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Yep I’am a Cock Whore GayThe wind whipped about wildly outside the window of his dorm room, causing the trees to sway back and forth. It was a miserable night outside, cold, rainy, and just a bit creepy. Tyler stared out the window wishing he were anywhere but at home on a Friday night. Class was out for Christmas vacation but the roads were all closed due to the weather and it was impossible to get anywhere.His room mate was at his girlfriends house just off campus probably getting drunk, and he was stuck here watching the trees outside his window. He could have went with his room mate Frank but there was little to do there but get drunk and listen to Frank and Lisa moan from the bedroom. It has been nearly a year since Tyler had been with a woman, and he was starting to get very frustrated. He walked around his room now with perpetual hard on thinking about the numerous pieces of tantalizing ass running around the campus.He reached into the small refrigerator by his bed and pulled out a can of bud light. He downed half the can in one drink then went over to his computer to do a little sexual perusing. He went through page after page of sexy hardcore scenes, enjoying the images splayed across the screen in front of him. Always pausing to save the good facial and anal shots in his picture file. Tyler loved watching girls taking warm loads all over there faces, it turned him on far more then any other picture.He jumped up from his seat going over to his DVD player and putting in one of his favorite porn movies. He then sat back in his chair and began rubbing his penis through his thin basketball shorts. This was a favorite pastime of Tyler’s watching porn on the TV and browsing pictures while he jerked himself off. The first scene on the TV was a particularly good one of two men with massive cock’s feeding them into a small black woman who screamed for all she was worth while they went to town on her. Tyler increased the fervor in which he fondled himself, really enjoying the multiple stimuli that assaulted him on both sides. He stood up taking off his shirt and shorts so that all he was wearing was a pair of blue silk boxers.Tyler stared down at his penis and shook his head in disgust. He was only of average size, nothing compared to the massive men on the TV. He hated having a small penis, it irked him and killed his confidence concerning women. He shook his head again sat down and pushed the thought out of his mind. He continued rubbing his penis roughly enjoying the sensation that a little pain caused. He began to rub himself even more vigorously when all of sudden there was loud cracking noise outside his window, and then blackness. The power had gone out, Tyler cursed his luck and made his way to look out the window. One of the trees in the center of the school had completely fallen over into a set of power lines. Tyler flopped back down on his bed and tried to continue masturbating but there was a knock on the door at the same time his hand touched his cock.He stood up and made his way to the door in the dark. He knew his room well and made the trip easily. “Who is it?” his voice was loud and over exaggerated, he wanted the person to leave him be so he could finish what he started. “Hey Ty I hate to bother you man, but the powers out and I was wondering if I could chill with you for a while.” The voice was that of his next door neighbor Perry. Perry was a cool guy, he played football with Tyler and was always a blast at parties. “Come on man, I’ve got beer thats getting warm, we could get drunk and play monopoly or some shit.”Perry’s room mate was out of town, he had left 3 weeks ago for a family emergency just before the storms started hitting really bad. Tyler had been hanging with Perry the last few days because they were both single and bored out of their mind.”Alright Perry just a second, let me bust out some candles and get into some clothes,” Tyler pulled his hard on up to the elastic belt on his boxers and threw his clothes back on. He lit a few candles and opened the door so Perry could come in.Perry was just a little taller then Tyler at about 6’2″ and was more built by a long shot. Perry was the starting middle linebacker and by all accounts had NFL written all over him. Perry slipped in and made his way to Frank’s bean bag and flopped down. Tyler downed the last of his beer and accepted one of Perry’s.”Got 22 of these babies left and from the look of the damage outside and the way the weather is the power could be out for a while,” Perry had that goofy smile on that he always had whenever he started drinking. Perry had shaggy brown hair that was never brushed in any certain direction. He had brown eyes that were always open wide as if he were taking in everything around him. Tonight he was wearing a black tank top and the same team basketball shorts that Tyler had on.”22, you don’t even need my help with 22 beers, you could have finished those by yourself.””All to true my friend, but then I would have been drunk and alone. This way I’ll be happily buzzed with a friend,” he flashed his cock canlı casino eyed grin and went about demolishing his next beer.The two finished the 24 pack fairly quickly each being bored and more than up for some competitive drinking. They joked about the other players on the team, and were having a generally good time when Tyler whipped out a small bottle of Jim Bean.”Ok Perry, its time to get hammered and have a party,” with that Tyler took a deep drink of the whiskey and then passed it to Perry who did likewise. They finished off the bottle quickly and Tyler nose dived into his bed. Mean while Perry let his head fall back against the wall.”Ty, I think I’m fucked up man. I hate when I’m this drunk and there aren’t any bitches around.””Tell me about it k**, there are never any good panty dropped around when ya need them,” Tyler mumbled into his pillow as his dick began to grow hard thinking about the girls he had been looking at earlier.”Man I wish that Jessica bitch was here that one in the booster club, I’d love to see those sweet lips bobbin up and down the old shaft,” Perry slurred his words slightly and almost moaned as he spoke.”Shut up Perry my dick might hear you, he gets all excited every time he see that Jessica chick.” Tyler was grinding his crotch into the bed when he heard Perry laugh, and then what sounded like his zipper coming down.”Perry are you jerkin off in my friends bean bag?””No, I’m just giving the big fellow a little air. He gets all stuffy when he’s packed up all day.””Frank’s gonna be pissed…It will be fucking hilarious,” Tyler laughed uncontrollably at the thought of Frank sitting in his favorite bean bag with Perry jizz all over it.The bean bag made a bunch of noise as Perry stood up, Tyler assumed he was going to the bathroom and went back to thrusting himself into the bed.”Hey Ty, check this out,” Tyler started to look up his mind not thinking right in his drunken stupor. He looked up but could see nothing as the room slowly spun around him. Then he felt a hard slap on his cheek as something worm hit his face. He u*********sly reached up with his hand to push it away only to finally register it as Perry’s dick.”You sick fucker, get that damn thing away from me before I pull it off ass hole,” Tyler grabbed Perry’s cock and pushed it roughly away. As his hand made contact he realized that it was a good size piece of meat, much larger then his own little tool.”Come on Ty, give it a little taste, you’ll like it I promise,” Perry stepped forward again causing the head of his penis to hit Tyler again in his face right by his chin.”Dude I swear to God I’ll fuck you up if you touch me with that thing again,” Tyler tried to sit up but he could only roll over away from Perry and his massive cock.”Don’t get all angry, look it’s cool I’m horny and your horny why don’t you just give me a little blow job and then I’ll blow you and that we’ll be the end of it.” Perry’s voice was dead serious, and he was almost begging for Tyler to suck him off.”Perry, I don’t know how much you’ve drank but I’m not sucking anything on your body, so go over to the bean bag and rub one out and leave me alone,” Tyler tried to sound mean but he was honestly thinking about having Perry’s cock in his mouth. It had felt soft and warm and smelled almost good. He tried to brush the thought away when he felt Perry get in the bed with him. Tyler tried to turn around and push Perry away only to have Perry knock him back to the bed and start massaging his cock through his shorts.”See your already hard, you know you want to suck my dick, either we do this the easy way or we do it the hard way,” Perry’s voice was sweet but had undertones of menace. He wanted a blow job and he was going to get one right now. He moved his cock again only inches from Tyler’s face and continued to rub Tyler’s cock through his shorts. Tyler considered it for a moment and realized that he actually wanted to do this. Perry was making him feel so good that he was honestly interested in sucking another man’s dick. Perry inched closer so that his cock was practically resting on Tyler’s lips. Out of instinct, a massive amount of beer, and a serious need for sex Tyler opened his mouth and took the tip of Perry’s cock into his mouth. The taste was nice, he could feel the heat on his tongue and the slight amount of what he thought was probably pre-cum.He took a bit more of Perry’s cock into his mouth and began to move his tongue around the head in a back and forth motion. Perry began moaning deeply as Tyler sucked his cock. Tyler suddenly pulled his mouth off, and motioned for Perry to lie down on his back. He awkwardly pulled Perry’s shorts and boxers off and then stood up and grabbed a candle to put on the dresser by his bed. He then snuggled in between Perry’s legs and took his first good glimpse of Perry’s manhood. It was big and well veined, with a purple head that seemed to dominate Tyler’s vision. The cock before him was mesmerizing and he wanted nothing more then to stick it back into his mouth. “Ty drop the clothes man,” Perry was staring güvenilir casino Tyler right in his face and he smiled that slanted grin again. Tyler removed his clothes quickly not wanting to waste anymore time. He was drunk and horny and really enjoying the slutty feeling he was getting from pleasing Perry. He dropped back in between Perry’s legs and moved his mouth just over the tip of Perry’s cock. He could smell the strange alluring aroma of Perry and he couldn’t take it anymore. He dropped his mouth down onto Perry’s dick and tried to go down as far as he could on it. It quickly hit the back of his throat making him gag hard. He pulled back off realizing he could barely get half of it down his throat. He began working the tip bobbing up and down like he had seen on countless porn movies.Perry moaned quietly as Tyler slurped noisily on his rod. It felt great and he was a little surprised when Tyler began to massage his balls as he gave him head. Tyler again dropped his head, more slowly this time taking as much of Perry as he could. He hit the back of his throat and kept going almost taking Perry down to the balls. Perry moaned again in surprise as Tyler nearly deep throated him. This guy was giving him great head and by the look of it he was really enjoying it. Perry rested his hand on Tyler’s head enjoying the rhythm at which Tyler was sucking.”Man Ty your a real good cock sucker, you like being a little slut don’t you.”Tyler raised his eyes as he again attempted to deep throat Perry. They made eye contact and Perry nearly blew his load when he saw the look on Tyler’s face. He was loving it, he was loving every minute of it.Perry fumbled around in his shorts pocket while Tyler increased his pace sucking Perry’s dick faster then before. He was getting more used to the feeling of a cock in his throat and he decided to go for it all. He relaxed his throat and took Perry’s cock all the way down to the hilt, he felt even nastier as he felt Perry’s pubic hair scratching his nose. Perry almost lost it as he felt Tyler deep throat him completely, but he continued looking through his shorts until he found a small bottle of lube he had brought over. He quickly applied the lube to two of his finger then pulled Tyler’s head off of his cock.”Move around you little slut, I’ve got something you might like, while you suck my dick,” Perry Helped move Tyler around. Then he slapped him hard on the ass as Tyler started to go back to blowing him.”Tyler I want you to tell me you like this, I want to hear it you little nasty slut,” Perry’s voice dripped with cruel intentions. He again slapped Tyler’s ass hard and waited for a response.”I Love sucking your dick Perry, it tastes so good and makes me feel so good, I love being your little cock sucking slut. Can I please continue sucking your Dick?”Perry couldn’t believe it, he nodded, dumbfounded by the person Tyler had just become. Perry had thought Tyler might be up for this because of the lack of any pussy but he would have never dreamed that this tough football player would be a full fledged cock slave. He smiled as Tyler went back to work sloppily sucking his dick. Perry spread the ass cheeks presented before him and moved his lubed finger to the entrance of Tyler’s sweet little virgin rosebud of an ass hole. Tyler jerked at the first feeling of a finger rubbing around his back door, but it only turned him on more. He continued his assault on Perry’s dick allowing the man with the golden cock do whatever he wanted to.Perry applied more lube to his fingers and then gently pushed his middle finger into Tyler’s ass. It was tight and musky but after a little slow working he got his finger about half way in. He moved it around a little and to his surprise heard Tyler full on moan around his cock. Perry could no longer take it, Tyler went down all the way again and Perry unloaded his cum right down Tyler’s throat. Tyler could do nothing but keep sucking as Perry squirted jet after jet of warm seamen into his mouth and down his throat. Tyler pulled up until just the tip was in his mouth and began to milk the cock. He couldn’t believe he was swallowing another mans load, but it tasted salty sweet and he couldn’t imagine doing anything else with it.”O yeah swallow that shit bitch,ooooo God Ty that’s so fucking good,” Perry could barely speak proper English as his orgasm had left him in a jello like state. Perry was breathing hard as Tyler continued drinking every drop of cum out of his quickly softening cock. He felt Tyler remove his mouth and start to move away. Perry quickly clamped on to Tyler’s hips pulling him back.”You lick my balls while i finger your ass slut, were not done until I’ve had my full share of your sweet slutty body,” Perry again spread Tyler’s ass and began probing him with both fingers this time. As he worked the fingers around inside of Tyler he felt a gentle lapping at his balls. He had this guy completely whipped, and was going to enjoy the rest of the night. After a few minutes of working he managed to get both finger all the way inside of internet casino Tyler’s ass. Tyler began to squirm and moan as he licked every inch of Perry’s balls. Perry began to finger fuck Tyler slowly in and out as he would occasionally stop and spit right into Tyler’s open hole. “Hey Ty you like getting your asshole probed?””Oooo God yes Perry please don’t stop, it feels great.” Tyler backed his ass up on to Perry’s fingers and began slowly moving in rhythm with Perry as he again took Perry’s cock into his mouth. Perry slowly began to get hard again inside Tyler’s warm wet mouth. He lubed a third finger and began to slip all three inside Tyler, warming him up for the main event. His cock now rigid again inside Tyler’s mouth Perry decided it was time for some real fun. He grabbed Tyler by the hair and pulled him off of his dick. He took out all three of his fingers and whipped them on Tyler’s ass cheeks.”Alright bitch put your head down and your ass up so I can fuck that sweet little slut ass of yours,” Perry got up on his knees while Tyler silently positioned himself just as Perry had instructed. Tyler lay there his ass in the air practically shivering with anticipation, ever since he had felt that massive cock in his mouth he had known he wanted it inside of him. He was a little amazed at how good he felt and how much he liked being treated like a skank whore. He reached back and spread his cheeks without any urging from Perry and waited anxiously for the cock to come.Perry eased over placing the head of his dick at the well lubed opening before him. He grabbed his little bottle and squirted it all over his cock head. He rubbed his dick all over the opening of Tyler’s ass causing Tyler to fidget and moan.”Stop fucking around and fuck me Perry,” Tyler’s voice was so nasty and demanding that Perry couldn’t turn him down. He inched forward pushing his cock head against the tight virgin anal opening. There was a heavy resistance that he just continued pushing against. He thought about grabbing a condom but decided it wasn’t even that important. He felt the tension stop and then felt his cock head slip completely inside of Tyler. Tyler winced in pain but didn’t make any move to stop Perry. Perry eased forward some more and then pulled back allowing Tyler to get used to the intruder that was inside of him. After a few minutes he pushed farther enjoying the sensation of this tight ass hole clutching at his cock. It was amazing and he could barely hold himself from slamming forward into Tyler. He again inched forward, now almost half of him was inside Tyler and he was going nuts with lust.Without notice Tyler began pushing his ass backwards taking Perry’s rock hard cock even deeper inside of him. He again winced in pain but continued inching back until Perry’s balls rested against his own. The pain was at first unbearable but ever so slowly as Perry began to move a bit Tyler could feel waves of pleasure hit his body. As Perry pulled back Tyler shuddered and moaned loudly. Perry took the cue and slammed back into Tyler, making them both moan in unison. Perry then went wild with lust he began to fuck Tyler with an abandon born of urgency. He slammed in an out while Tyler noisily moaned at the fucking he was getting. He began to throw his hips back with each thrust, causing Perry to reach deep inside of him with his giant cock. Tyler began to mumble inaudible words as Perry continued to fuck him hard. “OOOO Perry, yeah…fuck my ass…it feels, so good…don’t stop, just don’t fucking stop…FUCK ME HARDER!!”Tyler began to almost scream as Perry amazingly picked up his speed, making his balls slap loudly with each stroke of Tyler’s backside. He slapped his hand hard on Tyler’s ass and then Grabbed him by the hair and started fucking him hard into the bed. Tyler squirmed all around the bed as the cock continued to pound him into ecstasy.Perry quickly pulled out and laid down instructing Tyler to jump on top of him which he hurriedly did. He positioned his ass right above Perry’s cock and then plunged on top of it. He moved his ass in small circles causing Perry to groan and thrust his hips up making Tyler bounce into the air. Then Tyler raised himself up and began to ride Perry as hard as he could. They were both moaning as Perry reached forward and began rubbing Tyler’s cock as Tyler bounced up and down on top of him. It only took a few strokes before Tyler blew his load all over Perry chest. Tyler screamed loudly enough for the whole dorm to hear and then continued his ride. Perry could take a lot but he was losing it again and decided he knew what he wanted. He quickly lifted Tyler off of his cock and demanded him to kneel while he stood up and began jerking his cock in Tyler’s face. Tyler opened his mouth waiting for the load that was to come. He knew he was a slut just like the girls in his porn movies and he liked it. Perry jerked his cock a few more times then a blast of cum hit Tyler square in the mouth, he left his tongue out as Perry covered his face with cum. Perry stumbled forward as he finished and Tyler quickly took him into his mouth. He sucked the last few bits of cum out of his cock, and then they both fell down onto the bed together. Perry laid down and Tyler laid his head right by Perry’s cock and they both fell into a heavy sleep…
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