is a filthy sex fiend. Paige is a high functioning d**g addict who enjoys spending time with c*** patients. Some scars run deeper than others. Here’s the skinny on the remaining members of the group.Lily, Paige’s oldest sister is a family woman with a husband and two c***dren of her own. Her husband Donald loves to play the cuckold while watching his white wife being fucked by big black cock(s). On occasion Donald joins in at the end but for the most part simply gets off by watching his wife be ravaged by black men. Lily loves it and is in no way forced or coerced; it was, in fact, her idea. Just last week, they hosted an encounter at upscale hotel in the city. Lily got a babysitter to watch the k**s overnight. A week beforehand Donald went to a bar in the city to find two gentlemen with whom to setup the encounter at the hotel. Apparently the two men he found had done the sort of thing before, as they were not the least bit shocked or offended or surprised. The night of the encounter started off at the hotel bar where they all imbibed much liquid courage. It wasn’t really necessary but only made the night that much more interesting. In the room upstairs Donald made his way to the chair in the darkened corner of the room to watch events unfold. Lily and the two black bulls started with minor acts of foreplay, such as licking and sucking various parts of the anatomy. They soon moved on to fucking, licking, and sucking in all different positions, including double penetration. It was Donald’s favorite thing to see. About an hour later both black men ejaculated into both Lily’s asshole and vagina. At this point, Donald could no longer resist; he joined in. The black men proceeded take turns showering while Donald finished up. Donald went down on Lily while jerking off his own shaft inside his pants. As he did so, he tasted the semen seeping out of his wife’s orifices. He loved it. Lily just lay there breathing deeply, as was spent. The two black men thanked them for the encounter and left. Donald and Lily ordered room service, ate and then went to sleep. Zoe, Paige’s older sister was an author, only she wrote under a pseudonym. As an author she chose to remain mysterious under the name I.M.EROS. The subject matter of her written work was regarding the world of the sexual underground brought forth to the judgmental eye of the masses. This was a secret she kept from her longtime boyfriend Elias. As a c***d she was an oddity in a secretive way. She was always sexually curious. Zoe always loved to experiment in all things sexual. If it felt interesting in any way sexually, she wanted to try it first hand. She had quite an imagination too. As she got older for whatever reason she began to transfer her thoughts, feelings and ideas into written form. She wasn’t making loads of money but she made a living. People always wondered how she made her living, never actually seeing her in a job. Zoe kept her secret successfully in anonymity.Olivia, Maya’s mother, was quite the cougar having liaisons with many a young boy. Of course, the youngest she’d ever dare to fuck was eighteen years of age. That’s where she drew the line. Her husband, Hideki, had no idea she was unfaithful. internet casino They’d been married a long time; the infidelity was relatively new. Just recently Olivia had been chatting online with a s*******n-year-old cub. Chatting was all they did online, although the majority of their conversations surrounded matter of a sexual nature. The day he turned eighteen Olivia picked him up from school. Zeke told his parents he was going to spend the night at a friend’s house. It was a regular occurrence so no suspicion arose. At least they both showed good judgment, waiting until it was legal – right? Anyway, Zeke got into the car and was shaking because he was so nervous. Olivia tried to assure him that it would be okay and not to worry. He just seemed as though he was going to shake himself out of his skin; she realized she had to do something about this nervous boy she had in her car. If she were pulled over for any reason, she’d find it hard to explain a boy in her car with whom she had zero relation. What they were about to do was legal but still, questions might be asked and she couldn’t have that. Olivia drove to a quiet secluded part of a nearby neighborhood near the school and unbuttoned her shirt. She pulled her breasts up over her bra and asked Zeke if he wanted to suckle. He looked over wide-eyed and open-mouthed, then said yes. He suckled on one while cupping the other with his hand. Olivia noticed his erect penis inside his pants, simply screaming to be let out so she reached over his body with one hand and released the cock from the confines of the pants. She showed quite a bit of skill doing so with only one hand. Olivia moved his head gently away from her breasts and put them away, buttoning up her shirt. Without saying a word she lowered her mouth onto Zeke’s rock hard shaft, and swallowed him whole. He had a relatively small penis, but she didn’t care as it allowed her to take the entire shaft into her mouth without a problem. She slobbered on his shaft with each up and down movement of her neck. He only lasted about five minutes before erupting his load into Olivia’s mouth and doing his best to remain as quiet as possible. He didn’t want to attract any attention as they were in a residential area. Smart. Olivia swallowed the load in its entirety. As soon as he zipped up his pants about a minute later, Zeke was erect again. Youth is a fabulous thing, right? He was no longer nervous; he was hungry for more. About ten minutes later he was still hard as they drove into the parking garage of a hotel downtown. Olivia asked Zeke to sit in the lobby while she got them a room for the night. Hiding in plain sight is what they were doing, as Hideki would never come to a hotel in the same town they lived in. Zeke did his best to hide his erection; nobody had told the young lad he could simply tuck it up into the waist of his pants. He sat in the lobby area just outside the bar area. They soon made the awkward walk to the elevator and went up to a third floor room. They ordered room service, which consisted of burgers and sodas. By the time they finished eating, his penis was no longer erect, but that would not last long. They began with a little foreplay, exploring each other’s bodies. Olivia couldn’t get over how tight and lean everything was on the boy. Zeke couldn’t get over the fact he was on a bed and naked with someone else’s mom. Then they began a marathon fuck session that lasted the entire night. They only slept a couple of hours after the dawn. Being so young, Zeke was able to recover quickly and had the stamina for the whole night. About half way through the night, Olivia let the cub do most of the fucking as she began to slowly fade. She was so horny she wanted to keep fucking for as long as possible. They did absolutely everything to each other; Zeke was a never-ending fountain of semen – the majority of which Olivia consumed orally. It was a spectacular night. She constantly thought about that night during the weekend of the Hen Party.Aiko, Maya’s younger sister was secretly the highest paid dominatrix in the area. Rich and powerful men would pay her boatloads of money for one night of domination. Aiko was willing to do anything that was paid for by these men; she once nailed a man’s scrotal sack to a wooden board and the proceeded to crush his nuts between her shoe and the board. After the man left she masturbated in the bathtub while thinking about what she was paid to do. It was a living and she loved it. She had a client ring her up last minute just last night. She almost said no because she had to be up in the morning for an early start on the road to the cabin. She took it as an opportunity to ask for double her regular fee, which the man happily agreed to. He was in need, obviously. So this rich defense lawyer knocks at her office door. Aiko opens the door and sees a five foot eleven drink of water in a four thousand dollar suit and what must be a forty thousand dollar watch on his wrist. He walks in smelling of cologne and cigar smoke. Aiko closes the door. “Get in there and take off your cheap suit you lousy excuse for a little fucking man.” Aiko began right away making him feel small and in his place. Aiko was a short woman, standing at less than five foot four. “Remember, in my domain your name is dog turd. Got it, fucker?” “Yeah I got it.” Aiko lifted her whip and gave him a hard slap across the face. “Dog turd, you will address me as mom, mother or mommy! Got it?” “Yes mommy. That hurt, mommy.” “That was nothing, you little piece of dog shit.” “I’m sorry I was bad today, mommy.” “Yes. Yes, you were. Now be a good little shit and tell mommy what you want.” “Mommy will you please use the butt plug and punish me with the whip as hard as you can?” “Of course I will, my sweet little doggy turd. Now kneel on the floor and stick that ass in the air.” Aiko picked up a large anal plug from the shelf, applied some lube, and shoved the entire thing up his ass. He yelped in sweet pain and apparent ecstasy. Aiko then took her whip and struck him in the ass. She was adept with the whip. She could kill a fly with it. She inflicted one painful lashing after another. His ass was about to start bleeding really heavily when she heard him say his safe word. The session was over. Aiko then took out the butt plug, cleaned it and placed back on the shelf. She then gently applied first aid to his wounds. The man thanked and paid her. He got dressed. The man hobbled and limped his way out the door. A hard night’s work was complete for Aiko. The thing was Aiko did not like being touched by others. She had this thing, a phobia. She could be touched; she just didn’t enjoy it at all. Somehow when she was in ‘character’ for a session – her anxieties and phobias went out the window. She loved earning her living.Madelyn, Chris’s mother, was the oldest woman in the group. She and Chris’s father, Nate, unknowingly use their son’s service to invite young women into their bedroom. Chris remained knowingly ignorant of this fact; he was not about to deny his parents a little joy in their later years. Just picture it – a couple of wrinkled near-senior citizens having a threesome with a young fertile nubile girl. They enjoyed it on a regular basis. Just recently, Madelyn placed a call to the escort service to place an order. On the night of the encounter Madelyn and Nate were in the living room reading when they heard the doorbell ring. They both went to the door to greet the young lady. Sara was a flat-chested five foot seven eighteen year old redhead. She was just what they had in mind. They started out with drinks in the kitchen. Madelyn didn’t care that the girl was u******e; she still served Sara hard liquor. They both figured if she was old enough to sell her body for money, she was old enough to have a drink or three. Nate took both women by the hand and led them to the master bedroom. Madelyn undressed right away and laid herself on the bed with her legs spread. She used a little flavored lube to get herself ready. Nate undressed himself and Sara. He then directed the young lady to go down on his wife. He had taken a blue pill earlier that night, so he was set to go. As Sara was exploring the inner workings of his wife on the bed, he used the lube on Sara’s asshole. Nate then gently inserted himself into her ass, moaning as he did so. Her ass was so tight; it was a good thing he used plenty of lubricant. They had Sara explore every orifice with her tongue. They made love with the young girl for a complete hour, ending with an eruption of semen into her vagina. Nate and Madelyn knew the girl would have or will take measures to prevent a baby, but they could hope for the best – right? They weren’t necessarily looking to bring a baby into the world. It was simply a game they enjoyed playing, a kind of baby roulette. They found it exhilarating. Violet, Chris’s younger sister was an attorney who secretly worked part time as an adult webcam model. To hide her identity she wore a mask to hide her eyes. She saw herself a super villain of the cam world that would do anything she was asked to do for money. In her job as an attorney she worked for the prosecution. They were more or less the ‘good guys’ – so she did the cam model thing to be bad in her own way. She had the body that attracted men in droves to her webcam. She was almost always in a private/paid session, which meant she rarely had to put her clothes back on. In her experience most visitors to her cam show were either boring or cheap. A good number of her visitors were male, and most of them simply wanted two pay for 1 or 2 minutes of her time so they could see what she looked like naked. The rest she found boring; these visitors simply wanted to watch her masturbate with a dildo in her vagina or asshole or both. Some got a little interesting by allowing her to seem them in some cam-to-cam action where they’d see each other while they masturbated. Every now and then she’d have a visitor that actually caught her interest by asking her to something truly wild, bordering on disgusting. She liked disgusting because out in the world she had to maintain a squeaky clean image. For the past month or so she was visited by just this kind of user. He was crazy interesting to Violet. He’d visit once a day when she was online and stay for a minimum of twenty minutes, which was not small change considering what she charged per minute. During the last session he wanted to see Violet drink her own pee and eat some of her own shit. Crazy! Violet did it; she simply could not believe she did because it was just so out there; it was crazy filthy. The user has not visited since. Violet hoped he was okay. It was late into the first night of the weekend and everyone was sloppy drunk. Madelyn, being the oldest, had gone to bed a while back; she was drunk also, but simply could not keep up with youth. Magda and Ada were outside in the backside of the house by the fire pit. They had gotten to know each other over a huge bottle of hard liquor. They talked about everything from their favorite sports team to whether or not they were into anal. At their level of drunkenness it surely did not matter what they talked about, as any memory they had about said conversation would only be hazy the following morning. Magda suddenly got bold and a little stupid at one point and told Ada a secret she had been holding on to. She told her new friend, Ada, about the suspicions she had about her son and what she thought he was up to in the shadows. Ada didn’t get mad. She was not even angry. She was so drunk she just thought the story about her son was simply hilarious and could in no way be true. They both had a good laugh and fell asleep by the fire not long after.15 JakeThe storage unit smelled clean as Jake opened the door to bring his target inside. The overpowering stench of bleach took a moment to get used to. Jake let the storage unit breathe outside air for a few minutes before placing his target on the mattress. She’d be okay in the backseat of his rental car. Quite a find he had in that back seat; she was taller than he was used to, which only made her heavier to deal with. She was from a rural area and was home alone for the night so it was really not a problem. She was six foot four and had huge tits and short blonde hair. She was so tall he had to inject her in the thigh to ensure he got her without being seen. He figured she’d probably put up a fight if he went for the neck and missed. He couldn’t have that. He got her out of the backseat and dragged her into the storage unit, placing her in center of the mattress. Jake then closed the door to the storage unit, and got to work. He decided on using his good old trusty baseball bat as his item of insertion. He lubed it up and rammed it up her ass, as far it would go; it went deep. He got into position to fuck the bitch and inserted his erect shaft up her vagina as far as it would go. It was quite a thrill to be fucking this amazon. She was so much taller than he was used to; Jake almost felt like a c***d in her vaginal embrace. He plowed away in complete pleasure. Then all hell broke loose; she woke up. Jake pulled out and as if by instinct yanked the baseball bat out of her asshole. “Where the fuck am I? Who the fuck are you?” Her name was Gwen; she began to openly sob. It was as though she woke up in the middle of a nightmare. “And why am I naked?” Gwen cried and yelled out in fear as she stood up; she was getting hysterical. She was in pain. Jake could not believe what was happening. How could it be happening? He was in shock. He stood there for a moment in utter disbelief. Then as Gwen began to get full on hysterical, she began running for the storage unit door. There was no time; Jake reacted. He swung the bat with all his strength; he did not hold back. He struck Gwen in the back of the head. He heard and felt a crack followed by the strangest crunch sound. Everything went black for Gwen as she dropped like a rag doll to the floor. “Oh fuck me! What the fuck?” Jake began to go nuts for a few moments, but was able to bring himself into focus. He checked her pulse; she was dead. He killed her; this was a first for him. He graduated to a whole new class of criminal. He brushed it off, wondering why she woke up. He smacked himself in the head, thinking it probably had to do with the dosing being off due to her size. Jake was smart but he was not a fucking doctor. For whatever reason he was still erect, so he covered her head with some plastic and placed the bitch back on the mattress. He then got the softball bat from the shelf and shoved it up her ass without lube this time. He figured it didn’t matter; the bitch was dead. He fucked her until he came inside her. He thanked her for her time. Jake casually got dressed and got his phone out to make a call. “Fred I have a huge problem. Can you help?” “What kind of help? Don’t be descriptive over the phone!” “I have some garbage I need to dispose of, like tonight.” “I see. Give me a minute to think. I would help but I’m not in the area at the moment.” Jake looked around at the mess he made in the storage unit. “Okay. Look, Jake. This is what we’re gonna do. I’m gonna call my boy Paul to help you. He’s got a bit of experience in the art of disposal. You’re gonna meet him at the back entrance to the ‘Suicide’ in one hour. Got it?” “I got it, thanks. I owe you one, Fred.” “You’re fuckin’ right you owe me one, Jake. One hour, be there!” Jake cleaned up the storage unit as best he could, being liberal with the use of bleach. He nearly passed out from the fumes; he took a small risk and cracked open the door to let some fresh air in. He was lucky he kept some plastic sheeting in the unit; he placed Gwen and her belongings in it and rolled her up as part of the cleanup process. He quickly got over the fact that he just killed someone; he was solely focused on the disposal of the evidence. He wondered how it would happen. He was not looking forward to dealing with the disgustingly obese black man named Paul. The black man apparently had some experience with this sort of thing according to Fred, so Jake was willing to work with him. He was in need of help.16 PaulIt was late into the night; Beethoven was playing in the background and the candles were lit to set the mood. Paul slathered some lube on his big black cock and was about slide himself into the tight virgin asshole of his new little white bitch. She was an entirely new edition to his stable of women or in this case a girl, as she just turned nineteen. She was stick thin, had small tits; believe it or not, she was into obese black men. It’s strange, but true. Paul came across the fine young thing at the supermarket of all places. He was in line at the pharmacy talking to Jake, when she ran into him and fell back from the collision. The girl’s name was Katie and she was running from her abusive boyfriend, Carl, in the Dairy Department. Carl and Katie had been a couple all through high school; they both dropped out and got their GED’s. It only got more and more abusive as they got older. When Katie was getting up off the floor she looked into Paul’s eyes and saw kindness. She proceeded to quickly inform Paul of her situation. Paul was quick to take action being that he was big on the savior complex. He told Katie to run and wait for him by the entrance. Paul then grabbed Carl by the arm as he ran by, nearly ripping it from the socket. He then grabbed Carl’s other arm, lifting him clear off the ground to eye level. “Listen here my young friend. You are to leave the girl be from now on or I will find you and rip you limb from limb after I have the life ****d out of you. Got it? She’s mine now.” Carl was so petrified he could not answer; he pissed down his pants and all over the floor in front of the pharmacy. Paul looked down and saw that Carl got the message. He then dropped Carl into the small puddle of piss. Carl got up and ran, slipping a couple times in his own piss. Jake saw the piss on the floor and got on the stores’ intercom, “Cleanup, in front of the pharmacy please. We need cleanup in front of the pharmacy. Bring a mop, thank you.” As Paul was leaving the supermarket he saw Katie by the front door. “Hey girl. What’s yo’ name?” “Katie. Listen, thanks for your help back there. I don’t know what you did but Carl just walked right passed me. He didn’t even look in my direction. Thanks, mister.” “Paul. I’m Paul. He won’t be botherin’ you again, ever. Do you need anything?” “No. I’m okay thanks, Paul.” “Aight’ listen you know whea’ the Suicide Café is?” “Yeah, I know it. Why?” “I work thea’. You eva’ need anything, come by n’ see me, hea’? “Okay, thanks Paul. I gotta go now, bye!” Katie left Paul with a huge smile. Paul wasn’t sure if he’d see her again. It turns out he would see her again. About a month later, she came by the ‘Suicide’ to talk to Paul about possibly getting a job as a server. Paul was instrumental in getting her a position at the Suicide Café. Katie got a job working as a server, and after only a short time was making enough to move out of her parent’s house. Paul and Katie became close during that time and now she had his big black cock in her ass. She moaned in blissful pain. A few moments after inserting his dick in Katie’s asshole the phone rang. “Muthafucka’ who be callin’ me at dis’ here houa’?” He saw it was Fred, so he pulled out of Katie to take the call. “Stay right thea’ girl. I won’t be but a minute.” Katie remained on the bed with her legs spread and up in the air, while Paul answered the call. “Paul? Hey I hope I’m not catchin’ ya’ at a bad time, am I?” “No Boss, I was just doin’ what I do. What can I do fo’ you, Fred?” “I know it’s your night off, but I need a favor with some cleanup duty at the ‘Suicide’. A business associate of mine – you know him I think, Jake – he has a big problem to deal with tonight. Can you be at the “Suicide” back entrance in about fifty minutes?” “Sho’ thing Fred. I’ll be there directly. I’ll talk to you lata’ boss.” “Good. Thanks Paul.” Paul put the phone down and slid his still erect cock into Katie’s asshole to quickly finish. He figured he might as well get his cardio in while he had her spread and ready on the bed. He got to it and five minutes later, he came inside her ass. Paul pulled out, got dressed, explained the situation to Katie, and left for the ‘Suicide’ to help Jake. Paul pulled into the lot and found Jake waiting for him outside of his car. The fool was just standing there with a strange look on his face. Okay let’s do this shit, Paul said to himself. He got out to greet the fucker. “Hey Jake what’s happnin’?” Jake came up to him and almost whispered as though he was telling a secret. “Paul. I uh…have a dead body in the car. I need to get rid of it, tonight.” “A dead body? What the fuck have you been up to my young blood?” Jake looks at him with confusion on his face. “Wait. Never you mind. I don’t even want to know. Let’s get the body out of the car and handle it. Let me just open up the door, aight?” “Okay, Paul.” Jake stood there looking nervous, as Paul unlocked the door and turned on the light. Paul then signaled Jake to bring in the body. He saw Jake drag out a large roll of plastic from the car. He pulled the roll over to door. This wasn’t his mess so he figured he’d let Jake do the grunt work. Since Fred was not there, Paul knew it would not take as long. The meat would be going into the incinerator whole, rather into the grinder. Paul instructed Jake on what would be done. First, Jake would unwrap the plastic burrito and cut up the body into smaller pieces. Jake only threw up twice while cutting Gwen up into smaller pieces. Then he showed Jake where the incinerator was to get rid of the body. They let the fire do its work and then got rid of the ash and bits of bone in the compost heap outback. Paul then told Jake to hose down and clean the area they used to cut up the body. Paul’s work was done. Jake thanked him and they both went their separate ways.17 AdaThe wedding day had arrived. Ada was with Jake at her place. She walked into the room as he fixing his bow tie. Paige wanted to go all out, so Jake was in a tuxedo. Ada was a little worried about the money they seemed to be spending on the wedding. The guest list wasn’t even that large; as far as she knew it consisted of maybe one hundred people. Her thinking was that it consisted mostly of +1’s as she didn’t think they knew that many people. Ada didn’t give it too much thought; she figured it probably didn’t matter. There was talk about having the wedding on the islands but Paige squashed idea quickly. They would be going to the islands on their honeymoon for a whole week. Anyway, Jake looked fantastic in his tuxedo. Ada could hardly believe the day had come; her baby boy was getting married. She absolutely loved Paige. Chris was there also and he was dressed in a tuxedo. He would be driving them over to the church. They chose a small church, so it would seem packed with guests. Appearances mattered on the day of a wedding. Everything needed to appear as the epitome of perfection. Jake had befriended a few of Chris’s friend and made them his groomsmen. They all gathered in the kitchen for a quick drink before departure. Liquid courage was not necessarily needed but on such a big day it helped. “Okay Jake, ready to this man? You know you can still back out if you want. Nobody is holding a gun to your head,” Chris boldly said before turning on the ignition in the SUV. “I’m ready. Take us to the church Chris!”They were the first people to arrive at the church. Ada thought the church was a beautiful building. Other than that she felt nothing; she was born a Catholic – she was even baptized and later confirmed in her late teens. It was when she found her desires didn’t match up with the teachings of the church, that she made her choice. Her path became divergent of the church. It just so happened that she raised Jake without religion. Ada figured he could choose when the time came. She supposed he more or less chose religion at least to have some part in his life, being that Paige was so religious. Or at least she hoped he knew what he was getting into. After ‘the Incident’ Ada no longer tried to guide her son in life; plus, after that night Jake more or less became independent of Ada. He was his own man; living his own life. The guests trickled in at first and then all at once. The church was soon teeming with people. Someone from the back came to speak to the family up front. Ada soon learned there was a minor delay due to a missing bridesmaid. “Magda called to say she was stuck in traffic, and Paige is insisting we wait until everyone is here.” That sounded like Paige, Ada thought. Hearing Magda’s name mentioned suddenly sparked another thought. The conversation that night around the fire became clear. They were beyond drunk that night. Magda and her got on really well, she remembered. She also recalled Magda telling her that her boy had something to with or was involved in something having to do with sexual assaults in the area. Ada felt sick to her stomach for a moment. The recollection came upon her all at once. No it couldn’t be true. It couldn’t be Jake. He is a friend with a fucking cop, for ‘Pete’s sake’. That last thought calmed her nerves and assuaged her fears. As far as Ada knew Chris and Jake were close friends. Naturally if her Jake were up to such vile diversions, as to be out there r****g women – Chris would assuredly know, right? Ada was fully aware of most, if not all things sinister. It was a dark world they lived in. She just did not want to accept even the possibility that Jake could be involved in something so heinous. She all but let it go in her mind. Still, there was something about the whole idea that was gnawing at the back of her mind. Ada decided to simply enjoy the day. 18 PaigeThe honeymoon was beyond spectacular. Paige and Jake made love constantly. For the most part they spent the entire day in bed and went out at night. It was a wonderful time. They spent every minute together. Paige found it extremely odd having sex with someone who wasn’t in a c***. She had gotten so used to doing it with c*** patients; she felt so out of place. She saw something similar in Jake’s eyes as well. It was a little awkward at first, but they soon improved. Paige was on birth control, but stopped shortly before the wedding. She really wanted to lock down the marriage with a c***d. So she did her very best to get Jake to unload as much of his seed inside her as possible during their honeymoon. It was unfortunate that when she purchased a pregnancy test a couple weeks after returning home, it came out negative. She was so upset. She decided not to get baby crazy. So she took a step back and let it just happen. Of course, she took every opportunity to make love with her man. She was hungry for it as she was staying away from the c*** ward. There was just no way she was going to let some stranger get her knocked up. She wanted Jake to do it. So the days, the weeks, and the months passed. It was moving day; Paige was moving in with Jake. Well they were actually moving into a new apartment with a second bedroom. Jake was currently living at Paige’s apartment, as it was a bit larger. They knew it had to be done, as they needed the extra space, as Paige was planning on a little one coming along. Maya was there to help with the move, but Jake had to work. So it was that they were going to move the combined contents of two apartments into one. They’d donate whatever was not needed. Maya suggested that they hire a couple day workers to help move the heavy items. At first Paige insisted that they could handle it themselves. Maya wanted to convince her to hire the day workers; she wanted to help but didn’t want to sweat too much. So she tried to reason with her friend. “Paige, come on woman. You’re trying to get pregnant, right? All I’m saying is: Maybe you already are knocked up. Why strain? I say don’t risk it. Hire a couple guys.” Maya knew how to work her best friend. Paige saw reason in it, so they headed to the Hardware Depot to pick up a couple of day workers. Paco and Edgar would help them move the heavy items. They picked the two most honest looking guys. They looked honest but they weren’t; even day workers embrace the darkness. Paco constantly cheated on his wife with the next-door neighbor while the wife was at work at the canning factory. Edgar was interesting; he’d buy a six-pack of beer to drink every day, get drunk, and prank call random people using his burner phone. Whatever gets you through the day, right? Anyway, during their lunch break they all went to the local burger spot Habitual. They made a tasty burger. It was a bit awkward having lunch with two strange men. Paige inhaled her meal with purpose, as she wanted to go buy a pregnancy test from her husband at the pharmacy. Jake was just a short walk away from Habitual. Paige was able to use the family discount at the pharmacy. She would use the test later that night. By the time she got back, they were nearly done eating. Paige got her cup from the table and refilled it at the soda fountain. Free refills are free refills, right?They soon left the burger spot and went back to the job of moving. Paco and Edgar turned out to be beyond useful. With their help, the entire move was completed in one day. They even got around to dropping off donations at the Second Hand store in town. Maya and Paige dropped off Paco and Edgar at the Hardware Depot; they were paid well for a service well done. Maya drove Paige to the new apartment, and walked her to the door. “Paige remember to send me a quick text when you find out you’re pregnant, okay? I have a good feeling about this one. My fingers are crossed, and I’m thinking good thoughts.” “Will do Maya. Pray for me okay?” “You know I don’t do that.” “Okay.” “Bye.” “See you soon.” Paige had a good feeling about this one also. In truth, she felt the same way before peeing on every stick; she was just being positive. As soon as Maya left, Paige took the test out of her bag and ripped open the box. She wondered what it would say. She was anxious as ever. Paige swore to herself that she was not going to go full-blown baby crazy, but this was getting ridiculous. It’s been months and months, and she didn’t know if she could keep up with the high level of sexual activity. The minutes ticked by as though each were an eternity. Tick. Tick. Tick. She was going insane. She was all but bouncing off the walls. You could cut the anxiety and tension in the bathroom with a knife. Paige looked down at her wristwatch for the billionth time and saw there were 20 seconds left. Finally. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. She checked the test; it was Positive. She was going to be a mother. Jake was going to be a father.19 AdaNormal sex is boring, Ada thought. At the same time she found it difficult after the Incident to have a gangbang. She met a man she liked, got to know him a bit, and when she found out what he was into sexually – she’d fuck him. To be fair, Ada was also into women. Ada was having her current love interest come over to her place to fuck. She absolutely hated the term ‘make love’ to describe what was done sexually between two people. In her view making love was a pedestrian term used by weak people who have not taken the time in life to discover their true selves. Ada felt that if you really know yourself, you went into the bedroom or wherever to fuck. She felt it was a true description of the act, meaning you were making a real effort to really get yourself inside the other person. To know a person’s darkest desires and embracing those desires was the only real way to know someone. Suffice to say, Ada felt strongly about this subject as it more or less defined her. She felt that if you were only actually interested in making love with a person, then you were only interested in knowing them on a superficial level. Ada found normal sex boring, and even though she does not do gangbangs anymore she makes fucking as interesting, and thought provokingly intense as possible. Her current love interest Wayne was coming over with a couple of power tools. Ada was on the couch having some wine, letting the ‘cable television wash over her’. She was watching a show about the mating rituals of wild a****ls. She took a sip of her wine as the male wildebeest was mounting the female for a few moments of lust. The narrator did his best to make it sound so much more than it was. In plain terms, you could simply say one a****l fucked another – but where is the fun in that, right? The knock at the door got Ada’s attention. She told her digital assistant – a gift from Paige and Jake – to turn off the television. Ada drank down the rest of her wine and opened the door to find Wayne standing in the doorway with a bag in hand. She was excited, as she’d never thought of using a power tools. Wayne worked in construction, which naturally gave him access to all manner of tools. Ada also found out after a few weeks of dating that he owned a side business. A tiny niche company that made sexually based attachments for power tools. In other words he made dildos that would fit on to the end of specific power tools to shove into the different orifices. On the labels they clearly stated ‘Not for Oral Use’. His company was not about to accept liability for broken teeth. These were power tools meant for some serious vibration inside the vagina or asshole. Ada gave Wayne a long sloppy kiss hello, while grabbing onto his junk. He grew an immediate erection. Wayne was a grown man who could control his urges, so they had a few glasses of wine before getting to the fucking. When they were both properly buzzed, they took Wayne’s bag into the bedroom and got right to it. It turned out that he only brought one power tool, his top of line drill. He also brought his top selling cock on a bit. It was big black cock model. Wayne was a white man secure in his manhood, but was not afraid to admit that sometimes women wanted to be fucked with something bigger than life. He wasn’t afraid to have it used on his ass either, which made Ada think he was a prime candidate to allow into her bedroom. The dildo attachment he brought was massive – about the size of a man’s forearm. It made Ada wet. Wayne got the power tool dildo prepped and ready for them. He started by going down on Ada. Using his tongue he explored the inner workings of her loose vagina. Then he moved down to her asshole. They switched places. They did everything to each other. They fucked in every position. Then they turned on the tool, and properly lubed it up. Oops. Lube went everywhere. Wayne apologized for his mistake. They applied lube to each other in copious amounts. Ada went first. Wayne positioned the dildo in front of her vagina, applied some additional lube, and turned in on while inserting it. Ada yelped out loudly in shocked amazement. The vibration was so powerfully intense she came soon after it was inserted. Wayne asked Ada if she wanted it in her ass. She declined saying that one hole was enough for one night with that tool, claiming it was very intense. She loved the experience. Wayne asked her if she would use it on him. Somehow this made the whole experience even more intense for Ada. Wayne got into position and when it was carefully inserted, he actually laughed out loud in pleasure. It was a strange, but welcome reaction.After the long fuck session, they both showered and dressed. They sat in the living room watching TV. They both had a beer in hand. Wayne had the remote in hand. He was flipping the channels looking for something to watch. He stopped, as something caught his eye. He turned the channel back to the news. After a moment or two he said, “Ada would you look at this bullshit. That fucking r****t is still out there! It makes me wonder what the fuck the police are even doing? Catch the fucker already. Damn!” Ada’s suspicions about Jake resurfaced, but they were only suspicions – she didn’t have proof. She couldn’t just go up to her son and ask ‘hey, are you the r****t everybody is looking for?’ “I know Wayne, it’s terrible.” Ada felt guilty for some reason she could not define. 20 ChrisMaya’s honking was becoming insistent; it was also getting a bit fucking annoying. They were running late. Chris was at work late and then out with the guys to a bar. This pissed Maya off because she just knew Chris would have a little trouble waking the following morning. He slept right through the alarm, and once he did get up moved ‘slower than molasses’. Chris didn’t think there was anything to worry about; the world was not going to end if they were late. He just happened to know that Maya was on the rag and wasn’t her best self. Plus, he thought maybe she wanted to follow in her best friend’s footsteps with the whole wedding business. He was feeling the pressure. Chris was content with the way things were. There was absolutely no fucking way he was doing a damn church wedding. He didn’t need that hot mess in his life. If he were to pop the old question, he was heading to the Justice of the Peace downtown at the courthouse. Chris had no clue why it was he was feeling the whole wedding bells pressure; Maya was not dropping hints or asking to go look at rings – nothing. Or at least he didn’t think she was dropping hints; he would be able to tell. ‘I’m a fucking cop’, speaking the thought out loud to nobody in the room.Chris got in the passenger seat not saying a word. He felt Maya’s fuming angry gaze burning a hole in the side of his head. “Fucking shit, Chris you take longer than some old woman to get ready. What the fuck! “ Chris kept his hole shut and just turned on the radio. There was simply no reason to start a fight right now. They were headed to a baby shower. It was a tense ride over to Magda’s house. The baby shower was being held at Magda and Noah’s place because they had a huge backyard.They arrived and were greeted by the valet guy. Noah and Magda were wealthy, not because Noah was a doctor but due to a settlement. Lucky? The house was enormous, which was odd because they didn’t have any c***dren. It was the Magda and Noah with a live-in maid. The party was Magda and Noah’s gift to the happy couple. Paige was far enough along in her pregnancy to know the sex of the baby, but they elected to be surprised on the day. They just cared that the baby was healthy. It was a good thing Paige was not a hardcore d**g addict, as stopping was not too bad on her. It was difficult, but she did it because she wanted this c***d healthy. The baby shower had a warm and jovial atmosphere about it. Everyone was all about smiles, hugs, and laughter. Chris had a bit of a hangover, so he stuck to beer. He wanted to keep light; keep it fun. Above all, he wanted to stay clear of his significant other on the rag. Maya was playing the role of the Asian Dragon Lady a little too well. Chris was off in the corner of the garden grabbing another beer from the cooler, when he felt a tap on the shoulder. He turned around to see Jake’s mom, Ada. “Chris can I have a word with you, in private?” “Sure.” He wondered what the hell this could be about. Ada sure as hell didn’t wear the smile everyone else had; she looked worried. They walked over to the other corner of the yard where there was a bench under the shade of a tree. They sat side by side. Chris opened his beer and took a long swallow, letting the cold beer sit for a moment before allowing it to travel down his throat. “I think Jake might be the r****t you’ve been looking for.” She just said it, catching Chris off guard. He sprayed the contents of his mouth and gasped. “WHAT?!?” Chris said a little to loudly, gaining everyone’s momentary attention. As soon as everybody returned his or her attention to the party, Chris repeated himself in a lower tone, “What?” Ada went through what Magda told her and about why she thought it might be Jake. She held nothing back. “Are you serious right now? What proof do you have? Right now, it sounds like none to me. What I hear is some story which sounds more like rumor than real, and what adds up to so-called motherly intuition.” Chris was pissed. Jake was his friend and he simply could not accept this as even being remotely possible. He’d know; he was a fucking cop! “I have to say Ada that I don’t believe it, but I’ll keep an eye out.” “Okay. Thanks. I just felt I had to say something, you know.” “Okay. Let’s get back to the party, yeah?” Having assuaged Ada of her fears, Chris sat on the bench drinking the remains of his beer in utter and total disbelief. He knew it couldn’t be Jake. It just couldn’t be him. He’d know; he was a fucking cop!21 AdaThe truth is often a difficult pill to swallow. There are two schools of thought regarding the truth. Some would argue that knowing the truth is best. People who subscribe to this way of thinking must often go on a journey of discovery. The thing to understand is that truth is an arbitrary b**st; it can be whatever you want it to be. A person chooses what they wish the truth to be; this choice is either a conscious decision or a subconscious one. The truth can and often times does lead to pain in one form another. Conversely, others believe that ignorance is bliss. These people would have you believe that if at all possible it’s best not to know the truth. It can only lead to pain. This lot tends to live a life of avoidance, an altogether different type of pain. There is a constant gnawing at the back of the mind that manifests as worry. People who subscribe to this way of thinking lead seemingly perfect lives on the outside, but are unsure on the inside. Life is about pain and how one chooses to face that pain.Ada wanted to face her pain head-on. She wanted to beat it into submission; she had to find out the truth. She took a leave of absence from work to get to the bottom of the matter. She took time off from work to follow her son, covertly. She feigned going away for work, and told everyone. She rented an apartment downtown and bought a cheap used car. She even changed her appearance. Ada was all in; she needed the truth like the rest of us need to breathe.Covert surveillance was boring her out of her fucking mind and was nothing like in the movies. It involved a shit ton of waiting around, doing absolutely nothing. She figured it to be the case going in, but was willing to give it a month. It was day after day of following her son from home to work; her son was a boring piece of work. Everyday it was the same thing day in day out. Although she did frequently follow Jake to a restaurant at night where he’d meet Paige after work. But then she’d follow them home. About halfway through the month she began to think it was all a mistake. She began to doubt herself. Ada began to think she was absolutely insane for thinking it was Jake. Crazy. It wasn’t him. She decided that she’d give it just one more day.The following day the routine shifted. Ada saw Jake leaving his workplace, but did not go home. This got her attention. Ada became focused. She followed Jake to the rental car place where he parked his car on the street and a short while later left in a rental car. What are you up to, son? Jake then went to the Suicide Café, alone. Ada sat and waited; she waited hours, all the while wondering why Paige hasn’t shown up to meet him. Something was different, she thought. Ada saw a small group of girls in business attire leave the Café. She thought they probably met for drinks and dinner, a standard night out. A few moments later she sees her son walk out with a determined look on his face. No it can’t be true, Ada thought. Fuck! Apparently none of the girls minded drunk driving because they all drove separately. They all left the parking lot. Jake was in his rental car waiting. Ada was within his view, but he was just so focused that he failed to see his own mother. Ada made a calm U-turn to follow Jake. She noticed he did not see her, but did not want alert him to her presence so she stayed back a bit. She followed for quite awhile. She soon realized that her son was waiting the girls out until he was only following one. At least, Ada figured that was his intent. At one point they were well on the outskirts of town. Ada pulled farther back to evade discovery. Far up ahead she saw his car pull over to the side of the road. Ada did the same, remembering to turn off her lights. She couldn’t tell what was happening. Ada sat there and waited for a long while. Then she swore she saw what could only be movement by his car. It was dark, but there where streetlights. They were few and far between in this somewhat remote part of town, so she couldn’t see too well. It was definitely movement, she thought. After a few more moment his car lights turned on; he made a U-turn. Jake was headed back to town? She remained calm, keeping her car turned off in the dark. Ada waited until her son passed her and was well behind her before turning on her car. Jake was focused but not stupid, he’d notice someone was following if she turned on her lights too soon.When enough time elapsed, Ada turned her car on and continued her pursuit. This was crazy, she thought. How was she ever to going to find him? Fuck. Perhaps she waited too long to give chase. She went through a moment of panic and pressed the gas pedal to the floor. As soon as she came near his car she’d slow down immediately, Ada said to herself. Too much time was passing, she still didn’t see his car and she did not need a speeding ticket so she slowed the car to normal speeds. Shit. ‘I fucked up,’ she said aloud to the empty car. She began to go into full-blown panic mode. She decided not to give up; Jake was up to something. Ada drove around aimlessly but with purpose, looking left and right for his car. Ada was about to quit when she noticed she was driving by the storage facility where she kept some items in a small unit. Smack. There was Jake’s car parked outside of a storage unit. Ada slammed on the cheap car’s brakes, sk**ding down the street. She put the car in reverse and backed up. Driving into Storage Plus, she pulled into the same row where Jake’s car was but stayed far away. She turned off the car, and put on her coat. It was a cold night. Ada felt anxious as she slowly walked up to the extra large storage unit where her son’s car was parked. She stood outside in fear. It was quiet. Ada reached down and tested the door; it was unlocked. She then raised the door with great haste, and saw horror. Ada looked upon the vile madness of the storage unit; it was absolutely disgusting. It was a mere moment, turned eternity. It was something you wish you could remove from your memory. Jake was r****g a poor young woman. He was mid-insertion when Ada opened the door; the girl had something inserted into her ass. A moment later Ada also realized the young woman was not conscious. Horrific. Then she saw Jake turning to look at her; the look on his face was that of the old deer in headlights, frozen. “Mom! I can explain.” He pulled out and began to dress himself, leaving the woman exposed. “Explain what, that you’re here r****g someone?” Jake began to speak, but Ada put a stop to it. “Shut your fucking hole! You stupid, stupid, stupid, fucking piece of human shit! I simply cannot believe you’re even trying to explain this vile act. You’re married you fool; you’re about to have a k**! What on this fucking earth makes you even think is okay? Son, there’s a goddamn fucking thing called consent. People living on this earth do some damn nasty fucking shit to each other in search of pleasure. And the only fucking time it’s okay is when there is consent! I didn’t want to believe it, but you are the r****t everyone is looking for, right?” Ada pulled out her .38 revolver pistol from her coat pocket, unsure of her next move. She pointed it a Jake. His eyes opened wide in complete shock. “Answer me! Are you the r****t they’ve been after?” “Mom I have something to say, okay?” “Go ahead, say it.” “It’s your fault I do this.” Ada was about to respond in anger and disbelief but Jake continued, “Yes I’m the one they’ve been looking for, but I learned how women actually like being treated from you. Remember the time I walked in on you being fucked and tortured by all those people and you were okay with it? They were more or less r****g you. I learned that all women secretly want…” Bam! Bam! Ada put one bullet in his head and one in his chest. She calmly walked up to Jake and spit on him. “You stupid fucking bastard that was consensual. You idiot; I asked for it because that is how I get off. You’re my son; it’s my responsibility to put a stop to your foolishness. Fuck you Jake! Fuck you for making me do this!” Ada went over to the girl to check for a pulse; she was alive. Ada went back to her car to get a blanket she had in the backseat; she then went back to cover the girl so she wouldn’t freeze. She then drove home to cry herself to sleep in darkness.22 ChrisIt was early morning and Chris woke up to find Maya blowing him. It was always welcome; in his mind it didn’t matter if he was sleeping or awake, if he was hard he was fair game. As soon he realized he was being blown he joined in. He took his hand and gripped Maya’s ass cheek and squeezed. A moment later he gave her a firm smack on the ass. Maya then got up off the shaft and put Chris inside her vaginal embrace. They began to fuck slowly and deeply; Chris reached around and put his finger in her ass, which made her moan out in pleasure. Chris took hold of Maya and lifted her up while he got up on the bed. He turned around and tossed Maya to the bed; she spread her legs and inserted his shaft to fuck. It felt so good to wake up and get right to it. They often did. Chris and Maya fucked for about half an hour, then showered and got dressed. They were invigorated and ready to take on the day. They were in the middle of breakfast when his phone rang. It was work; he could not ignore it. The desk Sergeant on duty called him to inform him of crime scene. Chris was further informed that there was a victim of sexual assault involved and one body, DOA. The girl was at the hospital now and was giving her statement to a couple of uniforms. He wondered if this could be the fucker they’ve been searching for, the r****t of Hyde County. Chris finished up breakfast, kissed Maya, and made his way out the door to the crime scene. Maya was headed to work at the Suicide Café for a mid shift. Chris was driving out to the Storage Plus on Wilmington Drive; it was an odd part of town, not exactly on the outskirts but secluded in a way. It was full of storage places and cemeteries. There was generally not a whole lot of foot traffic in the area. Chris was getting near to the crime scene, which had a whole mob of reporters, news crews and vans. There was also what appeared to be the entire police force controlling the scene. Shit! This was going to get crazy, he thought. Chris did not like dealing with the media; he was not looking forward to the rest of the day. It was going to be a challenge. He was let in under the police tape and parked his car. He walked over near to the actual crime scene, where he was brought up to speed by the most senior uniform on scene. Forensics was doing their thing, combing the scene for evidence. Once briefed, Chris walked into the storage unit to have a look at the perpetrator/victim. There he was, his friend, lying in a pool of blood. He had two gunshots wounds; the likely cause of death. Fuck! Jake? Chris took a moment to gather his thoughts. He was stirring a rare blend of emotions and feelings that were contradictory in nature. He had a job to do. So he was going to do it. The storage unit smelled of a strange mix of iron and bleach. According to the update he was given, the victim apparently woke up naked in the storage unit but was covered in a blanket. This indicated the presence of a third party, as it only made sense for said third party to place the blanket over an u*********s victim. The victim moved quickly in fear. She told the uniforms she saw a man nearby and half naked with no shoes on. She saw he’d been shot twice and was most likely dead; she didn’t check to see if he was alive. She didn’t care; she just had to get out of there. The victim further reported getting dressed and taking off in the car then parked just outside the storage unit. The victim also stated that she was very close to going home, but decided to go to the hospital to get checked out, as she felt she was no longer in danger because her attacker was most probably dead. Chris studied the entire crime scene thoroughly. He asked the forensic team if they had anything actionable. Chris was told they had some fingerprints on the door handle and what appeared to be spit on the body. This whole thing just felt wrong. The r****t he’d been after was finally stopped, but now he had to go find his killer. FUBAR. He was sure of one thing; he had absolutely no fucking clue how he was going to break this to Paige. What the fuck was he supposed to say? Then, boom, it hit him like a ton of whatever on the head. Ada. He recalled what she told him at the baby shower. The shit keeps getting worse. He’d have to include that in his report; he’d have to look into Ada as a possible suspect. Fuck! Then, how did he not know? He was a fucking cop. Shit.23 AdaThey would be coming soon; Ada left her DNA on the scene for a purpose. Actions have consequence. Chris would soon put two and two together. She was not planning on hiding. It was her job to put a stop to it; she brought Jake into the world. She wasn’t about to let someone else put him down. Ada placed the responsibility completely on her shoulders. She felt she had to tell Paige what she did and why she did it. Ada felt she owed her daughter in law an explanation. Ada woke up early to get her affairs in order. She paid a visit to her attorney to update her will. It was fortunate that Paige had the day off from work. Paige decided on working until the day she gave birth. She figured she worked at the hospital; it was as good a place as any to go into labor. Ada left her attorney’s office feeling empty and whole at the same. Two opposing sets of feelings where fighting it out inside Ada. On the road to Paige’s place she thought about the early years with her son; he was a good boy. He never cried as an infant; she could take him to the movies and he wouldn’t make a sound. His first birthday party came to mind; he stuck his entire face in the cake when she looked away for one moment. She saw him playing on the swings at the park with the other c***dren from the neighborhood. His first day of school; he was so scared and didn’t want her to leave. He made friends and by the end of the day didn’t want to leave. His first girl crush during fourth grade; he talked about the girl all the time. He was later rejected because the father stated his daughter was too young to date. Ada secretly agreed. The school plays, sporting events, and yearly carnivals were all great memories. His first girlfriend came to mind during his freshman year of high school and the ensuing first kiss. Later on, with a different girl, was his first sexual encounter. Well, Ada figured it to be the case because she found an open package of condoms in his room. She couldn’t be more proud that was enjoying himself safely while in his youth. Sexual promiscuity was better left for later in life; Ada knew this was a bit hypocritical. It was only natural for a parent to want something better for their c***d. Then came the fucking Incident, and everything changed.She parked her car outside of Paige’s building, leaving it well within public view; Ada left her cheap used car at her place. Ada knocked on the door and was soon greeted by Paige. “Hey sweetie; I’ve come with some bad news and I don’t have much time.” Perfect Paige looked instantly worried. “Let’s take a seat, Ada. What is it? Tell me.” There was a certain anxiety looming within the apartment. They sat down and Ada told Paige everything, sparing no detail. She told her about the Incident to help explain why she did it, and to perhaps shed some light on why Jake ****d all those girls. Ada also made it clear that she was in no way trying to avoid taking responsibility. Instead, she made clear that this was her sword to fall on and that she was so sorry for Paige’s loss. At no point did she ask for forgiveness, as she knew it was not something coming her way any time soon. Dark Paige was there listening, just under the surface. The darkness inside Perfect Paige took over for a few moments. “You fuckin’ bitch! You can’t be serious. Why did you have to kill him? You killed my Jake! I loved him.” Ada was surprised that Paige was not really getting the message. “Paige! Sweetie, I’m telling you that Jake was the r****t they’ve been looking for this entire time.” Dark Paige was still present. “I heard you Ada and I’m telling you I don’t give a flying fuck! He was my husband and I loved him. I knew all about it; he told me. Married couples tell each other everything. He loved me! We were having a c***d together. I am fully aware; we all carry darkness inside. I have skeletons in my fucking closet; shit, so do you. You just admitted it. We all fucking do!” Dark Paige disappeared a moment later as there was a knock at the door. Perfect Paige was suddenly overcome with grief and began to openly sob before going to open the door. Meanwhile, Ada was beside herself and was in complete shock; She knew? Paige knew? What the fuck was going here? It was Chris and two uniformed officers at the door. “Paige I’m here on official business, I’m afraid. I’m sorry to inform you that Jake is dead; he was shot.” With that said, Chris saw that Paige was crying before opening the door. “Paige, are you okay?” Perfect Paige wailed like there was no tomorrow and fell to the floor; she made it look so real. The tears and grief were real; at the moment, however, Dark Paige was more angry than heartbroken. Perfect Paige had to do her best to sell the sadness. She had no wish to be implicated in any way. Chris made an immediate hero move and caught Pregnant Paige before she hit the floor. When in his arms she said, “I…I…know what happened Ada told me what happened.” The statement surprised Chris; he handed Paige to one of the uniforms. “She’s here?” “Yeah, she’s sitting in the kitchen.” Chris the cop took control. “Paige please stay outside; Greg stay with her. Jim call it in; we’ve got a possible suspect on scene.”Chris pulled out his gun; he and Jim cleared the apartment, ending in the kitchen. Ada was sitting there with her gun placed on the table within reach in front of her. “Ada let’s talk,” Chris said as he sat across from Ada at the table. “Ada…” “I did it Chris. I did it. I killed my son. He was the r****t you’ve been looking for this whole time.” “Okay Ada. Okay. Tell me, is that the gun you used to do it?” “Yes. Truth is, I was going to use it on myself when I heard your voice at the door. I’m not done yet.” Chris calmly reached across the table to pick up the gun; he then nodded to Jim to give him the ‘go ahead’. “Ada Pollard I’m arresting you on suspicion of murder…” Jim read Ada her rights and placed her under arrest. They walked her outside. Ada crossed paths with Paige. “I’m not finished with you or your k**, Paige.” Perfect Paige kept sobbing.24 PaigeIt was a hectic day in the ER of Saint Martha’s Hospital. Paige had taken some time off from work to mourn for her husband and to cremate him. Jake’s Urn containing his ashes was at Paige’s apartment; he had no wish to be put six feet under. Paige’s due date had arrived – so it could happen at any time. It was around lunchtime; Maya and Magda were meeting her for lunch in the Hospital Canteen, as they had for the past few days. Maya took some time off work to be with her best friend during the difficult time. Perfect Paige wholeheartedly appreciated it; Dark Paige was more than a little annoyed. It was a difficult time indeed; Paige not only had to deal with the loss of her husband, she also had to deal with constant onslaught of media attention and requests for interviews. She took quite a bit of heat in the media for maintaining a stance of love and affection for Jake, the r****t. Security at the hospital had doubled as the result. An investigation was launched and soon dismissed into her alleged involvement and/or knowledge of the sexual assaults. She received a few death threats, to which Fred took notice and provided around the clock covert security for the wife of a fallen friend. The pharmacy where Jake worked was under investigation. Paige’s friend Magda got herself into a bit of trouble as a result of her hunger for the spotlight. Claiming on camera to knowing all along, she got her coveted 15 minutes, but tarnished her reputation as the result. She knew all along, but did nothing about it. Perfect Paige found it in her heart to forgive Magda. Ada was arrested and in jail awaiting trial; the media was saying there was a chance she’d go free due to extenuating circumstances. Time would tell.The three women were in the Canteen trying to ignore the whispering onlookers. People around the hospital respected Paige’s privacy, for the most part. She would enter a room or turn a corner and whispered conversations would suddenly stop, but that was about it in terms of workplace disruption. Dark Paige knew she had eyes on her and so avoided the c*** ward; plus she didn’t want her water to break in the middle of fucking some c*** patient. Perfect Paige respected everyone’s right to be curious; it was only natural. “Hey honey, so you still don’t know if your bun in the oven is a boy or girl?” “No we wanted it to be a surprise. I’ll be happy either way. But, wow, I wish it would exit my body already; I’m so huge. I’m so over being a whale.” “It’ll happen.” “Ugh! Hurry up baby inside me – get out!” The three friends laughed out loud, then mid-laugh Paige’s laugh turn into a yelp of pain and surprise followed by a wet floor. “Oh snap! It’s happening.” “Wow, now that is some great timing!” Maya said. “We need a wheelchair or a gurney over here,” Magda said in a managerial-type tone. Magda went back to her office after wishing Paige the best of luck with the delivery. Maya went with Paige so that she could offer a hand or arm or whatever to squeeze during the flashes and waves of pain. It was a difficult labor, lasting many hours. All throughout the delivery Perfect Paige thought of Jake and how she so wished him to be there by her side. Dark Paige made her presence known by screaming and yelling out filth followed by obscenity; Maya was profoundly shocked, having heard such language coming from her best friend’s mouth. Finally, Paige gave birth. Soon after the baby started to cry, loudly. The nurse presented Paige with her bay girl. Maya asked Paige if she had a name for the baby. “Yes. I’m naming her Lucy Ann Pollard.” “Sounds perfect.”—————-there is a sequel in the form of a short story/poem called ‘thine own tattoo’. since i’m unable to add a link to it – if you’d like to contact me or read more of what i’ve written. GOOGLE me: hugo carlos arreola

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